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157. By an object, a predicate adjective, an adverb, a participle, an infinitive, phrases and clauses.

158. The infinitive takes only the modifiers of a verb; the participle either those of a verb or noun.

159. Articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

160. Conjunctions, prepositions, relative pronouns, responsive pronouns, and the conjunctive adverbs.

161. Simple, complex, compound, mixed, and prepositional.

162. The beginning; the next most important is the end. 163. When it is uppermost in the speaker's mind, or denotes what is most striking. Out flew millions of flaming words." "By these we acquired our liberty."


164. A sentence so construed that the meaning is suspended till the close.

165. In the improper arrangement of words, in the use of improper words, in the omission of words, and the use of unnecessary words.

166. A deviation from the ordinary form, construction or application of words, for the sake of brevity, force, or beauty.

167. The shortening of a word by taking a letter or syllable from the beginning; as, 'gainst, there's. Syncope is the shortening of a word by taking a letter or syllable from the middle; as, red'ning for reddening. Apocope is the shortening of a word by taking a letter or a syllable from the end; as, th' for the. Prosthesis is the lengthening of a word by prefixing a syllable. Paragoge is the lengthening of a word by annexing a syllable. Tmesis is the inserting of a word between the parts of a compound; as, on which side soever.

168. Ellipsis is the omission of words, and elision the omission of letters Aposiopesis the leaving of something unsaid. Zengma is the referring of a word to two different

ones, when in strict syntax it can agree with only one of them. Pleonasm is the using of more words than the sense or syntax absolutely requires

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169. A comparison expressed. A metaphor is a comparison implied. "Life is an isthmus between two eternities. An allegory is a fictitious story about one thing, which is designed to teach some moral or practical wisdom about another. Synecdoche is the name of a part applied to the whole, or that of the whole applied to a part.

170. A contrast: "Virtue ennobles, vice debases.” Irony is the sneering use of words with a contrary meaning. Paralipsis is the pretented omission or concealment of what is meant. "I will not call him a villain, for it would be unparliamentary." Hyperbole is exaggeration.

171. A softened mode of speech for what would be disagreeable or offensive if told in the plainest language. An appeal in the form of a question to strengthen a statement. An abrupt mode of speech, designed to express more strongly the emotions of the speaker.

172. The art of making verse. Verse is the musical arrangement of words, according to some regular accent. 173. The similarity of sounds between the endings of poetic lines. Blank verse is verse without rhyme.

174. Two poetic lines that usually rhyme together. A stanza is a regular division of the poem, and consists of three or more poetic lines with complete rhymes.



Written Arithmetic.

What is a number? A power of a number? Root?
What is an integer?

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What is an abstract number? Concrete number?
What is a sign? What is the sign of aggregation?

What is analysis in arithmetic?

IO. What is notation? Numeration?




How many systems of notation in general use?
Upon what is the Roman notation founded?

What is the difference between the simple and local value of a figure?

14. What are the fundamental principles of arithmetic?

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What is a composite number?

Whas are the component factors of a number?
What is the first power of a number? Second?

19. What is the reciprocal of a number?

20. How find the true remainder by dividing by factors? What is a prime number? When are numbers prime to each other?


22. What is a common divisor? The greatest common divisor?

23. What is a multiple? Common multiple? Least common multiple?

24. What are fractions?




What is the value of a fraction?

What does the numerator show? The denomin

27. What is a proper fraction? Improper? Mixed? Complex?

28. Why invert the divisor in division of fractions? 29. How find the greatest common divisor of fractions? 30. How find the least common multiple of fractions? 31. What are decimal fractions?

32. How find the product of two decimals by a contracted multiplication?

33. How find the quotient of one decimal divided by another by a contracted division?

34. What are circulating decimals?

35. What is a repetend?

36. What are continued fractions?

37. What is the difference between decimal fractions and common fractions?

38. What is currency?

39. From what was the sign $ derived?

What is an aliquot part of a number?


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44. How many dimensions have extension? A line? Surface?

A solid?

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48. What is the difference between a pound Troy and

a pound Avoirdupois?

49. What is linear measure?

50. What is a square? A cube?

51. How many inches in a wine gallon? In a beer gallon? In a bushel?

52. What are duodecimals?

53. What is percentage? What is its base?

54. What do the words per cent. mean? What is commission? Brokerage?


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What is a consignée? Consignor?

58. What is a company? Corporation?

59. What is a share? Stock? Stockholder?





What is the difference between a charter and a firm?

When is stock at par? When below par?

What is profit and loss?

How find the gain or loss per cent. when the cost and selling price are given?

64. How find the selling price when the cost and gain or loss per cent. are given?

65. How find the cost when the selling price and the gain or loss per cent. are given?


What is an installment? Assessment? Dividend? 67. What is insurance? A policy? A premium?

What is a tax? Poll tax? Assessor?


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73. How many kinds of duties? Define them.

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75. The time, rate per cent., and interest being given, how find the principal?

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