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2 Pet. 2.1. that bring (wift deftruction. Truth in the mind preferveth an awe of God in the beart; But falfe Doctrines blind the mind, harden the heart, deprave the conversation, destroy the Churches peace, and provoke the Lord to have a controverfie with a people where they are tolerated, Rev. 2.14,15,20.

And we should be the more watchful over our felves in this particular, because Errours are so agreeable to corrupt Nature; (and Conscience does usually leffe regret a man for Errour, than for unholineffe) and many times also they fute a corrupt intereft (namely, profit and worldly advantage) and then people are in great danger to be caught by them.

To keep thee therefore from Errour take these few Directions.

1. Labour to be well-grounded in the truth Let the foundation be laid fure, else the building with every ruffling wind, will be apt to totter. Ungrounded Chriftians who never understood the true grounds of the Religion they have taken up, and how it is built on the Scriptures, when they meet with Arguments against it, which they never heard of before, and which they (through their unskilfulness)cannot answer; they presently yield to errour; and think,because they cannot answer them, therefore no body else can. But if thou wouldst not be carried away with every wind of Doctrine, Labour rightly to understand


the true grounds of Chriftian Religion: And to this end study the Scriptures, with humility, and be much in prayer, that God would guide thee by his holy Spirit into all faving truth, and keep thee from falling into errour. And remember, that what has been commonly received by the people of God and embraced and practifed by the Saints in all ages, is not lightly to be rejected and deferted. Can any rational man think, God would leave the generality of his people to errour and feduction of mind? Confider with thy felt there. fore whether it be not fafer to follow the footfteps of the flock of Christ, than to be led away by pretenders to new light; the Scripture having given fo many cautions to beware of feduces, 2 Pet. 3. 17,18.

2. Reft not in a bare knowledge of the truth, but reduce thy knowledge into practise. Be fincere in the Religion thou profeffeft, and let the truths of God, like leaven, feason thy mind, will, and affections, and have a powerful influence on thy life. When men are in love with Gospeltruths, for the goudneffe, fweetneffe and benefit they taft in them, they will labour to hold them faft. Those that have any experience in their own hearts of the comfort and efficacy of the Doctrines of Repentance, Faith in Chrift, and daily watchfulneß, will not eafily throw them off, and exchange them for new opinions: But they that care not to practise the great and neceßary


truths of the Gospel, no wonder if they prove Apoftates, and fall off from them. Labour therefore to practise the truths thou profeffeft, holding the mystery of Faith in a pure Confcience, 1 Tim.3.9. The more thou growest in Grace, the more thou shalt be kept from failing into the errour of the wicked, Heb.13.9. He that doth what he knowes of the will of God, fhall know more of it, Fohn 7.17. If ye know these things, faith our Saviour, happy are ye if ye do them, Fohn 13,17. Happineffe doth not lie in the meer knowing or affenting to the principles of Chriftian Religion, but in living according to them, and expreffing the power and efficacy of them in our lives. For a man to be of an orthodox judgment, and an haretical life; an orthodox fwearer, an orthodox drunkard, a prophane perfon, and yet zealous against Hereticks; an antinomian in practife, and yet a declamer against the opinions of the Antinomians, O how fadly do these things found! A right belief fhould have a powerful influence on the heart and life: But they whose hearts are rotten and deceitfull under truth, 'cis no wonder if they be deceived by errour. Believe it, if the heart be corrupt and love fin, it will eafily encline a man to entertain fuch corrupt principles as will give liberty to fin. Men would fain have that true which is most accomodate to their corrupt interefts. Take heed therefore of harbouring any fecret luft or fin in


275 thy heart. 'Tis fin provokes God to give men up to errour; God does many times out of a fecret judgment fuffer thofe to fall into erreur, who held the truth in unrighteoufneffe. They who are not found in the fear of God, foon prove unfound in the Faith of God. Hymeneus and Alexander firft put away a good Conscience, and then made shipwrack of Faith, 1 Tim.1.19, 20. The women that were led away by feducers, 2 Tim.3.6. were fuch as were laden with divers lufts. What Solomon therefore faies of a strange woman, may be applied to a strange Doctrine, whofe pleafeth God, fhall efcape from her, but the finner shall be taken by ber, Ecclef.7.26.

3. Take heed of pride, conceitedneffe, confidence in thine own judgment and understanding. The humble God will teach, but he refifts the proud, 1 Pet.5.5. Pride ufually 'tis the mother of Herefies: 'Twas of old the condemnation of the Devil, 1 Tim.3.6. the ruine of our first Parents; and therefore no wonder if it ruine so many foules in these daies. Proud perfons may carry it high for a time, but commonly God faffers them at last to fall into the ditch of errour, or prophaneneffe. And 'tis juft it should be fo that when the understanding of these high-flown ones returnes unto them (if God have fuch a mercy in ftore for them) they may with Nebu chadnezzar, fee their folly, and bless the most High.

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4. Beware

4. Beware of the itch of noveltie and affecting new Dectrines. He is half gone into errour, that vainly covets after novelties, and liftens after every new-fangled opinion. New Doctrines like new fashions, do ufually take with unstable minds. We read of itching cares, 2 Tim.4.3. and fol lowing after another Gospel, Gal.1.6. But Chrift tels us but of one way to Heaven, and that is himfelf; I am the way, the truth, and the life, Fohn 14.6. There is no new way thither. True Repentance, Faith in Chrift, and fincere obedience, this is the good old way that we must walk in, if we intend to come thither.

5. Expofe not thy felf to the temptations of feducers. 'Tis in vain for any to pray to God to keep them from the infection of errour, if they wilfully (against the expreffe Word of God) and without any juft warrant and call, ran into the company of feducers, and read their Books,

To beware of them, Matth. 7.15.
Not to go after them, Luke 21.8.
To avoid them, Rom. 16,17.

The Scripture To turn away from the, 2 Tim.3.5.

bids us,

If they come to us, not to receive them,or bid them God. Speed, or encourage them in their way, 2 ep. Foh.10.

But poffibly fome will fay, Are we not


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