Revised Edition of Laws Applicable to the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, Volume 1

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1945 - 1723 halaman

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Halaman 389 - ... to require by subpena or otherwise the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such books, papers, and documents...
Halaman 248 - The taking, receiving, reserving, or charging a rate of interest greater than is allowed by the preceding section, when knowingly done, shall be deemed a forfeiture of the entire interest which the note, bill, or other evidence of debt carries with it, or which has been agreed to be paid thereon.
Halaman 441 - The representatives of the General Accounting Office shall have access to all books, accounts, financial records, reports, files, and all other papers, things, or property belonging to or in use by...
Halaman 472-34 - The Contractor warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract, upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the Contractor for the purpose of securing business. For breach or violation of this warranty the Government shall have the right to annul this contract without liability or in its discretion...
Halaman 35 - Treasury, taking into consideration the current average rate on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States as of the last day of the month preceding the issuance of the obligations. The Secretary of the...
Halaman 321 - ... trade secrets, processes, operations, style of work, or apparatus, or to the identity, confidential statistical data, amount or source of any income, profits, losses, or expenditures of any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or association...
Halaman 441 - The financial transactions of the Corporation for any fiscal year during which Federal funds are available to finance any portion of its operations may be audited by the General Accounting Office in accordance with the principles and procedures applicable to commercial corporate transactions and under such rules and regulations as may 'be prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States.
Halaman 264 - Corporation shall be unable to pay upon demand, when due, the principal of, or interest on, such obligations, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to the holder the amount thereof which is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and thereupon to the extent of the amount so paid the Secretary of the Treasury shall succeed to all the rights of the holders of such obligations.
Halaman 241 - A successor to an appointed member of the board shall have a term of office expiring six years from the date of the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy in the board occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed, shall be appointed for the remainder of such term.
Halaman 298 - If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States in any manner or for any purpose...