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Lieutenants and two Ensigns, are to have four Lieutenants, the two youngest of which are to rank as Ensigns.

19th. The Standard Bearer of each Battalion to Rank as eldest Lieutenant of the Battalion.

20th. All National distinctions in dress or name to be avoided, it being proper that we should now be united in this general Association for defending our liberties and properties under the sole denomination of Americans.

21st. Companies to take post in their Battalions according to the date of their Captains' Commissions, if the Captains be present, but if absent such Companies to take post as youngest in the Battalion.

22nd. No Field Officers to have Companies.

23rd. For the better order and Government of Companies which may be raised after the completion of the several Battalions already formed in the City and Counties, such companies are not to be admitted as independent, but are to be annexed to the most convenient battalon, until nine Companies are raised to form a new Battalion, and no number of associators are to be considered as a Company unless they consist of at least Forty Men, but it is recommended that till that number be compleated, the associators join the most convenient Battalion, exercise and do duty with such Battalion.

24th. All Battalions now formed, as well as those hereafter to be formed, are desired to make the necessary returns of their numbers and officers, with their respective ranks, to the Committee of their County, and the Committees are desired to certify such returns, with the respective rank of each Battalion in their County, to this Board, that Commissions may be issued immediately for every officer, in conformity with these rules.

25th. And as there may happen occasions wherein it may be necessary to call out a part of the Associators to actual though temporary service, and not the whole body, and it would be extremely inconvenient and burthensome if upon every alarm where the assistance of part only may be wanted, the whole should come together, or any much greater number than the occasion required, and it would be, therefore, necessary to have such divisions made of the Associators, as that parts smaller or greater, may be distinctly called for, and the service as equally and fairly allotted, and dive'd as the nature thereof will admit, it is recommended not only the Battalions of each County, but also that the Companies of each Battalion be by lot number'd, 1, 2, 3, 4, &ca., so that orders may issue from the Commander-in-Chief to the Colonels, either to march their whole Battalions, or to send to an appointed rendezvous the first, or second, or any number of Companies that shall be wanted, each company serving on such calls in its turn, and for such proportion of time as shall make the burthen nearly equal, and if the associators who are called forth, are not all yet provided with good arms, it is recommended to those who have such, and are not called out, to lend the same for that occasion, at the risque of the public.

Lastly. This Board having drawn up thirty-two articles of agreement for the due regulation and Government of all the Associators in the Province, which is published herewith, they do recommend the same to be adopted, Signed and agreed to by all the said Associators, in order that one general system may prevail in Pennsylvania.

Resolved, That the Rules and Regulations for, and the Recommendations to the Associators, be published by William Bradford, and that he print two thousand of each on good paper, for the use of the Association. Mr. Andrew Allen is desired to give orders for the same being done, and Colo. Roberdeau is desired to get five hundred of each printed in the German Language, for the use as aforesaid.

A Letter was this day receiv'd by Capt. George Ord of the Lady Catharine, from Henry Tucker, Chairman of the Deputies of the several Parishes of Bermuda, enclosing an account for 1182 lbs. Gun Powder ship'd by him on board said vessell, amounting to £161.14.8 that Currency, with an account of 8 half bars of Powder on board said Vessell the property of Capt. John Cowper of North Carolina, for which last powder, Mr. Tucker has engaged that this Board or Mr. Robert Morris will be accountable for.

The articles for the Good Government of the Officers and Men to be employed on Board the Boats belonging to this Province, this day came under consideration, and after some amendments was read and approved of.

The draught for the Officers' Commissions to be employed on board the armed Boats, was this day read and approved of, and is as follows:


"In Committee of Safety.

"We, reposing especial trust and confidence in your patriotism, Valour, Conduct and Fidelity, Do by these presents Constitute and appoint you to be of the Provincial armed Boat called the fitted out for the Protection of the Province of Pennsylvania and the Commerce of the River Delaware, against all Hostile Euterprises, and for the Defence of American Liberty; you are, therefore, to take the said Boat into your Charge and Carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto belonging. And we do strictly charge and require all Officers, Soldiers and Mariners under your Command, to be Obedient to your orders as


you are to observe and follow such orders and directions from time to time, as you shall receive from the Assembly or Provincial Convention during their Sessions, or from this or a future Committee of Safety for this Province, or from your Superior Officer, According to the Rules and Discipline of War, pursuant to the trust reposed.

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in you; this Commission to continue in force until revoked by the Assembly or Provincial Convention, or by this or any succeeding Committee of Safety.

แ "By Order of the Committee."

Ordered, That Mr. Bradford print on good paper, one hundred of the Commissions for the Officers to be employed on Board the armed Boats.

A Recommendation to the Associators to make use of Pikes was this day read and approved of, which is in the following words:

"It has been regreted by some great Soldiers, particularly by Marshal Saxe, that the use of Pikes was ever laid aside, and many Experienc'd Officers of the present times agree with him in opinion, that it would be very advantageous in our Modern Wars to resume that Weapon, its length reaching beyond the Bayonet, and the compound Force of the Files (every Man laying hold of the presented Pike) rendering a charge made with them insupportable by any Battalion armed only in the common manner. At this time therefore, when the Spirit of our People supplies more Men than we can furnish with Fire Arms, a deficiency which all the Industry of our ingeni ous Gunsmiths cannot suddenly supply, and our Enemies having, at the same time they were about to send regular Armies against undisciplined and half Armed Farmers and Tradesmen, with the most dastardly malice, endeavour'd to prevail on the other powers of Europe not to sell us any Arms or Amunition, The use of Pikes in one or two Rear Ranks is recommended to the Attention & consid eration of our Battalions. Every Smith can make these, and therefore the Country may soon be supplied with plenty of them. Mar shal Saxes' direction is, that the Staff be fourteen feet in length, and the Spear eighteen inches, thin and light, the Staff to be made of Pine, hollowed for the sake of lightness, and yet to retain a degree of stiffness; the whole not to weigh more than seven or eight pounds. When an Army is to encamp, they may, he observes, be used as Tent Poles, and save the trouble of carrying them. The Committee of Safety will supply samples to those Battalions who are disposed to use them. Each Pikeman to have a cutting Sword, and where it can be procured, a Pistol."

Order'd, That a Copy of the above be deliver'd to the Colonels of the different Battalions in this City and districts, which was accordingly done.

August 28th.-At a Meeting of the Committee of Safety

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Mr. Robert Towers reports that he has receiv'd from Mr. Robert

Morris 4650 lbs. Gun Powder, which is put in the Powder House

Mr. Towers reports that he deliver'd 2012 lbs. Gunpowder to Robert Erwin and Mr. Owen Biddle; that the said powder went yesterday for New Ark, for account of the Provincial Congress of New York, agreeable to a resolve of the 26th inst.

August 29th.-At a Meeting of the Committee of Safety.

[blocks in formation]

This Board thought proper to reconsider the articles for the Government of the Officers and Men to be employed on board the provincial Armed Boats, and after some amendments, were order'd to be transcribed for the press, which was accordingly done, and are as follows:

"In Committee of Safety for Pennsylvania.

"WHEREAS, the Arbitrary and Tyrannical proceedings of the British Ministry, in attempting to reduce the good people of America into a state of abject Slavery and Vassalage, has met with a righteous and Spirited Opposition from the twelve united Colonies by their Delegates in Congress, who, by their resolves of the 18th July, recommended to the Assemblies or Conventions, or in their recess, to the Committees of Safety, to devise & provide such means for defending the Lives, Liberties, and properties of their respective inhabitants, as may to them seem best in compliance with this recommendation; and in consequence of the powers vested in this Committee by Resolve of the Assembly of this Province, they have caused Sundry Boats to be Built and Armed for the defence of the Same, and the protection of its commerce; which Boats being now ready for service, it remains that they be immediately manned and equiped; Therefore, to encourage good and brave Men to engage freely in this Glorious Service, the following Rules and Regulations are offered by the said Committee:

1st. "All Officers and Privates in or belonging to the Provincial Armed Boats, being guilty of profane Oaths, Cursing Drunkeness or other scandalous actions, shall incur such punishment as the nature and degree of the offence shall deserve, at the discretion of a Court Martial.

2nd. "Any Officer or Private who shall strike the Commanderin-Chief or other his Superior Officer, or draw, or offer to draw, or lift up any weapon, or use any violence against him, or shall be

have himself with contempt or disrespect to him, them, or either of them, being in the execution of their office, shall be punished according to the nature of his offence, at the discretion of a Court Martial.

3rd. "If any Person in or belonging to the Provincial Armed Boats shall raise, or endeavour to raise a Mutiny, on any pretence whatever, or shall disobey any lawful commands of his Superior Officer, he shall, on conviction thereof, suffer such punishment as shall be order'd by a Court Martial.

4th. "Any Officer or Private who shall, without leave of his Commanding Officer, absent himself from the Boat or other Vessell to which he belongs, or from any detachment of the same, or shall advise or persuade any other officer or private so to do, shall be punished, at the discretion of a Court Martial.

5th. "Every Person in the Fleet who shall Mutiny in time of action, or who through Cowardice, disaffection, or negligence, shall at such time withdraw or keep back, or not come into the fight or Engagement, or shall not do his utmost to take or destroy any Ship, Boat or other Vessell which it shall be his duty to engage, or shall endeavour to persuade or deter others from doing their duty at such a time, shall suffer Death.

6th. "Every Person who shall desert to the Enemy, or shall intice others so to do, shall suffer Death, or such other punishment as the circumstances of the offence shall deserve, and a Court Martial think fit.

7th. "Any Officer or Private who shall be convicted of holding any correspondence with, or giving intelligence to the Enemy, either directly or indirectly, shall suffer Death, or such punishment as shall be order'd by a Court Martial.

8th. "Every Officer or Private who shall be convicted of having designedly or carelessly wasted or imbezzled the ammunition, arms, stores, or provisions belonging to any of the Boats, shall suffer such punishment as a Court Martial shall think proper for the offence.

9th. "Whatever Officer shall be found Drunk on Guard or under Arms, shall be Cashier'd; and any Private so offending, shall be punish'd at the discretion of a Court Martial.

10th. "No Person in or belonging to the Provincial Armed Boats shall sleep upon his watch, or forsake his post, on pain of such punishment as a Court Martial shall think fit to impose.

11th. "Any Officer or Frivate who shall, by discharging Fire Arms, beating of Drums, or by any other means, occasion false alarms, shall suffer such punishment as shall be inflicted by a Court Martial.

12th. "All Officers, of what condition soever, shall have power to part and quell all quarrels, affrays and disorders, though the persons concern'd should belong to another Boat, and order Officers to be arrested, and Non-Commission'd Officers or Privates to be confined 'till their proper Superior Officers shall be acquainted therewith, & whoever shall refuse to obey such Officer, though of an

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