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ing so spiritually-minded and so full of 1 heaven, that he would preach to you almost like an angel." " Oh, yes, that all may be very well, and if it were possible, we should like it; but then we need our minister with us during the week, to attend prayer-meetings, visit the sick, hear experience, give advice, &c., and therefore must have him always with us : we want the whole of his time and attention.” “That may be, and I will admit the necessity of his daily attention to your concerns ; but then you will remember that if he remains here, he must have bread and cheese ; and I have been told that your former minister was often wanting the common necessaries of life, when many of you can enjoy its luxuries ; and therefore I thought if God would put Jacob's ladder down, your present minister might preach to you on the Sabbath, and by going up into heaven after the services of the day, save you the painful necessity of supporting him."

No more, the olive's shade beneath,
The human Christ foretastes the cup of

death, And leaves his servants in the outer

gloom, To watch till he again shall come. Yet are there midnights dark and dread, When Jesus still by traitors is betrayed; Our bosom-sins the lurking foe at hand, And “ Watch with me” is Christ's

command. One little hour of sleepless care, And sin could wrest no victory from us

there; But, with the fame of our loved Lord to


Like those we scorn, we fall asleep.
Oh, if our risen Lord must chide
Our souls, for slumbering his sharp cross

beside, What face have we to boast our feeble

sense Had shamed poor Peter's vigilance ! On Peter, James, and John no more The wrong reproach of hasty pride we

pour, But feel within the question's torturing

power, “ Could ye not watch with me one hour?"

ASLEEP ON GUARD. “O SHAME !” we're sometimes fain to say, “ On Peter sleeping, while his dear

Lord lay Awake with anguish, in the garden's

shade, Waiting his hour to be betrayed.”

We say, or think, if we had gone
Thither, instead of Peter, James, and

And Christ had left us on the outpost dim,
As sentinels, to watch with him,
We would have sooner died than sleep,
The little time we vigil had to keep,
Then wake to feel his torturing question's

power “Could ye not watch with me one hour ?" One hour in sad Gethsemane, And such an hour as that to him must be! All night our tireless eyes had pierced

the shade, Where he in grief's great passion prayed. What do we now to make our word Seem no vain boast of love to Christ our

Lord ? We cannot take the chidden sleepers'

place, And shun, by proof, his deep disgrace.

CHRIST, OUR ALL-IN-ALL. The Lord Jesus Christ is the ALL-IN-ALL of his redeemed. In every want he is their Friend. In every danger he is their Defence. In weakness he is their Strength; in sorrow, their Joy; in pain, their Peace ; in poverty, their Provider; in sickness, their Physician ; in hunger, their Bread; in trouble, their Consolation ; in perplexity, their Counsellor; in the furnace, their Refiner; in the floods, their Rock ; ii assaults, their Refuge; in accusations, thvir Advocate ; in debt, their Surety; in sla: very, their Ransom; in captivity, their Deliverer; in the day, their Sun; in the night, their Keeper; in the desert, their Shepherd. In life he is their Hope ; in death, their Life ; in the grave, their Resur. rection ; in heaven, their glory.

Let Christ, therefore, be thy ALL-INALL, for time and for eternity. With the faithful martyr say, while living, “Nono but Christ.”' When dying, say, “ None but Christ." Through all eternity say,

«None but Christ.” Let this triumphant , For though God speaketh in the sunbeams name, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS," golden, settle every difficulty, solve every doubt, That fall alike on all, and silence every accusation. When con 'Tis written in the hallowed volume olden, science tells thee thy sins are both many “ Hear thou Affliction's call.” and great, answer thou, “ Christ's blood cleanseth from all sin.”' When reminded

Pain, suffering, want, and tribulation

dreary, of your ignorance, say, “ Christ is my

Are messengers of love, wisdom.” When your ground and title to the kingdom are demanded, say, “ Christ

Sent but to wean thee from this world so

weary, is my righteousness.” When your meetness to enter within its sacred walls is

To perfect rest above. challenged, say, “Christ is my sanctification.” When sin and the law, when death and Satan claim thee as their captive,

COMFORT AND COUNSEL. reply to them all, “Christ is my redemp GRACE, mercy, and peace be with you. tion.” The Law saith, Pay thy debt. The I am well, and I verily count more of the Gospel saith, Christ hath paid it. The Law sufferings of my Lord, than of this world's saith, Make amends for thy sins. The

lustre and over-gilded glory. I dare not Gospel saith, Christ hath made it for thee. say but my Lord hath fully recompensed The Law saith, Thou art a sinner ; despair, my sadness with his joys, my losses with for thou shalt be condemned. The Gospel his own presence. I find it a sweet and saith, Thy sins are forgiven thee; be of rich thing to exchange my sorrows with good comfort, thou shalt be saved.- Rev. Christ's joys; my afflictions with that John Stevenson.

sweet peace I have with himself. Go on, my dear brother, in the strength of the Lord; put Christ's love to the trial, and

put upon it burdens, and then will it THE MISSION OF SORROW.

appear love indeed. We employ not his

love, and therefore we know it not. Let us Be not impatient when pale-visaged Sorrow

be faithful, and care for own part, which is Silently draweth near,

to do and suffer for him; and lay Christ's Nor call too hastily for bright to-morrow

part on himself, and leave it there. Duties To dry the falling tear.

are ours, events are God's. When our

faith goeth to meddle with events, and to When Disappointment, in her sombre question God's providence, and beginneth raiment,

to say, “How wilt thou do this, and that ?” Enters beneath thy roof,

we lose ground. We have nothing to do See that thou offer her due entertainment; there. It is our part to let the Almighty She bringeth wise reproof.

exercise his own office.--Rutherford.

Our Missions.


largest it has ever received, with the excepThe late period of the month in which the tion of the Jubilee year. From all sources, Report of the Baptist Missionary Society is it reaches to the sum of £33,151 48. 10d. prepared, will enable us to give only a This includes £1,500 received from the brief outline of its very interesting con Spanish Government, compensation for the tents. It is with pleasure that we learn losses sustained by the exclusion of the that, through the good providence of God, missionaries from Fernando Po, also the notwithstanding the distress occasioned by | noble donation of £2,000 from an unknown the American war in certain parts of the friend in the early part of the year. But country, the income of the Society is the although we cannot reckon on the frequent

| port.


repeatal of such gifts, yet He in whose hands | statistics. We will quote from their reis the silver and gold, is ever making provision for the growth of his kingdom, and - “Returns of 59 out of the 61 churches so from time to time supplies the need of in the Union show the following result, hi people as it arises. The expenditure viz. :ha reached the sum of £32,743 2s. 3d., leaving only a balance of £408 2s. 70. with

Additions by baptism ........ 3,757

restoration ... 1,570 the Treasurer. But as there was a balance

revival ......... 136 last year of £3,299 128., the actual balance

= 5,463 in hand is £3,707 14s. 7d. Our readers must not suppose that this

339 Loss by death..........

exclusion ............... 508 large balance is entirely available. The

dismissal ............... 68 China fund claims £1,178 28. 4d., while

withdrawaland erasure , there are liabilities acquired for the new

from church books.. ) year more than enough to absorb it. But

- 1,041 it is cause for gratitude to God that again the Society closes its financial year in so

4,422 favourable a condition, being the eighth

Number of members......... 20,026 year in which no debt has accrued on its working.

Number of inquirers ......... 6,058 Coincident with this increase in the in “These returns show, so far as the Union come of the Society has been the extension is concerned, what is the result of the of its labours. In 1852, there were forty awakening up to this date. There have five missionaries employed in India, Cey been baptized during the year 3,757, and lon, Africa, the West Indies, and France. 6,058 inquirers are reported up to the 31st Now China has been added to our sphere of December, 1861, giving a total of 9,815 of labour, and there are not less than sixty persons who have been or still are inquirers. five brethren engaged in the work of God. Deduct 1,794 individuals who were on the In 1852, the Society enjoyed the services inquirers' list before the 31st of December, of 114 native brethren as preachers and 1860, and then we can point to 8,021 perpastors in the countries where they were sons who, after a trial of several months, born; now, at least, 148 are similarly are the hopesul results of the awakening." engaged. God has blessed their labours, These are only the results in the churches so that whereas, in 1852, there were little belonging to the Union. There are about more than 5,000 persons in fellowship in twenty other Baptist churches of which no the mission churches, there are now 5,800. report is given. “And if to these be added And it is pleasing to notice that one-half the number of persons who have joined this increase is in India, showing that as other denominations, it is probable that not the years roll on, the conversions to God less than 25,000 individuals have become in that great country show an increasing the subjects of religious convictions, and ratio, and give promise that we are only as most of whom are hopefully converted to it were now gathering the firstfruits of a God. “So mightily grew the word of God, mighty harvest in prospect.

and prevailed." Truly God has done great Although the churches in Jamaica now things in this land, once the land of the entirely sustain the institutions of the Gos slave. He has redeemed the people from a pel at their own sole charge, yet we cannot worse bondage than that of Egypt, and but feel the deepest interest in their welfare. given them an abundant entrance into his They were planted by the brethren whom kingdom. the Society sent forth, some of whom remain Time fails us to give other details from alive to testify the wonder-working power this unusually interesting Report. We can of the Gospel they have proclaimed. It is only say in conclusion, that in all parts of only now that we are able to estimate the the mission field the blessing of God has true nature of the great revival movement been manifested. Upwards of 200 persons which attracted so much attention in have been baptized in India, gathered from the early part of last year. The Jamaica the darkness of paganism. Ceylon has also Baptist Union had its meeting at Lucea, in some measure enjoyed signs of Divine in the month of February, and from favour ; twenty-four persons have been the sixty-one churches connected with added to the church. Upwards of 100 hare the Union, have obtained the following put on Christ in the Bahamas. Trinidad,

too, can show a few additions to the Lord's | empire of sin and Satan, God helping us, people; and both Hayti and France give still greater things shall be done ; for his some poor sinners rescued from the power I promise stands fast and he is faithful who of Popery.

hath promised), that at the name of Jesus Thus have we reason to thank God and every knee shall bow. take courage to renew our warfare with the



that in the large towns of France, particularly in

Paris, the hatred to the clerical party is intense, On the very day this Magazine appears, the

and daily increases. Meanwhile, the scattered Great Exhibition of 1862 will be opened. The

Protestants are increasing in their endeavours to event is one which cannot fail to excite deep

diffuse a knowledge of the truth. Tracts are being interest in every part of the country, and, indeed,

privately and more widely distributed; and evanthroughout the world; and we trust that not a few

gelical books, suitable for every class of mind, are of our readers will be able to visit the metropolis,

being more numerously published. Twenty-one for the purpose of seeing the greatest “sight”

Protestant places of Worship were opened in which it has ever offered to its myriad visitors,

France during the last year, which was an increase We cannot, indeed, look upon this Exhibition with

of eight on the two previous years, during each of the feelings with which many regarded the Exhi

which there were only thirteen. On the other bition of 1851. Then, the opening of the“ World's

hand, we learn that the religious societies in Paris Fair” was regarded by many as inaugurating an

are suffering from the depressed condition of era of universal peace; bow little the expectation

commerce, and that many of them have exceeded has been realised, the history of the ten subsequent

their receipts by a large expenditure. years will show. However, the holding of such an Exhibition, to which all nations contribute their In Spain, the accurged spirit of the Inquisition treasures, cannot but have the most important still dominates over every principle of justice and results. At least, it will promote that intercourse religion. There are rumours of more victims; and and righteous rivalry among the nations which, it has been announced-what seems incredible in next to Christianity, is the best promoter of peace the face of the remonstrances of Christendomand universal brotherhood. We trust that the Exhi tbat Matamoros and his fellow prisoners have been bition will be, in all respects, & success; and we condemned by the superior tribunal to eleven cannot but rejoice to know that arrangements are years' labour at the galleys on the coast of Africa, being made for the extensive preaching of the instead of, as originally, seven and four. The Gospel, in various languages, during the months Prussian Government, it appears, has made, that the building is open.

through its minister at Madrid, the most urgent It seems almost like a satire upon the hopes we

representations to the Spanish Government, prohave just expressed, that the month previous to

testing against the sentence as contrary to the the opening of the Exhibition has been occupied

universal sentiments of the civilised world, and chiefly by discussions on weapons of war. Iu

suggesting that, if in conformity with the laws of Parliament, and in the country, the most interest

the country, the royal clemency should be exerted ing-almost the absorbing-topic, has been the

to suspend its execution. relative merits of monster guns and iron ships.

The clouds are darkening over China. The It seems that Sir William Armstrong has at last

empire has become the prey of anarchy, and the produced a gun which will destroy almost any ship

labours of the missionary, in the broad fields but of war that has yet been made. Only two English

lately opened to him, are carried on with difficulty, ships could at all stand against its tremendous

often with great peril. There appears to be no fire; and it is doubtful whether even they would not be speedily sunk by the blows of the tre

longer any doubt as to the real character of the

rebel movement; and the hope so long cherished, mendous engine of destruction. Of course, the

that some elements might be developed favourable Admiralty are now busy with preparations to make

to Christianity, must now be finally abandoned. ships which shall be impregnable; but it is not

Even Mr. Roberts, the missionary through whom easy to see bow the contest will end. It is only

the leader of the Taepings in China, in 1847, first certain that it will lead to a vast expenditure,

received some elements of Christian knowledge, unless the Government and the people wisely

has been compelled to give them up. He has agree to wait..

resided with them now about fifteen months, Religious questions have become, to a remark hoping that good would result from his doing so. able extent, the prominent subjects of discussion He says nothing, personally, against Hang Sow on the continent of Europe. The Pope has Chuen, who, he says, has been exceedingly kind to declared his temporal sovereignty to be more than him ; but he thinks him a crazy man, and one cera dogma ; it is the special ordainment of heaven. tainly incapable of organising and ruling; and Great events hinge upon the controversies which that even the old Tartar Government is better. his obstinacy provokes; and the public mind is His religious toleration is but a farce. No miscontinually directed in suspense or expectation to sionary is safe who does not believe in and prothe policy of the nations interested. We are told / mulgate the doctrine of his equalty with the

by buen, s nothind wouidow aborbem unknowie first

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Father and the Son, in conjunction with whom he bility, never come in, there remains 1201. It is constitutes one Lord of all! One of his followers, expected that there will be raised, free of interest, Kan-Wang, actually came into Mr. Roberts's and to be paid off in small sums yearly, 2001. And house, and cruelly and causelessly murdered, nine gentlemen have come forward and very muni. before Mr. Roberts's eyes, a poor barmless servant ficently subscribed 4601. (of which 3401. has already boy, to whom Mr. Roberts was much attached, been paid in). These sums, together, amount to and offered every kind of insult and violence to 7801., leaving a balance from the 8421. of 621. to be Mr. Roberts himself. As Mr. Roberts is a favourite provided for that day. It was also stated that some with Tien-Wang, he thinks the life of no ordinary additional expenses would necessarily be incurred, missionary or merchant can be safe with them. It which could not then be specified; and that, of 751, is painful to come to such a conclusion, but, from due for interest, 651. had been remitted by the all accounts, we now begin at least to fear that the parties. The pastor expressed the thanks of the rebel movement has become a pretext for the most church and congregation to each of the friends who cowardly, cruel, and reckless brigandage.

had so nobly aided this good work. We may add

that the chapel has been opened only two years By the time this Magazine reaches its readers,

and a half, and that but three years ago, the first the annual meetings of our Denominational Societies will have been held. It is obviously im

meeting was held for the raising of the funds. possible for us to give any report of them; nor is | BACUP, LANCASHIRE.—The Baptist chapel (Zion) it necessary to do so, as a full report will appear in 1 in this place was opened for Divine worship in The Freeman of May 2nd. We can only here April, 1858. Sermons were preached on the occaexpress the hope that the meetings will be well sion by the Revs. A. Mursell, of Manchester, R. attended, and will be conducted in a spirit likely Holmes, of Rawden, W. F. Burchell, of Rochdale, to promote the great objects for which they are and Dr. Acworth, of Rawden College; the contriheld.

butions at the opening services, including subIt will interest many readers to know that a bill

scriptions previously received, amounting to 1,9001.

The entire cost was above 3,0001.; but by the un. has passed the Lords, and is now before the

tiring liberality of the members of the church and Commons, entitled the “Charitable Uses Act (1861) Amendment Bill," which provides that

congregation, the debt was reduced at the third every deed, assurance, and instrument which

anniversary to less than 1001. Within the last few

months improvements have been made, and the shall be enrolled before the 17th day of May, 1864,

chapel painted and beautified, at a cost of upwards sball, for the purpose of the said Act, have the same forca and effect which it would have had if it

of 2001, For the liquidation of the newly incurred had been enrolled within twelve calendar months

expense, and the removal of the remaining debt,

amounting altogether to 2761., the fourth anniver. next after the passing of the said Act." This will

sary was held on Sunday, April 6th, when the Rer. give a little more time for the enrolment, to which

H. Hall, from Rawden College, commenced his 80 much attention has been directed; but it will be better to see to the matter without delay, lest &

stated ministry in the chapel, and preached two " postponement should lead to its being altogether

sermons, after which collections were made, inclu. Bol

sive of subscriptions, amounting to 1451. 12s.6d. neglected.

The friends connected with this house of prayer Those of our readers, and we hope they are have shown a most commendable zeal in rearing many, who are interested in the Bi-centenary it, making it internally attractive, and endeavour movement, will be glad to hear that the Central ing to remove from it all incumbrance of debt. Mr. United Committee is prosecuting its labours with Hall enters upon his labours with every prospect both vigour and success. Two lectures have been of success. already delivered in London; one by the Rev. Dr. M-Crie, the other by the Rev. A. M'Laren,

GLASGOW.-The services connected with the re, of Manchester. Both lectures were admirably

cognition of the Rev. J. W. Boulding, as pastor of adapted to the purpose for which they were

the newly-formed Baptist Church here, were held delivered. Several publications of interest and

on Sabbath, April 13th, in the Scottish Exhibition value have also been issued from the press, under

Rooms, which have been taken as a temporary the direction of the Committee. In the country,

place of worship. The Rev. Richard Glover, of there are signs that the controversy will be at

Glasgow, preached in the morning a very suitable tended with the most important results.

discourse. After the breaking of bread, the memo bers of the church and others gave Mr. Boulding the right hand of fellowship. In the evening, Mr. Boulding preached, the capacious rooms being en

tirely filled. The ordinance of Christian baptism DOMESTIC.

was administered, and was witnessed by many wb EAST DEREHAM, NORFOLK.-On Wednesday,

had never before looked upon that solemn rite. April 9th, anniversary services were held in the

On the following Tuesday, at mid-day, the Rev. T. Baptist Chapel in this place. In the afternoon, the

W. Medhurst, of Coleraine, preached; and a soirée Rev. T. A. Wheeler delivered an interesting and

was held the same night, at which Mr. Joseph touching sermon from Rev. ii. 3. In the evening a

Bwan occupied the chair, and addresses of a most public meeting was held, the Rev.J. L. Whitley

fraternal and encouraging character were delivered 7pastor) in the chair, when interesting addresses

by Mr. Tolmie, Mr. Boulding, the Rev. J. Williams, were delivered by the Revs. W. Woods, of Swaff

Rev. Mr. Howie, the Rev. T. W. Medhurst, the ham ; H. Wilkinson, and T. A. Wbeeler, of Nor

the Rev. O. Flett, and others. Nearly 600 persons wich; R. G. Williams, of Dereham ; and J. T.

sat down to tea. In the course of the evening, Wigner, of Lynn. In appealing for help for the

Mr. Boulding was presented with a gold watch and Chapel Hund, the pastor stated that in February of

guard chain, subscribed for privately by a few the present year the treasurer's account against

friends, not members of the church. Mr. Boulding them was 3421. This, with 5001. due to gentlemen

commences his labours under most encouraging who had adranced it for the ground, made the

circumstances. debt 8421. Towards this there was a considerable TRURO.To commemorate the anniversary of amount of subscriptions remaining unpaid ; but, the opening of the Baptist Chapel in this town, after deducting from these what will, in all proba- 1 and to introduce the Rev. T. Lewis, the recently

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