Gambar halaman


pay; and they shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, and exJuly & August. emptions in navigation and commerce, which the most favorprivileges of ed nation does or shall enjoy, submitting themselves, nevergranted to the theless, to the laws and usages there established, and to which are submitted the citizens of the United States, and the citizens and subjects of the most favored nations.


most favored


American citizens may freely trade to the

Prussian dominions; may re

are entitled to

ART. 3. In like manner, the citizens of the United States of America may frequent all the coasts and countries of his majesty the king of Prussia, and reside and trade there in all side there; and sorts of produce, manufactures, and merchandise, and shall all the privil- pay, in the dominions of his said majesty, no other or greater eges of commerce and na- duties, charges, or fees whatsoever, than the most favored navigation grant- tion is or shall be obliged to pay; and they shall enjoy all the favored nations. rights, privileges, and exemptions in navigation and commerce, which the most favored nation does or shall enjoy; submitting themselves, nevertheless to the laws and usages there established, and to which are submitted the subjects of his majesty the king of Prussia, and the subjects and citizens of the most favored nations.

ed to the most

Each party to

have a right to

other vessels to

the dominions

of the other &c.

retaliate on na

ART. 4. More especially each party shall have a right to carcarry their own ry their own produce, manufactures, and merchandise, in their produce, &c. in their own or own or any other vessels, to any parts of the dominions of the other, where it shall be lawful for all the subjects or citizens of the other freely to purchase them; and thence to take the produce, manufactures, and merchandise of the other, which all the said citizens or subjects shall in like manner be free to sell them, paying in both cases such duties, charges, and fees only, as are or shall be paid by the most favored nation. NeEach party may vertheless, the king of Prussia and the United States, and tions restrain- each of them reserve to themselves the right, where any naing the trans- tion restrains the transportation of merchandise to the vessels portation of merchandise to of the country of which it is the growth, or manufacture, to vessels of the establish against such nations retaliating regulations; and also it is the growth, the right to prohibit, in their respective countries, the importation and exportation of all merchandise whatsoever, when Subjects or citi- reasons of state shall require it. In this case the subjects or party not to im- citizens of either of the contracting parties, shall not import port or export nor export the merchandise prohibited by the other, but if one prohibited mer chandise unless of the contracting parties permits any other nation to import that privilege is or export the same merchandise, the citizens or subjects of allowed other nations. the other shall immediately enjoy the same liberty.


zens of either

The loading or ART. 5. The merchants, commanders of vessels, or other unloading ves

sels of each par subjects or citizens, of either party, shall not, within the ports


ou seront obligées de payer; et ils jouiront de tous les droits, priviléges, et exemptions dans la navigation et le commerce, July & August. dont jouit ou jouira la nation la plus favorisée; se soumettant néanmoins aux loix et usages y établis, et auxquels sont soumis les citoyens des Etats Unis et les citoyens et sujets des nations le plus favorisées.

ART. 3. Pareillement les citoyens des Etats Unis de l'Amérique pourront fréquenter toutes les côtes et tous les pays de sa majesté le roi de Prusse, y resider et trafiquer en toutes sortes de productions, manufactures, et marchandises, et ne payeront d'autres ni plus forts impôts, charges ou droits, dans les domaines de sa dite majesté, que ceux que la nation la plus favorisée est, ou sera obligée de payer, et ils jouiront des tous les droits, priviléges, et exemptions dans la navigation et le commerce, dont jouit ou jouira la nation la plus favorisée; se soumettant néanmoins aux lois et usages y établis, et aux quels sont soumis les sujets de sa majesté le roi de Prusse, et les sujets et citoyens des nations les plus favorisées.

ART. 4. En particulier, chacune des deux nations aura le droit d'importer ses propres productions, manufactures et marchandises, à bord de ses propres bâtimens ou de tel autre, dans toutes les parties des domaines de l'autre, où il sera permis à tous les sujets et citoyens de l'autre nation de les acheter librement; comme aussi d'y charger les productions, manufactures, et marchandises de l'autre, que tous les dits sujets ou citoyens auront la liberté de leur vendre; en payant dans l'un et l'autre cas, tels impôts, droits et charges seulement que ceux qui sont ou seront payés par la nation la plus favorisée. Cependant, le roi de Prusse et les Etats Unis de l'Amérique, et chacun d'eux en particulier, se reservent le droit, au cas que quelque nation restreigne le transport des marchandises aux vaisseaux des pays dont elles sont la production ou la manufacture, d'établir envers cette nation des règlemens reciproques. Se reservant de plus le droit de prohiber dans leurs pays respectifs l'importation ou l'exportation de toute marchandise quelconque, des que la raison d'état l'exige. En ce cas, les sujets ou citoyens d'une des parties contractantes ne pourront importer ni exporter les marchandises prohibées par l'autre. Mais si l'une des parties contractantes permet à quelqu'autre nation d'importer ou d'exporter ces mêmes marchandises, les citoyens ou sujets de l'autre partie contractante jouiront tout aussitôt d'une liberté pareille.

ART. 5. Les marchands, commandans de vaisseaux, et autres sujets ou citoyens de chacune des deux nations, ne seront


or jurisdiction of the other, be forced to unload any sort of July & August. merchandise into any other vessels, nor to receive them into ty not to be con- their own, nor to wait for their being loaded longer than they

strainedorimpe ded in the ports of the other. All lawful examination of

goods for exportation, to be made before


ART. 6. That the vessels of either party loading within the ports or jurisdiction of the other, may not be uselessly harassed or detained, it is agreed, that all examinations of goods required by the laws, shall be made before they are laden on they are put on board the vessel, and that there shall be no examination after; board; and no search of ves- nor shall the vessel be searched at any time, unless articles sels except in case of fraud. shall have been laden therein clandestinely and illegally, in which case, the person by whose order they were carried on board, or who carried them without order, shall be liable to the laws of the land in which he is; but no other person shall be molested, nor shall any other goods, nor the vessel, be seized or detained for that cause.

Each party to endeavor to pro

the other, with

ART. 7. Each party shall endeavour, by all the means in their tect the vessels power, to protect and defend all vessels, and other effects, beand effects of longing to the citizens or subjects of the other, which shall be in their respec- within the extent of their jurisdiction, by sea or by land; and tive jurisdic shall use all their efforts to recover, and cause to be restored to the right owners, their vessels and effects, which shall be taken from them within the extent of their said jurisdiction.

tions, by sea or land, &c.

Vessels of eith

bulk, to be allowed freely to depart, &c.

ART. 8. The vessels of the subjects or citizens of either er party, com party, coming on any coast belonging to the other, but not ing on the coasts or entering the willing to enter into port, or being entered into port, and not ports of the other, and not wil- willing to unload their cargoes or break bulk, shall have liberty ling to break to depart and to pursue their voyage, without molestation, and without being obliged to render account of their cargo, or to pay any duties, charges or fees whatsoever, except those established for vessels entered into port, and appropriated to the maintenance of the port itself, or of other establishments for the safety and convenience of navigators, which duties, charges, and fees, shall be the same, and shall be paid on the same footing, as in the case of subjects or citizens of the country where they are established.

vessels of either

In cases of shipART. 9. When any vessel of either party shall be wrecked, wreck of the foundered, or otherwise damaged, on the coasts, or within the party within the dominions of the other, their respective subjects or citizens dominionsofthe shall receive, as well for themselves, as for their vessels and other, friend y


pas forcés dans les ports ou dans la jurisdiction de l'autre, de décharger aucune sorte de marchandises dans d'autres vais- July & August. seaux, ni de les recevoir à bord de leurs propres navires, ni d'attendre leur chargement plus long-temps qu'il ne leur plaira.

ART. 6. Pour éviter que les vaisseaux de l'une des deux parties contractantes ne soyent point inutilement molestés ou detenus dans les ports ou sous la jurisdiction de l'autre, il a été convenu que la visite des marchandises, ordonnée par les loix, se fera avant qu'elles ne soyent chargées sur la navire, et qu'en suite elles ne seront plus assujetties à aucune visite. Et en général il ne se fera point de recherche à bord du vaisseau, à moins qu'on n'y ait chargé clandestinement et illégalement des marchandises prohibées. Dans ce cas, celui par l'ordre duquel elles ont été portées à bord, ou celui qui les y a portées sans ordre, sera soumis aux loix du pays où il se trouve, sans que le reste de l'équipage soit molesté, ni les autres marchandises, ou le vaisseau, saisis ou detenus par cette raison.

ART. 7. Chacune des deux parties contractantes tâchera, par tous les moyens qui seront en son pouvoir, de protéger et de défendre tous les vaisseaux et autres effets appartenans aux citoyens ou sujets de l'autre, et se trouvant dans l'étendue de sa jurisdiction par mer ou par terre: et elle employera tous ses efforts pour recouvrer et faire restituer aux propriétaires legitimes les vaisseaux et effets qui leur auront été enlevés dans l'etendue de sa dite jurisdiction.

ART. 8. Les vaisseaux des sujets ou citoyens d'une des deux parties ccntractantes, arrivant sur une côte appartenante à l'autre, mais n'ayant pas dessien d'entrer au port, ou y étant entrés, ne désirant pas de decharger leurs cargaisons, ou de rompre leur charge, auront la liberté de repartir et de poursuivre leur route sans empêchement, et sans être obligés de rendre compte de leur cargaison, ni de payer aucuns impôts, charges et droits quelconques, excepté ceux établis sur les vaisseaux une fois entrés dans le port, et destinés à l'entretien du port même, ou à d'autres établissemens, qui ont pour but la sûreté et la commodité des navigateurs; lesquels droits, charges, et impôts, seront les mêmes et se payeront sur le même pied qu'ils sont acquittés par les sujets ou oitoyens de l'état où ils sont établis.

ART. 9. Au cas que quelque vaisseau appartenant à l'une des deux parties contractantes auroit fait naufrage, échoué, ou souffert quelque autre dommage sur les côtes ou sous la domination de l'autre, les sujets ou citoyens respectifs re


assistance to be

effects, the same assistance which would be due to the inhabiJuly & August. tants of the country where the damage happens, and shall pay the same charges and dues only, as the said inhabitants would given to per- be subject to pay in a like case: and if the operations of repair sons, effects, &c shall require that the whole or any part of their cargo be unladed, they shall pay no duties, charges, or fees, on the part The right to which they shall relade and carry away. The ancient and ed between the barbarous right to wrecks of the sea shall be entirely abolished parties. with respect to the subjects or citizens of the two contracting parties.

wrecks abolish

The citizens or subjects of each party may dispose of their personal estate,

ART. 10. The citizens or subjects of each party shall have power to dispose of their personal goods within the jurisdiction of the other, by testament, donation, or otherwise; by will or oth- and their representatives, being subjects or citizens of the herit, in the do other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, wheminions of the ther by testament or ab intestato, and may take possession

erwise, and in

other, &c.

be held in the

thereof, either by themselves or by others acting for them, and dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein the said goods are, Where no one shall be subject to pay in like cases. And in case of the absence appears toclaim inheritance, to of the representative, such care shall be taken of the said custody of the goods, and for so long a time, as would be taken of the goods law of the land. of a native in like case, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiving them. And if question shall arise among several claimants to which of them the said goods belong, the same shall be decided finally by the laws and judges of the Citizens or sub- land wherein the said goods are. And where, on the death jects of each party, allowed of any person holding real estate within the territories of the one party, such real estate would, by the laws of the land, lands &c. in the descend on a citizen or subject of the other, were he not dominions of the other, which disqualified by alienage, such subject shall be allowed a reathey cannothold sonable time to sell the same, and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation, and exempt from all rights of détraction on the part of the government of the respective states. But This article not this article shall not derogate in any manner from the force from the laws of the laws already published, or hereafter to be published of Prussia con- by his majesty the king of Prussia, to prevent the emigration of his subjects.

a reasonable

time to sell

without natur


to derogate

cerning emigra


Liberty of conscience secur

ed, &c.

ART. 11. The most perfect freedom of conscience and of worship is granted to the citizens or subjects of either party, within the jurisdiction of the other, without being liable to molestation in that respect, for any cause other than an injects of either sult on the religion of others. Moreover when the subjects or

Citizens or sub

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