Factory Accounts: Their Principles and Practice. A Handbook for Accountants and Manufacturers with Appendices on the Nomenclature of Machine Details; the Income Tax Acts; the Rating of Factories; Fire and Boiler Insurance; the Factory and Workshop Acts, Etc., Including Also a Glossary of Terms and a Large Number of Specimen RulingsC. Lockwood and Son, 1893 - 264 halaman |
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Halaman 28 - THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF CARPENTRY : a Treatise on the Pressure and Equilibrium of Timber Framing, the Resistance of Timber, and the Construction of Floors, Arches, Bridges, Roofs, Uniting Iron and Stone with Timber, &c. To which is added an Essay on the Nature and Properties of Timber...
Halaman 37 - THE ART OF SOAP-MAKING. A Practical Handbook of the Manufacture of Hard and Soft Soaps, Toilet Soaps, &c. Including many New Processes, and a Chapter on the Recovery of Glycerine from Waste Leys. By ALX.
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Halaman 9 - We should be glad to see this book in the possession of everyone in the kingdom who has ever laid, or Is to lay, hands on a locomotive engine.
Halaman 8 - IRON AND STEEL "; A Work for the Forge, Foundry, Factory, and Office. Containing ready, useful, and trustworthy Information for Ironmasters and their Stock-takers ; Managers of Bar, Rail, Plate, and Sheet Rolling Mills; Iron and Metal Founders; Iron Ship and Bridge Builders ; Mechanical, Mining, and Consulting Engineers ; Architects, Contractors. Builders, and Professional Draughtsmen. By CHARLES HOARE, Author of " The Slide Rule,
Halaman 2 - Comprising a Treatise on Modern Engines and Boilers : Marine, Locomotive and Stationary. And containing a large collection of Rules and Practical Data relating to recent Practice in Designing and Constructing all kinds of Engines, Boilers, and other Engineering work. The whole constituting a comprehensive Key to the Board of Trade and other Examinations for Certificates of Competency in Modern Mechanical Engineering. By WALTER S. HUTTON, Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Author of "The Works' Manager's...
Halaman 45 - MULTUM-IN-PARVO GARDENING. Or, How to Make One Acre of Land produce ^620 a year, by the Cultivation of Fruits and Vegetables ; also, How to Grow Flowers in Three Glass Houses, so as to realise ,£176 per annum clear Profit. By SAMUEL WOOD, Author of "Good Gardening,
Halaman 31 - For those who insert enamelled sentences round gilded chalices, who blazon shop legends over shop-doors, who letter church walls with pithy sentences from the Decalogue, this book will be useful.