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"It is with the most poignant Concern that I acquaint you, that on Monday the 31st day of August last, it pleased the Almighty to visit this, and all the other Islands of my Governments, with a Huricane more violent and dreadful than perhaps ever before happened in the Memory of man, and unparralled (I believe) in its Effects by any Recorded in the annals of History. The scene of Ruin and Desolation which this Event has laid, as well over the Face of the Country as in all our Roads and Harbours, where most if not all the shipping has perished, cannot be described to you; but the terrors of the storm are Scarcely Superior to the Misery of its Consequences, and among the other dreadful Shapes in which these have already appeared, is the Malencholy Prospect of an Approaching Famine, unless this Terrible disaster is averted by the early arrival of Provisions from the Continent of America. The Legislature of this Island have come to the Resolution of dispatching Vessels Immediately to the Neighbouring Collonies from whence such Succour may be expected, and it is upon this account, Sir, that I trouble you at Present, as I persuade myself that you will not only very Sincerely simpathize in our distress, but will Contribute your best Assistance to relieve it, by making our Necessities Known throughout your Government, and by promoting a Commerce with us at this time, which is Immediately and indispensably essential to our very Existance.

"It will be a very alleviating Circumstance to my Concern, while I Contemplate the Calamitous state of my own Government, to hear that the unparalleled ferocity of the late Tempest in the Leeward Islands, has not extended so far Northward as Philadelphia; but that your Government, Sir, with the rest of his Majesty's American Collonies, has been preserved from the Desolating Hand of a Destiny, whose Vengeance will long Continue to be felt and deplored, when its immediate Terrors are past away and buried in Oblivion.

"I hope you will forgive this Trouble, and be perswaded of the very sincere Pleasure which I shall enjoy in Co-operating with you, Sir, at all Seasons and upon all Occasions, for the Service of our most Excellent Sovereign, as well as in testifying to you by every Opportunity, the very high esteem and Respect with which I have the honor to be,

"Sir, your very faithful and most
"Obedient humble Servant,

"Antigua, September 14th, 1772."

The Board taking the said Letter into Consideration, were of opinion that the request therein Contained should be Complyed with without the least delay, by notifying to the Publick by a Proclamation the distressed Situation of his Majesty's Subjects in the

Leeward Islands, Occasioned by the late dreadful Hurricane, and warmly recommending it to the Merchants and others of this City and Province to afford them assistance and Relief, by dispatching Vessels with Provisions and such other articles as were necessary to supply their immediate Wants. A Draught of a Proclamation was drawn at the Table and ordered to be published in the Publick papers, and it follows in these words, Viz":

“By the Honourable RICHARD PENN, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware:


"WHEREAS, his Excellency Sir Ralph Payne, Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over all his Majesty's Leeward Charibbee Islands in America, by his letter of the fourteenth of September last, hath informed me that on Monday the thirty-first of August last, it pleased the Almighty to visit the Island of Antigua, and all the other Islands of his Government, with a Hurricane, more violent and dreadful than perhaps ever before happened in the Memory of Man, and (as he believed) unparalleled in its Effects by any Recorded in the Annals of History; That the scene of Ruin and Desolation which that event had laid, as well over the face of the Country, as in all their Roads and Harbours, where most if not all the shipping had Perished, was not to be described; but that the Terrors of the Storm were Scarcely superior to the Miseries of its Consequences, and among the other dreadful Shapes in which those already appeared, was the Melancholy Prospect of an approaching Famine, unless that terrible disaster was averted by the early arrival of Provisions from the Continent of America; that the Legislature of the said Island of Antigua had come to the Resolution of dispatching Vessels to the neighbouring Collonies, from whence Such Succour might be expected; and on that account, he hath been pleased to request of me that I would Contribute my best assistance to relieve their Distresses, by making their Distresses known throughout my Government, and be promoting a Commerce with them at this time, which is immediately and indispensably Essential to their very Existence. Wherefore, being most sincerely affected with the Distresses of our fellow Subjects in the said Islands, and anxious that no time may be lost in relieving them from their Calamitious Situation, I have thought proper, by the advice of the Council, to Issue this Proclamation, not only to make their necessities known to the Good People under my Government, but most earnestly to Recommend it to them, and more particularly to the Merchants and Traders, to give immediate assistance to the afflicted Inhabitants of the said Islands, by dispatching Vessels there with

Provisions, and such other necessaries as they may be supposed to be most in want of.

"Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the said Province, at Philadelphia, the ninth day of October, in the twelfth year of his Majesty's Reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two.

"By his Honour's Command.



The Returns of Sheriffs and Coroners for Northumberland and Bedford Counties being now made, the following persons were appointed and Commissionated as Sheriffs and Coroners for the Counties where they respectively reside, Viz" :

Names of Counties. Officers. Names of Officers. Sheriff's Sureties.

[blocks in formation]

Council Chamber, Memorandum, the 15th of October, 1772.

A Committee of the Assembly waited on the Governor yesterday, and acquainted him that pursuant to the Charter and Laws of this Province, a Quorum of the Representatives had met, and had proceeded to Chuse their Speaker, and desired to know when his Honour would be pleased to receive the House, that he might be presented for his Honour's Approbation.

The Governor having appointed this day, at twelve o'clock, for that purpose, acquainted the House, by the Secretary, that he attended his appointment in the Council Chamber, and was ready to receive the House with their Speaker.

The whole House waited on the Governor, and presented Joseph Galloway, Esquire, as their Speaker, who, after receiving the Governor's Approbation, claimed the usual Privileges in the name and behalf of the House, to which the Governor Replied that he thought those privileges essentially requisite in a Representative Body, and he should be careful to protect the House in the full enjoyment of them,


At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Friday 16th of October, 1772.


The Honourable RICHARD PENN, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor, &c.

Benjamin Chew,

James Tilghman, Esquires.
Andrew Allen,

Two Members of Assembly waited on the Governor, and acquainted him that the House proposed to adjourn to the 4th day of January next, if his Honor had no Objection thereto, to which the Governor replied that he had no Objection to their proposed Adjournment, but that he had something to lay before the House, which he should Communicate to them Immediately by a Messuage. The Secretary was then ordered to deliver the following Verbal Message to the House, with Sir Ralph Payne's letter therein refer

red to:


"The Governor commands me to lay before the House a Letter he received a few days ago from Sir Ralph Payne, Captain General and Governor-in-chief of the Leeward Islands, acquainting him with the Extream Distress the Inhabitants of the said Islands are reduced to, occasioned by a most Violent Hurricane in the month of August last, and to inform the House that if they are disposed to take any Measures for their Relief, he will most Chearfully Concur with them therein.

"October 16th, 1772."

MEMORANDUM, the 17th October, 1772.

Two Members of Assembly waited on the Governor, and delivered him the following Verbal Message from the House, in answer to his Message to them of yesterday:


"We are Commanded by the House to inform the Governor, in answer to his Verbal Message of this Morning, that they have taken into their Consideration the Letter from Sir Ralph Payne, Captain General and Governor-in-Chief of the Leeward Islands, and very sincerely commisserate the extream distress the Inhabitants of those Islands are reduced to by the late violent Hurricane; but as they find that your Honour has wisely pursued the most proper Measure to relieve them, by your late Proclamation in their behalf, and that, in Consequence thereof, a number of Vessels with Provisions and

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other Necessaries have already sailed, and more will soon be ready to depart from this Port for those Islands, the House have no doubt but the unhappy Sufferers will be relieved, and the Good intention of Sir Ralph Payne's Letter effectually answered by those means.

At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Monday 23d November, 1772.


The Honourable RICHARD PENN, Esquire, Lieutenant Govnor, &c.

Benjamin Chew,

James Tilghman, Esquires.


The Governor laid before the Board the Transcript of two Records of Conviction, by which it appears that at the last Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Goal delivery, held at Philadelphia for the County of Philadelphia, Michael Magary and Thomas McFeteridge, both of the said County of Philadelphia, Labourers, were severally tried for and Convicted of Felony and Burglary, and have each of them received Sentence of death for the same. The said Records being taken into Consideration, and the Jurors having petitioned the Governor in Behalf of each of the above-mentioned Criminals, and recommended them as proper Objects of Mercy, his Honour, with the advice of the Board, was pleased to order a Pardon to be made out for each of them, under the Great Seal of the Province.

Then was read the Transcript of a Record of the last Court of Oyer and Terminer held in New Castle County, by which it appears that John Keener, of the said County of New Castle, was tryed for and convicted of Felony and Burglary, and hath received Sentence of Death for the same; but the Governor of the said Court having recommended him to the Governor for Mercy, His Honor, with the advice of the Board, was pleased to order a Pardon to be made out for him also, under the Great Seal of the Province.

At a Council held at Philadelphia on Thursday 26th November, 1772.


The Honorable RICHARD PENN, Esquire, Lieutenant Governor, &c.

William Logan,
James Tilghman,

Richard Peters, Esquires.

Joseph Peepy, and another Delaware Indian came to Town last week, from the Ohio, with a Message from Netattwallaman, or new

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