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both fly from duty, the one to escape danger, the other suffering, and yet neither succeed. We ought to be in the world, not of it. The ladies who go into a convent, if they be lights, thereby go and put their lights under a bushel ; whereas, if true lights, instead of putting them under a bushel, they ought to let them shine, that the whole house may be better for it. When it is urged that men should go into monasteries, and women into convents, bocause they are so holy, so pure, that they would be contaminated by the world, they should recollect that, if they be so holy and 80 pure, of all people upon earth the world has the greatest need of them. If all the good that is in the world were to leave it, the world would go to corruption and ruin. Just because, as they say, they are so holy, so good, and so pure, therefore, instead of deserting as cowards the banners of the force they belong to, they ought as good soldiers of Christ to remain in the world, conquering the world for Christ, and for his glory, and for his people. ---Rev. Dr. Cumming.

a way and a path to our strengths and capacities, and, like Jacob, hath marched softly and in evenness with the children and the cattle, to entertain us by the comforts of his company and the influence of & perpetual guide.

He that gives alms to the poor takes Jesus by the hand. He that patiently endures injuries and affronts helps him to bear his cross. He that comforts his brother in affliction gives an amiable kiss of peace to Jesus. He that bathes his own and his neighbour's sins in tears of penance and compassion, washes his Master's feet. We lead Jesus into the recesses of our heart by holy meditations; and we enter into his heart when we express him in our actions ; for so the apostle says, “He that is in Christ walks as He also walks.” But thus the actions of our life relate to him by way of worship and religion ; but the use is admirable and effectual, when our actions refer to him as to our copy, and we transcribe the original to the life.--Jeremy Taylor.

IMITATION OF CHRIST. It is reported in the Bohemian story, that St. Wenceslaus, their king, one winter night going to his devotions in a remote church, barefooted, in the snow and sharpness of unequal and pointed ice, his servant Podavidus, who waited upon his master's piety, and endeavoured to imitate his affec. tions, began to faint through the violence of the snow and cold, till the king commanded him to follow him, and set his feet in the same footsteps which his feet should mark for him. The servant did so, and either fancied a cure or found one ; for he followed his prince, helped forward with shame and zeal to his imitation, and by the forming footsteps for him in the snow. In the same manner does our blessed Jesus; for since our way is troublesome, obscure, full of objection and danger, apt to be mistaken and to affright our industry, he commands us to mark his footsteps, to tread where his feet have stood, and not only invites us forward by the argument of his example, but he hath trodden down much of the difficulty, and made the way easier and fit for our feet. For he knows our infirmities, and himself hath felt their experience in all things but in the neighbourhood sin ; and therefore he hath proportioned


WOMEN, mothers even, talk of enlarging their sphere. And how, we ask, by any possibility, can it be enlarged ? They may step out of it into another ; but when it embraces the noblest influences of a world, how can it be extended ? Has not the mother her hand upon the very springs of being ? Has she not the opportunity of moulding every living soul upon this broad earth to her own taste and fashion ? Take, now, man's acknowledged public superiority, and woman's imperceptible but universal influence, and which, o proud, aspiring, discontented woman, would you choose for extent or perpetuity? What true woman will not exult in her position ? Though hampered, and driven, and cramped by ten thousand whirling, crushing, opposing circumstances, would she exchange her post with any man? Name the pre-emi. nent for intellect, learning, fame and heroism, and he is but one, and can do but the work of one. But let a mother-electrified with the same aspiration after true greatness, and laying her hands upon the heads of four, six, or eight childrenimpart the Godlike influence to them, and

send them forth into the world, and she | has, by so many, multiplied her greatness. | If she may not send forth men, let her train

daughters, who, in their turn, shall transmit

the inextinguishable fire of heaven, and she those of women, and therefore less disposed has done more to bless and purify the to believe and obey the Saviour. It was so world than any single individual can possi. with the male and female disciples of Jesus. bly accomplish. Talk not of an enlarged When the men forsook him and fled, and and noble sphere, It is large enough al gave up all hope, and refused to believe the ready. It overwhelms one, who thinks of first announcement of the resurrection, the it at all, with its inconceivable, unutterable women clung to him, even to the end, were vastness. Let us, quietly, humbly, hope last at the cross, last at the sepulchro, fully, fall back into our retired, unobtrusive earliest to return, and easiest to believe place, and patiently labour on as the coral that Christ bad risen indeed. It was doubt. insects toil to build up the beautiful reefs less in view of this fact, the greater prepared, of the Pacific. By-and-by what we have ness of heart possessed by the women, that builded will rise before the universe in one those six distin&tions were granted to them, imposing view; and while angels and men and that only their eyes were allowed to see admire, and our Father graciously com the angels. mends, we will fall and cry, “ Not unto us, But as we look a little closer at this fact, not unto us, but unto thy name be the we find that it was not so exceptional a fact glory,”—Mrs. Stowe.,

as it appeared at first sight. It seems strange that the first tidings of the resurrec

tion from human lips should have been, not - THE MISSION OF WOMAN. "

from the lips of apostles, who were to be

the authorized heralds of this fact, but of It is a striking fact, that both the visions the women who were to be forbidden to speak of angels, both the first annunciations of in the church. It seems, at first sight, a the resurrection, and both the first appear. singular exception to the Divinely ordained ances of Christ, were made to the women. plan for preaching the glad tidings of a Why was this? Why not to Peter, John, finished redemption. Yet a little reflection Joseph, Nicodemus, or some others of the will show us that it is not exceptional, but eleven? It cannot be that six facts so im the very order of arrangement that is re. portant should have happened without de. peated in every generation of the world. sign and meaning. Why was it thus or. The fact is the same that exists in the case dered? Probably for the same reason that of a vast majority of Christians ever since, placed three women to one man at the We first hear the story of the cross, the cross, and now places three women to one sepulchre, and the throne, not from the lips man at the communion table.' The female of a man, who stands as an ambassador for heart has a quicker sympathy and a stronger Christ, but from the lips of a woman, a drawing to religion than the male, and pious mother, sister, or nurse, who pours hence is found more generally in a state into our infantile hearts this wonderful tale of greater preparedness for it. It is more of love and mercy. Some, it is true, are left confiding and pure than the male, and hence to an early orphanage, and some to a godless receives the glad tidings with more readiness. parentage; but even of these the general The hearts of men come so early and so fact is true, that the first knowledge of Jesus much in contact with a sinful world, that is learned, not from the lips of men, but they become more seared and hardened than | from the lips of women:* Dr. Moore.

Our Missions.


attempt. Krishna Persaud, & converted

Brahmin, was the first to open his lips in • OUR readers will remember that the first Bengali to proclaim the good news to a seat of the Baptist Mission in Northern congregation of about forty Hindus, Mus. India was Serampore, a town about four sulmans, and Portuguese. Two years teen miles from Calcutta. The opposition before, in that very place, he had lived as an made by the East India Company ren- | idolater. It was goon determined to erect dered every effort to introduce the Gospel a substantial chapel, and on the 1st into Calcutta futile ; but at length, in January, 1805, subscriptions were com1804, Mr. Ward ventured to make the menced for the purpose. It was erected in

the Lal Bazaar, but from various causes schools. One is entitled The Benevolent was not opened till 1st January, 1809. Institution, where the children of the Over the church here formed, the Serampore mixed population of Calcutta, embracing brethren watched as pastors, but in 1816, Armenians, Jews, Greeks, and English, Messrs. Lawson and Eustace Carey were receive a good English common education. elected as joint pastors.

The other school, in Intally, is almost Since that date the church has enjoyed entirely formed of Bengali children, both the ministerial services of various mis. Hindu and Mohammedan. Nearly 300 chil. sionaries, and at the present time is in the dren receive in these institutions not only charge of the Rev. George Kerry. It has secular instruction, but instruction in the always contained, members of various doctrines of the Gospel, Another small origin, some being Europeans, others native school is carried on in the suburb of East Indians and Portuguese, and others Puddopookar, and a small chapel in Jaun natives. There are now 126 persons in Bazaar is open daily for the preaching of fellowship, of whom ten were baptized the word to all passers by. last year. Two native brethren are sup But this slight sketch of the work ported by the church, whose time is carried on in Calcutta by the missionary devoted to the promulgation of the Gospel brethren would be extremely imperfect in the streets and lanes of the city. In · were we to omit a notice of the Mis. this they are daily occupied, often assisted sion Press. This important institution by the pastor and other members of the was commenced by the late Rev. W. H. church. Among the latter may be men? Pearce, who possessed singular qualifications tioned the grandson of our late highly for this department of missionary labour, valued missionary, Carapeit Aratoon; he Under his care the press soon rose into is anxious to be devoted to the same work, importance. Works of general interest and is about to proceed to Serampore were issued from time to time; but more to complete his preparation for it. The especially was his attention given to the Sabbath school is very useful, and contains publication: of school-books, tracts, and nearly 100, children. Mr. Kerry, gives above all the Scriptures. Dr. Yates and them a monthly address.

the Rev. J. Wenger have successively Connected with the mission is also the furnished the translated matter, which on church meeting in the Circular Road, of numberless sheets has been issued to which the Rev. A. Leslie is pastor. After convey to the myriads of India's poputhe separation of the Calcutta missionaries lation the knowledge of the will of God. from Serampore, a chapel was erected, and In a great variety of languages have the opened in March 1821, chiefly for the presses poured forth their food of inEnglish-speaking population. The church struction, and the institution remains to has prospered under the ministry of its this day the most important of that kind successive pastors, and now numbers about of agency for spreading truth in India. 120 individuals. A native preacher is The Rev. J. Thomas 'succeeded Mr. supported by the congregation, and it also Pearce, and, during his long, useful, and contributes very liberally to the general devoted life, enlarged the utility of the work of the mission. About seventy press. At his decease, the Rev. 0. B. children are taught in the Sunday school. Lewis succeeded to the charge, with yearly The pastor is entirely supported by the increasing prosperity. All societies re. church.

sort thither for the production of misFrom the labours of the missionaries sionary publications, and the Bible Society have arisen the two native churches, of is indebted to it for many editions of the which some account was given in & recent word of God. From time to time the number; and much time has been devoted profits on the general business have to the propagation of the Gospel in the allowed large appropriations to the support villages to the south of Calcutta, described and extension of the mission, and the last month. The stations at Dum Dum Society is indebted for the very valuable and Baraset have also been carried on from Widows and Orphans' Fund, now amounting Calcutta, so that the influence of the mis to £24,000, the interest of which enables signary labour of the city has been of the society partly to meet the necessities a very extensive kind. ,

of the bereaved families of its missionaries. In addition to the above labours, the Important and extensive as are these missionaries also superintend two large labours, yet are they but a yery small con

tribution to the necessities of the city of Calcutta, the capital of British India, with a population of 600,000 natives, and 15,000 Europeans. Other societies take part in the great work, and there are probably twenty-five missionaries of all denominations devoted to its evangelization, with a considerable staff of native helpers. But all is far below what Calcutta requires. Idolatry, although not so rampant or openly vile, yet still holds in its grasp the masses of the people. Ed ucation has awakened inquiry, native

churches exist, numerous schools batter the walls of the tottering fabric, and constant evangelical preaching informs the minds of multitudes; yet there has not been any great or decided movement towards the Gospel or the abandonment of the gods of the land. Kali still holds her orgies on the banks of the Hooghly, and Krishna revels at the festive season. The seed has been sown, widely and perseveringly sown; let the Church pray for the quickening rain and the stimulating breath of heaven.

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GENERAL. THE great event of the month is the capture, by the troops of Victor Emmanuel, of General Gari. baldi. The accounts of the capture vary as to the details, but there does not appear to be much doubt that the capture was effected by something sp. proaching to treachery; and now the General lies a prisoner and wounded in a fortress at Spezzia. Whether the liberator of Italy shall be brought to trial, appears to be yet undecided. To us, in Eng. gland, such a thing would seem to be impossible; but we can scarcely hope for much consideration for Garibaldi from the Emperor at the Tuileries, who is also, at present, dictator at Turin. Meantime. Garibaldi's wounds have proved sufficiently serious to induce his friends in this country to send to his aid an eminent metropolitan surgeon.

The American news continues to be unfavourable to the Federals. At the time we write, even Washington appears to be in danger, and the respective armies occupy, after a year's fighting, very much the same position as they occupied twelve months ago. What effect these reverses will have upon the North is not yet apparent.

The Bombay mail brings intelligence of the death of the wife of the renowned missionary, Dr. Livingstone. She had joined him on the Zambesi just as he reached the coast from his adventurous journey up the Shire to the Lake Nyassa. Her arrival was a very welcome one to him, a comfort and an assistance. For three months he had her society. Of course she was attacked by feverdone ever escape in that region but, as she observes in an unfinished letter, she had “got nicely over it,” giving hope that her constitution and the usual remedies, with the blessing of God, would bear her up until her husband could put his new iron steamer together, and leave the inhos. pitable coast for the higher and more healthy regions of the Shire and lake. Providence had decreed otherwise. She was soon seized again; quinine failed in her case; for some days she lingered, then became unconscious, and died peacefully on Sun. day, April the 27th. Her husband had attended her night and day, and was with her as she opened her mouth to breathe, and shut it to breathe no more, so quietly did her spirit depart. He has had many troubles, but this is his heaviest. He writes in the fulness of his heart, crushed for the time. The strong man is bowed down; yet he tries to com. fort his children, telling them she is not lost, bat

gone before," and urging them to follow her as she followed Christ, that they may join her in beaven.. "A grave was dug the next day," writes his brother, “ under the large Baobab, mentioned by the officers of Captain Owen's expedition, and about 150 yards from Shupangu-house, and there we buried her. It was a sad day for us all, and of course more particularly for the bereaved doctor. He feels his loss most keenly. His faithful wife, the mother of his children, taken so soon after joinging him once more."

According to our latest intelligence, tranquillity prevailed in Madagascar, and preparations were being made for the coronation of the young King, under whom the country seems already to have entered on a career of prosperity. Mr. Ellis writes briefly, that his welcome has been most cordial, and his treatment by the authorities most kind. and that every aid would be rendered to the missionaries eagerly expected.

From China the intelligence is comparatively unimportant, though fears are still entertained of disturbances from the rebels." The hopes once entertained respecting these people appear to have been wholly given up.

The distress in Lancashire becomes more and more serious, both as to its character and extent. The sufferings in the cotton districts are very severe. In addition to the general efforts which are being made for the relief of the sufferers, most of the religious bodies are moving. The Independents and the Wesleyans have both appointed com. mittees chiefly in aid of their own people. The General Baptists have issued an appeal. The Lancashire Baptist Association has also appointed a committee ; and the Baptist Union is expected soon to act. We fear that all these efforts combined will only do a comparatively small portion of what is required at present, or will be required before the winter is over.

At tbe beginning of last month the Archbishop of Canterbury died at his palace, at Addington, near Croydon, at the advanced age of eighty-two. He has long been in very infirm health. As a Churchman 'he fuirly merited, judged by their standard, the preferments he successively attained of good livings, a stall in golden Durham, the Bishopric of Chester, and the Archbishoprio. And for a Churchman so highly placed, he must be held to have been a liberal one, and a sincere Christian, His brother, Charles Richard Sumner, still sur.

vives, being ten years younger, in the enjoyment of guished and honoured brethren with whom he had the princely revenue of £10,500 a-year from the been associated during the fifty years. Mr. William See of Winchester, which he bas occupied thirty Paxon, the Rev. Harris Cragsweller, and several five years. The Archbishop's salary for fourteen other gentlemen, addressed the meeting. The choir years was £15,000, besides twenty years at £4,500 likewise, under the direction of the precentor, Mr. 8-year in Chester, and his other preferments. His Thomas Bennett, sang several excellent pieces of “ patronage” is said to have amounted to the music during the evening. enormous sum of £80,000 a-year!

NARBERTH.-A series of services was lately The Baptists in North Wales have opened a held in this commodious and elegant place of college at Llangollen. Dr. Prichard is the presi. worship. On Sunday, August 24th, the Bioendent. The college is intended, under God's bless tenary Sunday," the chapel was re-opened. Three ing, to aid in supplying an educated ministry for services were held on that day. The sermons the northern portion of the principality. .

were preached by the Revs. T. Davis, D.D., Haverfordwest ; and W. Owen, Middlemill. The

collections amounted to £63 2s. 6d. The chapel DOMESTIC.

has been greatly altered, and all the alterations are · KINGSGATE CHAPEL, LONDON.-On Wednesday

decided improvements. On the following Tuesday evening, September 10th, a very interesting meet

and Wednesday were held the recognition services ing was held in the lecture-room of the above

of the Rev. J. Williams, B.A., as pastor of the chapel, to celebrate the jubilee of Mr. Henry

church. On the Tuesday evening sermons were Oragsweller's membership with the church. Above

preached by the Rev, D. Williams, Llwyndafydd, 160 members of the church and friends sat down

and Rev. T. Burditt, M.A., Haverfordwest. On to tea, after which the meeting was opened by

Wednesday morning the service was introduced praise and prayer, the Rev. Francis Wills (the

by the Rev. J. Davies, Paulton, Somerset. The

Rev. W. Owen, on behalf of the church, stated the pastor) presidivg. The chairman, in an appropriate speech, after testifying in the highest terms to the

circumstances connected with Mr. Williams' settleexcellencies of the Christian cbaracter, conciliatory

ment. Afterwards Mr. Williams gave a brief disposition, and persevering energy of their

account of his conversion, his feelings in entering esteemed brother and deacon, and the universal

upon the work of the ministry, and his views on esteem in which he is held by every member of the

the fundamental truths of the Christian religion. cburch, read letters from several friends formerly

The Rev. T. Burditt, M.A., offered an appropriate in connection with this church, who were prevented

prayer for the church and its newly-recognised being present by indisposition. The church had

pastor. Then the Rev. Dr. Angus, President of unanimously passed a resolution at their last meet

the Baptist College, Regent's-park, London, de. ing, in reference to this event, which had been en.

livered an able and impressive charge to the tered in the records of the church, and a copy of

minister. In the evening of the same day two which had been written on vellum, illuminated, and

sermons were preached, one by Dr. Angus, the mounted in a richly carved gilt frame, and glazed.

other by the Rev. D. Evans, of Dudley. The con. The chairman presented this to Mr. Crasgweller in

gregations on each cocasion were very large, all the name of the church. The resolution was as

the sermons were practical, thoughtful, and follows :-" That this church records its devout

adapted for usefulness, and there were evident sense of the goodness of Almighty God as evinced

tokens of God's approval and presence. in the consistent life and character of their esteemed GENERAL BAPTIST COLLEGE, CAILWELL, NEAR friend and brother Mr. H. Crassweller, who during NOTTINGHAM.-On Tuesday, September 9th, & & period of fifty years has maintained an un. highly interesting gathering of the friends and blemished reputation as a member of this church, subscribers of the above institution was held at and for twenty-five years fulfilled the onerous Chilwell, to celebrate the opening of the session, duties of the deacon's office. This church would Tea and coffee were provided in the lecture-room recognise the grace of God in him, whether they and library at five o'clock, after which the chair consider his private worth as a member, or was taken by John Heard, Esq., and prayer was whether they regard him in his official characters as offered by the Rev. G. Hester, of Loughborough, deacon, trustee of the church's property, or trea The Rev. William Underwood, the principal, and surer of the building fund and finance commitee : the Rev. J. Lewitt, the secretary, cordially wel. in every position they bear testimony to his fidelity comed the visitors, and the latter stated the posiand self-denying labour, whereby, in co-operation tion of the funds at the audit in June last, and the with other friends, the Old Eagle-street Chapel has steps about to be taken towards liquidating the been re-edified by the new and substantial editice debt of £1,400 now remaining of £3,200, the cost of Kingsgate Chapel. The church would also hereby of the premises and repairs. The chairman then express its cordial thanks to their esteemed brother called upon the Rev. J. Matheson, B.A., of Notfor all his labour of love, untiring energy, and

tingham, who delivered to the students a most personal sacrifices amongst them, and fervently appropriate and beautiful address. He was followed pray, in submission to the will of God, that his by the Rev. J. Martin, B.A., of Nottingham, who valuable life and usefulness may be long spared, and spoke very ably on the advantages of a theological with his deur partner and family experience a large training for young men called to the ministry. The measure of heavenly grace and consolation during last speaker was the Rev. J. Stevenson, M.A., of the remainder of his earthly sojourn and until he Derby, who dwelt at some length on the power shall be honoured by his Divine Master, in hearing necessary to & successful ministry. Votes of the gladdening welcome, «Well done, good and thanks to the chairman and the gentlemen who faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.' had so well addressed the meeting were moved On behall of the whole church, Sept. 4th, 1862, and seconded by G. P. Pegg, Esq., of Derby, Mr. Francis Wills, pastor.” The chairman then pre E. Barwick, of Nottingham, the Rev. W. R. sented Mr. Crasgweller with a copy of Bagster's Stevenson, M.A., the classical tutor, and Mr. T. Comprehensive Family Bible, ri

nensive Family Bible, richly bound, and W. Marshall, of Loughborough, the respected and ornamented with clasps, bearing a suitable inscrip efficient treasurer of the college. It was pleasing tion. Mr. Crassweller, in returning thanks, gave a to see so large and influential an assembly gathered brief yet interesting account of his first uniting with from Nottingham, Derby, Loughborough, and the church, and his connection with many distin. | many other places, and to observe among the

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