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“Will you lay a wager on it ? " said , dale after a sbe-goat ? No, indeed. But Gudbrand; “I have a hundred crowns in an ewe will yield me her wool as well my drawer at home, and I'll bet twenty of as her milk; so let us get her housed at them against as many from you."

once." “ Done on the spot!” replied Peter. So "I didn't bring the ewe home, either," joining hands on it, the two friends entered stammered Gudbrand, once more, “but Gudbrand's house. Peter stood back at the swapped her for a goose.” door to see what the husband and wife "What? a goose! Oh! thanks a thou. would have to say.

sand times, with all my heart; for, after “Good evening, wife," said Gudbrand. all, how could I have got along with the

“Good evening, husband,” said the ewe? I have neither card nor comb, and good woman. “ You have come back, then, spinning is a heavy job at best. It's far God be praised! How did you fare all day?" | easier to cut, and fit, and sew. It's far

“Neither well nor ill,” replied Gudbrand. easier to buy our clothes ready-made, as “ When I got to the town I could find no we've always done. But a goose—a fat one there to buy our cow, and so I traded one, too, no doubt-why, that's the very her off for a horse.”

thing I want! I've need of down for our “For a horse," said the wife. “An ex quilt, and my mouth has watered this cellent idea, and I thank you with all my many a day for a bit of roast goose. Put heart. We can go to church, then, in a wagon, the bird in the poultry coop." like plenty other folks who look down on "Ah! I've not brought the goose, for I us, but are no better than we. If we took a rooster in his stead.” choose to keep a borse, and can feed him, “Good husband !" said the wife," you're we have a right to do it, I suppose, for we wiser than I would have been. A rooster!! ask no odds of anybody. Where is the Splendid ! why, a rooster is better than an horse? We must put him into the stable.” eight-day clock. The rooster will crow

“I did not bring him all the way home," every morning at four, and tell us when it answered Gudbrand, " for on the road I is time to pray to God, and set about our changed my mind. I exchanged the horse work. What would have been done with for a hog."

a goose ? I don't know how to cook one, and “ Come, now," said the wife, « that's as for the quilt, Heaven be praised, there's just what I'd have done in your place. no lack of moss a great deal softer than Thanks a hundred times over! Now, when down. So let us put the rooster in the my neighbours come to see me, I'll have, corn-yard.” like everybody else, a bit of ham to offer “I have not brought even the rooster, them. What need had we of a horse ? The murmured Gudbrand, “ for at sundown T folks around us would have said, 'See the felt very hungry, and had to sell my rooster saucy things! they think it beneath them for a shilling to buy something to eat. I to walk to church. Let us put the hog in it hadn't been for that, I must have started

to death." "I didn't bring him with me,” said Gud. ! "God be thankful for giving you ths! brand, " for on the way I exchanged him | lucky thought,” replied the wife. All that for a she-goat."

you do, Gudbrand, is just after my own “ Bravo!” said the good wife. « What heart. What need we of a rooster ? We a sensible man you are! When I come to are our own masters, I think ; there is no think of it, what could I have done with a one to give us orders, and we can stay in hog? The neighbours would have pointed bed just as long as we please. Here you us out, and have said, "Look at those | are, my dear husband, safe and sound. I people-all they make they eat.' But with am perfectly satisfied, and have need of a she-goat, I shall have milk and cheese, nothing more than your presence to make not to speak of the little kids. Come, let me happy." us put her into the stable.”

Upon this, Gudbrand opened the door. "I didn't bring the she-goat with me, “Well, neighbour Peter, what do you say either,” said Gudbrand; “I traded her to that? Go, now, and bring me the twenty again for an ewe.”

crowns!” "There! that's just like you," exclaimed So saying, Gudbrand hugged and kissed the wife, with evident satisfaction. “It | his wife with as much ferrour and hearti was for my sake that you did that. Am I. | ness as though' he and she had just been young enough to scamper over hill and wedded, in the bloom of youth.

a pen."


| returned to the charge with all the con

fidence of anticipated victory. "MOTHER, mother, bring me a pair of It is one of the happiest privileges of boots from the market," cried Frank childhood to be free from the carking cares Tuerton, a lively boy of six years old, to his and corroding anxieties which form, too mother, the wife of a village day labourer, often, the burthen of riper years ; and thus, as she was preparing to go to the neigh although want often threatened, and the bouring town to purchase necessaries for parents scarcely knew at times where to the household. He was her youngest, and turn for help in their extremity, neither perhaps somewhat of a pet; but the reply hunger nor nakedness had as yet been was, "No, my child, I cannot do that, for known by the children of this family, and I have not enough money to pay for them." least of all by its youngest member. ' How The tone was quiet and determined, but then should he dream of any serious a close observer might have noticed a shade hindrance to the fulfilment of what was of regret on her face as she refused her not stigmatised as an unreasonable wish ? boy's petition.

The elder children, truly, know better, and But a child's heart, when set on any. gladly earned whatever they could to inthing, is not easily diverted from its pur crease the common stock ; but little Frank, pose; and a pair of boots had been for the Benjamin of the household, might a long time Frank's highest ambition. Be well be excused for thinking his mother possides, autumn was already somewhat ad sessed of the power, if she had but the will, vanced ; in winter he was to go to school; to give him the longed-for boots; and to and what could be more desirable than a produce that will he now, clinging round pair of boots, with which he might wade her neck to give his farewell kiss, whispered, through the snow, and splash, boy fashion, as he looked right confidently in her face to his heart's content through every not with his large blue eyes, “ A pair of quite bottomless hole in the deeply-rutted boots, dear mother; don't forget them," road ? Nay, had not his father himself, in and, as if secure of his suit, he scampered moments of fondling, plainly hinted at the off gleefully without waiting for a reply. possible attainment of such a coveted pos The poor mother's heart was heavy, and session ? Nothing deterred therefore by she left her cottage with an air of dejection one denial, the little petitioner renewed very unusual with her; for, be it noted, the attack.

she was one of those cheerful, believing Yes, mother, you know I must have à souls who rejoice to ponder the brightest side pair of boots ; all the boys have them, you of things, and she delighted to dwell on the know. Dear mother, you must, indeed, faithful sympathy of her Lord and Saviour, buy them to-day for me ;' and this time, who never had, and she felt sure never though the words were but little varied, would, forsake her, and to whom she was there was a beseechingness in the tone, a accustomed to bring all her difficulties, and loving confidence in the upturned glance, in confidence of prayer unbosom all her that went right to the mother's heart, and griefs. almost precipitated her into a promise.. But a pair of boots for her little boy

But just for winter there were several appeared too insignificant a matter to be indispensable things she must buy for other made the subject of prayer. She forgot members of her numerous family, and that the great prophet Elisha had once though the canvas bag that held her money wrought a miracle to restore even a poor store was large enough, its contents were, man's axe. True, the little fellow needed alas, not so. She ran them over in her them sorely; and then she thought she head notwithstanding; nay, she opened might, and indeed must, manage to give the bag, and counted against the prede- him a pair of shoes against the time of termined list of purchases the amount of going to school; they would be far less her little hoard again and again ; but useful than a pair of boots, particularly it count as she might, the price of a pair of heavy snow should come. In vain the boots for the latest born could not be tender mother turned over in her mind the conjured out of it, and accordingly a denial various other purchases she had to make, fell from her lips, albeit the second "No," to see if any could be omitted and the was pronounced in a less decided key than boots substituted; but, no, they were all the first. Children are shrewd observers. indispensable. She must cease to think of The little fellow felt his advantage, and the boots. And yet she could not. The beseeching tone, the confiding look, of the laughed, but regarding them; it may be little boy, recurred ever and anon to her that a heavenly record was kept. “Then mind, and despite her best resolutions, she they that feared the Lord spake often one felt downcast in spirit, though half angry to another, and the Lord hearkened and with herself for being so, when she had beard it, and a book of remembrance was such great cause for thanksgiving and Written before him, for them that feared praise.

the Lord and thought upon his name." ; Her morning walk was solitary, but she

. As the friends prepared to separate, the was not one of those to whom solitude is shopkeeper's wife exclaimed, “Oh! I irksome; on the contrary, it was often nearly forgot to say that my Bernard has welcome to her, for she could well echo been obliged to leave off wearing a pair of the words,

boots which I fancy will do for Frank; he

is a year younger than Bernard, the boots « Alone, yet not quite alone, * Even when companionless I stray,

are nearly new, but he is either growing For when no human arm is near,

unusually fast, or the shoemaker has mis... Jesus vouchsafes to cheer my way :

taken his measure, for they are too short I am with him and he with me,.. How, therefore, can I lonesome be!”

for him." And so saying the kind-hearted

woman brought the boots.'' As she plodded along, the text rose to her - Judge, if you can, of the feelings of the memory: "Casting all your care upon Him, | labourer's wife when the so much longed-for for he careth for you, and then she began boots were placed in her hands. The shopto hold communion with her Heavenly keeper's wife, who easily perceived that Helper, and as one care and anxiety after something unusual must have occurred, another was poured into the "ear that questioned further, and soon learned the hears in secret, even the want of her truth from the grateful and gratified little boy was not forgotten in the cata mother logue. By degrees her heart grew lighter, Reader, this is a true story : will it not her face resumed its usual expression of encourage you to carry little wants and calm content, and she walked on with the little troubles to the Saviour? Is not elastic step of one who has got rid of a much of the practical blessedness of the burthen. The road itself seenied shortened, sympathy of our Elder Brother lost by the Bo that she reached the little market town not casting on him the burden of our ere she was aware.

6 little things." Yet he disdains them The first errand was to a shop of a not; around us, everywhere, are multiplied general dealer, with whom she was a well proofs of his interest in a little things." accredited customer, and by whose wife He breathes into the lungs of his insect she was highly esteemed on account of her family; he paints the petals of the flowers; steady piety and Christian consistency, 80 he articulates the members and guides the that she was generally invited in to rest in instincts of every mote that shines in the the parlour after she had completed her sunbeam he holds the balancing of the purchases in the shop.

clouds; he makes small the drops of rain ; This took place on the present occasion he upholds the sparrow's wings, clothes also, and the two Christian friends were the lily with his own beautifying hand, soon engaged in unrestrained converse. and numbers the hairs of his children. Then came the kind question and the Let us therefore come confidently “to the frank-hearted reply, as to how it had gone throne of grace, and cast all our care upon with each other temporally and religiously, | Jesus, for he careth for us." . since last they met. Now, they commune on the difficulties and dangers of the way to the celestial city ; then, they speak of

HANNAI BAILEY, AND THE might and tenderness of the strong arm on which they lean. Anon, their spirits

ROCK OF AGES. kindle and glow, as they tell of manifesta ONE summer evening, years ago, a little tions of his presence, such as the world girl, carrying a large bundle, was slowly knows not of of deliverance from tempta- walking along the principal street of the tion, of unlooked for strength for duty, of village of H., when the sound of music loving sympathy and effectual ease when arrested her steps. The sweet tones pro• burdened and sorrowful. Perchance over ceeded from a cottage which stood a litthese heart effusions the world would have l tle distance from the road, and involun

tarily, the child drow near to the gate to | all about, bright curtains, and a bright listen.

carpet that felt soft to her feet; but in All around was very calm and quiet ; the midst of this brightness she remained no passing carriagos, no noisy happy chil bewildered and silent, thinking again, with dren, disturbed the stillness of the moment; | regret, of her ragged and soiled dress. and as the music came floating down the Twice the young lady asked, “What do you lawn, blended with the faint rustling of

Want, my child pus the leaves, and the 'indescribable hum of Then she answered, “I heard you sing, insect life, it might have attracted an older ing in the street, and I thought perhaps and more critical person than the ragged, you would sing something for me. Will weary-looking child, who had dropped her you, please ?!! bundle and stood peeping through the “Yes, certainly," angwered the astonished lattice.

young girl; “ what would you like pas The tune was simple, but the tones of “I don't know, madam; you know," said the piano were rich and full, the voice the child. sweet and clear; and though the child But Nellie Grant did not know, and could not distinguish the words, she felt never in her life was she so puzzled to they must be good,

decide what to play. She turned over her - Ain't it pretty?" she said, half aloud, music in great perplexity, but could find to herself, after listening attentively for a nothing suited to this forlorn little child. few moments, and her eyes brightened. So she laid it aside, and striking a few “I know who it is; it is the doctor's chords, began to sing the tune the girl had daughter playin' on her piano."

listened to in the street. The words were While she spoke, the music ceased. She those of that sublime hymn-. waited some time, but all remained quiet;

Rock of ages, cleft for me, and slowly and reluctantly she moved

Let me hide myself in thee."'ils away, and prepared to take her bundle, ; Nellie sang the verses with distinctness while the happy look faded from her face. and expression, and in listening to her, the · Suddenly sho turned, and again spoke child forgot the brightness about her, and aloud.

her own dark poverty; the colour came to "I mean," she said, "to go and ask her her pale cheek, and she remained perfectly to sing something to me," and she hurriedly motionless, with her head slightly bent unlatched the gate, and took a few steps forward. up the graveled walk. Then she paused, " Do you like that hymn ?" asked and glanced down at her torn dress and Nellie, when she had finished. bare feet.

"Oh! very much," answered the child ; "I don't look very nice,” she murmured, and a little sigh came from her full heart. and an expression, half sorrow, half shame, "Now," said Nellie, “ will you tell me shadowed her countenance; “but they say what your name is, and where you live? Miss Nellie's good natured," she added, "My name is Hannah Bailey," was the "and I guess I'll go," and she walked answer; “ and I live with father in a little hastily on to the porch,

house by the bridge." The hall door was open, as was also the " And your mother?" said Nellie, in parlour door, so the child could look in quiringly. and see a young girl sitting before the * " Mother died four years ago," replied piano. She was about sixteen, not beauti. the girl, gently. ful, but she had soft, brown hair, a white " Who takes care of you?'" asked Nellie. brow, and a smile that seemed to fill the " Have you any brothers or sisters ? " room with sunshine. She was busily en, ""No," answered Hannah, " I take care gaged in arranging music, and did not at of myself; I'm eleven years old.” first observe the child, who had not cour, “Do you go to church, or to Sunday age to knock. At last she raised her eyes, school?" and slightly started with surprise, but said, “No, ma'am.” kindly,

"Would you like to go?" persisted " Come in, little girl." "

Nellie. Encouraged by her manner, the child "I don't know as I should," said the entered the pleasant parlour, and stood | girl, indifferently. ' . amazed at the comfort and cheerfulness 1 Hannah," said Nellie, after a pause, of the room, There were bright fowers " do you like to hear me sing?"

“Oh! yes, indeed ;, yes, indeed,” was | vided. The next Sabbath the child was at the animated reply.

şchool, and the following Tuesday she "Well,” said Nellie, “ if you will go to came to hear Nellie sing. Sunday school, I will sing to you every The summer passed by, and the mellow week, if you will come here."

autumn came and went. Little Hannah " I'll go," said the child, decidedly; and had been quite regular in her attendance at then her voice dropped, and she added, the Sunday school, never absent unless de. “Perhaps father won't let me; he won't tained by her father. At first it was very unless he's sober ; and I haven't got any hard to interest this neglected child in reliclothes.”

gious truths, what she was taught she so “ If your father will let you," said Nellie, 1 quickly forgot; but as she was really “ and you will promise to go, you shall bright, before long she began to improve. have some clothes."

She never forgot to go to hear Nellie sing, The child looked pleased. Then, as it and Nellie was always pleasant and ready was getting dark, she hastened home. to gratify her. In return for her kindness, Nellie watched her as she ran down the the child lavished on her all the affection walk, and heard her repeating to herself all of her strong nature. No matter what else of those beautiful words that she could Nellie sang to please her, each time, before remember, “ Rock of ages, rock for me." leaving, Hannah would say, “ Now, please

Before the next Sabbath, some ladies, sing Rock for me." interested by Nellie, visited Hannah's home. It is not necessary to pursue the history It was a wretched hovel, to which heat and of Hannah Bailey. My story has missed cold, storm and sunshine, were freely ad. its aim if it has not already taught an im. mitted by the broken doors and windows, portant lesson. Those who possess perand was almost entirely destitute of furni sonal advantages or accomplishments of ture. No one could doubt that little any kind, never taste so sweet a pleasure in Hannah had often suffered from cold, and their exercise as when employing them in was pinched by hunger. A reluctant con- gently winning the young, the ignorant, sent was obtained from her father for her the neglected, or the vicious to the ways of to attend school, and clothes were pro. godliness,

Gems from Golden Mines.


| Christian's character there and everywhere.

| And you know quite well, writing for many CHRISTIANITY is not a religion confined who are in trade and in business, that to consecrated tiles, and holy places, and every day proposals are made, offers come holy days, but a religion that treads with before you, plans are mooted, schemes are as beautiful a foot life's lowliest floor as it suggested, which constantly bring into dewalks in grand procession in the noblest mand or play your Christian character. cathedral of Europe. Our religion is not You must either, when these proposals are a beautiful robe that we must lay carefully made, put your Christianity away, and deal aside upon Sunday night, lest it should be with them as tradesmen, or you must take rumpled by the rough wear and tear of the your Christianity with you, and let it conweek-day; it is a religion that we are to trol, direct, give tone and force to everycarry, with all the splendour of its first thing you are and everything you do. kindling, into life's highest, and life's Therefore the conclusion we come to is lowest, and life's universal places, knowing this: that the man who is a Christian is it is fit to sanctify all, and make us shine as not to cease to be a tradesman, a physician, the lights of the world in all. And if you a lawyer, a senator, a judge, but to be a cannot be, where God has placed you, sun Christian tradesman, a Christian lawyer, a light, you may always be light. We do Christian senator, a Christian judge. The not expect that there will be all the splen monk and the suicide belong to the same dour of a martyr's testimony behind the category; for the one runs from society to 'counter, but we do expect that there will escape its perils, and the other runs from always be the quiet every-day life of a l society in order to escape its burdens ;

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