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Companies under Stone & Webster Management

NOVEMBER 30, 1917

The Securities Department executes orders on commission for those wishing to purchase or sell. Requests for information in regard to the companies will be answered promptly.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Quotations are approximate. All stocks $100 par value unless otherwise specified.

*Cumulative. †Ex-Dividend. A. Listed on London Stock Exchange. B. Listed on Boston Stock Exchange. L. Listed on Louisville, Ky., Stock Exchange. N. Common shares have no par value. X. Ex-right


'Boston's Special Libraries" by R. L. Power, Librarian, College of Business Administration, Boston University. This interesting compilation describes in 138 pages sixty-six special libraries of Greater Boston. It treats "only of business and of the more unusual types of specialized collections . . . No attempt has been made to include institutional, public or private libraries of general nature."

Most of the articles appeared in various publications, principally the Boston University News. They are based on personal visits, mostly by Mr. Power himself and, therefore, the information is well up to date. The arrangement is alphabetical and there is an index referring to the libraries and to various of their subjects. The biography of six pages at the end is decidedly worth while. As a whole, the undertaking is something that should be perpetuated with yearly revision.

Suppose, for instance, you want to know where to look in the vicinity of Boston for publications on acoustics; you would find that library No. 48, the New England Conservatory of Music, has works on "musical history, harmony, acoustics, general literature and special literature on the piano, organ and vocal music." A few statements like this of greater or less extent on the sixty-six different libraries makes it an exceedingly useful reference book of "where to look" in this vicinity.

From a Stone & Webster standpoint, we note the following in the index, cement, chemical engineering, corporation law, gasoline engineering, lumbering, mathematics, patents, physics, statistics, textiles, and of course many titles that are more strictly under the caption of "engineering."

It is a little misleading, where the bare index entry entitled "Arizona" leads us to library No. 45, to find that it has to do only with the cotton fields of Arizona and not with general statistics; but we must not take a microscope to find fault with a publication that is a pioneer of its kind and has a large field of usefulness just as it is.

Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., N. Y.

"The Wooden Shipbuilding Industry" makes practically a monograph about a hundred pages long of the Canada Lumberman and Wood-Worker for November. It is the librarian's delight thus to have a technical journal give its entire issue to a single subject. We are filing this as a book and in all probability it will be appreciated for reference.




















Recent Accessions

(10) Civil Engineering

Reinforced concrete wall footings and column footings... Bulletin
No. 67. Illinois University Engineering Experiment Station.
Urbana, 1913. 114p, 6x9. *0772.116w

Power estimates from stream flow and rainfall data. D. M. Wood.
[Reprinted from Journal of Boston Society of Civil Engineers,
Vol. 3, No. 3, March, 1916.] (42p.), 6x9. *0732. W85

Looking squarely at the water power problem. H. J. Pierce. Seattle, nd. vp, 6x9. *0732. P611

Financial safety in water power development including a description
of the Nolichucky hydroelectric plant of Tennessee Eastern
Electric Co. W. V. A. Powelson . . . Dec. 31, 1914. 32p, 6x9, illus.

Engineering of power plants. R. H. Fernald and G. A. Orrok.
New York, 1916. 1st ed. 569p, 6x9, illus. *072. F391

(20) Electrical Engineering

The J. E. Aldred lectures on engineering practice, 1916-17. Baltimore. 254p, 6x9, illus. *07.Al24

Central station voltages, Oct. 1, 1916... General Electric Co. 146p, 4x7. *093.G286

Proceedings of the National Electric Light Association, 40th convention, May 9-10, 1917. 5 vols. vp, 6x94, illus. *6921.1917. vols. 1-5

Report of Proceedings of 14th convention of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers... 9/17-29, 1917. 436p, 6x9. *6989.


Municipal electric lighting plants in cities over 30,000 population:
cost of installation and annual maintenance; capacity; rates and
profits. Data gathered by State Bureau of Municipal information
of the New York State conference of mayors and other city offi-
cials. Albany, 1/29/16. 11 sheets, 84x11. *021.N489
Tenth annual report of Pasadena's Municipal Lighting Works
Department, 1916-17. 30 p, 6x9, illus. *6482, M925.1916–17
Report on needs and workings of municipal gas and electrical
plant, Norwich, Conn., 1917. 35p, 6x9. *1651. M732.051

(30) Mechanical, (40) Mining Engineering
Applied mechanics. C. E. Fuller and W. A. Johnston. Vol. 1:
Statics and kinetics. New York, 1915. 1st ed. 388p, 6x9. *072.

Handbook for heating and ventilating engineers . . . J. D. Hoffman.
3d ed. New York, 1913. 402p, 44x7. *072.H675

Mineral resources of the United States, 1915. Part 1: Metals.
Part 2: Non-metals. Wash., 1917. *6874.075.1915. Pts. 1 & 2
Yearbook of Bureau of Mines, 1916. V. H. Manning. U. S. Bureau of
Mines, Bulletin No. 141. 174p, 6x9, illus. *6876. B141.1916

(48) Gas Engineering


Condensed report "recovery of toluol from gas works" American
Gas Institute. [c1917] 35p, 6x9. *6960. R245

Gas chemists handbook. Compiled by Technical Committee

1916. American Gas Institute. New York. 354p, 6x9, illus. *6960.074























(50) Railways

Street railway employment in the United States. Bulletin... U. S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Whole No. 204. April, 1917. Wash.,
1917. 1131p, 6x9. *6899.B204
Proceedings and reports of the 15th biennial convention of Amal-
gamated Association of street and electric railway employees of
America... Prov., R. I. . . . 9/10-17/17. 184p, 6x9. *6949.1917

(74) Financial

Charts combining earnings, capitalizations and quotations on
securities of Stone & Webster companies, 1917. unp, 11x8.

Materials of corporation finance. C. W. Gerstenberg. 2d ed. New
York, c1915. 1023p, 6x9. *025.G325

Cost accounting, theory and practice. J. L. Nicholson. New York,
1917. 341p, 6x9. *024.N523

(76) Legal

War tax: a complete analysis... Compiled . . . E. D. Moore. San
Francisco, [c1917] 31p, 6x9. *0318. M782

War revenue bill, enacted 10/3/17 ... U. S. Congress. . . 46p, 6x9.
*6800. 0318wr

Trading with the Enemy Act: with report on the Act submitted to
the Senate by the Committee on Commerce. National Bank of
Commerce in New York, Oct., 1917. 70p, 6x9. *0319.T675n
Statement of Howard Elliott in behalf of New York, New Haven &
Hartford Railroad Co.... May 7, 1917. 29p, 6x9. *022.El5nh
Acts amending the Public Service Company law... 7/17/17 . .
Public Service Commission of Pennsylvania. 16p, 6x9. *1604.03
Brief on behalf of Maryland Public Service Commission in case of
Havre de Grace and Perryville Bridge Co. . . . in Court of Ap-
peals of Maryland. October term, 1917. 101p, 6x9. *2200.034h
Opinions and decisions of Railroad Commission, State of Wisconsin.
Vol. XVII, Nov. 15, 1915 to May 29, 1916. Madison, 1917.
1147p, 6x9. *2804.D35. vol.17

Public utilities reports annotated . . . 1917E. Rochester, c1917.
1180p, 6x9. *035.L449.1917E

Justice through simplified legal procedure. September issue of Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science devoted to the subject. *03. Am35

(80) Statistics

Financial statistics of states, 1916. Bureau of Census. Wash., 1917.
127p, 9x11. *6891.025st.1916

Annual review of foreign commerce of the United States, 1913.
Department of Commerce, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic
Commerce. Miscellaneous Series No. 14. Wash., 1914. 37p, 6x9.
*6890. C73ar. 1913

Census of manufactures, 1914: Ala., Del., Tex., Wis. United States
Bureau of Census. Wash., 1917. 9x11. *6891.02m, Ala., etc.
The development of our export trade. W. S. Kies... Sept. 26, 1917.
21p, 6x9. *027.K547

The world's food supply. November, 1917, issue of The Annals of
Am. Academy of Political and Social Science devoted to the
subject. 313p, 64x10. *0271.Am35

Quest of the long staple cotton. W. I. Bullard. [c1917] 31p, 5x7. *0293.B872

(90) Sources of Information

Thomas' Register of American Manufacturers... Thomas Publish-
ing Co. New York, [c1917]. 9th ed. vp, 10x12. *093. T361.1917
Social Register, Boston, 1918. Social Register Association. New
York, [c1917]. 234p, 5x7. *1461.Sol.093.1918

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