CHAPTER 19. An Act to Amend Chapter 81, Revised Statutes, (Passed the 6th day of April, A. D., 1923). Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. Clause 5 and Clause 6 of Section 3 of Chapter 81 Clauses 5 and of the Revised Statutes, 1900, entitled, "Of the Use of 81, R. S. reRoads," are repealed. 6, Sec. 3, Ch. pealed. ,, Ch. 12, 1918; 2. Sub-section 1 of Section 12 of Chapter 12 of the 8. 8. 1, Sec. 12, Acts of 1918, entitled, "The Motor Vehicle Act, 1918," clause added. is amended by inserting therein after Clause (e) thereof the following clause: Right plate to (f) there shall be displayed as hereinafter pro- Keep to the vided in this clause during the period beginning be displayed. at two of the clock on the morning of the 15th day of April, A. D., 1923, and ending on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1923, on the motor vehicle a plate, label or card issued by the Secretary with the words "Keep to the Right" thereon; said plate, label or card may be of such material, design, and in all other respects as the Secretary deems fit, and the Secretary may either generally or in any particular case or cases prescribe where said plate, label or card shall be displayed on the motor vehicle, but in default of the Secretary so prescribing, the plate, label or card shall be displayed on the front of the motor vehicle in such a manner as to be plainly visible. 1918; repeal 3. Section 22 of the said "The Motor Vehicle Act, Sec. 22, Ch. 12, 1918," is repealed, and the following substituted ed; substituttherefor: ed. vehicles, etc. 22. (1) Whenever a person operating a motor How to pass vehicle or any other vehicle, or riding, leading or driving a horse or other draft animal shall on any public highway meet any other person operating a motor vehicle or any other vehicle or riding, leading or driving a horse or other draft animal, such person shall as soon as practicable turn such motor vehicle or other vehicle or horse or other draft animal to the right of the centre of such highway, so as to pass without interference. (2) Any person operating a motor vehicle or any other vehicle or riding, leading or driving a horse or other draft animal on any public highway, shall on overtaking any other person operating a motor vehicle or any other vehicle or riding, leading or driving a horse or other draft animal, pass on the left side thereof, and such other person shall as soon as practicable turn to the right of the centre of such highway so as to allow free passage on the left. (3) Any person operating a motor vehicle or any other vehicle or riding, leading or driving a horse or other draft animal shall, at the intersection of public highways, slow down and keep to the right of the intersection of the centres of such highways when turning to the right and pass to the right of such intersection when turning to the left. (4) Whenever any person operating a motor vehicle or any other vehicle or riding, leading or driving a horse or other draft animal on any public highway meets any other person operating a motor vehicle or any other vehicle, or riding, leading or driving a horse or other draft animal at a crossing of intersecting or meeting public highways, the person to the right hand of the other person shall have the right of way, provided that in the City of Halifax the person going in an easterly or westerly direction shall have the right of way over the person going in a northerly or southerly direction. (5) Whenever any person operating a motor vehicle or any other vehicle or riding, leading or driving a horse or other draft animal is overtaking a car of a street railway which has stopped to receive or discharge passengers, the person operating the motor vehicle or other vehicle or riding, leading or driving the horse or other draft animal shall bring such motor vehicle or other vehicle or horse or other draft animal to a full stop in the rear of such car, and shall not proceed until all passengers getting on or off the car are safely clear of the motor vehicle or other vehicle or horse or other draft animal. 4. The sides of the platforms of all cars of street Street railways. railways, except where a side of a platform is permanently closed, shall be provided with gates or doors and one gate or door shall always be in a securely closed position on the left side of each platform. Passengers shall be received and discharged only on the right side of said cars. All switches and turnouts of such street railways shall be arranged so that cars in passing shall keep to the right. All open cars shall be provided with straps, chains or bars on the left side. This section shall apply to every street railway that shall be hereafter operated and shall notwithstanding any provision of any special or general Act inconsistent herewith apply to every street railway that is now operated. by street rail 5. Expenditures by any public utility operating Expenditures any Street Railway which have been or shall be occas- ways a capital ioned by reason of this Act or of any change in the expenditure. provisions of Section 3 of said Chapter 81 of the Revised Statutes, 1900, or Section 22 of said Chapter 12 of the Acts of 1918 as amended may be charged by such public utility to capital account and be treated for all purposes as a capital expenditure where in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities the expenditures are reasonable and proper. 6. This Act shall come into force on, from and Act in force. after and not before two of the clock on the morning of the 15th day of April, A. D., 1923. Section added. Fire apparatus to have right of way. CHAPTER 20. An Act to Amend Chapter 81, Revised Statutes, 1900, "Of the Use of Roads." (Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923). Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. Chapter 81 of the Revised Statutes 1900, "Of the Use of Roads," is amended by adding thereto the following section: 6. Officers and men of any fire department of any city, town, municipality or district when going to any fire with engines or other fire apparatus shall have the right of way on any street, road or highway, and any person who wilfully or negligently obstructs or retards the passage of any such engine or apparatus shall be liable to a penalty of not less than twentyfive dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 17, Ch. 103, R. S. 1900, CHAPTER 21. An Act to Amend The Medical Act. (Passed the 17th day of April, A. D., 1923). Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. Section 17 of Chapter 103, Revised Statutes repealed; sub- of 1900, "The Medical Act," is repealed and the folstituted. lowing section substituted therefor: Candidates for 17. No candidate shall be admitted to the preexaminations. liminary examination unless at least fourteen days preliminary previous to such examination he has given notice to the Registrar of the Board of his intention to present himself for such examination, and unless he has produced to the Registrar satisfactory evidence that he has completed his sixteenth year and has paid the fee appointed by the Board by its rules and regulations. 2. Sec. 19, s. s. (1) (b) as amended 1, 1908, repeal Section 19, Sub-section (1) (b) of said Chapter 103, Revised Statutes of 1900, as amended by by Ch. 52, Sec. Chapter 52, Section 1 of the Acts of 1908, is repealed ed; substitutand the following substituted therefor: (1) (b) That after matriculation into a School of Medicine recognized by the Board, he has followed medical studies during a period of not less than five academic years. ed. (e) as enacted 3. Section 19, Sub-section (1) (e) of said Chapter Sec. 19, s. 8. (1) 103, Revised Statutes of 1900, as amended or enacted by Ch. 29, 1921 by Chapter 29 of the Acts of 1921, is hereby repealed substituted. and the following substituted therefor: When any candidate in applying for examination intimates his intention to practice homeopathy or osteopathy or other system different than that taught in the so-called 'regular schools of medicine' such candidate shall be required to pass an examination in such subjects as may from time to time be determined by the Board. Such examination so far as the same relates to the subject matter included in such other system shall be held by examiners specially appointed by the Board and chosen from exponents of the system in respect to which such candidate is to be examined, and shall be under such conditions as may be approved by the Board. repealed; to Ch. 103, R. 4. Said Chapter 103, Revised Statutes of 1900, Section added is hereby amended by adding after Section 36 the s. 1900. following: victions Act 36. (a) The Nova Scotia Summary Convictions Summary ConAct, and amendments thereto, shall apply to all applies. offences under this Act. to 103, R. 5. Said Chapter 103, Revised Statutes of 1900, Section added is hereby further amended by adding after Section S. 1900. 37 the following: 37. (a) This section shall not apply where the defendant has been proceded against by the provisions of The Summary Convictions Act of Nova Scotia and amendments thereto. |