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shall fish above said bridge, between said bridge and the Thompson's Pond Brook, so called in the town of Elliot, with any seine whatever, for each and ev- Penalty and *ery such offence, he or they shall forfeit the sum of ed. ten dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt, in any court of competent jurisdiction to try the same, one half to the person prosecuting therefor, and one half to the poor of the town, in which the offence shall have been committed.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons, shall fish with any trap or set line, so called, in said river, or any of the branches thereof, within this State, he shall forfeit the sum of six dollars, and all the said lines and hooks of every description; to be recovered by complaint, before any Justice of the Peace, for the county of York, one half to the complainant, and one half to the poor of the town in which such offence shall have been committed.

te be appoint

SECT 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the selectmen of the towns of Kittery and Fish wardens Elliot, to appoint annually, two or more fish wardens ed. in each of said towns, who shall each receive a certificate of their appointment, and who shall be severally sworn to the faithful discharge of their duty; and it shall be the duty of such wardens to see that the provisions of this act are carried into effect.

SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the term, during which the wardens first appointed under this act, shall hold their respective offices, shall be from the time of their appointment to the first Monday of May next; and all laws heretofore made respecting the fisheries in said river, are hereby repealed: Provided however, That this provision shall not be construed, so as to extend to "An Act for the preservation of alewives and other fish in Salmon Falls River," passed February ninth, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty four.

[This Act passed February 23, 1825.]



AN ACT to incorporate the Proprietors of Mount Desert Bridge.

SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Persons incor- Nicholas Thomas, jun. Abraham Thomas, John Somes, jun. William W.Thoms, John Harding, John G. Dean, and Mark Shephard, with their associates and successors, be, and they hereby are incorporated into a body politic, by the name of the proprietors of Mount Desert Bridge, for the purpose of building a bridge over the Mount Desert narrows, on the Powers and road leading from Eden to Trenton; with power to sue and be sued; to have a common seal and to change the same; to make any by-laws for the management of their affairs not repugnant to the laws of this State; and may enjoy all the powers and privileges incident and belonging to similar corporations.


Location and

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said corporation be, and hereby is authorized and empowered to erect a bridge over said narrows, in the town of Eden and Trenton, and the right of building and construction maintaining a bridge across said narrows, is hereby of the bridge. fully granted to said corporation; and the said bridge shall be built of good and durable materials, and well covered with plank or timber, suitable for such a bridge, with sufficient rails on each side for the safety of passengers.

Draw to be

SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That a draw or hoist in said bridge, shall be constructed of the constructed; width of twenty six feet, with piers or wharves for vessels to pass conveniently; and the said proprietors shall cause the same to be hoisted or opened,for: the accommodation of all such vessels as may have hoisted free of occasion to pass through the same free of expense, and without unnecessary delay; and the said bridge shall be so constructed, that open boats and gondolas can conveniently pass under said bridge.

and to be


SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That a toll be, and hereby is, granted and established for the sole.


benefit of the said corporation, according to the following rates, to wit: for each foot person, three cents; for each person and horse, twelve and an Toll establishhalf cents; for each chaise, sleigh or other carriage of pleasure, drawn by one horse, thirty cents; for each coach, chariot, sleigh, phaeton or other carriage of pleasure, drawn by two horses, fifty cents; for each coach, sleigh or other pleasure carriage, drawn by four horses, seventy cents; for each sled, sleigh, cart or other carriage of burden, drawn by one beast, twenty five cents; for each cart, waggon, sleigh or sled, drawn by two beasts, thirty cents; and for each additional beast, five cents; for neat cattle or horses, exclusive of those ridden, or in teams or carriages, four cents; for sheep and swine, two cents each; and to each team one person and no more shall be allowed as a driver to pass free of toll. When toll And at all times when the toll gatherer shall not at- gatherer shall tend his duty, the gate shall be left open; and the duty, gate to toll shall commence on the day of opening the bridge &c. passengers, and shall continue for the benefit of the corporation; and the proprietors shall erect,and commence, &c. at all times keep at the place where the toll is collected, exposed to view, a sign or board with the rates of toll fairly and legibly written thereon.


not attend his

be left open,

Toll when to

erected within'

SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That unless said Bridge to be bridge shall be erected and finished within the term a certain time. of five years, from the passing of this act, then this grant shall be void.

by whom and

SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That Nicholas Thomas jun. or any Justice of the Peace, for the First meeting county of Hancock, be, and he hereby is authorized how called. to fix the time and place of holding the first meeting of said corporation, and to notify the same.

Powers may

SECT. 7. Be it further enacted, That the Legislature of this State, shall have power to grant any be altered." further privileges, alter, annul or restrain the same when the public good may require.

[This Act passed February 24, 1825.]




AN ACT repealing "An Act to establish a Ministerial Fund in


SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That an act, entitled "An Act to establish a Ministerial Fund in Chesterville," passed the ninth day of FebAct establish. ruary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight ing, repealed; hundred and twenty four, be, and the same is hereby repealed: And all the provisions of the " Act to provide for the sale and distribution of Ministerial and School Lands," passed the twelfth day of Febact to take ef- ruary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty four, shall take effect in, and be applicable to, said town of Chesterville.

and general


Certain per

Fate, &c.

SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Selectmen, Town Clerk and Treasurer, of said town of sons created a Chesterville, for the time being, be, and they hereby body corpo- are, constituted and declared to be a body corporate, and Trustees of the Ministerial Fund in said town, as provided by the second section of "An Act, to provide for the sale and distribution of Ministerial and School Lands," passed the twelfth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, in the same manner as if no other corporation for that purpose had ever been created in said town.

[This Act passed February 24, 1825.]



AN ACT recognizing the Great Falls Manufacturing Company, as a corporation within this State.

WHEREAS, Isaac Wendell and others, were incorporated by the name of the Great Falls Manufacturing Company, by an act of the Legislature of the State of New-Hampshire, passed the eleventh day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three: And whereas, said corporation have established a manufactory of cotton

goods in Somersworth, on the western side of the Salmon Falls river, within the State of NewHampshire: And whereas said company are desirous, in order to use the water power of said river,to the best advantage, to hold real estate, and to extend their works on the eastern side of said Salmon Falls river, within the State of Maine: Therefore,

created by the


SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in Legislature assembled, That Corporation said corporation be, and they hereby are, made a Legislature of body politic, by the name of the Great Falls Manu-Shire, recogfacturing Company, for the purpose of carrying on nized as a body politic in the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods, and this State. such other branches of trade and manufacture, as shall be necessarily or conveniently connected therewith, in the town of Berwick; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be sub- Powers, &c. ject to all the duties and requirements, expressed in an act, entitled "An Act defining the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Corporations," passed the eighth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one ; and also in an act, entitled "An Act additional to an act defining the general powers and duties of Manufacturing Corporations," passed the fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.

May hold es

SECT. 2. Be it futher enacted, That said cor- taté, &c. poration, may be lawfully seized and possessed, of such real and personal estate, not exceeding the sum of five hundred thousand dollars, as may be necessary and convenient for carrying on the business of said corporation.



SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That all grants in this State and conveyances heretofore made, by, or to, said corporation, within this State, shall have the same force and effect, as though this act had been passed before said grants and conveyances were made.

[This Act passed February 24, 1825.]


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