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By order of the Board, Robert Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver Capt. Whyte, 12 pieces of Sail Cloth.

Resolved, That Capt. Brown, be ordered to Raise fifty able bodied Men for the Marine service of this Province.

That he be careful to inlist none but healthy Men, not under Sixteen years of age.

That he be allowed ten shillings per Man in Lieu of his recruiting Expences, and ten shillings per Week, for the subsistance of each Recruit, until they are provided for by the Commissary.

That he pay the greatest attention to the behaviour of the men while in quarters, and see their quarters discharged, at least once every week.

That no bought indented servants or apprentices be inlisted without the consent of their Masters, in writing.

That the Company consist of one Captain, two Lieutenants, two Serjeants, two Corporals, one fife, one Drum. and fifty Privates. That a sum, not exceeding twenty Shillings, be advanced to each Recruit.

That £200 be advanced him for the Recruiting service.

By order of the Board, an order was drawn of John M. Nesbitt, in favour of Capt. William Brown, for the sum of £200, which is directed to be charged to his company of Marines for the Recruiting service.

Resolved, That Colo. Roberdeau be desired to apply to Congress for the powder supplied them by this Board.

Resolved, That Joseph Willson be appointed First Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Congress, in the Room of Mitchell, appointed the 16th Feb'y last, he never having appeared to receive his Commission.

That the following Gentlemen be appointed Second Lieutenants to the different Armed Boats, opposite their Names, vizt.:

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Agreeable to adjournment, the following Members Met:

JAMES MEASE, (Chairman.)

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Resolved, That Capt. Thomas Reed be appointed Second in Command in the Naval Armaments of this Province, and Captain of the armed Ship now building by direction of this Board.

Resolved, That Robert Towers, Commissary, purchase or make two tons of Buck Shot.

Resolved, That a survey be made of the Channel between Reedy Point and the Pea patch.

Resolved, That Major Meredith, Capt. Wilcocks, Capt. Peters, & Mr. Peter De Haven, be appointed to superintend and conduct the provincial Manufactory of Gun Locks in this city, and they are impower'd to contract for a convenient situation, and to erect all works necessary for carrying on the said Manufactory in the most beneficial Manner to the Public, and further to contract for the making fire arms, & see that the artificers who have already contracted in this city for that purpose, perform their Engagements faithfully, and this Board will supply them with such sums of Money as the business shall require.

Resolved, That the Commodore be desired to employ an experienced Pilot, and send him with all possible dispatch, with two discreet and capable Officers, in two of the Armed Boats down the River to Reedy Point, to sound the narrowest part of the Channel there, and take an accurate survey of the depth & breadth of the said Channel, with the various soundings across the same, for the information of this Board.

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Upon application of James Christie for the payment of 2 Firelocks, detain'd by Robert Towers, Commissary, as Provincial arms,

Resolved, That an order be drawn on John Nixon & others, the Committee of accounts, for five pounds, the value of said arms, which was accordingly done.

A Letter was this day wrote to the Committee of Chester County, recommending the associators to be properly armed & furnished with ammunition, out of the public stock.

Resolved, That the Commodore order down to-morrow to Fort Island, three of the armed Boats that are in most readiness, where they are to remain 'til they are relieved by others, while they are down the River the Men are to be quartered at the pest House in the Rooms not occupied by Capt. Procter's Company, until sufficient Barracks on Fort Island are built.

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It being represented by the Commodore that Pilot Boats can be employed to more advantage in sounding the Channel at Reedy point, than the Armed Boats, and that he can employ skilful per

sons to effect that service without sending any of the Officers of the Boats; it is

Resolved, That the Commodore hire pilot Boats, and employ such skilfull and trusty persons to do that business, as he shall judge proper, & send them down immediately.

The Congress sent the following Resolves to this City, Viz't:

"In Congress, 23rd Feb'y, 1776.

"Resolved, That the Secret Committee be directed to Return to the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, the arms borrowed of them for the use of the Continent.

"In Congress 6th March, 1776.

"Resolved, That the Secret Committee be directed to return to the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, the powder borrowed of them.

"Extract from the Minutes.

"Sign'd CHAS. THOMSON, Sec'y." Resolved, That Mr. Robert Towers, Commissary, apply to the Secret Committee of Congress for the powder & arms mention'd in the above Resolves.

The present scarcity of Blankets lays the Committee of Safety under the necessity of applying to the patriotic inhabitants for a supply for the Artillery Company raised for the defence of this Province; Therefore, it is

Resolved, That Capt. Thos. Procter shall apply to such House Keepers as will be likely to spare any supernumerary Blankets which they may have, for the use of the said Company, and this Board will allow them a reasonable price for the same; and it is further

Resolved, That Captain Procter do Return to this Board the names of the Persons from whom he collects any Blankets, with the number which he shall collect, and their Value, which in the whole is not to exceed one hundred.

Resolved, That the pay master stop out of the pay of the nonCommission'd officers and privates in Capt. Procter's Company, three Dollars month for their Cloathing, and pay the same to the Tradesmen who has furnish'd the said Cloathing, he producing his account, settled and approved by Capt Procter.

Upon application of Mr. Robert Morris for the payment of sundry merchandize ship'd by the Committee for importing Powder, arms, &ca., for the use of this Province, on board the Brig't Dolphin, Jno. Prole, M'r, By order of the Board, an order, was drawn an Mr. Jno. Nixon and others, the Committee of accounts, for £2038 37, in favour of Robert Morris, Esq'r., being the amount of the Invoice of said Goods.

Adjourned to 6 O'Clock.

Agreeable to Adjournment, the following Members met:

JOHN NIXON, Chairman.

Dan'l Roberdeau,

James Biddle,

Owen Biddle,

Jno. Cadwalader,

Thos. Wharton, jun'r.,

Nicholas Fairlamb,

Samuel Howell,

James Mease,

Alexander Wilcocks,

George Clymer.

Resolved, That this Board give each of the Men ofthe Artillery a Hatt of 7s. 6 Value, including binding.

The Secret Committee of Congress having applied to this Board to lend the arms intended by Congress, to replace those lent sometime past, did after deliberation,

Resolve, That the Secret Committee be inform'd, that the season of the year is now arriv'd when all our Vessels for the defence of the River should take their stations, and they are greatly unprovided with arms; the association in a deplorable situation from the like cause, and the province in general extreamly stripp'd of arms, to supply the Neighboring Colonies; that these are the principal Reasons that influence the determination of this Board, and such as they hope will be allowed to have weight with the Secret Commit

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Upon application of Colo. Jno. Shea, for a sum of Money for the use of his Battalion in the service of the United Colonies,

By order of the Board, an order was drawn in his favour on Messrs Mease & Caldwell, for £500, for the use aforesaid.

Upon application of Capt. Jno. Wilcocks, for a Sum of Money for the use of the Committee appointed to direct the Manufactury of Gun Locks, &c.; By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Mr. John Nixon & others, the Committee of accounts, for £300, in their favour.

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