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prepared by the Committee of Council appointed to draw them, which Messages follow in these Words, viz":


Letter from the Governor to Captain St. Clair.

"PHILADELPHIA, 6th August, 1774.

"I have received your Letters of the 22d and 26th Ult, inclosing several Depositions and Letters relative to the present Situation of Affairs in Westmoreland.

"As I find by all the Intelligence you have from Time to Time communicated to me, that the Shawanese, as well as Delawares, have discovered a strong Aversion to entering into a War, either with Virginia or this Province, and, on the Contrary, have given repeated Proofs of their sincere Disposition to live in Peace and Harmony with both Colonies, I have with the Advice of my Council, thought it expedient to send Messages to those Tribes, expressing the great Concern of this Government at the late unfortunate Disturbances between them and some of His Majesty's Subjects belonging to the Colony of Virginia, at the same time declaring our Resolution to preserve the Treaties of Peace and Friendship subsisting between us inviolate, and earnestly advising the Shawanese not to strike the People of Virginia, as they, as well as the People of this Province, are all Subjects of one and the same Great King, who will be as much offended at any Injury committed against any one Part of his Subjects as another, but to exert their best Endeavours to settle the Differences that have arisen between the Virginians and them, and to continue to live in Friendship with all his Majesty's Subjects.

"As to the Proposal of engaging the Service of the Delawares to protect our Frontiers, I would only just observe that it is a Matter, in the present Situation of Indian Affairs, too delicate for me to intermeddle in.

"Since my last Letter to you, I have considered of what you mentioned in a former Letter, and now repeat, respecting the Establishment of some Place of Security for carrying on the Indian Trade, as you say that Pittsburg will certainly be abandoned by all our People; and I am now to acquaint you that I approve of the Measure of laying out a Town in the Proprietary Manor at Kittanning, to accomodate the Traders and the other Inhabitants who may chuse to reside there; and, therefore, inclose you an Order for that purpose. But I cannot, without the Concurrence of the Assembly, give any Directions for erecting a Stockade or any other Work for the Security of the Place, which may incur an Expence to the Province.

"With respect to the Continuance of the 200 Rangers in the Service, it must altogether depend upon the Intelligence we receive of the Situation of our Affairs with the Indians. At present I think

it very improper to discharge them; and it is not improbable that if the Commotions between the Virginians and Indians should not soon be at an End, it may be necessary to keep them on foot for the Protection of our People 'till the Meeting of the Assembly on the 19th of September.

"I herewith send to your Care the Messages above mentioned, with a Belt of Wampum accompanying each, and desire you will engage some trusty, intelligent Person to carry them, and interpret the Messages to the Indians. A young man of the name of Elliot, who has been trading at the Shawanese Towns, and lately came from thence, has offered his Service to carry any Messages from Government to the Indians, and may probably be a very proper Person to employ on this Occasion. He was to leave this Place Yesterday on his return to Westmoreland. I should be glad to have his Deposition taken as to what he knows respecting the late Disturbances between the Virginians and the Indians, from the beginning of them.

"You hint something in your last Letter about making Presents to the Indians, but, though such a Step at some future convenient Time might be very useful and proper, I am of Opinion it would be very unadvisable under the present Circumstances.

"I am, with great Regard, Sir,

"Your most Obedient humble Servant,

"To Arthur S. CLAIR, Esq at Ligonier."

"By the Honourable JOHN PENN, Esquire, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Couuties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware.

"A Message to the Chiefs and Warriors of the Shawanese Indians.


"When I heard that you had taken Care of our Traders, and had sent some of your young Men to conduct them Home in Safety, it made my Heart glad, because I was satisfied that you kept fast hold of the Chain of Friendship which was made between our Fore Fathers, and renewed by us, and you may be assured that I shall always remember this Instance of your kindness, and that I shall hold fast that End of the Chain which is in my Hands, so long as you hold yours. But, Brethren, it gives me great Concern, and my Heart is grieved to hear of the Difference between you and our Brothers, the People of Virginia. If any of the wicked People of Virginia have murdered any of your People, you should complain of it to the Governor, and he will have them punished. You should not, in such Cases, take Revenge upon innocent People who have

never hurt you. It is a very wicked Thing to kill innocent People, because some of their Countrymen have been wicked, and killed some of you.


"If you continue to act in this Manner the People of Virginia must do the same Thing by you, and then there will be nothing but War between you. Consider, Brethren, that the People of Virginia are like the Leaves upon the Trees, very numerous, and you are but few, and although you should kill ten of their People for one that they kill of yours, they will at last wear you out, and destroy you. They are able to send a great Army into your Country and destroy your Towns, and your Corn, and either kill your Wives and Children, or drive them away. Besides, Brethren, the Virginians, as well as our People and you, are the Children of the Great King who lives beyond the Great Water; and if his Children fall out and go to War among themselves, and some of them are wicked, and will not make Peace with the others, he will be very angry, and punish those who are in fault. Therefore, Brethren, let me advise you to forget and forgive what is past, and to send to the Governor of Virginia, and offer to make Peace.

"I shall write to the Governor of Virginia, and endeavour to persuade him to join with you in mending the Chain of Friendship between you, which has been broken, and to make it so strong that it may never be broke again; and I hope Brethren, if he be willing to do this good Thing, that you will be of the same Mind, and then we shall all live together like Friends and Brothers.

A Belt.

"Given under my Hand and the Lesser Seal of the said Province, at Philadelphia, the sixth day of August, in the Year of our Lord, 1774.


"By the Honorable JOHN PENN, Esquire, Governor, and Com,mander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Coun ties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware.

"A Message to the Chiefs and Warriors of the Delaware Indians.

"Brethren :

"I was grieved at my Heart when I heard that some of our foolish young Men had killed our Brother Joseph Wipey, and that the Virginians had killed some of your People below Fort Pitt. I was fearful that you would suffer your young Men to take Revenge upon our innocent People, But when I heard that you had a good Heart, and viewed these Things in their proper Light, and that you

remembered the Chain of Friendship made by our fore fathers, and would not take revenge upon us, for what the Virginians or some of our foolish Young Men had done, it gave me the greatest Satisfaction, and made my Mind easy.


"You may depend that so long as you arc inclined to Peace and Friendship you shall find me in the same Mind, for why should we fall out and go to murdering one another for what our foolish young People do, and what neither of us approve of? In such Cases let us endeavour to find out such foolish young men and punish them for their Wickedness. I have offered a Reward of fifty Pounds a piece for those two wicked People who it is said murdered Joseph Wipey, and if they can be taken I shall do every thing in my Power to have them punished.

"I am very sorry to hear that your Grand Children, the Shawanese, have a Difference with our Brothers the Virginians, and I wish I could make them Friends. I shall write to the Governor of Virginia, and recommend it to him to endeavour to make Peace with them; and I would advise you to go to the Shawanese, and persuade them to forget every thing that is past, and make up all their Differences with the People of Virginia, so that we may all live together in Peace and Quietness like Friends and Brothers, for what can they get by being at War with one another; whoever of them gets the best, both will be very much Hurt.


"I live a great way from You, and have a great deal of Business to do with my People at home, otherwise I would go to see you and shake Hands with you, and smoak a Pipe with you, under the Tree of Peace, as we and our fore-fathers used to do. By all Means Brethren, be Strong, and keep fast hold of one end of the Covenant Chain, and you may be assured I will keep fast hold of the other, and when any of our People are so wicked as to kill any of yours, or do you any Harm, let me know it, and I will do every Thing in my Power to have Justice done.

A Belt.

"Given under my Hand and the Lesser Seal of the said Province, at Philadelphia, the sixth day of August, in the Year of Lord, 1774.



At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Thursday 15th September, 1774.

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The Council having some time since represented to the Governor the absolute necessity of establishing, by an ex-parte Proclamation, the Lines of Jurisdiction between the Province of Maryland and the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, according to the Lines and Bounda ries agreed upon, run and marked by the Commissioners appointed for that Purpose, by the Proprietaries of the said respective Provinces; and the Governor having, with the Consent and Concurrence of the Honorable Thomas Penn, Esquire, in England, approved of the said measure, a Draught of a Proclamation had been accordingly prepared, and is now laid before the Board, which being read and duly considered, was agreed to be issued, and ordered to be published in the several News Papers of this Province, and at Number of printed Copies thereof made and dispersed through the Province and the lower Counties on Delaware. The Proclamation follows in these Words, Viz":

"By the Honourable John Penn, Esquire, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New-Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware.



WHEREAS, In Pursuance of certain Articles of Agreement made the tenth day of May, Anno Domini, 1732, between Charles Lord Baltimore, Proprietor of the Province of Maryland, and the Honorable the Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania, and Counties of New Castle, Kent, and Sussex, on Delaware, and of the Decree of the Lord High Chancellor of England, bearing date the fifteenth day of March, Anno Domini, 1750, for the specific Performance and Execution of the said Articles; and also in pursuance of certain other Articles of agreement made the fourth day of July, Anno Domini, 1760, between the Right Honorable Frederick Lord Baltimore, Son and Heir of the said Charles Lord Baltimore, and the Honorable the Proprietaries of the said Province and Counties, and of one other Decree of the Lord High Chancellor of England, bearing date the sixth day of March, 1762, for the specific performance of the said last mentioned Articles; the several Lines mentioned and described in the said Articles, and thereby finally agreed upon

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