Gazetteer of Cheshire County, N.H., 1736-1885

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Printed at the Journal Office, 1885 - 832 halaman

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Halaman 74 - Heirs or Assigns in our Council Chamber in Portsmouth, or to such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed to receive the same; and this to be in Lieu of all other Rents and Services whatsoever.
Halaman 73 - That all white and other Pine Trees within the said Township, fit for Masting Our Royal Navy, be carefully preserved for that Use...
Halaman 326 - Equal Shares, One of which to be for the first Settled Minister, One for the Ministry, and one for the School...
Halaman 73 - Fairs, one of which shall be held on the and the other on the annually, which Fairs are not to continue longer than the respective following the said And that as soon as the said Town shall consist of Fifty Families a Market may be opened and kept one or more Days in each Week, as may be thought most advantageous to the Inhabitants.
Halaman 72 - To all persons to whom these Presents shall come. Greeting : Know ye, that we, of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, for the due encouragement of settling a new plantation within our said Province...
Halaman 126 - Livingston was a Delegate to the Continental Congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Halaman 74 - Yielding and paying therefor to Us, our Heirs and Successors for the Space of ten Years, to be computed from the Date hereof, the Rent of one Ear of Indian Corn only, on...
Halaman 73 - I. That every Grantee, his Heirs or Assigns shall plant and cultivate five Acres of Land, within the Term of five Years, for every fifty Acres contained in his or their Share or Proportion of Land in said Township and continue to improve and settle the same by additional Cultivations...
Halaman 72 - George the Third By the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all Persons to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye, that We of our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion...
Halaman 74 - Navy be carefully preserved for that use, and none to be cut or felled without our special license for so doing first had and obtained upon the penalty of the forfeiture of the right of such grantee, his heirs and assigns to us, our heirs and successors as well as being subject to the penalty of any Act or Acts of Parliament that now are or hereafter shall be enacted.

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