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the Pretender.-Difgraced on the Acceffion of George the Firft.→→ Flies.-Joins the Pretender.-Appointed his Secretary of State.— Removed. Caufes of his Difmiffion.-Makes Overtures to the British Cabinet.-Receives a Promife of being restored.-Writes his Letter to Sir William Wyndham, under that Suppofition.Cenfures Minifters.-Makes Overtures to them.-Cabals against them.-Renews his Offers of Attachment to them.-Conduct of Walpole in his Favour.-Bolingbroke receives his Pardon in Blood. -His Overtures to the Walpoles.-Act of Parliament in his Favour.-Motives for Walpole's Condu&t.-Bolingbroke joins Oppofition.-Remarks on his Conduct and Writings Page 342 CHAP. 26. Disturbances in Ireland, occafioned by Wood's Patent. -Public and fecret Hiftory of that Tranfaction.-Character of Lord Midleton. His Difagreement with the Duke of Grafton.—Indifcreet Proceedings of Government.-Embarraffments and Condu&t of Walpole, Duke of Grafton recalled, and Lord Carteret appointed Lord Lieutenant.-Refignation of Lord Midleton.-Surrender of the Patent.-Tranquillity reftored.-Tumults in Scotland, on levying the Malt Tax-Prudent Conduct of Walpole.— Character and Services of the Earl of Ilay 376 CHAP. 27. Diffolution of the Congrefs of Cambray.-Origin and Progrefs of the Union between the Emperor and Spain.-Treaty of Vienna.-Affairs of the North.-Alarms and Conduct of England. -Application to Parliament CHAP. 28. Conclufion and Object of the Treaty of Hanover.-Objections of Walpole.-Removed.-Obfervations on the fecret Articles in the Treaty of Vienna 428 CHAP. 29. The King's dangerous Paffage to England.-The Treaty of Hanover approved by Parliament, and vigorous Measures. adopted.-Public Indignation against the Emperor.-Walpole's pacific Views.-Preliminaries agreed to by the Emperor-and Spain. -The King departs for Hanover



CHAP. 30. Cabals of the Duchefs of Kendal and Bolingbroke to remove Walpole.-Bolingbroke's Interview with the King-Sanguine Hopes of Oppofition.-Death of the King.-Memoirs of his Wife, the unfortunate Sophia of Zell




From the Acceffion of GEORGE the Second, to the
Refignation of Lord TOWNSHEND.



31. Acceffion and Character of George the Second.-Edu-
cation-Character-Perfon-Conduct—and Influence of Queen Ca-

roline.-Account of Mrs. Howard, afterwards Countess of Suffolk

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CHAP. 36. Sanguine Hopes of Opposition_that Walpole would be
removed. Their Efforts in Parliament.-Debates on the Imperial
Loan-on the Penfion Bill-on Dunkirk-and the Renewal of the
Eaft India Company's Charter.-Arrangement of the Ministry on

the Refignation of Lord Townshend.-Characters of the Duke of
Newcastle and Lord Harrington
Page 91
CHAP. 37. Origin and Progrefs of the Disagreement between Town-
thend and Walpole. Refignation-Retreat and Death of Town-



1730 1734.

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CHAP. 38. Walpole inclines to a Reconciliation with the Emperor.

-Negotiations which preceded and terminated in the Treaty of

Vienna -Treaty of Seville carried into Execution.-Tranfactions

in Parliament.-Genera ISatisfaction.-Character of Earl Walde-

grave, the new Embassador at Paris

Page 126

CHAP. 39. Biographical Memoirs of William Pulteney.-Origin

and Progrefs of his Misunderstanding with Walpole

CHAP. 40. Walpole proposes to take Half a Million from the Sink-
ing Fund, for the Service of the current Year.Encroachments

from its first Establishment to this Motion.-Oppofition to the

Bill.—Substance of the Reasons on both Sides.-It passes the House.

-Subfequent Encroachments.-Beneficial Confequences which

would have been derived from appropriating the Produce to the Li-

quidation of the Debt.-Il Confequences of alienating it.-Motives

which induced the Minister to take that Method of raifing Sup-


CHAP. 41. Origin and Progrefs of the Excife.-Object of Wal-
pole's Scheme.-Arts of Oppofition.-Parliamentary Proceedings.
-Speech of Walpole.-Bill abandoned.-Views and Conduct of

Oppofition.-Influence of Walpole.-Removals and Promotions.--

Prorogation of Parliament

CHAP. 42. Character of Lord Hardwicke.-Parliamentary Proceed-

ings.-Efforts of the Minority in Parliament. The Excife. The

Removal of the Duke of Bolton and Lord Cobham.-The Place

Bill.-Motion for the Repeal of Septennial Parliaments.-Sir Wil-

liam Wyndham's Speech.-Walpole's Reply.-Bolingbroke's Re-

treat to France. The King's Speech.-Diffolution of Parlia

From the Diffolution of Parliament, to the Death of Queen


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CHAP. 44 Successful Operations of the Allies.-Embassy of Horace

Walpole to the Hague. Indignation of the Emperor, and his At-

tempts to remove Walpole.-Origin, Progrefs, and Termination

of the Secret Convention. Renewal of Hoftilities.-Fluctuating

State of the British Cabinet.-Embarraffments and Firmness of


Page 305

CHAP. 45. Event of the general Elections.-Meeting of the new

Parliament. Proceedings.-Prorogation.-Difference between Spain

and Portugal-adjusted by the armed Mediation of England.-

Progrefs of Hoftilities between the Allies and the Emperor.-De-

tail of the various Negotiations which led to the Conclufion of the

Preliminaries.-King's Speech.-Unanimity of Parliament, in re-

gard to Foreign Affairs

CHAP. 46. Parliamentary Proceedings.-Gin Act.Motion to re-

peal the Teft Act, negatived. Bill for the Relief of the Quakers

paffes the Commons, but is thrown out by the Lords.--Account

of Edmund Gibfon, Biflop of London. Prorogation.-Horace

Walpole declines the Office of Secretary of State.-Accompanies the

King to Hanover, as Vice Secretary.-Foreign Negotiations.-Pru-

dence of Sir Robert Walpole.-Private Correfpondence with his

Brother. Objects to guaranty the Provifional Succeffion to Berg

and Juliers. Oppofes the Northern League, and the Mediation be-

tween Ruffia and the Porte.-Promotes the definitive Treaty.-The

Delays of the Emperor.-Ineffectual Attempt to bribe Chauvelin.-

Secret Correfpondence with Cardinal Fleury, and Disinission of


CHAP. 47. Meeting of Parliament.-Speech from the Throne.-

Proceedings:-On the Bill refpecting the Tumults at Edinburgh-

On Sir John Barnard's Scheme for the Reduction of Intereft-Li-

centioufnets of the Stage.-Origin and Progrefs of the Playhouse

CHAг. 49. Illness-Fortitude-and Death of Queen Caroline.-
Virtues.-Grief of the King.-Affliction of Sir Robert Wapole 492



From the Death of Queen CAROLINE, to the Refigna-





50. Hiftorical Deduction of the commercial Treaties between
Spain and England, relating to America.-Spanish Depredations.
-Meeting of Parliament.-Debate on the Reduction of the Army.
-Refolution, prohibiting the Publication of Debates Page 1
CHAP. 51. Proceedings in Parliament relative to the Spanish Depre-
dations.-Petitions.-Examination of Witneffes.-Cafe of Jenkins.
-Report of the Committee.-Debates thereon.-Firm and tempe-
rate Conduct of Walpole.-Resolutions of both Houses
CHAP. 52. Difficulties attending the Negotiation with Spain.-Arti-
cles of the Convention.-Proteft of Spain.-Parliamentary Pro-
ceedings. Debates on the Convention
CHAP. 53. Seceffion of the Minority.-Confequences.-Beneficial
Acts of Parliament.-Danish Subfidy.-Oppofition and Anecdotes
of John Duke of Argyle.-Vote of Credit.-Termination of the
Spanish Negotiation. Declaration of War.-Conduct of England:
-And of Sir Robert Walpole.-Divifions in the Cabinet
CHAP. 54. Meeting of Parliament.-Return of the Seceders.-Ef-
forts of Oppofition.-Embarraffments of Walpole.-Supplies.-
Capture of Porto Bello.-Expedition to America.-Altercations in
the Cabinet.-Foreign Affairs.-Death of the King of Prussia—.Of
the Emperor.-Invasion of Silefia
CHAP. 55 Meeting of Parliament.—Address.—Views of Oppofi-
fition. Motion for the Removal of Sir Robert Walpole, Speech of
Sandys.-Conduct of the Tories.-Shippen withdraws
CHAP. 56. Reply of Sir Robert Walpole-Motion negatived.-Si-
milar Motion in the Lords.-Conduct and Anecdotes of Ship-

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CHAP. 57. Proceedings of Parliament on the Auftrian Subfidy.
Grant of Three hundred thousand Pounds to the Queen of Hun-
gary. Her Inflexibility-and difastrous Situation
CHAP. 58. Diffolution of Parliament.-State of the Ministry.-
Walpole deferted or fecretly thwarted by many of his former Friends.
Successful Exertions of the Oppofition.-Weftininfter Election.


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