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labouring in this manner, that the great / "I have a great rent to pay next month, harvest of souls is to be gathered to and I do not know how to bring this to bear Christ.

between the wages, the tithes, and the payments." This brother kept a large farm, and paid specific wages to his labourers, except Jack, the half-witted boy, who was at

hand to fetch the cows for the women, clean A LESSON WHICH A MINISTER the outhouses, &c. TAUGHT HIS CONGREGATION.

The minister next called upon John, the

shoemaker, who, after hearing his terms for LATELY a church made a resolution that

a pair of shoes, began to put the snuff into their minister must be satisfied to live upon his wide nostrils, which were as black as what they should collect at the end of the two chimney flues, and talk very sarcastically month, let the amount be little or much, respecting such terms. He would not “put and that they would not from that time for a patch upon a shoe under threepence." ward bind themselves to make up any par The butcher treated him in a like manner; ticular sum. This resolution they commu | his meat was “so much a pound.” And the nicated to their pastor with this solemn tailor insisted upon having a regular price advice~" Brother, you must squeeze ; the for his commodities. times are hard.” He replied that he would On his way home, the minister went into think of the matter, and see how the plan the shop of his principal deacon, and asked was likely to answer.

him for some small articles necessary for In a few days he called upon the owner the use of his family, such as a pound of of his house, who was a member of his soap, a pound of sugar, a pound of candles, church, and told him he could not promise two ounces of tea, a halfpenny worth of to pay him any specific sum for the house soda (but no tobacco). After packing the from that time forth; that the “times were things neatly, the grocer began to count hard, and he must squeeze," but he would their cost. “You need not waste your time pay for it as circumstances would permit. in reckoning," interrupted the minister, “I The landlord stared at him in astonishment, am to pay for them as circumstances will and replied, “Man! who lets houses in this permit. 'Brother, you must squeeze,' as manner-to give as much as you please for the times are very hard with me at present, it? Did any one ever hear of such a thing ? but I will give conscientiously for them what I thought to advance the rent a pound next is in my power." “ Squeeze !said the year. You shall not have my house, I am shopkeeper, with pious surprise ; "what do sure, for one penny less."

you mean? Give what you please—how He next went to the miller, and asked for much will that be?" "I cannot say at a sack of flour. “Certainly,” said the miller; present,” replied the pastor, “but you shall "but do you know the price of flour has know at the end of the month, when I see advanced since you purchased the last ?" how much the collection will be." "That “I was not aware of it,” replied the minis will not do for me," said the shopkeeper, ter ; "and indeed it is of no great conse “ I am obliged to pay a certain price for quence, as the order of things is changed : every article, and I have a great amount to I am to give what I can for it. 'Brother, make up next week." you must squeeze; the times are hard.'” “So `indeed,” exclaimed the minister. “Good or bad," answered the miller, “I Well, I see there is no one but myself to must have according to fifty shillings per squeeze,and that I am out of the reach of hard sack for it. Hearken, man, who sells flour times. If I was able to perform miracles, upon such terms ?”

like our Saviour with the loaves and fishes, He next proceeded to the farmer, and your plan would answer. I have called on asked for a bushel of wheat. The farmer all the members that sell anything for the said he should have it, but it would cost use of man, to see how your plan was likely him eight shillings and sixpence. “No, no, to answer; but you must all have a 'particubrother,” replied the minister, “ you must lar price for your goods—the owner of my squeeze; the times are hard. I will give house, the miller, the shoemaker, the tailor, you as much as I can at the end of the the butcher, and yourself likewise. You month, after seeing what the collections will not let me have a pound of sugar or will be.” “ What has that to do with the an ounce of tea out of your shop, unless I price of wheat ?" exclaimed the farmer. | pay a stated price for it. How, then, do you expect me to pay my way without a I have had from each, and I will promise you stated salary, and that, too, proportionable to live quite moderately; or, if you prefer to my family? Before I can agree to re- | it, I am willing to live on the money wasted ceive what you collect monthly for me, you weekly by the members in snuff and to. and others must be willing to receive that bacco."—Welsh Baptist Magazine. between you, in proportion to what I may

Gems from Golden Mines.

A NEGRO ANECDOTE. , to Abraham his great trouble. "Besides

| all this," said the planter, “I have great Ar a prayer meeting in New York, a 1 bewilderment on the

bewilderment on the subject of election, gentleman said he wished the prayers of

and I am especially troubled and stumble the meeting for a man who was awakened, at that passage in Romans ix. 18: Therebut who had great difficulties on the sub

fore hath he mercy on whom he will have ject of election. He stumbled at all the

mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.' passages in the word of God which set it

I cannot understand it. How this can be?" forth. He was disposed to raise objections | “Massa," said Abraham, “you read too

-could not understand it. Prayer was fast. In the beginning, when John came, most earnestly desired for this carping he said, “Repent, for the kingdom of objector, yet awakened sinner.

heaven is at hand;' and when Christ came A clergyman said he wished to relate an | he said, “Repent, for the kingdom of incident; it might relieve the mind of the heaven is at hand. This is the beginning objector.

of the New Testament. Now, Massa, you! There formerly lived in the South an old

have gone on too fast. You have got slave, whose name was Abraham, and was

clear down into Romans. Go back to known by the name of Father Abraham. repentance in the Gospels, and attend to

A wealthy man came into the place that duty; and then, when you get down where Abraham was employed : the man into Romans, 'bout election, you'll find all was very profane, taking the name of God easy." in vain continually, cursing, and swearing. "Now," continued the clergyman, "our The old slave kindly and respectfully re anxious friend must go to repentance, and quested him to desist, and not to couple when he has experienced that, he will find the name of his Divine and glorious Saviour | no trouble about election.” with profane words.

The baughty white man wanted to know what right he had to dictate to him what terms he should use.

THE BLOOD OF CHRIST. “ Massa,” said the black man, “I meant What avails the blood of Christ? 11 no harm and no disrespect; but I could avails what mountains of good works not bear to hear you use the name of Jesus | heaped up by us, what columns of the ia that manner.”

incense of prayer curling up from our lips Some time after, the white man fell into toward heaven, and what streams of tears great anxiety and trouble of mind. In his of penitence gushing from our eyelids, never Klistress, he sought for some one who could could avail. “The blood of Jesus Christ, guide him. He was troubled about this his Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” “Helps same doctrine of election. He bethought us to cleanse ourselves, perhaps ?" No, himself of Abraham. He thought if there cleanseth us. “Furnishes us the motivel was an honest man anywhere, Abraham and the obligation for us to cleanse ours must be that man. He resolved to go and selves ?" No, it cleanseth us. “Cleanseth see him, and lay his case before him. He us from the desire to sin ?" No, cleanseth went to the place and inquired for Father us from sin itself. “ Cleanseth us from Abraham. They told him he was in the the sin of inactivity in the work of personal field. Into the field he went, and revealed | improvement ?" No, from " sin. "But


did you say the blood does this?" Yes, brought back into living union with the the blood. “The doctrine of Christ you Father of spirits through his dear Son, and must mean?" No, his blood. “ His thenceforward the world will become yours, example, it is ?" No, his blood, his blood. because you are God's. In harmony with Oh, what hostility the world still betrays the Great Centre, you will be in harmony towards this essential element of Chris with all things in his universe. Nature tianity! Can anything be stated more will serve bim who serves her God; and plainly in language than the entire word of all her varied powers and agencies will God declares that our redemption from sin rejoice to obey the behests and minister to is by the blood of Christ ? And yet what the welfare of one who is the loved and strenuous efforts are constantly made to loving child of their great Master and set aside this plain, essential, wonderful, Lord. The earth will be fulfilling its and most glorious truth, that “the blood of proper function in yielding you bread, and our Lord Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all the heavens in shedding their sweet insin!"- Dr. Krummacher.

fluences on your path. For you the morn

ing will dawn, and the evening descend. MINISTERING ANGELS. For you “the winds will blow, earth rest, ANGELS of light, spread your bright wings

heavens move, and fountains flow." You and keep

will be able to claim a peculiar property in Near me at morn:

the works of your Father's hand, and the Nor in the starry eve, nor midnight deep,

bounties of your Father's providence. Leave me forlorn.

You will have served yourself heir to him From all dark spirits of unholy power

who is the Universal Proprietor, and

| become “heir of God and joint-heir with Guard my weak heart;

Christ.” And so "the world,” and the Circle around me in each perilous hour,

fulness thereof, will become “yours," And take my part.

because “ye are Christ's, and Christ is From all foreboding thoughts and dan God's."- Dr. Caird.

gerous fears Keep me secure:

FOOLISH THOUGHTS. Teach me to hope, and through the bit. We are apt to believe in Providence so terest tears

long as we have our own way; but if things Still to endure.

go awry, then we think, if there is a God, If lonely in the road so fair and wide he is in heaven, and not on earth. The My feet should stray,

cricket in the spring builds his little house Then through a rougher, safer pathway in the meadow, and chirps for joy because guide

all is going so well with him. But whe!r Me day by day.

he hears the sound of the plough a few Should my heart faint at its unequal strife,

furrows off, and the thunder of the oxen's Ob, still be near

tread, then the skies begin to look dark, Shadow the perilous sweetness of this life

and his heart fails him. The plough comes With holy fear.

crunching along, and turns his dwelling Then leave me not alone in this bleak world,

bottom side up, and as he is rolling over

and over, without a home, his heart says, Where'er I roam; And at the end, with your bright wings

“Oh, the foundations of the world are

destroyed, and everything is going to unfurled,

ruin!” But the husbandman, who walks Oh, take me home!

behind his plough, singing and wbistling -4. A. Procter.

as he goes, does he think the foundations

of the world are breaking up ? Why, he THE TRUE TITLE TO EARTHLY

does not so much as know there was any . BLESSINGS.

house or cricket there. He thinks of the In what sense may the Christian under harvest that is to follow the track of the stand the announcement, “The world is plough; and the cricket, too, if he will but yours”? If not literally, yet in this sense wait, will find a thousand blades of grass may the world be said to belong to the where there was but one before. We are Christian, that he only has a legitimate all like the crickets. If anything happens title to the benefits and blessings he enjoys to overthrow our plans, we think all is in it up to God, let your soul be 1 gone to ruin.-H. W. Beecher.

Our Missions.

nath has been set up, and his temple and SERAMPORE.

car divide the affections of the worshippers. TAIS pretty but celebrated missionary For the nine days during which Juggernath spot, situated on the banks of the Hooghly, remains with his brother, the town is the is about fourteen miles from Calcutta. Ít scene of revelry and dissipation. It is has lost much of its importance as a civil closed by the return of the idol to his car station since its cession to the English by abode. "It is satisfactory to know that the the Government of Denmark, to the spread of Christian truth and the diffusion sovereign of which country our early mis- of knowledge are undermining the fame of sionaries were indebted for protection, and Juggernath, and that year by year the gains a residence beyond the reach of the enmity of the Brahmins decrease. of the East India Company, in the chosen Not far from Juggernath's temple, and field of their missionary labour. It is, just without the town of Serampore, is the however, a favourite resort of the European Christian village of Johnnugger; there has inhabitants of Calcutta, from its salubrity; been gathered a congregation of disciples of but especially of the natives, who are the Lord Jesus Christ, bearing witness to attracted thither by the fame of its idol, his mercy and faithfulness amid the heathenJuggernath. At the annual car festival, or ism which surrounds them. The church Rath Jattra, as it is called, thousands of consists of about seventy members, under people flock to Serampore; and although of the pastoral care of the Rev. John Robinlate years there has been a marked diminu son. Founded originally by Dr. Carey, it tion in the numbers, this festival is still a has been the fruitful source whence many time of great excitement and devotion native brethren have gone forth into various among the Hindu worshippers of the god. parts of Bengal, to preach the Gospel to

The conveyance of Juggernath in his car their fellow countrymen. Lately a new to visit his brother Radhabullub, whose chapel has been erected. temple is about half a mile removed from 1 The College stands on the river side, that of Juggernath himself, is preceded by | somewhat removed from the town, in the the Snan Jattra, or bathing of the idol. On centre of a large compound. It is a noble this occasion the image is wrapped in cloths, building, and contains, beside two large by the priest, and conveyed on their halls, numerous rooms for classes, a fine shoulders to an elevated platform, erected ! library, and a large room fitted up as a in a large open space near at hand. There, 1 chapel, in which there is daily service for seated on a throne, the god is uncovered the scholars attending the institution. The amid the shouts of the crowds which sur president is the Rev. J. Trafford. He is round the platform, and water from the assisted by the Rev. Thomas Sampson, who sacred Ganges is plentifully poured over his also devotes a portion of his time to mishead. Garlands are thrown at his feet, and sionary labour in the villages around offerings of fruit and flowers are made. Serampore. Mr. E. Dakin is the head

The ponderous car of the idol is kept master, under whose special superintenunder a roof of grass thatch, also near to dence the lower classes of the school are the temple. It is of a pyramidal form. As carried on, with the aid of a numerous band the idol's seat is at the top, and he consists of native teachers. of a very heavy block of wood, the god has The institution was founded by the three to submit to the indignity of being hauled eminent men who have rendered Serampore up to his place by ropes. The Brahmins famous in the annals of Christian missions surround the car, and ropes being attached, in India. At a great cost, and from their Juggernath commences his journey amid own resources, they erected the noble structhe plaudits of his worshippers. Hundreds ture, having in view the intellectual and of men are employed to pull him along. | spiritual welfare of India to all generations. Formerly their zeal was so great as to occasion After their decease it was generously susno difficulty in getting this done ; but lately | tained by the late Rev. J. Mack and J. C. men have had to be hired, or driven to the Marshman, Esq.; and on the departure of task by their landlords. There has also the last-named gentleman from India in been a division of interest. A rival Jugger. | 1855, it was transferred to the Missionary Society. At the same time, Mr. Marshman | youths were taken from school: mammon made very liberal provision for the perpetual prevailed, however, over Durgah, and the repair of the building, and gave to the | boys returned to us, with what result time library a collection of most valuable books. / will show.”

The improvements commenced by the Occasionally instances of conversion late lamented missionary, the Rev. W. H. occur, though not so frequently as the Denham, have been continued by Mr. Traf tutors desire. They say : “ One of our ford and his coadjutors; so that the col number was musing much on this very lege has not been in so efficient a state for point, and with somewhat of despondency, many years as at the present time. The à short time since, thinking of one and general attendance of youths, drawn not another concerning whom expectations had only from Serampore, but from con been blighted—and of one especially, who siderable distances around it, has been after having been baptized, had left us, dissteadily increasing. In 1857 the average appointing every one of us most bitterly. attendance was about 230 or 240; in 1858 During the course of the same evening, it averaged 270 or 280; in 1860 it was two Christians were announced as wishing 325; last year it reached 382, and in the to see him, and the name of one he recoglatter half of the year, 400; besides the nised as that of the youth who nearly three college classes, whose numbers were from years before had gone away in disgrace. 30 to 55: sometimes more than 450 Rather reluctantly he went to see them, scholars were in attendance.

and he leaves you to conjecture how he For some time past the college has been was both reproved and pleased, on finding affiliated to the Calcutta University, and the elder of the two a staid man, evidently the studies of the higher classes have been in his habits as his year3_brother of one adapted to the requirements of matricula l of our present teachers—had been once a tion and degrees. Many of the elder student in this college, had here learnt of scholars are most anxious to advance in Christ, and learnt to love him, but had been knowledge, and enter with great avidity on | obliged to go to a distant station to profess the requisite studies. These are, of course, that attachment; and that there, after in the English language. The desire to | many years of a consistent Christian proacquire English is very great, and the in- fession, he now fills the head mastership of fluence of it is very great both in inform a school belonging to the Church Mising the mind, in stimulating thought, and sionary Society. He was come to Seramin destroying the pernicious errors, scientific pore to visit his relations and friends, and religious, of Hinduism. In all the accompanied by the very youth who had classes, however, there is every day a been lost to us, but after wandering long portion of time devoted to religious instruc had found out that station ; after a twelvetion, and to a direct personal appeal at the months' residence he had been restored to end of the scriptural lesson, such as God | a Christian profession, and had now come, often blesses in Bible-class instruction in | seeking this interview, to express his this country. Of the effects of this instruc sorrow for his sin, and to let us know his tion the tutors say :-

continued adherence to the truth which “ Many gain a correct apprehension of while among us he embraced.” the need and way of salvation, which abides In addition to the ordinary classes of with them through life. We sometimes the college there exists a native boys' have been checred in learning from old boarding school in connection with it, scholars that the habits of reading the consisting of the children of native Scriptures and prayer are retained by them Christians. It has varied in number from after they have left us, and we have heard fifteen to twenty-two. Some are the of old fellow scholars meeting for such children of native preachers, and are suppurposes, when they could do so in secret. ported by the funds of the college; others During the last year, at the great social are supported by their parents. Several festival of the Hindus, a very considerable of these scholars have been baptized and excitement was created amongst some of | added to the native church at Johnnugger. the wealthier families of the neighbourhood, One of them, the son of an old native through some of our scholars belonging to preacher, went with his father to Delhi, those families refusing to do honour to the and entered on the work of an evangelist. idols ordinarily worshipped. For a time His early promise of usefulness was, howa rival institution was talked of, and the ever, soon cut short by death. There

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