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Council, may alter or revoke such rules and regulations or any of them or make new rules and regulations in substitution therefor or any of them.


4. No electrical installation nor any alteration Installations, or addition to an electrical installation shall be made etc., to conexcept in conformity with said rules and regulations

form to rules.

to inspect in

5. Every Public Utility shall inspect the electrical Public utility installation of a consumer applying for a supply of stallations. electrical power or energy. If the electrical installation does not conform to said rules and regulations the Public Utility shall so notify the consumer, specifying wherein the electrical installation does not so conform, and shall not make a connection nor be required to make a connection with the said electrical installation nor supply any electrical power or energy to the consumer unless and until the said electrical installation is in conformity with the said rules and regulations.

notify Public

posed altera


6. Every consumer before making any alterations Consumer to or additions to his electrical installation shall notify Utility of prothe Public Utility serving him that such alterations tions or addior additions will be made, giving the date when such alterations or additions will be commenced. The Public Utility shall inspect the alterations or additions during the making and on the completion thereof, and the consumer shall not connect the same to the original electrical installation until they shall have been so inspected. If the alterations or additions do not conform with the said rules and regulations the Public Utility shall so notify the consumer, specifying wherein the alterations or additions do not so conform, and the consumer shall not connect the alterations or additions to the original electrical installation unless and until they are in conformity with the said rules and regulations.

or agent to


7. Every consumer shall give every Public Utility Public Utility or its agent such access at all reaconable times to have access to the premises of the consumer as may be necessary for the purpose of inspecting such electrical installations and alterations and additions.


etc., to be in

8. No consumer shall cover up or make inaccesspected before sible for inspection any such electrical installation or alterations or additions until the same shall have been inspected as aforesaid.

covering up.

Penalty for violation.

Penalties form part of Special Fund.

Act not ap-
plicable to
Halifax or

Section 18, Ch.

30, 1919, amended.

Section 11, amended:

Act in force by proclamation.

9. If any Public Utility or consumer violates any of the provisions of this Act or of the rules and regulations made thereunder such Public Utility or consumer shall incur a penalty of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and not more than fifty dollars ($50.00).

10. The penalties incurred under the next preceding section shall, when collected, be paid by the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace collecting the same to the Provincial Treasurer and shall form part of the special fund mentioned in Section 23 of the Fire Prevention Act.

11. This Act shall not apply to the City of Halifax nor to the City of Sydney.

12. Section 18 of Chapter 30 of the Acts of 1919, The Fire Prevention Act, is amended by striking out the words “age and dilapidated condition" in the third line thereof and substituting therefor the words "age, dilapidated condition or faulty electrical installation."

13. Section 11 of said Chapter 30 is amended by adding thereto the following: (g) Inside Electrical Installation.

14. This Act shall come into force and effect from and after and not before such day as the Governor-in-Council orders and declares by proclamation.


An Act Respecting Live Stock.

(Passed the 6th day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

Live Stock and

1917, have

Nova Scotia.

1. If and in so far as any provisions of the Live Provisions of Stock and Live Stock Products Act, 1917, being Chap- Live Stock ter 32 of the Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 1917, Products Act, and the amendments thereof! and the regulations force of law in thereunder heretofore enacted or made, are within the legislative authority of the Province and outside that of the Dominion, it is hereby enacted and declared that such provisions shall have the force of law in the Province of Nova Scotia, and that unless otherwise enacted by the Legislature of Nova Scotia, each of such provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect therein to all intents and purposes whatsoever until the same is repealed or revoked by the Dominion Parliament or by the Governor-in-Council as the case may be.

to said Act


2. The Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council may by Amendments proclamation put into force in the Province any have force of amendments to the said Act and regulations which law in Nova may hereafter be enacted or made by the Parliament of Canada or the Governor-General-in-Council, and which are within the legislative authority of the Province and outside that of the Dominion, whereupon such amendments shall have the force of law in the Province of Nova Scotia, and unless otherwise enacted by the Legislature of Nova Scotia each of such amendments shall be and remain in full force and effect therein to all intents and purposes whatsoever until the same is repealed or revoked by the Dominion Parliament or by the Governor-in-Council as the case may be.



Council may

An Act to Encourage the use of Ground Limestone for Agricultural purposes.

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The Governor-in-Council may from time to expend sums. time expend such sums, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, for the following purposes, namely:

To encourage production of

ground limestone.

To facilitate distribution.

Standard of analysis and fineness of grinding.

Terma and conditions of

(a) to encourage in such manner as is deemed expedient the erection and operation in the Province of an additional plant or plants or for the improvement of plants that have been or are now in operation for the production of ground limestone or for the development and operation of natural marl deposits at the lowest possible cost;

(b) to facilitate the economical distribution of ground limestone or marl by a system of rebates of freight rates or such other measure as may be deemed advisable for such period as is deemed expedient.

2. The Governor-in-Council shall fix standards of analysis and of fineness of grinding in respect to such ground limestone or marl to which such assistance shall be applicable.

3. Every expenditure under this Act shall be made expenditures. On such terms and be subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Governor-in-Council.


An Act Respecting the Trial of Actions involving the Title to Lands.

(Passed the 6th day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

tried in County where

1. All actions for trespass to lands or in which Actions to be possession or recovery of lands is sought, and all actions in which the title to lands is in issue, shall, lands lie. unless the Court or a Judge otherwise orders, be tried in the County in which the lands lie, and if the lands lie in more than one County, then in any of the counties in which any part of the lands lie.


An Act to Legalize Jury Panels, Assessment Rolls and Revisers' Lists for 1923.

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. All jury panels and jury lists now made or to Jury panels and be made for use in the year A. D., 1923, whether Lists legalized. Grand or Petit, drawn from jury lists at the terms of the Supreme Court at which the same are usually drawn, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be legal and valid.

visers Lists

2. The Assessment Rolls for the present year, Assessment and the Revisers' Lists of Electors completed this Rolls and Reyear, are hereby legalized and confirmed, provided legalized. that this section so far as respects Assessment Rolls shall not affect any proceedings now pending nor any proceedings hereafter instituted in respect of any matter or thing which is the subject matter of or is involved in any proceedings now depending.

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