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The NEW JERSEY MEDICAL REPORTER purports to be a medium for the publication of the transactions of the New Jersey Medical Society, while it will be devoted to the interests of Medical Science generally. It will be seen that the paper, type, and workmanship are of good quality, and we trust it may prove satisfactory to its patrons. Some space will be allotted in future numbers to advertisements of Medical Colleges, &c., &c., if any should be sent us. The journal will be issued quarterly, at $2 per annum, payable in advance, or six copies will be sent to one address for $10. Those who wish to be placed on our subscription list will please make their remittances without delay. All communications to be sent, post paid, to the editor, or to S. C. ATKINSON, Publisher, Gazette Office, Burlington.

Philadelphia Subscribers will find it convenient to leave their subscriptions with EDWARD PARRISH, Druggist and Apothecary, north-west corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia.

Burlington, 10th month, 1847.


A Semi-Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Medical Society will be held at Burlington, (City Hotel,) on Tuesday, the 9th of November, at 10 o'clock, A. M.

WM. PEIRSON, Recording Secretary.

NOTE.-We would remind our friends from the northern section of the State, (particularly the officers of the Society,) that they cannot reach Burlington by the Mail Pilot Line before one o'clock, P. M., by the present arrangement of the Line; and we would suggest to those who wish to be in time for the opening of the meeting to come by the Camden and Amboy route, or some other early conveyance, as those who will attend the meeting from the lower counties will arrive early in the forenoon.-ED.

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