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An Act Respecting the title to Certain Lands at Rich

mond, in the County of Halifax.

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1928).

WHEREAS, certain lands known as Lot Number 37 Preamble.

in Division "B" upon a plan of sub-division of the Governor's Farm at Richmond, in the County of Halifax, were expropriated by The Halifax Relief Commission on the 26th day of February, 1919, under the provisions of Chapter 61 of the Acts of 1918, and the sum of eight hundred dollars was paid into the Supreme Court at Halifax therefor by the said The Halifax Relief Commission in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 61 of the Acts of 1918;

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. It is declared that previous to and at the time Lands vested. of the expropriation of the said lands the same were vested free from encumbrances in the following persons:-As to one undivided half interest, in the Old Ladies' Home; as to one undivided half interest in Elizabeth Jane Craigen of Halifax, Spinster.



An Act to Incorporate The Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen, Evangeline Lodge No. 350.

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. Frank Druhan, George F. Sullivan, James Gritt, Incorporation. George A. Lomas, and Charles B. Rhind, and such other persons as are or shall become members of the Corporation hereby created, and their successors

May hold real and personal property.

By-laws and

Board of Directors.

May sue and be


Limited liability.

duly appointed or elected, are hereby constituted a body corporate under the name of The Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, Evangeline Lodge No. 350 (hereinafter referred to as "the said lodge") for the purpose of holding the property and managing the affairs of the said lodge.

2. The said lodge may purchase, take, hold and enjoy real and personal property not exceeding ten thousand dollars in value and may sell, mortgage, lease, convey, or otherwise dispose of the same in the manner authorized by the constitution and by-laws of said lodge.

3. The said lodge shall have power to adopt such by-laws respecting the objects of its incorporation and for its government as are not inconsistent with this Act or the laws of the Province, which said bylaws shall be subject to the approval of the Governorin-Council.

4. The general affairs of the said lodge shall be controlled by a Board of Directors to be chosen in the manner prescribed by the by-laws of the said lodge.

5. The said lodge may collect all debts, dues, arrears of claims due or to become due under the by-laws of the said lodge and shall have power to suc and be sued in the corporate name.

6. No member of the said lodge shall be liable in his personal or separate estate for the debts of the said lodge, unless he shall have personally made himself responsible therefor.


An Act to Incorporate the United Workmen's Associa

tion of Nova Scotia.

(Passed the 17th day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. H. Howell, Mechanic; L. McGuire, Laborer; Incorporation. Fred Taylor, Blacksmith; Fred Wood, Laborer; William Caswell, Laborer; T. J. Kendel, Baker, and E. Saulnier, Carpenter, all of Halifax, and such other persons as shall become members of the United Workmen's Association of Nova Scotia, are hereby incorporated and are created a body corporate by the name of the "United Workmen's Association of Nova Scotia," (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation,") for the purpose of managing the affairs of the Corporation and for the protection and promotion of the cause of labour throughout the Province of Nova Scotia.

and hold real

2. The Corporation may purchase, take, hold, and May acquire enjoy real estate, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars estate. in value, and may sell, mortgage, lease and otherwise dispose of the same for the benefit of the Corporation and the furtherance of its objects.

3. The Corporation is hereby authorized and em- "Lodges"; powered to organize branches to be known as "lodges" "Charter. of the places or districts in which they are formed. These lodges shall be under the control and subject to the direction of the Corporation and be governed by any by-laws made in reference thereto pursuant to this Act. The Corporation shall issue a certificate to be known as a "charter" whenever a lodge has been formed, to be used by the said lodge until it has ceased to exist, at which time the said certificate shall be cancelled and delivered to the Corporation.

4. No member of the Corporation or of any lodge Limited liabishall be liable in his personal or separate estate for lity. the debts of the Corporation or a lodge, as the case may be, unless he shall have personally made himself responsible therefor.


Management of 5. The real estate or personal property of the

real estate.

May sell, lease etc. real estate.


Upon dissolution of Lodge

Corporation shall be held in the corporate name, but shall be managed by a Board of Trustees consisting for the time being of the duly elected and acting President, 1st Vice-President and Treasurer.

6. The Corporation may sell, lease or mortgage its real estate in such way as may be authorized by a regular business meeting after at least one week's public notice of the proposed sale, lease or mortgage has been published in a daily paper published in the City of Halifax.

7. The Corporation shall have power to adopt by-laws respecting the objects of its incorporation and for its government and that of the lodges, provided the same are not inconsistent with this Act or the laws of the Province, which said by-laws shall be subject to the approval of the Governor-in-Council.

8. Upon the dissolution of any lodge the property property vests held by it, at the time of its dissolution, which shall in corporation. not have been disposed of by the lodge in accordance

with the by-laws, shall forthwith be vested in the Corporation, to be applied first in the payment of any debts or liabilities of said lodge and the balance, if any, in such manner as the Corporation may deem best for the general interests of the Corporation in this Province.



An Act to Incorporate Unity Masonic Building
Company, Limited.

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. Wallace Knock, Lawrence Hebb, Wilfrid Kinley, and Clarence Veinot, all of the Town of Lunenburg, their associates, successors and assigns and such other persons as shall become shareholders or stock holders in the Corporation hereby created are hereby constituted a body corporate under the name of Unity Masonic Building Company, Limited."

2. The objects of the Corporation shall be:

(a) to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire real and personal property for the purposes of building, providing, furnishing and maintaining a Masonic Temple in the Town of Lunenburg;

(b) to build, provide, furnish, and maintain a Masonic Temple in the Town of Lunenburg;

(c) to lease such Masonic Temple and any property owned by the Corporation or any part thereof to the Masonic Lodge, or if hereafter there should be more than one Masonic Lodge to all or any of the Masonic Lodges in the Town of Lunenburg;

(d) to make use of the said Masonic Temple, or any part thereof, and any property of the Corporation for any purpose which in the opinion of the Directors may be of advantage or benefit to the Masonic Order or the members of that Order;

(e) to provide, furnish and maintain rooms and other facilities in said Masonic Temple or upon the land of the Corporation for indoor recreation, games and sports or for the use and enjoyment of members of the Masonic Order and

their friends, or to be used by them as Club rooms.


3. The capital stock of the Corporation shall be Capital Stock. $25,000.00 divided into 500 shares of $50.00 each, which shall be personal property transmissable and assignable as such, subject to any by-laws the Corporation may at any time pass with the approval of a majority of the shareholders.

4. The Corporation shall have a corporate seal and Powers. shall have power and authority to

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