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AN ACT to facilitate judicial proceedings in the county of Camden.

Judge to be ap

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Additional the State of New Jersey, That the court of common pleas pointed. and general quarter sessions of the peace in and for the county of Camden, shall hereafter consist of four judges, in addition to the justice of the supreme court holding the circuit for said county, and that the additional judge by this act provided for shall receive the same fees and compensation as the other judges of the said court of common pleas and general quarter sessions of the peace.

Judge to pre

2. And be it enacted, That whenever the justice of the Additional supreme court holding said circuit court shall be absent, such side in the ab. additional judge shall be president judge of the court of com-preme court. mon pleas, general quarter sessions of the peace and orphans'


3. And be it enacted, That indictments for all crimes within the jurisdiction of the courts of general quarter sessions of the peace may be handed down by the court of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery, and tried in the said court of general quarter sessions of the peace, whenever the said court of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery shall deem it proper to expedite the business of said court, and to deliver the jail.

sence of the Justice of su

Indictments in court of ge

may be tried

neral quarter sessions.

petit jurors.

4. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of summons to this act, the general panel of petit jurors summoned and returned by the sheriff or coroners of the county of Camden to serve at any court to be holden in said county, at any term thereof, shall be summoned to appear on the first Monday following the first day of such term, instead of on the first day of such term.

Special terms may be held.


5. And be it enacted, That the courts of common pleas and quarter sessions of the peace in and for the said county may hold adjourned and special terms of said courts, or either of them, under the same regulations already provided by statute in case of the circuit court, and court of oyer and terminer and general jail delivery; provided, that no special term of said courts shall be held during the months of July and August. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 12, 1860.

Annual appro

priation for instruction.


AN ACT to provide for the maintenance and instruction of indigent children of feeble mind, inhabitants of New Jersey.

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars be appropriated annually out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be applied under the direction of the governor, or person administering the government, for the maintenance and instruction, in the Pennsylvania Training School for feeble minded children, located at Media, in the county of Delaware, near Philadelphia, such feeble minded children, inhabitants of this state, as may be adjudged by the governor, or person administering the

government, to be suitable applicants for the benefits of the legislative provision herein made; provided, that the amount Proviso. per annum for any one individual shall not exceed the sum of two hundred dollars; and provided also, that the applicants Provisomay be adjudged capable of improvement by the superintendent of said institution.

balance of ap

2. And be it enacted, That if the said sum of three thou- Disposition of sand dollars shall not be used or exhausted in any one year, propriation." then the balance may be applied to the purposes mentioned in this act, in any subsequent year or years, in addition to the appropriation for such subsequent year or years.

the expense to


paid in cer

tain cases.

3. And be it enacted, That whenever the governor, or per- A portion of son administering the government, shall be satisfied that the resources of any imbecile child, or those of his or her parents or guardians, are sufficient to pay any part of the expense, but not to defray the whole expense of maintaining and instructing such children, then the governor, or person administering the government, may cause to be paid out of said fund such proportion as may seem to him just and equitable for such purpose.

4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 12, 1860.


ers not to re



A supplement to an act entitled, "A supplement to an act concerting roads, approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and fortysix."

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of ceive compen- the State of New Jersey, That the commissioners of highways elected under the provisions of the second section of the act entitled, "A supplement to an act concerning roads, approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six," approved March twenty-third, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, for the various townships of the county of Camden, shall not receive any compensation for their services as such commissioners. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage of of supplement this act, the provisions of the fourth section of the said supplement shall not apply in any way to the county of Camden, or any city, borough or town corporate, within the limits thereof.

Provisions of fourth section

not to apply to Camden



Amount of as- 3. And be it enacted, That hereafter it shall not be lawful for any township in the county of Camden to assess more than forty nor less than fifteen per cent. of the amount raised for county and poor tax for road purposes.

4. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 12, 1860.


A further supplement to the act entitled, "A supplement to the act entitled, 'An act respecting executions and regulating the sale of personal estate by virtue thereof,'" approved April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, which supplement was approved March fourteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one.

former act ex

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of Provisions of the State of New Jersey, That the provisions of the act to tended. which this is a further supplement, and the provisions of the several supplements to said act, shall apply to the estate of any person who shall hereafter die intestate, leaving a wife or child him surviving, whether such person shall be a debtor or not, and that goods and chattels of the estate of such deceased person to the amount of two hundred dollars shall be first reserved and set apart to and for the use of his family before any distribution or other disposition shall be made thereof.

mer act re

2. And be it enacted, That all acts and parts of acts incon- Parts of forsistent with the provisions of this act be and the same are pealed. hereby repealed.

3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved March 12, 1860.

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