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Persons incorporated.

May hold property of the in

come of 3000


and four to be a quorum.



AN ACT to incorporate the Trustees of the Methodist Society in

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Lemuel Gooding, Thomas Dodge, Joshua Taylor, Isaac Davis, Nicholas Stickney, Luther Rice, and John Ayres, and their successors, together with the minister having the pastoral charge for the time being of the Methodist Society in Portland connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church as one of the united Societies thereof, be, and they hereby are constituted a body politic by the name of the Trustees of the Methodist Society in Portland, with power to sue and be sued; to have a common seal, and change the same; to make any bye-laws for the management of their concerns not repugnant to the laws of this State, nor the discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the time being; to take and hold any real or personal estate the income whereof shall not exceed three thousand dollars, and to give and grant, or bargain and sell the same according to the will and intent of the grantors or donors thereof and for the benefit of said Society and not otherwise; and with all the other powers belonging to religious corporations or societies.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the number of said board of trustees shall be seven, four of whom including the seven in number president shall form a quorum to transact business; that the minister having the pastoral charge of the Society aforesaid for the time being, shall be president of said board of trustees when assembled or in his absence the next senior officer.

to be filled.

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That whenever any one of the board of trustees herein before mentioned shall die, or cease to be a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, or Vacancies how by resignation, removal or otherwise, there shall be a vacancy in said board of trustees, it shall be the duty of the President to notify and call a meeting of the remaining trustees as soon as conveniently may be, proceeding according to the rules and discipline of said church for the time being to fill such vacancy, so as to keep the number of seven trustees forever. SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That if by reason of any In case the trus- unforeseen event, death or otherwise, the board of trustees be are reduced to so reduced as not to have a quorum for business, it shall be rum, the minis- the duty of the minister having the pastoral charge of the ter to nominate, Society aforesaid, to call a meeting of the same, and to noto elect and fill minate suitable persons for that office being members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, from which nomination said

tees by accident

and the

the board.


Society shall appoint a sufficient number of persons to fill said board of trustees so as to keep in office by regular succession seven trustees forever.


The old board of

SECT. 5. And whereas William Waterhouse, Thomas Delano, William True, Thomas Runnels, Samuel Homer, Trustees, of Lemuel Gooding and Thomas Dodge being trustees of the whom, Methodist Society in Portland, did in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight, receive by deed from Joseph Titcomb, a conveyance of a certain lot of land situated on Chestnut street in said Portland, in trust that they should build thereon a house of worship for the use of the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church according to their rules and discipline for the time being to have and to hold to them and their successors, being trustees of said Society, to the use and upon the trust aforesaid; and whereas the persons named in the first section of this act, have been duly elected successors of the original trustees named in said deed so far as vacancies have happened: Therefore,

Be it further enacted, That the corporation hereby created, The persons shall be deemed and taken to be the legal successors of said named in this trustees, and as such shall hold and manage the estate afore- successors. said in the manner and to the uses mentioned in said deed.

act are the legal


SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That the transactions of Doings of the said board of trustees prior to the passing of this act, so far old board made as the same are not repugnant to law, be, and they hereby are confirmed and held valid and effectual in law to all intents and purposes.

SECT. 7. Be it further enacted, That Joshua Taylor is hereby authorized to fix the time and place of holding the first meeting of said board of trustees, and to notify them thereof accordingly.

[This Act passed February 19, 1821.]

First meeting,


AN ACT to change the name of the town of Arundel.

Arundel be hereafter called

BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That from and after the passing of this act, the name of the said town of Arundel shall cease, and the said town shall henceforth be called and known by the name of Kennebunk Port, any law to the contrary notwith- Kennebunk-por standing; and nothing in this act contained shall be construed to impair any rights of said corporation.

[This Act passed February 19, 1821.]


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tract ceded.



AN ACT to cede to the United States of America the Jurisdiction of a part of the beach at the mouth of Kennebunk River.

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That there be and Bounds of the hereby is ceded to the United States of America, the jurisdiction of a certain trail or parcel of beach lying in Kennebunk, in the State of Maine, bounded as follows: beginning at a black sunken ledge on the beach near the mouth of Kennebunk river; thence running a westerly course on the beach twenty rods; thence in a southwesterly direction to the western part of the fishing rocks, one thousand feet; thence easterly to the channel on the bar, thence up the channel of the river to the bounds first mentioned for the purpose of erecting a Pier to accommodate the navigation of the said Kennebunk river: being the same beach that has been purchased for the said United States of Samuel Gooch, by deed duly recorded.

risdiction reser

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That this State shall have Goncurrent ju- concurrent jurisdiction with the United States in and over the ved to the State. said beach and pier when erected, so far as that all civil and criminal processes, issued under the authority of this State or any officer thereof, may be executed on any part of the said granted premises or in any building that may be erected thereon in the same way and manner as if the jurisdiction had not been granted as aforesaid.

[This Act passed February 19, 1821.]

Reserved lands


AN ACT to authorise the sale of the Ministerial and School lands in the town of Greenwood.

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That the lands reserved in the town of Greenwood for public uses, be and they hereby are appropriated as follows, viz. one third part thereof for the first settled minister in said town, his heirs and assigns in fee simple forever; one third part thereof to the support of the Gospel Ministry; and the other third part thereof for the support of public schools in said town forever. SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty One third to be of the Selectmen and town Treasurer of said town of Greenalty to the first wood, for the time being, or a majority of them, to cause said lands to be divided, as soon as conveniently may be, and one

set off in sever




thirds to be sold.

third part thereof, (regard being had to quantity and quality) to be set off in severalty, for the first settled minister as aforesaid; and to sell the other two third parts of said land, for the The other two most it will bring at public auction or otherwise at their discretion, and to make, execute, and deliver, sufficient deeds of conveyance of the same; and as security for the purchase money thereof, to receive from each purchaser, a mortgage deed of the land sold, and a bond with two sufficient sureties payable at such times, as they may agree upon, in no case exceeding twenty years, with interest annually.

Treasurer incor

tees, &c. to man

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Selectmen and Selectmen and Town Treasurer of said Greenwood and their successors in porated as Trusoffice forever, be, and they hereby are constituted a body cor- age the funds. porate, by the name of "the Trustees of the Ministerial and School funds, in the town of Greenwood," with all the powers incident by law to such corporations; to order, manage and take care of the funds arising from the sale of said lands, and apply the interest thereof annually, one half thereof, to the support of the Gospel Ministry and the other half thereof, to the support of public Schools in said town.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That said board of Trustees shall lay before the inhabitants of said town of Greenwood, at each annual meeting, and before the election of town Who are to make officers, a particular statement of the situation of said funds, ment to the town and of their doings in relation to the same for the year preceding.

an annual state

of the trustees are to be called.

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That any two members How meetings of said board, may at any time, call a meeting thereof by written notification under their hands, left at the house of each member four days before the time of meeting; and three members of said board shall be requisite to transact any business except to adjourn.

[This Act passed February 24, 1821.]


AN ACT to authorise John Dudley and others to build a bridge across
Little River in the town of Perry.

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That John Dudley, Peter Goulding and Moses Lincoln, Selectmen of the town of Perry in the county of Washington, their successors or assigns, be, and they are hereby authorised to build a bridge across Little Bridge autheRiver, from land owned by Robinson Palmer, on the north-rised to be built, east side of said river to land on the southwest side of said


juring the



river owned by John Mahar, in said town of Perry: Provided, that said bridge shall always be kept open free at all times for the accommodation of travellers and no toll shall ever be demanded of any person for passing the same.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That every person who Penalty for in- shall cut away or otherwise injure said bridge, shall be liable to pay double damages in any Court proper to try the same, one half to be appropriated to the use of the owners of said bridge, and the other half to the benefit of the person that may prosecute for the same.

[This Act passed February 27, 1821.]



AN ACT to incorporate the Trustees of the Readfield Religious and
Charitable Society.

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Persons incor- Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Luther Sampson, Charles Kent, John Hubbard, Abraham Morrill, Zachariah Gibson, John Morris, and their successors, be, and they hereby are incorporated into a body politic by the name of the Trustees of the Readfield Religious and Charitable Society; with power to sue and be sued ; to have a common seal, and to change the same; and to make any bye-laws for the management of their affairs, not repugnant to the laws of the State.

When vacancies happen.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That as often as any one of said trustees, as their successors in that office of trust, shall die, resign, or cease to be a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, or by reason of age, infirmity, removal or otherwise, shall in the judgment of two thirds of the remaining trustees for the time being, be rendered incapable of discharging the duties incumbent on him as a trustee; then the remaining trustees shall as soon as conveniently may be, elect a suitable To be filled by person to fill such vacancy, who at the time of his election shall be in regular standing in the Methodist Episcopal Church, of the age of twenty-one years, and residing in or near the vicinity of Readfield, who shall by such election become a member of this corporation.

other trustees from members

of the Methodist


and if there be Mo suitable persons members of

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That if it shall hereafter so happen, that suitable persons cannot be found to discharge the church by the duties of trustees belonging to the Church aforesaid residing in or near the vicinity of Readfield, it shall be lawful to elect any suitable persons as trustees who are not members of said church, so as to keep up the number of six trustees forever, exclusive of the additional trustees provided for in the fifth

the election of Other suitable persons.

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