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what you have seen, but who have not had l ness could induce her to stay away. She your discretion. I have satisfied their de- had learned a great many Bible verses, and sire to penetrate the mystery, and their one Sunday her teacher asked her to try death alone could shield me from the con for one week to live out her texts. Now, sequences. Your prudence has saved your what do you think the teacher intended by life, and in addition to it, with my es. living out her texts? Why, to try and act teein, please accept this purse. You can according to her texts,—to correct her faults remain at the castle as long as you please, by her texts, and to see how many things or to-morrow, if you prefer, you can con- | around her would remind her of her texts. tinue your route."

Jenny rose bright and early on Monday Conceive, if possible, the emotions of the morning, and when she knelt down to pray old soldier! I should not be surprised if she remembered that David said, “ Evening, that night, even in his sleep, he might have and morning, and noon, will I pray;" and been heard to repeat: “Never meddle with Jenny determined to pray three times that the affairs of others."

day instead of twice as her habit was. It The next day he set out again, and the was a holiday : so Jenny looked round to rest of the journey passed happily.

see what she should do. “I'll water mother's He was finally about to arrive at his cot geranium," said she ; and off she skipped tage, where the dearest object of his heart to get the little watering-pot. The geranium awaited him. His heart beat already, for was standing upon a high window-sill. he had placed his foot on the threshold. While Jenny was sprinkling the beautiful Without announcing himself, he entered ; leaves of the plant, she thought of the verses but alas, what a reception! for, O fruits of beginning, “ Consider the lilies of the field.” absence! neither more nor less than a They are among the most beautiful verses priest was tenderly embracing his wife. in the whole Book. Then Jenny fed her

With the decision of an old warrior, he little canary bird. The canary was in the immediately carried his hand to his gun, cage. Jenay loved her bird and took good and a ball was about to pierce the heart of care of it, and when she was feeding it she the unfortunate priest. But a thought repeated to herself, “ The eyes of all wait arrested his hand, passing through his upon Thee; Thou givest them meat in due mind like an electric shock : “Defer your season." Jenny then got out her playthings. anger till to-morrow"-and he pensively She had the little tub full of playthings. howed his head. His jealousy, besides, There were a Noah's ark, and a box of tenwas not of long duration : for this priest pins, and a map lying on the floor, torn. was his son ! Adopted in his youth by a It is not Jenny's fault that the map is torn. good village vicar, who had put him to Little baby Willie tore it. Jenny was very study, he had recently entered the sacred angry at first, and even raised her hand to office, and had preceded his father to the strike her brother; but when she rememfireside only a few moments.

bered, “ For if ye forgive men their tresThe old soldier, after a long absence, | passes, your heavenly Father will also forgive finally met his family again, and saw his | you,” and,“ He that ruleth his spirit is betson a priest, then the ne plus ultra" in ter than he that taketh a city," she only the mind of the people. When should he kissed little Willie, and said she was sure have a greater joy? This was surely the he knew no better. hour to open the little loaf. But he had Jenny was a tidy little girl, and, finding hardly opened it, when a frolicsome kitten her playthings dusty, begged a brush of Sally, that wished to have its part in the enter the maid, to do her house-cleaning, as she tainment, gambolled after something bright called it. But when she was fairly at work, which rolled from the little loaf upon the dusting toy by toy, and her little head busy floor,-it was the three louis-d'or which planning & fine play-house, her mother the good captain had hidden in it!

asked her to come and rock the cradle. Poor Jenny's spirit almost rebelled : she

wanted to play, and she was just about to LITTLE JANET AND HER TEXTS. exclaim,“ Óh, mother, I don't want to !"

when a little voice in her heart whispered, FOR THE YOUNG.

“ Honour thy father and thy mother, and, JANET was a little girl just nine years “Children, obey your parents in the Lord;" old. She went regularly to Sunday-school, and Jenny was in such haste to obey the and loved it so well that nothing but sick. I voice, that she threw down her brush, and ran to take her place at the cradle, saying,

" Satan finds some mischief still “Yes, mother dear, I will rock Willie as

For idle hands to do.” long as you please.” So she sat down with This brought to mind the knitting in her her foot on the rocker, and rocked very pocket: 80 out comes her stocking, and gently, looking at Willie with her eyes full Jenny's fingers begin to hop about like of love. She sang,,

crickets. And Jenny felt very happy as "Hush, my dear; lie still and slumber;

she remembered it was written that“ it was Holy angels guard thy bed.”

more blessed to give than to receive.The dust-brush was lying at her side,

We could tell of a great many more good and she was knitting. But where did she

things that the Holy Spirit put into Jenny's get her knitting? I will tell you about

heart ; but these will do for the present. that knitting. Jenny's grandmother taught

Now you and all little boys and girls would her how to knit, and she was soon making

do well to try and live their Scriptur e texts, a pair of stockings for the son of a poor

-to use them as Paul says, “ for doctrine, widow. Now, as Jenny was rocking, she

for reproof, for correction, for instruction thought her hands might as well be em- |

in righteousness.” ployed. For

Gems from Golden Mines.

GOD HATH MORE THRONES | God, that they address not themselves to THAN ONE.

him at rovers, or at random, but that, He hath a throne in heaven, and a when they come to him for benefits, they throne on earth. The Lord's throne is direct their prayers to the throne of grace, in heaven," and " they shall call Jerusa or to God as considered on a throne of lem the throne of the Lord.” He ruleth grace. For he is not to be found a God over the angels; he ruleth in his Church. | merciful and gracious, but as he is on the He sitteth in Jacob, and ruleth to the ends throne of grace. This is his holy place, out of the earth; yea, he has a throne and seat of which he is terri

of which he is terrible to the sons of men of majesty among the princes and great and cannot be gracious unto them. For, ones of the world. He ruleth or judgeth as when he shall sit at the last day upon among the gods. There is a throne for his throne of judgment, he will neither be him as a Father, and a throne for Christ | moved with the tears or misery of the as a giver of reward to all faithful and world to do anything for them that in the overcoming Christians. “To him that least will have a tendency to a relaxation overcometh, I will grant to sit with me on of the least part of their sorrow ; so now, my throne, even as I also overcame, and let men take him where they will, or conam set down with my Father in his throne.” sider him as they list, he gives no grace, no

There is also to be a throne of judgment, special grace, but as considered on the on which God, by Christ, at the great and throne of grace. Let us, therefore, come notable day, shall sit to give to the whole boldly unto the throne of grace, that we world their last or final sentence; from may obtain mercy, and find grace to help Which (no, not by any means) they shall in time of need.-John Bunyan. never be released. This throne is made mention of in the New Testament, and is called by Christ the throne of his glory,

THE AGED SERVING GOD. and a great white throne. And his pre. May the old servants of God be dismissed sence, when he sits upon this throne, will be from waiting on him ? No; their attend80 terrible, that nothing shall be able to ance is still required, and shall be still abide it that is not reconciled to God by accepted; they shall not be cast off by

their Master in time of old age. Therefore, Wherefore, it is not amiss that I give let them not desert his service. When, you this hint, because it may tend to in- | through the infirmities of age, they can no

m unwary Christians, when they go to 1 longer be working servants in God's family,

him before.

yet they may be waiting servants. Those So will I onward press till life is o'er, that, like Barzillai, are unfit for the enter-| And death's stern mandate doth my steps tainments of the courts of earthly princes,

arrest; may yet relish the pleasures of God's courts Then earth for heaven shall be the glad as much as ever.

exchangeThe Levites, when they were past the age This weary toil for that eternal rest, of fifty, and were discharged from the toil. But when, or where, or how that change some parts of their ministrations, yet still

shall come ? must wait on God, must be quietly waiting Whispers my anxious soul with keen to give honour to him, and to receive com

demand : fort from him. Those that have done the It matters not, dear Lord, thou knowest will of God, and their well-doing is at an

wellend, have need of patience to enable them

“My times are in thy hand !” to wait till they inherit the promise; and the nearer the happiness is which they are waiting for, the dearer should the God be

HEAVEN. they are waiting on, and hope shortly to WHEN I was a boy, I thought of heaven be with eternally.—Matthew Henry. i as a great shining city with vast walls, and

domes, and spires, and with nobody in it “MY TIMES ARE IN THY HAND." except white tenuous angels, who were YEARS came and went, and with me all

strangers to me. By-and-by, my little was well,

brother died, and I thought of a great My barque sailed smoothly o'er life's city with walls, and domes, and spires, and treacherous seas,

1 a flock of cold, unknown angels, and one Health, peace, and comfort crowned each

| little fellow that I was acquainted with. passing day,

He was the only one I knew in heaven at And I had visions bright of wealth and

that time. Then another brother died, and ease.

there were two that I knew, Then my But the fierce tempest rose, and all was acquaintances began to die, and the little wrecked,

crowd continually grew. But it was not My strongest cables proved but ropes of

till I had sent one of my little children to sand;

his grandparent-God-that I began to Then through the darkness, Lord, I cried think I had ) got a little in myself. A to thee:

second went, a third went, a fourth went; “My times are in thy hand !"

and by that time I had so many acquaint

ances in heaven, that I did not see any I gather'd all my strength the tide to stem,

more walls, and domes, and spires. I To snatch some fragments from the

began to think of the residents of the tossing wave;

celestial city. And now there have so But sickness came and laid me helpless by

many of my acquaintances gone there, that Perhaps would bear me quickly to my

it sometimes seems to me that I know more grave;

that are in heaven then I do that are on Still to thy word for refuge turned my soul :

earth.-H. W. Beecher. Lord, dost thou call me to the silent

land ? Or shall thy voice of healing bid me live ? THE WHOLE, NOT A PART. “My times are in thy hand !"

ERROR is often plausible, and the most Slowly from fevered couch again I rise, ensnaring errors are those which have an With wasted strength the struggle to obvious resemblance to truth. Even though renew:

the outside coating is not brass, but real Ah! how shall faltering steps and fainting | gold, the leaden coin is none the less a heart

counterfeit; and, like the devil's temptaEndure life's toilsome journey to pursue ? tion, wrapped up in a Scripture saying, My bleeding feet a flinty path must tread, many false doctrines come now-a-days My hopes may still be dashed upon the with a sacred or spiritual glamor round strand;

them, quoting texts and uttering Bible Yet one sweet thought shall keep me from phrases. But the question is not, Who despair

| has got a text on his side? but, Who has '“My times are in thy hand !" I got the Bible ?—not, Who can produc

certain sentences, torn from their connexion, I I think, if thou couldst see,
and reft of the purport which that con . With thy dim mortal light,
nexion gives them ? but, looking at Scrip. How meanings dark to thee
ture in its integrity-having regard to its

Are shadows, hiding light;
general drift, as well as to the bearing of Truth's efforts cross'd and vex’d,
these special passages—Who is it that makes Life's purpose all perplex'd, -
the fairest appeal to the statute book of

If thou couldst see them right, heaven ?- Dr. James Hamilton.

I think that they would seem all clear,

and wise, and bright. COMPLAINING.

And yet thou canst not know,
I TAINK, if thou couldst know,

And yet thou canst not see ;-
O soul that will complain,

Wisdom and sight are slow
What lies conceal'd below

In poor humanity.
Our burden and our pain;

If thou couldst trust, poor soul,
How just our anguish brings

In Him who rules the whole, Nearer those longed-for things

Thou wouldst find peace and rest : We seek for, now, in vain,

Wisdom and sight are well; but trust is I think thou wouldst rejoice, and not

best. complain.

-Adelaide A. Proctor.

Our Missions.


years before they entirely fell into that de

praved system of idolatry which now covers Just about the time that the patriarch India with its vices, its superstitions, and Abraham migrated from his parental home its temples. The Sanscrit appears to have into the vales of Palestine, a greater migra continued to be the spoken language of the tion was taking place to the eastward. people till the time when Buddhism was Persia, and the great plains of Tartary, are driven from India, about the seventh censupposed to have been peopled by tribes of tury of the Christian era. The sacred men speaking the languages now known as books were still written in that language, Zend and Sanscrit, portions of whom gra and were read by the people. In the dually surmounted the snowy barriers of periods of anarchy and civil strife that folthe Hindu Kooch and Himalaya moun lowed, the Sanscrit was deteriorated, and tains, and founded a new empire in Hin- | broke down into the vulgar tongues now dastan. They first settled in the region of spoken in various parts of the country, and the Punjaub, thence in successive waves known as Bengali, Hindi, Mahratta, Asflooding all parts of India, driving before samese, and their connected dialects. The them into the mountains and desert places Sanscrit, in this respect, has had a history of the country the feeble and unwarlike like to that of the Latin language in Euoriginal tribes, and moulding the institutions rope, which during the middle ages ceased and religion of the conquered races by to be spoken in its purity, and was gra

dually lost as a living language in the These conquerors were the Hindus. At modern Italian, French, and Spanish. But the time of their appearance in India they just as Latin contained the Scriptures and spoke the Sanscrit tongue, and in that lan Liturgies of the Christian Church, to which guage wrote the ancient books of their faith. language the Church of Rome to this day The Vedas, as they are called, still remain confines the word of God and Divine worfor the investigation of the learned, consist- ship in its sanctuaries, so the Sanscrit being of songs and invocations addressed to the came the depository of the sacred writings gods. At that early period of their history of the Hindus, and is used by the Brahthe Hindus worshipped only a few of the mins to the present time in all their rites elements of nature. It was nearly 2,000 l and ceremonial observances.

their own.

The Sanscrit is then the sacred language i completed in 1808. The edition consisted of India, and its acquirement is rigidly con of 600 copies. fined by the Brahmins to men of high caste In preparing this great work for the and to those employed in the service of the press, Dr. Carey translated it direct from temples. For ages they have sustained the Greek, the similarity of construction schools for the acquisition of the language, between the two languages enabling the and though it is not now spoken in any translator to follow the original with part of India, it is very widely read and almost verbal accuracy. He employed an understood by all who have any pretensions amanuensis only to write down the transto learning, or who are employed in the per lation as he proceeded. As a first attempt formance of religious duties. The Brah the translation was undoubtedly imperfect. min caste is a very large one. It is found The attempt at verbal accuracy was injuin every part of India, and is supposed to rious to the style; but it laid the foundaform one-tenth of the entire population. tion for the more complete editions which There are entire towns, and almost districts, followed. in which Brahmins alone are resident.

In giving himself to this work, Dr. Carey The learned men of Europe regard the had primarily in view the spiritual benefit Sanscrit as not only one of the most an of the Brahmins, to whom a Sanscrit cient languages of the human race, but also volume would be more acceptable than one as one of the most perfect and beautiful. | in the vulgar tongue, and, at the same time, It contains about 1,500 words of one syl. to reach a vast number of persons in all lable, from which all its manifold forms of parts of India to whom this language was expression are derived ; and these syllables known, though living in places where are found also in great numbers in Greek, tongues were spoken in which the ScripLatin, German, and Icelandic, which lan tures had not been translated. Just as at guages are derived from the Sanscrit, and the time of the Reformation a work in Latin follow many of its rules of construction would be intelligible to all the learned and syntax. The Brahmins hold it in still men in Europe; while if written only in a higher veneration. They affirm that it common dialect it would be confined to came from the gods, and even the letters of the country or place where that dialect was the alphabet owe their origin to Divine | spoken. But beyond this, Dr. Carey had gift. The alphabet is called the Deva- | another object in view, which he thus nagari, or the “ City of the Gods.” Hence expresses in his Journal :no Sudra, or man of low caste, must ven is June 6. We have begun to print the ture to learn its letters ; and the sacred Sanscrit Testament, the publication of books of the Hindu faith are to be for ever which is of great importance, as a faithful sealed up from the curiosity or knowledge translation into this language will render of the common people.

translations into other eastern languages Only a few years previous to the arrival easy and certain. Every eastern pundit of Dr. Carey in India had the Sanscrit knows the Sanscrit, and could make from become known to European scholars. By it a good translation into his own ververy large gifts of money, Sir William nacular tongue. By translating the ScripJones induced a pundit to communicate to tures, therefore, into this language, we, in him the principles and intricate laws of effect, translate them into all the languages this sacred tongue. Another eminent | of Asia.” Orientalist, Dr. Wilkins, was able about Accordingly, the room of the Press at the same time to construct a fount of types | Serampore, day after day, displayed a very in Indian characters. So that when, in the busy and interesting sight. There were providence of God, Carey was ready to pundits gathered from all parts of India, translate the Word of God into this an | engaged in transferring the words of life cient tongue, the way had been in some from this ancient tongue into the spoken measure prepared. But the Serampore dialects of the districts whence they came. brethren soon entered heartily into the work, It was in this way that Dr. Carey succeeded and in 1803 we find them busily occupied in giving to India more than forty versions in preparing a fount of type in the sacred of the New Testament before he was called character, which contained in all some to his reward. Referring to the mode of 800 forms. The printing of the first edi labour, he says :-“We employ all the help tion of the Sanscrit New Testament was we can obtain ; Brahmins, Mussalmans, begun on the 6th of June, 1806, and was and others, who both translate, and some

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