Ottawa--making a Capital

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Jeff Keshen, Nicole J. M. St-Onge, Nicole St-Onge
Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa = University of Ottawa Press, 2001 - 502 halaman

Ottawa - Making a Capital is a collection of 24 never-before published essays in English and in French on the history of Ottawa. It brings together leading historians, archeologists and archivists whose work reveals the rich tapestry of the city. Pre-contact society, French Canadian voyageurs, the early civil service, the first labour organizers and Jewish peddlers are among the many fascinating topics covered. Readers will also learn about the origins of local street names, the Great Fire of 1900, Ottawa's multicultural past, the demise of its streetcar system, Ottawa's transformation during the Second World War and the significance of federal government architecture.

This book is an indispensable collection for those interested in local history and the history of Canada's capital.

Bilingual Edition.

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Plus de 6 000 ans dhistoire dans la région de
lexemple des travailleurs
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