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the bounds of civility. The stranger evidently heard these injuriouş observations,

THE BLIND CHILD. for he made answer again, that if any gen

FOR THE YOUNG. tleman wished to take the helm, he would It is so beautiful to see the bright sun. resign it to his hand. Just about this time | light, and the green trees, and the coloured a dark object appeared on the water, and as flowers, and the moon and the golden stars; it became more visible through the fog, it but it is a great deal more beautiful to look was recognised as a vessel which lay at into the face of a good man, and see the anchor between the landing-places on each clear light of his žind eyes! But little side of the river. This convinced every one Paul "could see none of these things, for that, so far, the stranger had gone as cor | he was blind, and to him it was always rectly as if the bright sun had shone un- | night. Ah! how lonely life must be when clouded upon the river; and silence was at it must be passed in darkness! once restored. All murmurs were hushed : His mother was poor, and his father was satisfaction appeared upon every counte dead; but the last words he said to his nance. But the vessel soon faded again in weeping wife were, “ Trust in God! God the mist, and again nothing but fog and never forsakes his people !" and then he water surrounded us. Dissatisfaction once | closed his eyes and died. more prevailed, and the steersman received Now the poor mother was all alone in a great many instructions in his duty, to the world with her blind child—all alone, which he paid no heed, and only returned' | for che had neither friends nor relations. the answer, as before, that he was willing And she had no money, either, but must to resign his station to any one who would work diligently with her needle for her accept it.

living ; but that she did not mind, and After a great deal of fretting and need | worked gladly, day and night, for her little less discomposure, the travellers perceived blind boy. The blind child was as dear land dimly emerging through the dense fog to her heart, perhaps more so, than those of the morning. Shapeless and unusual as | children who can see are to their mothers, everything appeared, it is no wonder that | for he needed it more. Sometimes she some imagined that they had reached the did not come home for the whole day, for Navy Yard, about a mile above the landing. she had to go and work for strangers from place. But all our doubts were at an end early morning until late in the evening; when the prow of the boat struck the ferry and all that time the child was alone. But stairs, and we discovered that the stranger no, not quite alone, either; for good had conveyed us straight as an arrow to our Martha, the old woman who lived over the point of destination!

way, and whose room door was directly opMany years have passed away since the posite the poor mother's, came several occurrence of this event, yet occasions times, in the course of the day, to look which have taken place have frequently after little Paul-she was such a good, kind brought it to my recollection. When I old body! But then she could not stay find fault with the ordering of Providence ; with him long, for she must make haste when I hear men undertake to account for and spin all her wool if she would not go His decrees who maketh darkness his hungry. Munter, though a little puppy pavilion, and whose ways are past finding dog, and Bibi, a dear little canary-bird, out; when I see the good distressed, and stayed with him all the while, and kept him apparently ready to murmur at the decrees company. The canary-bird used to sit upon of Heaven-I remember the man at the his pillow and sing him the sweetest songs helm, and I say to myself that, however | it knew ; and when the little boy let his inscrutable may be the great Father of life, hand hang down over the side of the bed, and however he may suffer darkness and Munter would run up and lick it; when doubt to overshadow our souls, he knows Paul, too, wanted to get up, this game senwhat is better for us, and in the end makes sible Munter would take hold of his little all things work together for good to those coat sleeve, and lead him up and down who love and trust him. We have a Pilot the room, that he should not run against a at the helm of the universe who can see table or a chair. He took such a walk every through the mists that will envelope us, and will bring his ransomed people safe to The happiest time for the little boy, the haven of eternal rest.

though, was the evening, when his mother camo home; it seemed like day then to


him. She used to put her little work. | the charge of him, and the kind-hearted table close beside his little bed, and tell doctor oame every day too see him. After him, while she sewed away as fast as she a good many days, as Paul was asking again could, of the blessedness of heaven, and of! and again for his mother, the doctor prothe good God and all the holy angels; and mised that he should go to her very soon, so she entertained him with the most beau if he would promise him to hold quite still tiful stories until late in the night-until while he examined his eyes, for they were he shut his eyes for very weariness. Little very sick too, and must be cured. Paul often asked : “ Mother, isn't the night The boy promised and kept his word almost past?” This cut the poor woman from love to his mother. The doctor took to the heart, and sometimes she hardly a sharp instrument, and removed with it knew what to answer him. “When we the thick skin that had hindered him from get to heaven," she said sometimes, "the looking upon God's beautiful earth and the night will be at an end. But God's eyes bright sky, and restored to him the use of can look through the thickest darkness, 1 his eyes. Not a single cry of pain had es. and he is always looking at you, even at caped from Paul's lips as the sharp instru. this moment, and keeping watch over you." ment cut into his eye, and only twice had

Thus they lived together very pleasantly he whispered softly, “O mamma!” The until by-and-by Paul got to be six years operation had succeeded. old. At that time the mother complained The next day the doctor permitted one morning that she was sick, and so weak Emma, as a reward for her care of the that she could not stand up ; she bad to little boy, to remove for a few moments the stay in bed the whole day, and was seized bandage he had tied over his eyes. Little with a burning fever. The next day it was Paul trembled over his whole frame as the still worse, so that she lost her mind and first ray of light streamed into his opened became wildly delirious. Good old Martha | eyes, and then exclaimed : “ Now I'm in watched over and tended both mother and heaven, and the night is all past!" And child faithfully; but when another day as he saw the bright body of the sunpassed, and still the poor woman was no though just then it was almost covered better, the old woman ran to the doctor 1 with silvery clouds-he cried out: “ There and brought him into the sick-room. The | is God's eye!" He looked around him, doctor was a kind, benevolent man ; he felt and at the blooming Emma, who stood bethe sick woman's pulse, asked a great many side him, and asked her if she was “ God's questions about her illness, and at last | angel!” But now the eyes had to be ban. shook his head. It is always a bad sign daged up again—so said the doctor. when the doctor shakes his head. When The mother's illness was conquered he saw little Paul lying in his bed, he said : through the skill and unwearied care of the “That child must not stay in this room, worthy doctor; but the weakened woman rehe must be taken away immediately, for the covered very slowly, and it was many weeks woman is very, very sick. Has she no before she could leave her bed. The separarelations or friends to whom he could be tion from her child gave her so much uneasikent ?"

ness, that she could not get well as soon Then old Martha answered: “They have as she otherwise would, until the doctor no relations, and few care to be the friends discovered what it was that troubled her, of the poor; but little Paul is blind.” and gave her his word that the boy was

The doctor took Paul out of his little safe and well and well taken care of, and bed, and carried him to the window and she should see him as soon as she was suffi. seated him on his lap. After he had looked ciently better to bear it. But it seemed a closely for a long time at the sightless eyes, I great, great while to the longing mother. a bright smile of pleasure passed over his It was a beautiful spring morning, and face. Without saying a word, he took the the mother, for the first time, had left her child in his arms, and carried him across bed, and was walking feebly across the the street to a large, fine house that stood room, when Emma led the boy, dressed in there. In this house lived some very rich a new suit of clothes, across the street to people, friends of the doctor; who very the house in which bis mother lived. She readily agreed to his request that they went up the steep, high steps with him, would take care of the child until his opened the door very softly, and pushed mother got better. Emma, the sixteen him gently into the room. The mother year-old daughter of the house, undertook | stood near the window and prayed ; she

had not heard the door open, and little lifted up her folded hands; and Paul Paul stood timidly near it; everything was folded his little hands, too, and raised strange to him; he did not even know his them to heaven, as his mother had taught mother. But Munter sprang towards him | him long before to do; and a wordless and barked so loudly with delight, that the prayer went up from the hearts of both to mother turned around.

the throne of the Highest. Then came “My Paul!” she cried, as soon as she into the mother's mind the remembrance saw her child ; and Paul, who knew her of those parting words of her dying husnow by her voice, was in her arms and on band : “ Trust in God! God never for her bosom in a moment. The mother sakes his people!” hugged and kissed him, and looking affec Tears flowed from her eyes, and thus retionately into his face, started backed in lioved her heart, that was almost crushed astonishment, exclaiming : “Great God! with the weight of the mercies that had he sees!”

been poured out upon her; and when little “Yes, I'm in heaven now," answered Paul saw her weeping, he, too, shed the Paul, laughing with delight. “I have seen first tears that had ever fallen from his God's eye, and one of his holy angels, and eyes ; but they were tears of joy. now the night is all past."

Blessed Paul! may all the tears thou Overcome with happiness and gratitude, sheddest upon earth be such as these ! the poor woman sank upon her knees, and !

A Story for the Christmas Fireside.

It was the tall, gaunt figure of a woman who " TO SAVE THE LOST.”

had once been comely, but who was now only CARISTMAS Eve 18-; shall I ever for. a wreck. She was waiting for some oneget it?

her sister, as it afterwards appeared-with A clear night, clear and cold. A starry as much patience as if she had not been heaven above; a pale, white earth beneath. / starving; for she knew, perhaps even better In the city a hum of voices, a muffled than those who despised her, that she desound of wheels, a glare of lamps; in the served her fate. country a solemn silence, a holy calm, a She deserved it; but, ah, what an awful mysterious and awful beauty; in a suburb fate it was! Outcast, abandoned, friendwhich was neither town nor country, a | less, and despairing. Alas, that it should commotion which betokened excitement ever come to this with any of the souls that of no common character. Carriages rolled God has made! to and from many villas, lights gleamed Meanwhile Mrs. Melvil sat beside the upon lawn and shrubbery, and almost fire in her drawing-room, and talked every house sent forth its loveliest, attired cheerily of Christmas in general and her in gauze and tarletan, to shiver in the own Christmas in particular. She was frosty December air.

going to a ball given for the benefit of The moon, which, as she moved across the some “charity” in which her husband sky, looked down on all this bustle, took a lively interest, and, “trusting in seemed to be spending Christmas very herself that she was righteous," felt quite qnietly. Perhaps she thought of that night at liberty to despise and correct her neighof nights when the shepherds by her help bours. Understanding about as much of kept watch over their flocks in the fields of the temptations and sorrows of the poor Bethlehem, or when, through the chinks of as a humming bird or an antelope, or any the stable, her white rays stole to the brow other creature that is pretty and ignorant, of the infant Saviour. Be that as it may, Mrs. Melvil always discussed "the common she spent her Christmas, to all appearance, people" with the tone of a person quite quietly.

equal to the subject, and talked of their But there was one thing which, by reason faults and follies as if she believed herself of the thick gloom of Colonel Melvil's shrub- 1 to be a Heaven-appointed critic of the find. bery, the moon could not see, that night. | fault-and-mend-nothing order.

She was very 'lovely. Even the dress. | Helen, “and if so, it would scarcely maker, who waited from Christmas to surprise me to hear them ask for the Christmas for her account, and the servants, means of procuring food. Besides, what who never knew when to “reckon” on right have we to judge? Are we better their wages, could not deny that Mrs. than they, in the sight of God ?” Melvil was rich in beauty. As she lounged “I hope so," said Mrs. Melvil, still gracefully by the blazing hearth, and ordered gravely. "It would go ill with us, I imup another log, the jewels which sparkled agine, if we were not.” on her neck and hands were not more

"Oh Dina!” cried Helen, “surely you brilliant than her dark flashing eyes ; nor do not learn this from the Bible. If you were the flowers in her hair more exqui and I had been born in some low home, sitely formed than her white arms and and trained to a life of sin, do you think shoulders. Her manner was charming, we should have been what we are now ?" too, uniting reserve and gentle dignity with “What a horrible question!” a very complete self-possession. The differ “It may be so ; but will you, who have ence between this darling of society and the always been rich and prosperous, and on poor wretch of whom she was speaking in whom a world of care has been bestowed terms of utter condemnation, was so great from your earliest childhood, will you, who that I, who tell this story, almost won have never been tempted, answer it?”. dered to find that the one was conscious of “My dear Helen, how can I know any. the existence of the other.

thing of such horrors ? Do you call these Mrs. Melvil was talking earnestly, shrug. Christmas thoughts ?” ging her shoulders now and then, as if she “ They are thoughts for all seasons, but would say, “Why are the wicked per especially for that in which Jesus Christ mitted to live, and poison the air as they came to seek and save them that were lost," do? Can you imagine ?"

said Helen;" and I entreat you, my dear Once, I remember, I spoke of the possi cousin, to entertain them.” bility of reformation. A “Home” for the Mrs. Melvil was silent, but five minutes outcast had been established near us, and I later, as she crossed the hall on her way to believed it would surely be useful.

the carriage, she inquired if Sarah's sister Mrs. Melvil thought not. Her cousin, was gone. Helen Farquhar, who had established the “Yes, ma'am,” said Sarah, bursting into refuge, was an enthusiast.

tears ; “I have sent her away.” “ People of this sort," said she, “never “Did you give her anything ?” do reform : it is impossible.”

“I had nothing to give, except clothes, “Do you think Christ held that opinion | and I never thought of them till she was eighteen hundred years ago ?” inquired gone,” sobbed the girl. “It was very hard, Mrs. Farquhar, who had entered in time to when my wages were due at Michaelhear the concluding sentence.

mas.” “ I cannot tell," said her cousin. "How “Will she go to the workhouse,' think prospers your refuge ?".

you?” “Fairly, thank you. I have just been “She wouldn't promise ; for she said it making arrangements to secure them a was awful there, in the room where she moderate share of the good things of the would have to go, with some dying, and some season, and speaking awhile of the love swearing, and some making mock of everywhich was made manifest when God sent body who was tired of doing bad. She his only begotten Son into the world, that said she would rather hang herself than go whosoever believeth on him might not there, and I think she would.perish, but have everlasting live."

The girl was almost desperate. Her sisMrs. Melvil looked very grave for a few ter, who had played by her side in the old, minutes, and then said earnestly, “My pure days, was an outcast. poor dear Helen, you are wasting time and “Horrible!” trouble. These people only caro for the Was it the rising night breeze that chilled loaves and fishes.”

Mrs. Melvil's blood as she entered her car“How do you know that ?".

riage and drove past the awful shadow in “By experience. I have known one or which, from the window of her dressingtwo of them, and they were always wanting room, she had that evening discerned a money."

figure motionless and statue-like as the “ Perhaps they were starving,” said | snow-covered vase beside it? Or did her

conscience, long seared, break out at last out on the moon-lit waters. There was into upbraiding?

only one other person on the bridge: it Horrible? Yes, it was horrible; but was a woman, who, with her elbows on the what then? It was too late to undo it, wall, stood gazing upon the river. The even had she wished, for the word had been tall, gaunt figure, and the white shawl, were spoken, the outcast driven forth, and by recognised in a moment. Thank God, it this time she might be dead!

was not too late! Another half-hour, and Mrs. Melvil was A few seconds only passed before they in the ball-room. Never happy, oh, never stood face to face—the lady in her rich happy! but very gay, was she until mid dress and opera-cloak, the outcast in her night, when she suddenly announced to her rags. A few words sufficed to say all that husband her intention of going home. The need then be said. They entered the carriage colonel, who was on the committee, would together and drove away. have liked her to wait for him, but she was That night, as the inmates of Mrs. Farquinflexible, and he led her to her carriage. har's “Home” were singing their Christmas Once there, Dina gave herself up to solemn carol, they were startled by the loud ring. thoughts ; such thoughts as end in prayer. ing of the bell at the garden gate, and the Helen's words, “ Jesus Christ came to seek subsequent appearance of a lady who itand save the lost,"had followed her through troduced herself to the matron as Mr. the ball-were with her now. Was it Farquhar's cousin, and claimed a refuge in possible that she, too, was amongst the the institution on behalf of a woman wlu lost?

was literally destitute. She looked out, as if to con the lessons A heavy burden was lifted from Dina's of the night. The moon still shone, but soul when the desolate creature which she now and again a cloud passed across her had once ventured to condemn founi face, the world grew dim, and the distant shelter in that “Home." And though i stars strove in vain to dispel the gloom. As was long before she saw light in God: yet, the great city slept only in part, and light in reference to her own salvation, the sound of the Christmas hymn met the she soon had reason to rejoice ose ear, like a voice from heaven to speak of the love which one who ever was conscious salvation for a world which had been lost. of "much forgiven” bore to the Saviour.

Lost! Who were the lost ? The ques. | Years have gone by since then. One tion returned again, and yet again. Only the more we — Dina, Helen, and I-sit by poor? only the outcast ? only the grossly the fire on Christmas Eve; the same, tempted ? Were there not men and women and yet how changed! Many sorrows like whited sepulchres ; clean, indeed, with have come to us; many times hate out, but within full of corruption ; people passed over our heads; the ball-dress is who boasted in themselves that they were yellow, and the flowers have lost their righteous, and despised others ?

beauty ; but these things cannot male The notes of the carol died away as us sad, for our hearts are nearer hearen, Dina asked all this, and in their stead came and we hear more clearly the voices of the the murmur of the river.

angels saying, “ Glory to God in the They were crossing a bridge.

highest, and on earth peace, good will to “What calm is here!” she exclaimed | ward men.” aloud, “and the world so wretched !”

May we all have ears to hear tis She let down the window, and looked Christmas carol, through God's eternity

Gems from Golden Mines.


there are in the weather of his soul: whe PROBABLY the first remark which will be bright sunlight days; what dark clouds suggested by reading the Psalms will be nights; what calms, as though his life were s this: How varied they are. What an ex sea of glass; what terrible trials, as if traordinary man David is! What changes the glass were mingled with fire! One

* Contributions in aid of two Institutions closely resembling Mrs. Farquhar's "Home," and straiter by want of funds, will bo received with pleasure by the Author. Address, C. c. N., care of the Ed! of To CIURCU,

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