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in Southern Hungary on a charge of exciting agitations and being an agent of the Servian Omladina. The minister-president authorized a prosecution to be instituted against him. On the reopening of the Parliament, September 28th, the case was referred to the Committee on Privileges. They made a report, October 2d, justifying the arrest, and their report was approved by the Chamber. About this time Tisza declared in the House of Deputies that the Government was in entire accord with the policy of Count Andrassy. On the 17th of November the minister declared, in answer to interpellations by Simonyi and Helfy, that the administration must and would treat the Eastern question by consideration neither of Russian nor of Turkish, but of Austro-Hungarian interests. The principles announced by Tisza were afterward strongly supported by Simonyi, leader of the Conservative Opposition, who defended the policy of peace, and said that the interests of the Magyars and the GermanAustrians were to be regarded as well as those of the Slavs. There "should be no talk of a Magyar-Turkish policy. Austria will, in case Russia oversteps her bounds, know how to defend the interests of the whole state with arms, but till then she must observe a friendly neutrality toward the southern Slavs. This was the true Austro-Hungarian policy in foreign affairs." A few days after this, in reply to an interpellation in reference to some proceedings of the Austrian Government against the Statthalter of Dalmatia, the minister-president stated that while the Hungarian Government was in accord with that of Austria with respect to its foreign policy, it had nothing to do with Austrian internal affairs. A demonstration of students at Pesth, in the shape of a torch-light procession to the Turkish minister, was arranged to take place late in October, but it was forbidden by the police. Some of the adherents of the extreme Left attempted to take advantage of this occasion to make a demonstration against the ministry and its position on the Eastern question, but the authorities had anticipated such an event, and had made ample preparations to repress any disorder that might arise. Patrols were stationed throughout the city, the streets were promptly cleared of disorderly persons, and a wholesome impression was made upon the populace.

The estimates for 1877 were submitted to the House of Deputies by the Minister of Finance in October. The total expenditure for the coming year was calculated at 233,000,000 florins, and the revenues were estimated at 218,000,000 florins, leaving a deficit of about 15,000,000 florins, or about the same as the deficit of the preceding year. That the deficit was not reduced, was not because the expenditures had not been lessened, for there was an actual reduction in the year's estimates of administrative expenditures of 4,000,000 florins; but was partly because of the high

price of gold, and partly because the estimates of the proceeds of various sources of revenue had been reduced, which had been set at too high a figure in former estimates. The proba ble receipts from these sources of revenue had now been calculated on the actual proceeds of the last few years, and the minister thought the calculation would prove a correct one. He pointed out that there must always be an uncertainty about the revenues of a country depending mainly on agriculture. In spite of the floods which had devastated the land in the spring, and the frosts which had come afterward, the returns of revenue had been beyond all expectation favorable, there having been a large increase in the nine months past over the receipts for the corresponding period of the previous year.

The first session of the Hungarian Diet was dissolved by a royal decree, March 27th. A second session was called to meet the next day (the 28th), which after completing a few formalities, adjourned to meet again April 20th. On the 20th of June the Diet again adjourned till September 28th. Aside from the discussions concerning the compact with Austria, the relations of the kingdom to the Eastern question, and the adjustment of financial affairs, its proceedings were not of marked importance. On the 20th of January the House of Deputies approved a proposition of the Government for the redemption of from 20,000,000 to 22,000,000 florins out of the proceeds of the second half of the rent-loans, to make the beginning of a sinking-fund. On the 16th of February the House of Deputies adopted a measure recommended by the ministry to have a register of the services which had been rendered to the country by Francis Deak enrolled among the statutes, and approved of a plan for the erection of a monument to Deak by a national subscription.

The floods at the end of February and beginning of March were very destructive. The villages along the banks of the Danube and the Theiss were submerged, hundreds of houses were carried away or ruined, and immense quantities of property and crops were destroyed. The Ofen and Alt-Ofen quarters of Buda-Pesth were overflowed; a hundred manufactories of Neu-Pesth, and numerous fine buildings in the river quarters of the city, were undermined; and 12,000 out of the 18,000 inhabitants of Alt-Ofen were reported to have been rendered homeless. On the 28th of February the Emperor devoted 15,000 gulden to the relief of the sufferers by the flood in Pesth and its vicinity, and the Empress added a gift of 10,000 gulden. The Emperor and Empress also bestowed 40,000 florins for the relief of the people throughout Hungary who had been visited by the inundations.

A remarkable speech was made in February by Bishop Herwarth to his electors in Pesth. in which among other things he declared himself in favor of the introduction of a law mak

ing civil marriage obligatory, and referred to France and Belgium as countries in instance to show that the existence of such a law need not involve a breach with the Church.

The ninth International Statistical Congress met at Pesth, September 1st, and was opened by the Archduke Joseph.

HUNT, CHARLES SEDGWICK, died in New York, October 15th. He was born at Litchfield, Conn., April 7, 1842. In 1855 he entered the Naval Academy at Annapolis, where he remained for two years, and then became a student at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. At the outbreak of the war he entered the navy, and became acting master on the warsloop Juniata, but resigned his commission toward the close of the war, and entered Harvard College, where he graduated in 1868. He then became a reporter on the New York Tribune. For a time he was financial editor of the New York Standard, and from 1871 to 1873 was Albany correspondent of the Tribune, in which capacity he rendered valuable service in exposing fraud. In 1873 he became an editorial writer on the Tribune, writing chiefly upon topics of finance and political economy. He was also associated with Mr. John F. Cleveland in the preparation of the "Tribune Almanac." Early in 1876 he joined the editorial staff of the New York Times, where he continued until his death. Mr. Hunt was a thorough and enthusiastic student of political economy, and many of his articles in the Tribune and in the Times attracted wide attention.

HUSSEIN-AVNI PASHA, a Turkish statesman and general, born in 1819; assassinated in Constantinople, June 16, 1876. In 1850 he went to Constantinople, where he studied law for some time; but, meeting by chance one of his townsmen, who was in the military school of Harbije-Mekteb, and as the military career at that time seemed to offer greater inducements to young Turks than that of the law, he was easily induced to change his career. He graduated from the military school in 1842, with the rank of captain on the general staff, and in 1850 became major. He distinguished himself in the war in the Crimea, in 1856 was the Turkish delegate to the commission to regulate the Persian frontier, and was soon after appointed Director of the Military School of Harbije-Mekteb, and at the same time chief of the general staff of the army. He took part in the war with Montenegro as commander of a division, and after his return was appointed President of the General War Department, a position ranking next to that of Minister of War, which position he

held for two years. His renown rapidly increased, and he particularly succeeded in gaining the confidence of the two most prominent statesmen at that time, Fuad Pasha and Aali Pasha. When Fuad Pasha was appointed Grand-Vizier, with the portfolio of War, he induced the Sultan to appoint Hussein-Avni Pasha to the position of commanding general of the army corps comprising the Guards, and at the same time his representative in the ministry of war. This position he held up to the fall of Fuad Pasha and Aali Pasha in 1866, when he was also compelled to retire. In the early part of 1867 he again came into favor, being appointed Governor-General of Bosnia, which position, however, he never assumed. The reason for this was that he was, immediately after receiving this appointment, intrusted with the chief command of the forces in Candia; and, as he was unable to produce any favorable results in that island, he was recalled in April, 1867, and was placed in command of an army corps on the frontier of Greece. But owing to dissensions between Omer Pasha, his successor, and Aali Pasha, the Grand-Vizier, who was his personal friend, the former resigned, and Hussein-Avni Pasha was again appointed to the chief command of the troops in Candia. With the aid of Aali Pasha he succeeded in quelling the rebellion, and in 1869 was rewarded for his services by the position of Minister of War. This position he held until the death of Aali Pasha in 1871, when he was removed by Mahmud-Nedim Pasha, the new Grand-Vizier, and was sent into exile, on a charge of misappropriation of public moneys. With the accession of Midhat Pasha on July 31, 1872, he was permitted to return, and when Eessad Pasha was GrandVizier he was first Minister of the Navy, and afterward of War. In February, 1874, he finally reached the goal of his ambition, and was appointed Grand-Vizier. His administration was not a successful one, and when in April, 1875, he was dismissed, it was with the displeasure of the Sultan; and, in order to have him out of the way, he was shortly after appointed Governor-General of Smyrna. This position he, however, resigned in May, and then made a tour of England and France. In August, 1875, he, together with Midhat Pasha and Mahmud-Nedim Pasha, all three bitter enemies of each other, was called upon to form a new cabiet, receiving the department of War, which position he retained up to his death. He was one of the principal actors in the eventful scenes that led to and accompanied the overthrow of Abdul-Aziz, whom he did not long survive.

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The receipts into the Territorial Treasury, from December 1, 1874, to October 31, 1876, were $61,674.28; amount on hand, $9,676.77; total resources, $71,351.05; disbursements, $55,496.30; balance, $15,854.75. The bonded debt (coin) amounted to $71,386.45; the unfunded debt (currency), consisting of unredeemed warrants and accrued interest, was $56,606.82, after deducting cash in the Treasury. The Governor, in his message to the biennial session of the Legislature, December 4, 1876, says:

Being unable to meet our obligations at this time, it is due to our creditors, as well as to the people themselves, whose honor is involved, that at this session measures be taken which will afford sufficient time; and, what is more important still, provide the means of payment according to the new promises we make.

It is recommended that an act be passed, supplemental to that of January 8, 1875, providing for a new series of ten per cent. gold bonds, running fifteen years from December 1, 1876, with interest semi-annually, both payable at the Territorial Treasury. Let the principal of the coin debt, yet unprovided for, be merged in these bonds. Allow to creditors ten per cent. difference upon the principal of their old bonds, but none on accrued interest.

It is also worthy of consideration whether it is not sound economy to put the warrant debt into currency bonds having sufficient time to run to give us the advantage of growth in population and resources. Let this be done, and a sure income provided to pay as we go all our current expenses as well as interest. This will justify the repeal of the law under which we now pay ten per cent. interest on warrants which we sell at thirty per cent. discount.

The estimated revenue for the years 1877

and 1878 is as follows:

From property-tax..

From license and poll tax..


The estimated expenditures are:


23.250 $85,750

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The whole number of children in the Terri tory, between the ages of five and eighteen years, so far as reported for 1875, was 3,852; for 1876 it is 2,777; some of the more populous counties not having reported.

In the former year, the number attending school was 2,093; receipts, including balances, $23,734; expenditures, $18,478.63. In 1876, 2,724 were reported as attending school; receipts, including balances, $36,215.42; expenditures, $16,590.55. Says the superintendent in his report: The reports of the county superintendents show, "for the most part, but a meagre array of figures, which by no means represent the flourishing condition of many schools in the Territory, and the deep interest taken in education by the people. This is not the fault of the county superintendents, but that of the system under which they are compelled to act. The law makes the county superintend encies ex-officio appendages to other important and responsible county offices, which confine the incumbent to his place of business and to a routine of duties; thus rendering the personal supervision of schools impossible. The county superintendent can only collate and report such information as he may recive from reports made to him by the trustees of the dif ferent school-districts in his county. The law gives to the trustees of the various school-districts the entire control and supervision of schools within their respective districts, as regards the qualifications of teachers and all local matters pertaining to education. The same reflections and remarks will apply with equal force to the Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction. He cannot go beyond the source of information thus furnished, however much good-will he may bring to the task."

A large share of the wealth of Idaho lies beneath the soil. The surface has only been sufficiently worked to indicate the rich deposits yet awaiting development. Capital, skill, and machinery, are wanted. Owing to the great distance from railroads and navigable streams, the most enterprising have found almost unconquerable discouragement.

It was proposed to the Legislature to memorialize Congress to cause a thorough geological survey to be made, as has already been done in other Territories and States; and, as soon as resources will permit, to organize a Geological and Mining Bureau, for the purpose of developing the mines, forming a cabinet of ores, and of publishing useful knowledge in this most important department of industry.

Provision was made at the last session of the Legislature for a revision and publication of the Territorial laws under the supervision of commissioners.

IGLESIAS, José MARÍA, a Mexican statesman, born in Mexico, on January 5, 1822. Before completing his twentieth year he was appointed professor in the Colleges of San Gregorio and San Ildefonso, both in his native city. In the first he occupied the chair of Arts, and in the second that of Modern LanguagesFrench and English. At the age of twentytwo he received his diploma as lawyer, and at twenty-four he became Professor of Law. His first official position was that of chairman of the Board of Aldermen (1846). On the occupation of the capital of the republic by the American troops, in 1847, young Iglesias hastened to rejoin the Government, for the time being established at Querétaro, for which proof of loyalty he was rewarded with the position of Minister of the Supreme Military Court, and shortly afterward with that of Auditor of the Army of the East. After the celebrated peace treaties he returned to the capital, and was chief of a section of the Board of Public Credit, from 1850 till 1852, in which latter year he was elected deputy to Congress, where he won his first laurels as an orator of distinction. The year 1855 saw him at the head of the second section of the Ministry of Finance, where his superior intelligence, brilliant qualities, and fidelity, elicited the admiration and secured for Iglesias the friendship of Don Miguel Lerdo de Tejada, elder brother of the late President of Mexico, Don Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, and then minister of the department (1856). Under the Comonfort Administration Iglesias was intrusted with the portfolio of Justice (1857), and immediately after the termination of the War of Reform he was appointed administrator of the public fund. When on May 31, 1863, Juarez was constrained to quit the capital, Señor Iglesias followed the fortunes of his chieftain, and during the eventful peregrinations of the national Government he was successively Minister of Finance, of Justice, and of Public Works. In spite of unusually arduous official duties, he found time to devote to writing his monthly reviews published under the unassuming title of "The Foreign Intervention." On the return of the legitimate Government to Mexico, Iglesias was stili a member of the cabinet, having been, for the third time, appointed to the portfolio of Finance, which he now retained until his election to the general Congress in 1868. In September of that year President Juarez made him Minister of the Interior, intrusting him provisionally with the portfolio of Justice, which last post he resigned in October, 1870. In 1872 he once more became administrator of public funds, and held that office until May 16th of the following year, on which day he took the accustomed oath preparatory to entering upon the high functions of President of the Supreme Court of Justice-a post equivalent to that of Vice-President of the Republic. Among the candidates proposed simultaneously with Señor Iglesias for the office was General Porfirio Diaz, over whom he obtained a ma

jority of 4,410 votes. Señor Iglesias has ever been a faithful and close student; he has attained much eminence among the men of letters and journalists of his country, and his unaffected and forcible eloquence places him in the front rank of Mexican parliamentary speakers. His whole political career has been an almost uninterrupted series of successes.

ILLINOIS. The State of Illinois is one of the most flourishing and progressive in the Union. In the last two years there have been incorporated under the general law 513 companies for purposes of pecuniary profit, and 150 for educational, religious, literary, and benevolent purposes. There have also been 34 new railroad organizations formed under the railroad act; eleven cities and sixty-one villages have organized under the general law for that purpose. The name of the town of Milton in Coles County has been changed to Humboldt, New Rutland in La Salle County to Rutland, and Clintonville in Kane County to South Elgin. The financial condition of the State is especially gratifying. On October 1st the bonded debt was $1,480,600.27, and there had been a reduction of $250,371.88 during the year. The last of the State bonds become payable after 1879. On December 1, 1874, there was a balance of $2,126,532.06 in the Treasury, and the receipts from that time to September 30, 1876, amounted to $9,262,169.99, making a total of $11,388,702.05. The disbursements for the same period were $8,979,747.71, leaving a balance on hand of $2,408,954.34. The receipts from the canals for two years were $267,828.32; disbursements, $171,189.74: net receipts, $96,638.58. The lock and dam across the Illinois River near Copperas Creek are nearly completed. The total cost is $410,532 29, of which $62,329.80 has been expended by the United States Government.

The amount of money raised for school purposes was $9,605,623.90 in 1875, and $9,948,769.64 in 1876, making a total of $19,554,393.54 for two years, of which $13,977,901.85 was raised by direct taxation. The expenditures for school purposes were $8,066,949.97 in 1875, and $8,268,539.58 in 1876, or $16,335,489.55 for the two years. The number of children of school age in the State is 973,589, of whom 687,446, or about 75 per cent., were enrolled in the schools during the past year. There are twelve charitable and reformatory institutions which receive aid from the State, and all are reported to be in a satisfactory condition. The new asylum for feeble-minded children at Lincoln is nearly finished, as is also the new wing of the Southern Insane Asylum at Anna. The penitentiary at Joliet contained over 1,600 convicts at the end of the year. The institution is overcrowded, and a new prison is in contemplation. The cost of maintenance for each convict at Joliet in 1876 was 40 cents per day.

The new Capitol at Springfield, though not fully completed, has been occupied by the va

rious departments of the government. The total amount expended upon it is $3,432,216.68, and a new appropriation will be required to finish it.

The militia of the State has been greatly increased during the year, and now consists of 5,145 men, constituting one brigade of seven regiments, three battalions, and eight detached companies, or 85 companies in all. These organizations are altogether voluntary and independent.

The crop reports of the year show that there were 8,935,686 acres of corn, with a prospective yield of 251,066,311 bushels. The estimated area of hay-meadow was 2,518,750 acres, yielding 3,895,974 tons, of an aggregate value of $24,449,057. The total value of hogs, on May 1st, was $8,934,647.

The political canvass of the year was opened

by the Independent or Greenback party, which held a convention at Decatur in February, and nominated Lewis Stewart, of Kendall County, for Governor. It also appointed delegates to the National Convention of the party, and put in nomination candidates for presidential electors.

The Republican State Convention was held at Springfield, on May 24th. It appointed delegates to the National Convention at Cincinnati, nominated candidates for presidential electors, adopted a platform, and put a State ticket into the field. The following were the nominations for State officers: For Governor, Shelby M. Cullom, of Sangamon County; for Lieutenant-Governor, Andrew Shuman, of Cook; for Secretary of State, George H. Harlow, of Tazewell; for Auditor of Public Accounts, Thomas B. Needles, of Washington;

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for State Treasurer, Edward Rutz, of St. Clair; for Attorney-General, James K. Edsall, of Lee. The platform adopted was as follows: The Republican party of the State of Illinois, through its delegated representatives assembled in this, the one hundreth year of the existence of the republic, proclaims the following as the foundation principles of its faith and practice:

1. That the doctrine of the inherent sovereignty of man leads to a republican form of government, as that form furnishing the surest guarantee of impartial protection to property, liberty, and life; that our fathers having affirmed the equality of rights of all men, regardless of condition or nationality, and that affirmation having been, after the lapse of nearly a century, embodied as a part of the Constitution of the United States, it should be enforced by whatever statutory or executive instrumentality may be necessary to insure its vitality.

2. That the policy of leniency by the Republican party toward the people recently in rebellion against Federal authority having resulted in the death by

violence of at least 5,000 Unionists, white and black, since the commencement of the present policy of reconstruction; also, in placing in power in the Lower House of Congress a political party dominated by ex-Confederates; and finally in relegating back into the control of disloyal whites nearly every State reconquered to Federal authority by Federal arms-it is the duty of the Executive branch of the Government to extend especial care over Union men throughout all the South, so that American citizenship there shall be in name, at least, what it is not now in fact-as secure as it is in foreign lands and upon foreign seas.

3. That as the three amendments to the Constitution of the United States-which may be accepted as the crystallization of the blood of brave menrequire Federal statutes for their enforcement, so, too, in their turn, Federal statutes require a Chief Executive whose public life is a guarantee of the alacrity and fidelity with which he will discharge these great public trusts.

4. That the credit of the General Government, under Republican administration, having appreci

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