Gambar halaman

are much dearer than ever was known in that part of the world; one fhilling and eight pence, fterling, for ten pounds of oaten meal; ten pence, for fourteen pounds of potatoes and it is thought, from all appearance, that the enfuing crop will be equally, if not more fo, defective. Therefore from the beft information we can collect, have every reafon to think, that emigration from thence, to this happy Land of Liberty, will be very extenfive in the enfuing fpring. It is not only the high price of provifions, but the exorbi. tant prices of lands, to which landlords have raifed their rents. NAT

A letter from Barbadoes, dated the 2ift of July, mentions, that on the morning of that day, there had been the feveret fhock of an earthquake that had ever been felt in that inland.

It is afferted that there had been a vio lent fhock of a earthquake at Porto Rico, by which a church had been funk, and other confiderable damages done.

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The North Carolina Gazette mentions that the General Affembly of the ftate of Franklin, at their last feffion, have dividea that ftate into two diftricts, and appointed Colonel Daniel Kennedy, Brigadier General of Washington diftrict, and Colonel Willam Cooke, Brigadier General Of Elholm district. They have likewife appointed the Honoura ble William Cooke, William Neilfon and George Elholm, Efquires, Delegates to wait on Congrefs, for the purpose of being admit ted into the Federal Union."

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Sept. 8.-Two days ago the Treasurer of Fayette county, in this state, obtained from -the ftate treafuter, a receipt in full for the quota of his county, of the funding taxes up to the firft of July laft. How wifely dat the officers of this new county, which is situated beyond the Allegheny mountain, exert themfelves to prevent the accumulation of uncollected taxes upon the

which has fo great an "evil

the interiour districts of the ftate, and forced multitudes to remove away, from the falfe indulgence of tardy collectors! Thefe emigrants might have anfwered the publick calls on them, as they became due, but had no profpect of being able to discharge the arrears of years.

NEWYORK, Auguft 29. Extract of a Letter from Norfolk, dated Auguft 20.

A number of counterfeit HALF GUINEAS, of the English coin, have been difcovered in circulation here, and we have reafon to fuppofe the perfon who paffed them here is now in Newyork, probably with a defign to pafs off as many as poffible. They are fo exact a counterfeit in appearance, that they cannot eafily be detected, but by the want of weight and cutting into them. They appear to be copper neatly plated with gold, and dated 1781"

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a poor confolation to a fick man, that his neighbour is worfe. The fymptoms of corruption fo feelingly defcribed by many good and wife Americans are not trifling, and they are founded on open well known facts. The civil war in Maffachufetts, and the treas fon of Rhode Ifland are alarming proofs: Early marriages are marks of national profperity, and have been very general in Ameri ca; they are not fo now, especially in the great towns because women not worth a grout fpeak with fcorn of 200 a year; and Becaufe pretty beaux and fmart bucks prefer English buttons and Madeira wine to the bet American girl. The patriots of America Will then be fenfible, that a putrid fever i

to be

not to

medicifled with; principiis obfta, fero

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Sept. 8. The following pious fraud late, ly occurred at the opening of a new Method iftical Meeting at Bellbar, near Enfield Chace, in England: A perfon, apparently a gentleman, paffing by on horfeback, and leeing a great number of people waiting at the doors, after enquiring the caufe, and understanding that it was the day appointed for the opening of the fame by a Minifter from London, and that a a collection was to be made, &c. waited until after the fervice began, when alighting from his horfe, he went in, and joining in the fervice, in a fhort time pulled out a purfe, and putting a guinea in to his hat, went round the congregation, who, influenced by this example, contribut ed very liberally Though this conduct in a stranger was rather unaccountable, it paffed off very well with the Minifter, who im puted his zeal to a fudden converfion of the fubject; and collections in the middle of the fervice are common in conventicles notwithstanding this, the furprife of the whole congregation was inexpreffible, when, instead of going into the veftry, they faw the new convert making towards the door; the Minister and others called upon him to deliver up the charge, which he refufed, faying, "up

My Brethren, freely have ye given, and freely have I received;" and instantly remounting his horfe, which was an exceeding good one, he left the faints to expatiate on the damnable nature of apoftacy..

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"We are very forry to obferve, that during the manoeuvres of the Militia yesterday after noon, as one of the Artillery was driving home the charge, the gun accidentally went off, and tore his arm from his body; and a negro fervant, belonging to Meffrs. Robert and Peter Bruce, was shot through the body with a ram rod; it went in at his right fhoulder, and came out at his eft fide; they both lie in a most deplorable condition, and it is not expected that either will live.

Letters, dated July 3, from Captain Lindfay, of the Brigantine Tom, arrived at Lif "bon from this port, mention, that three Alegerine frigates had been taken by the p tuguefe; and they add, that there wer of her moft Faithful Majefty's cruizers very

attentively looking out for the corfairs, off the gut of Gibraltar, fo that it is now hoped the power of thofe Barbarians will foon be effectually humbled.

The Hon. George Matthews, Governour of Georgia, has iffued a proclamation, dated at Auguita the 9th ult. fetting forth, that,

as there is just reason to apprehend by dif patches received from the Creek nation, hoftilities will very fhortly commerce on the part of the Indians ;"-he has thought fit, by advice of the council, to call a meeting of the affembly of that ftate, to be held on Thurfday the 20th inft.

HARTFORD, September 10. Extract of a letter from Paris to a Gentleman

in this City, dated May 30.

The Marquis de la Fayette, on the day before the diffolution of the Affembly of Notables, which took place on the 25th of May, having reprefented the fituation of the Proteftants in France, brought in a motion which he carried by a great majority to the following purport:

"That whereas a confiderable part of the citizens of France, who do not profefs the Roman Catholick religion, are laying as it were in a state of civil death, it is expected that the king, defirous to imprefs every heart with the love of his own religion, and knowing that truth is fufficient to itself, and that errour alone can be in need of violent meafures, would add to his other virtues, that of a benevolent tolerance; in confequence whereof his Majesty is moft earnestly requefted to put an end to thofe laws of profcription against his protestant subjects which are equally contrary to the general intereft of religion-to good morals—to populationto national industry-and to every principle of morality and policy.

"Having carried this motion in his Bu reau, the marquis made another motion, for the revision of the civil and particularly the criminal laws, which was also agreed to, and prefented by the King's brother, prefident of that Bureau, to the King, who received the two addrefies very graciously.

"It is to be remarked that among thofe who fupported the Marquis's motion in favour of the Protestants, most of whom are Calvinifts to the number of about fifteen hun. dred thoufand, the Bishop of Sangres was one of the most liberal."

It is well known that in the fouthern ftates, there are few regular ordained Minifters of the Golpel. The haveft is truly great, but the labourers are few. Mr. Andrew Law, a gentleman of publick liberal education, and of an amiable irreproachable character, who has been a preacher as a Candidate among us for a number of years, and has been for fome time part in the fouthern states, and finding the climate much more friendly to his health, than in the northern states, and being defirous of fixing his refidence there nd devoting himself to the work of the gofpel miniftry; and presbyterian ordination be

ing very difficult to be obtained, he defired to receive ordination from the Ministry in this ftate; and being much acquainted in the vicinity of Hartford, it was thought proper that ordination might here be conferred. Accordingly on the 8th instant a Council of the Clergy were convened, consisting of the Rev. BENJAMIN BORDMAN, Rev. Jos MARSH, Rev. THEODORE HENSDALE, Rev. DAVID M'CLUER, Rev. NATHAN STRONG and the Rev. NATHAN PERKINS, by whom the ordination folemnities were performed. A refpectable concourfe of people attended, and a great ferioufnefs and decency were visible through all the important exercife.

A correfpondent has favoured us with the following method to preferve Apple Trees from Worms. Take fome fea weed, the falts of which are not too much exhausted by the weather, and put fuch a quantity in the lower crotches of the trees, as the pickle, which is made by the rains, and drains from it, may wet the body of the tree all round; let this be done in the winter, before the infects creep up to depofit their eggs, and you will have no worms the next feafon. This method has been found to answer very well, both to the eastward and westward of this ftate, when both tar and oil have failed.

"P. S. A fmall quantity (pread round about the tree on the ground will also be ferviceable; where fea weed cannot be had, perhaps a quantity of falt in a bag, lodged in the crotch of a tree would have the fame effect, but of this latter method nothing can be faid with any certainty, as it has not been tried; it might not be amifs, however, to try the experiment."

NEWHAVEN, September 12. Lately died at his wigwam in Pomdchaug, (near Norwich) old Zachariah, Regent of the Mohegan tribe of Indians, in the 100th year of his age. It is faid, that in his younger years he was greatly addicted to drunkenness, but that for near 40 years paft he has entire ly abitained from the use of all spiritous he quors.


On Friday laft, at Kingston (about ten miles from this) a woman put a period to her existence by hanging herself-she was in the bloom of life, and, confidering the gracefulness of her perfon, and mental accomplishments, might be deemed one of nature's maf ter pieces. What induced her to commit this horrid deed we have not heard. She has left a difconfolate hulband, a young child, and a number of worthy connexions, a tender regard to whole feelings, induces us to furpreis her name.

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BOSTON, September 17.

The following paragraph is the conclusion of the remarks of the English Monthly Reviewers on Dr. Adams's Defence of the American Conftitutions,

"It would give us great pleasure to fee fome judicious treatise on the subject of go

vernment, peculiarly calculated for the fituation and circumstances of the Americans, by a man of fuch influence among them as might induce them to adopt some practicable plan; for it pains us to fee a numerous people, once our fellow subjects, fill our fellow Chriftians, and who (we trust) will long continue our commercial friends, involved in diftreffes from which they know not how to extricate themselves.-We hoped that this might have been the book, and we regret exceedingly that we have been so much difappointed."

Extract of a letter, dated Paris, June 22, ∙1787, from that perfevering friend to America, the Marquis DE LA FAYETTE, to bis friend in this town.

"I have just heard that a fire has destroyed many houses in Bofton-What I feel on this occafion you will easily guefs from my attachment to the town, and its beloved citizens-Our accounts are yet imperfect; I hope they may be exaggerated-I know that your houfe is fafe :-Pray let me know every particular, that may be interesting to a heart most fincerely devoted to your capital"

We have authority to affure the publick that in the fame letter this generous Nableman has directed Samuel Breck, Efq; to pay TWO HUNDRED GUINEAS on his account, for the relief of the poor fufferers by

the fire.

Tuesday morning last arrived here, a Cutter of His Moft Christian Majesty, from France

of the difpatches she has brought we are unacquainted-it is however faid, the French fquadron in this port will fail in confequence.

On Tuefday laft the Supreme Judicial Court finished their Seffions in this town.John Sbean, was convicted of burglarious ly breaking the houfe of Mr. Simon Elliot, of this town, in June laft, and ftealing therefrom fundry articles of plate, and received fentence of DEATH.

In CONGRESS, July 24, 1787. Ordered, That the Board of Treasury prepare and report to Congrefs, a requifition on the States, for the fupplies neceffary for the current year, including one year's intereft of the foreign debt, and fuch parts of the principal as may become due the enfuing year; providing for the payment of one year's intereft on the domeftick debt, in a mode most convenient to the states, and advantageous to the union.

Saturday last his Most Christian Majesty's fquadron, under the command of Vilcount de Beaumont, left this port, with a fair wind. The Supreme Executive of this Commonwealth, we hear, have been pleased to grant a FULL and FREE PARDON to the fix Traitors lately under fentence of Death. Extract from a letter to the Secretary of the Obio Company.

"As it is neceffary that the names of the military affociators in our company, and the quantity of their bounty lands, should be known to the Agents at Newyork (previous

to the 4th of October) in order properly to accommodate the bufinefs with the Board of Treasury, you will do well by giving the information to all concerned."

Major General Shepard has ordered the Colonels of the regiments, compofing the 4th divifion of the militia, to put their respective regiments in the beft order, as his Excellency the Commander in Chief propofes to review this divifion fome time this month.

Allen's New London Marine Lift, of Aug. 24th, informs of the arrival of a brig from Martinico, which advifes, that at that ifland, on the 20th July, was a fevere earthquake, by which many houfes and lives were loft-the damage fuftained, eftimated at 70,000l. currency.


In confequence of the Pardon lately granted by the Executive Department of Government to thofe who were under fentence of Death for being concerned in the late Rebellion, Henry Gale was releafed from his iinprisonment on Tuesday laft,

On Thurfday laft, Mr. Andrew Duncan of this town, and feveral other perfons, went on the Long Pond, in two small canoes, with a view of catching fish ; one of the canoes returned about fun fet; the other, in which Mr. Duncan was, continued on the pond until about 12 o'clock that night, at which time Mr. Duncan came to the hore and landed the perfon who was with him, and then proceeded with the boat with a defign of carrying it to the landing from which he fat off in the morning, but on the way is fuppofed, by fome unfortunate accident, to have fallen overboard, and to have drowned; diligent fearch was made after him the next morning without effect, and his body is not yet difcovered.

On Tuesday laft the Supreme Judicial Court was opened in this town, at which time a most excellent and pathetick charge was delivered to the Grand Jury by his Honour the Chief Justice; after which a well adapted prayer was addreffed to the Supreme Judge of the Universe, by the Rev. Mr. Bancroft.

The Managers of the LAND LOT. TERY have advertised, that they shall commence drawing fajd Lottery on the 10th of October next.

Some Remarks on the New Braintree Proteft are received, and will have a place in future number.


DIED.]-At Derby, Connecticut, in an advanced age, the Rev. Daniel Humphreys. -At Dorchefter, Mrs. Anne Weft, aged 51. -At Charlestown, Mr. Thomas Edmunds. -At Boston, Mr. Thomas Hudson.-At Oxford, at the house of Lieut. Joshua Turner, where the came upon a tranfient vifit, very fuddenly, in an apoplectick fit, Mrs. Mary Rich, wife of Lieut. David Rich, of Charlton, aged ĝi years.

WINCHESTER, (Virginia) August '8.

By a gentleman from Clinch, on whose veracity we may depend, we are informed; that the Indians are become very troublesome in that quarter, that a party of about 15 in nom. ber, had come to the houfe of a farmer in that neighbourhood, about day light on the morning of the first ult. just as the man had got out of doors, who was much furprized at their appearance, and went to alarm the neight bourhood before he could return with proper affiftance they had entered the houfe, Thatched the infant from its mother's breast, and kuocked the brain's out, by dafhing its its Head against the wall ; they then fired on the woman, whom they killed and fealped; and next examined the bed, where finding fix children, they killed and fcalped them alfo, and then fet fire to the bed. There was a negro girl in the house, who unpercéiyedly crept under the bed, and by that in-ans efcaped the fury of thofe barbarians. They made a precipitate retreat as foon as they had finished this bloody fcene. The fire from the bed communicated itself to the house, which was confumed before any timely atlistance could be bad.

EXETER, New Hamp.) September

On Thursday afternoon, between 4 and 5 o'clock, a very unusual noife was heard in the northeast by most people in this and fe veral neighbouring towns. It refembled that of a large cannon ball rolling across à chamber floor. A better idea of it may be given by comparing it to a difcharge of field artillery, at two or three miles distance where the explosions were perfectly distinct, but without the least intermiflion. The found continued nearly a minute, and was very u niform from beginning to end. It was obferved by many people to be preceded by a flash, though there was no cloud in the he mifphere from which thunder could be 'expected, nor did the found at all refemble it, except in intenfity. The houfes were perceived to jar, but there was no motion of the earth. For ten or fifteen minutes before the noife, the attention of the people in the ftreets was attracted by a very small cloud of an extremely fingular appearance, in the direction from which the found came. There were, at the time, a few fmall clouds, feattered over the hemifphere, and moving to wards the foutheast. But this was far below them, and almoft ftationary. What motion it had was opposite to that of the o thers. It was long and narrow-The fingu 4arity of it confifted in its colour, which was like that of the flames of fulphur, except one end which was white. The whole was ra ther ragged. It spread flowly and disappear. ed after about an hour, very near the place where it was first difcovered. The flash or light, above mentioned, fome perfons afilic to have iffued from the minute cloud. This however the writer of this paragraph cannot help doubting; for though his eyes were fix. ed on it for ten or twelve minutes before

the noife was heard, yet he obferved no liglit from it; and is difpoted to believe that the cloud and found had not the least connection. As fuch noifes in the air are rather uncom! mon, it is defired that gentlemen in the neighbouring towns where this was heard will communicate their obfervations, that the curious may be informed of the extent to which this was noticed.

NEWPORT, September 6.

A Freeman who feels for the dignity of government, préfumes that on the meeting of the Hon. Affembly there will be a folemn enquiry into the reafons of their not forming afe lions at Bristol agreeable to the Adjournment, in order that their conftituents may know whether this unaparalleled diffolution Was premeditated or the unavoidable opera tions of unforeseen contingencies we are alteady the reproach and bye word of the world, let us be cautious of adding to their contempt, and endeavour to rife from the me rited difgrace we have voluntarily plunged

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PHILADELPHIA, September 1.

We learn from Lancaster that the follow ing fingular affair is founded on facts, and confirmed by Dr. Hufton. On the evening of the 11th ultimo, a young man having ob tained information of fome young women, near Wright's ferry, having formed a refolution of going in the evening to a cornfield to get fome roafting ears of Indian corn, refolved he would go with a white sheet about him to reprefent a ghoft, and have fome fun in fcaring them; but fatal was the confequence to him; whether he faw any thing which might be permited to, chaftife him for his boldnéfs, or what incident fell out to craze his imagination we cannot tell, but fo it turned out, that after running through the fields for fome hours, at laft he reached a houfe in a manner frighted beyond defcription: He was immediately feized with epe liptick fits, and continued to have frequent returns of them until they put a period to his 'existence about the middle of last week. Doctor Hufton attended him, and fays when he was not in thele fits, he was always feared and imagined he faw fomething terrible, and cried to be taken away from it.

This is an awful warning against all ath tempts to terrify women and children, from which no good confequences will follow, but fometimes thofe that are very fatal.

Sept. 5. We hear that the CoNVENTION propofe to adjourn next week, after laying América under fich obligations to them for their long, painful and diinterested labours, "to establish her liberty upon a permanent båfis, at no time will ever cancel.

A valuable vein of copper ore has been "lately difcovered on a gentlem in's plantation in Charleston, ftate of South Carolina; a piece of it has been affayed and found to contain a fortieth part of pure gold, which is a great deal richer than many mines now working in South America.

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HISTORY of the late WAR in AMERICA.


UT at the heel of these transactions,

Bintelligence er oft alfe tranfuctions,

moft diligence was used in their conftruction, were yet fo far from being finithed, as to afford but very imperfect means of defence, against any great fu-; periority of force. Colonel Macleane

was received from the eastward, which suddenly called Sir George Collier, with the greater part of his naval force, away from Newyork. This neceffity origi-had, however, the fortune to receive innated from an expedition undertaken in the fummer from Halifax by Colonel Macleane, with a view of establishing a ftrong poft on the river Penobscot, in the eastern confines of New England, where that colony borders on Nova Scotia, and amidst thofe new and weak, fettlements, which the Maffachusetts people have eftablished in that quarter fince the laft war, and formed into a county under the name of Lincoln The force with which he arrived in the Penobscot about the middle of June, confifted of a detachment of 450 rank, and file of the 74th regiment, and 200 of the 82d; which were convoyed by three floops of war. Here Colonel Macleane began to conftruct a fort, in a fituation perfectly well chofen for annoying the


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This tranfaction occafioned an unu-; fual alarm at Bolton, and the most vigor ous measures were adopted by that government to prevent its completion. Or ders were immediately given for an ex-, pedition to the Penobscot, and in order to fecure armed veffels and transports, as well as failors, an embargo of forty. days was laid on all their fhipping. As a further encouragement, the state gave up its fhare in all prizes that were taken to the captors. A very confiderable naval armament (for fo new a ftate) under the conduct of Commodore Saltonfall, was accordingly fitted out with extraordinary expedition; and a body of troops embarked under the conduct of a General Lovel.

On the other fide, the works of the new fort, notwithstanding that the ut

telligence of the armament preparing at
Bofton, a few days before its arrival
upon which, he immediately changed
his plan of operation; and inftead of
proceeding farther in the conftruction of
works, which there could be no time
for completing, applied himself with the
greatest affiduity, to the putting of the
poft in the best prefent ftate of defence,
which its situation, and the fhortness of
the notice, could admit. In this, as in
every thing elfe, he received the most
cordial and efficacious fupport and affift-
ance from the officers and crews of the
three royal frigates in the river, who
committed themfelves, with the greatest
cheerfulness to abide the fate of the gar

July 25th dreaded feet, to the amount
At length, the hostile and
of 37 fail, appeared in fight; and foon
after, their armed veffels began to can-
nonade the fhips of war, and a battery
of four twelve pounders, which had
been thrown up on the bank of the ri-
ver for their protection.
It appears,
that the works of the fort were com-
menced about the middle of a small pe-
ninfula, the western point of which run
pretty deeply into the river; and the
whole, fo far as we can judge, forming
a fort of hook, within which was in-
cluded a little bay or harbour, wherein
the frigates were ftationed. The com-
mander had the precaution to intrench
the ithmus or neck, which joined the
peninfula to the continent, by which he
was fecured on the back. The weak
fide of the peninfula lay to the harbour,
the entrance to which was, as we have

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