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1. WHAT is meant by style; and what prevents a uniformity in respect to it?

2. Name three qualities essential to a good style, and state Quinctilian's precept?

3. Explain the difference between specific and generic terms, and illustrate by example.

4. What quality of style would be sacrificed by reading the following words in what is called the logical order, and why? "Fallen, fallen, is Babylon, that great city!"

5. What constitutes good usage in respect to words; and what reason can you give for preferring con- to co-temporary?

6. What is meant by Rhetorical Dialogue? Pleonasm? Tautology Naturalness?

7. Describe the laboured style; and give some directions for acquiring a more idiomatic and easy one.

8. Name and define the different kinds of historical writing.

9. How may the faults of a luxuriant style be corrected?

10. What are some of the professed objects for which fictions are written?



1. DEFINE chemistry. What is the difference between physical and chemical changes? Give an example of each.

2. Explain specific gravity. A specimen of granite weighed in air 972 gr., in water 622 gr. What was its specific gravity?

3. Define affinity, and give its peculiar characteristics.

4. What are the laws of chemical combination?

5. Explain the principles by which acids are named. Express by symbols the chemical change effected by heating one atom of nitrate of potash with two of sulphuric acid.

6. Explain fully the voltaic circuit.

7. How does atmospheric pressure affect the boiling point? How does this fact enable us to measure altitudes?

8. What is the most plausible theory of heat? of light?

9. Explain the principle of freezing mixtures.

10. What are the physical and chemical properties of oxygen? In what allotropic form does oxygen exist? what is the theory to account for it?


1. NAME and describe the six simple mechanical powers.

2. Describe the fly-wheel; state the purpose for which it is used, and tell how this is effected.

3. Mention and describe the different modes of transmitting motion from one wheel to another.

4. Name and describe the different kinds of toothed wheels.

5. State the laws of the pressure of liquids.

6. Define specific gravity, and describe and explain the method of ascertaining that of solids.

7. Prove that air is material.

8. State Mariotte's Law, and illustrate.

9. What is atmospheric pressure? How measured?

10. By what instrument are variations in the density of the air measured? Describe its construction.

11. Describe the action of the lifting pump.

12. Define free and latent heat.

13. How do you account for the development of heat by mechanical action?

14. In how many different ways may heat be diffused? Define and illustrate each.

15. State the law of intensity of radiant heat. If the earth were at one third of its present distance from the sun, how many times as much heat should we receive?

16. Describe the thermometer. kinds in use.

Mention the different

17. How is steam generated? Mention some of its properties, its temperature, and the amount of its latent heat.

18. What were the two leading improvements made by Watt in the steam-engine?

19. Describe the action of the double-acting condensing steam-engine.

20. What is the distinction between the high-pressure and the low-pressure engine?



1. TRANSLATE on the 64th page of Picciola the paragraph beginning C'est bien.

2. What does de in the fourth line show the relation between ?

3. What is the logical subject of était in the fifth line?

4. Why is the auxiliary être used with morte in the sixth line?

5. Explain the agreement of créés and of essayées.

6. How does the French expression atteindre au but differ from the English idiom?

7. Inflect the verb pouvoir interrogatively in the present indicative, and give a synopsis of it in the third person singular.

8. Why is ait frappé in the subjunctive?

9. What is the difference between donc and alors?

10. Is the first syllable of ennemis nasal? How do you know?

Translate into French the following sentences.

11. Is it true that the boy's arrow hit the mark?

12. He was not willing to surrender so easily to a good


13. That will enable him to know the truth.

14. Will it not be better for you to lend him the money than to let him die of want?

15. Is it astonishing that you cannot learn your lesson, when you must learn five pages by heart in two hours?

Translate the following passage.

Seul au milieu de la multitude riante, je ne me sens point isolé, car j'ai le reflet de sa gaieté; c'est ma famille humaine

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