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constant sources of chafing and irritation is ! faith that removes mountains, but in the tie proud man exposed! So long as by meekness and lowliness learned of Christ, the mere force of circumstances pride is that we find his service to be an easy yoke. simply crossed from without, there is all Truly it is a most blessed toing to be delithe anguish of the cross, but none of its vered by his Spirit from burdensome indoblessed results ; but when by the man him- ' lence and painful self-seeking. For him self it is voluntarily crucified from within, i labour is rest, and toil is ease. In the sunthen in lowliness of heart there comes the shine of his countenance the meanest healing rest.

things of earth, its dross and its clay, are Some call to duty from without, some gilded and beautified, and fitted for the urgent plea of conscience from within, in holiest temple service. Wherefore if the volves perhaps at least a partial loss of re Lord call thee to work for him, and exhibit putation, and from this the spirit shrinks. to thee the symbol of his cross, shrink not Loss of caste is a penalty which the from it! It is in labour that he blesses " religious world” inflicts on many a well thee; in weariness he gives to thee repose; meant effort to cast out devils, if not fol | in suffering he makes thee whole; when he lowing with it. And wbile this breath of seems severe, he is most merciful. If in excommunication is to some as “the idle looking back upon a lost paradise thou wind which they regard not,” it is to others holdest labour to be a curse, yet think how a cross indeed. But here, too, in mere couldst thou bear the curse of idleness, accommodations, trimmings, and evasions, when Christ has made all labour sacred in there is no peace for the soul. Entirely to that paradise which for thee he has refront these difficulties is the hardness of gained. For him thenthe Christian life ; yet it is only so that

“Get leave to work; the easiness can be found. And here also In this world, 'tis the best you get at all; we may note that a motive far inferior to

For God in cursing gives us better gifts

Than man in benediction.” that of love to Him who bore the cross for us, may sometimes buoy up the mind. An In all the sacrifices which our loving anticipation of triumph in the end, a cer Lord seeks at our hands, he means to bless tain homage from the worshippers of us. Taking our life he gives to us the true success, may probably be ours; but let us life: for the gold and silver given from the beware how we barbour such thoughts grateful heart to him he has in return the within us, for the true rest of the soul | durable riches and righteousness. And for springs not from such a source.

labour, “the rest that remaineth for the The breath of popular applause brings people of God.” with it the fever-heat; the pure glow of

“ Dismiss me not thy service, Lord, health is from the breath of Christ's spirit.

But train me for thy will; You may triumph over public opinion, but

For even I in fields so broad

Some duties may fuifil; the victory which ends in peace is the

And I will ask for no reward, triumph over the pride of our own hearts.

Except to serve thee stili. No doubt, indeed, in some cases at least, if

6 Our Master all the work hath doue, you will only persistently and patiently

He asks of us to-day; enough not go to the mountain, the

Sharing his service erery one mountain will, reluctantly, and under pro

Share too his worship may.

Lord, I would serre and be a son, test, come to you. Yet it is not in the

Disiniss me not I pray !" Newport.

OVER THE RIVER. OVER the river they beckon to me,

Loved ones who've cross'd to the farther side : The gleam of their snowy robes I see,

But their voices are lost in the dashing tide. There's one with ringlets of sunny gold,

And eyes the reflection of heaven's own blue-He crossed in tbe twilight, dim and cold,

And the pale mist hid him from mortal view : We saw not the angels who met him there --

The gates of the city we could not see ; Over the river---over the river

My father stands waiting to welcome me.

Over the river the boatman pale

Carried another—the household pet;
Her brown curls waved in the gentle gale, -

Darling Rhoda, I see her yet;
She cross'd on her bosom her snowy hands,

And fearlessly entered the phantom bark :
We felt it glide from the silver sands.

And all our sunshine grew strangely dark. We know she is safe on the further side

Where all the ransom'd angels be : Over the river-the mystic river

My childhood's idol is waiting for me.

For none return from those quiet shores,

Who cross with the boatman, cold and pale: We bear the dip of the golden oars,

And catch a gleam of the snowy sail; And, lo! they have passed from our yearning hearts,

They cross the stream, and are gone for aye ; We may not sunder the veil apart

That bides from our vision the gates of day.
We only know that their barks no more

May sail with us o'er life's stormy sea :
Yet somewhere, I know, on the unseen shore,

They watch, and beckon, and wait for me.

And I sit and think, when the sunset's gold

Is Aushing river, and hill, and shore,
I shall one day stand by the water cold,

And list for the sound of the boatman's oar;
I shall watch for a gleam of the flapping sail, ,

I shall hear the boat as it gains the strand,
I shall pass from sight, with the boatman pale,

To the better shore of the spirit land.
I shall know the loved who have gone before,

And joyfully sweet will the meeting be,
When over the river- the peaceful river-

The angel of death shall carry me.

Tales and Sketches.


THE BIBLE OF THE RICH AND 1 “Mary, my dear child," says the mother, THE POOR.

“ do keep that shawl close about you, you BY MRS. H. B. STOWE.

are cold, I know," and the woman shivers

as she speaks. It was a splendid room. Rich curtains | “No, mother, not very," replies the swept down to the floor in graceful folds, half child, again relapsing into that hollow, excluding the light, and shedding it in soft ominous cough. “ I wish you wouldn't hues over the fine old paintings on the make me always wear your shawl when it walls, and over the broad mirrors that re is cold, mother." flect all that taste can accomplish by the “Dear child, you need it most-how hand of wealth. Books, the rarest and you cough to-night,” replies the mother ; most costly, were around, in every form of “ it really don't seem right for me to send gorgeous binding and gilding, and among you up that long, cold street, now your them, glittering in ornament, lay a magnifi shoes have grown so poor too-I must go cent Bible-a Bible, too beautiful in its myself after this.” appointments, too showy, too ornamental, “Oh, mother, you must stay with the ever to have been meant to be read-a baby-what if he should have one of those Bible which every visitor should take up dreadful fits while you are gone-no, I can and exclaim, “ What a beautiful edition ! go very well, I have got used to the cold what superb bindings!” and then lay it down again.

“ But, mother, I'm cold,” says a little And the master of the house was loung voice from the scanty bed in the corner; ing on a sofa, looking over a late review “ mayn't I get up and come to the fire ?" for he was a man of leisure, taste, and read. « Dear child, it would not warm you ; it ing—but then, as to reading the Bible, that is very cold here, and I can't make any forms, we suppose, no part of the preten more fire to-night.” sions of a man of letters. The Bible-cer “ Why can't you, mother ? there are tainly he considered it a very respectable four whole sticks of wood in the box; do book —a fine specimen of ancient literature put one on, and let's get warm once." -an admirable book of moral precepts; “ No, my dear little Henry,” says the but then, as to its Divine origin, he had mother, soothingly; “ that is all the wood not exactly made up his mind-some parts mother has, and I haven't any money to appeared strange and inconsistent to his get more.” reason-others were very revolting to his And now wakens the sick baby in the taste; true, he had never studied it very little cradle, and mother and daughter are attentively, yet such was his general im both for some time busy in attempting to pression about it; but, on the whole, he supply its little wants, and lulling it again thought it well enough to keep an elegant to sleep. copy of it on his drawing-room table.

And now look well at the mother. Six So much for one picture; now for an months ago she had a husband whose earn

ings procured for her both the necessaries Come with us into this little dark alley, and comforts of life-her children were and up a flight of ruinous stairs. It is a clothed, fed, and schooled without thought bitter night, and the wind and snow might of hers. But husbandless, friendless, and drive through the crevices of the poor room, alone, in the heart of a great busy city, with were it not that careful hands have stopped feeble health, and only the precarious rethem with paper or cloth. But for all this source of her needle, she had gone rapidly little carefulness the room is bitter cold down from comfort to extreme poverty. cold even with those few decaying brands Look at her now, as she is to-night. She on the hearth, which that sorrowful woman knows full well that the pale, bright-eyed is trying to kindle with her breath. Do girl, whose hollow cough constantly rings in you see that pale, little, thin girl, with her ears, is far from well. She knows that arge bright eyes, who is crouching so near cold, hunger, and exposure of every kind, are her mother? Hark! how she coughs! | daily and surely wearing away her life. Now listen:

And yet what can she do ? Poor soul, how


many times has she calculated all her little | what ye shall drink, neither be of anxious resources, to see if she could pay a doctor, mind. For your Father knoweth that ye and get medicine for Mary—yet all in vain. have need of these things.'” She knows that timely medicine, ease, fresh “But, mother,” says little Mary, “if air, and warmth might save her; but she God is our Father, and loves us, what does knows that all these things are out of the he let us be so poor for ?question for her. She feels, too, as a “Nay,” says the mother, “our dear Lord mother would feel, when she sees her once Jesus Christ was as poor as we are, and rosy, happy little boy becoming pale, and God certainly loved him." anxious, and fretful; and even when he “ Was he, mother?” teases her most, she only stops a moment, “Yes, children, you remember how he and strokes his poor little thin cheeks, and said, 'The Son of Man hath not where to thinks what a laughing, happy little fellow | lay his head. And it tells us more than he once was, till she has not a heart to re- | once that Jesus was hungry when there prove him. And all this day she has toiled) was none to give him food." with a sick and fretful baby in her lap, and “O mother, what should we do without her little, shivering, hungry boy at her the Bible ? ” says Mary. side, whom poor Mary's patient artifices Now, if the rich man, who had not yet cannot always keep quiet; she has toiled made up his mind what to think of the over the last piece of work which she can Bible, should visit this poor woman, and procure from the shop, for the man has ask her on what she grounded her belief of told her that after this he can furnish no | its truth, what could she answer? Could more: and the little money that is to she give the arguments from miracles and come from this is already portioned out in prophecy? Could she account for all the her own mind, and after that she has no changes which have taken place in it human prospect of support.

through translators and copyists, and prove But yet, that woman's face is patient, that we have a genuine and uncorrupted quiet, firm. Nay, you may eren see in her version ? Not she! But how, then, does suffering eye something like peace. And she know that it is true? How, say you? whence comes it? I will tell you.

How does she know that she has warm There is a Bible in that room, as well life-blood in her heart? How does she as in the rich man's apartment. Not know there is such a thing as air and sunsplendidly bound to be sure, but faithfully shine? She does not believe these things read-a plain, hoinely, much-worn book. —she knows them; and in like manner,

Hearken now while she says to her child with a deep heartfelt consciousness, she is ren:-“Listen to me, dear children, and I certain that the words of her Bible are will read you something out of this book. truth and life. Is it by reasoning that the 'Let not your hearts be troubled, in my frightened child, bewildered in the dark, Father's house are many mansions. So knows its mother's voice? No! Nor is you see my children, we shall not always it only by reasoning that the forlorn and live in this little, cold, dark room. Jesus distressed human heart knows the voice of Christ has promised to take us to a better its Saviour, and is still. home."

Reader, are you not disposed to say with “Shall we be warm there all day?" says little Mary, "What would the poor do the little boy, earnestly; "and shall we without the Bible!” have enough to eat?”.

“Yes, my dear child," says the mother, “listen to what the Bible says— They

THE THREE MAXIMS. shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; for the Lamb which is in the midst

FROM THE FRENCH. of the throne shall feed them; and God I SHALL never forget the interesting story shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.'” which an old soldier of the empire related

“I am glad of that,” said little Mary, | to me. “for, mother, I never can bear to see you An old military man, on the point of

leaving his regiment, went to bid adieu to “But, mother,” says little Henry, “won't | his captain. « Well, my brave man,” said God send us something to eat to-morrow?” | the captain, “ you are going, then, to leave

“ See,” says the mother, “what the Bible / us ; you are going to change your soldier's says-Seek ye not what ye shall eat, nor | life for that of a citizen. As this career will


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be rather new to you, my esteem and my companion had been assassinated. I assure
friendship, which you owe to your good you that he appreciated the maxim which
conduct, pledge me to offer you some ad- had put him into a good road, regretted not
vice before your departure ; and, if you are his three louis, and in his heart sincerely
willing to submit to my conditions, the thanked his good captain.
motives of which you must not at present The same day, he arrived at the inn of a
seek, you will have no cause to repent of little village, where they told him to go and
my advice. How much money do you carry see, in his capacity of soldier, the lord of
with you?"

the castle, who esteemed it a pleasure to
“Ah! Captain, I have only three louis show hospitality to the military men who
d'or and a few francs to defray my ex passed through that place.

He was very politely received ; they as“Well; give me your three louis-d'or, sured him that he was welcome, and he and I will give you three pieces of advice.” was invited to the table of the lord.

"The state of my finances renders the But strange to relate, in the midst of bargain rather dear to me," said the sol- the supper, a lady clothed all in black, with dier; “however, as wisdom is more pre a dejected step and downcast eyes, came cious than gold, and were it even only to and took her place at the table; and this prove the confidence which I have in you, lady, who was French, and a noblewoman, I consent to it.And the soldier held out drank out of a human skull. The soldier his three louis-d'or, all his fortune, to the appeared not even to notice it, and the concaptain.

versation continued as before. He was "In that case, my friend," said the cap none the less curious to learn the reason of tain, “ remember well and put in practice this extraordinary conduct; but the imthese three maxims :-Follow a straight portant service which the first maxim had road; never meddle with the affairs of rendered him, when it caused him to take others; and defer your anger till the mor the good route, made him practise the row. Now wait me here a few moments.” second also. “Never meddle with the And the old soldier remained thoughtful, affairs of others.” repeating to himself :-"Follow a straight After supper, the lady left her place road; never meddle with the affairs of some time before, when the lord, addressothers; and defer your anger till the mor ing himself to the soldier, looked fixedly at row. Very wise, assuredly; and worth him and said : “My friend, you are no three louis-d'or; only it is a pity that it common man, for one of the strangest was all my fortune."

scenes has been presented to your eyes, A few minutes after, the captain reap and you have not even appeared to obpeared, and presenting to his friend a little

serve it." loaf of bread, made him promise not to “My lord,” replied the latter, “I have open it until he was in his greatest joy. for a principle, never to meddle with the Then he shook hands with him, and even affairs of others." pressing him to his heart, with a sincerity “My good man," answered the lord, “I and a friendship truly French, this old com see that I can confide in you, and that you panion in arms bade him adieu.

| are an honourable man; follow me, and The soldier set out. Having joined a you shall learn what your discretion has travelling companion, they arrived at a been worth to you.” And he led him into dlace where the road was divided into two a deep subterranean place. branches which came out at the same point ; But 0, horror! the pale and vacillating and one, apparently the easier, turned to glimmer of the torch reflected in this the right, while the other, a little hilly, was gloomy spot, on all sides, nothing but the continuation of the highway. They skeletons, which its vacillations appeared were going to deliberate as to which they to animate, and which seemed to menace must take, when the military man, recol the two visitors. lecting his maxim, immediately decided, “My friend,” continued the lord, “the saying—"I follow the straight road." lady in black, whom you have seen drink

"And I,” said his companion, “ like the ing from a human skull, is my wife, whom easiest route."

I have condemned to drink, at my table, But it happened that this easy route led from this skull, which is that of her lover, through dangerous woods, and, the next whom I have killed. These bones are those day, the soldier learned that his travelling l of travellers who have been witnesses of

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