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filled by the Governors of King's College, by the Executive Committee of the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia, or by the Executive Committee of the Old Boys' Association of King's College School, Windsor, or by the elected members of the Governing Body, respectively, from among the members of said Gover-, nors of Faculty, Synod, or Association or other persons, as the case may be, and any member so elected shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which the member whose seat is vacated was elected.

members un

8. Notwithstanding any vacancy existing in said Powers of Governing Body the remaining members thereof may affected by vacexercise all powers, rights, and privileges hereby conferred.



9. The said Governing Body shall have power to Powers of adopt a common seal, to sue and be sued, to acquire, Body. hold, occupy, enjoy, lease, mortgage, sell, and convey real and personal property, to borrow money on the credit of the Governing Body, to give security therefor, to make and execute conveyances, agreements, and contracts, to make and establish such by-laws, rules, and regulations for the conduct of meetings and all matters within or under the jurisdiction of said Governing Body, the management of the property of the Governing Body, the appointment, duties and removal of masters, teachers, instructors, matrons, nurses, servants, and agents, the instruction, discipline and government of students, the management and control of all matter and things respecting King's College School which to them shall seem meet, and the enjoyment and exercise of all rights, powers, privileges and authorities hitherto had, held, or exercised by the Board of Governors of the University of King's College, Windsor, in respect of said School, subject, nevertheless to the approval of the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia for the time being.

10. No member of said Governing Body shall be No personal liable in his person or estate for any debt or liability liability. contracted on behalf of said Governing Body, unless he shall expressly agree to be answerable therefor.


Act in force by

11. The Executive Committee of said Governing Body shall be composed of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Nova Scotia, the Headmaster or Principal of the School, and five members of the Governing Body elected annually by the Governing Body.


12. Part I of this Act shall come into force on a proclamation. date to be appointed by the Governor-in-Council by proclamation published in the Royal Gazette.

Provincial Sec

Board to notify 13. (1) The Governor-in-Council shall not apretary of ac Act. point a date under the provisions of this Part until he shall have received notification of the acceptance of this Act by the Board of Governors of the University of King's College.

Other Acts repealed.

(2) Said notification shall be given in writing addressed to the Provincial Secretary of Nova Scotia and signed by the Chairman and Secretary of said Board with the corporate seal affixed.

14. Upon the coming into force of Part I of this Act all Acts relating to King's College School, Windsor, passed previously to the coming into force of this Act shall be deemed to be repealed.


An Act with Respect to the Assessment of Logan
Leather Company, Limited.

(Passed the 6th day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:


1. All the real and personal property, earnings and Assessment and income of Logan Leather Company, Limited, a body limited. corporate, having its head office at Lyons Brook, in the County of Pictou, shall be assessed for all purposes whatsoever (including school rates) at a valuation of not more than twenty thousand dollars for five years, beginning with the year 1923.

tended to suc

2. The same limitation of valuation and assess- Limitation exment shall continue and be effective with respect to cessors. the real and personal property, earnings and income of any other person or persons or body corporate that may hereafter acquire or possess the plant now operated by the Logan Leather Company, Limited, for the period mentioned in Section 1 of this Act. Provided such valuation shall not include real property not now held by the Logan Leather Company, Limited, nor any personal property except such as is manufactured at said plant, or used, or to be used in, or for, or in connection with manufacturing.


An Act to Incorporate the Maritime Home for Girls.

(Passed the 6th day of April, A. D., 1923)

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

Incorporation. 1. Rev. R. W. Ross, Principal Melville Cumming, Rev. H. J. Fraser, Rev. F. S. Dowling, Miss C. E. Carmichael, Rev. George Miller, Mrs. Ada Powers and Rev. D. N. McLachlin, representing the General Board of Home Mission and Social Service of the Presbyterian Church in Canada;


Rev. George W. F. Glendenning, Rev. Harold A. Goodwin, Rev. Hamilton Wigle, A. R. Coffin, Rev.. David W. Johnson, W. B. Murphy, James T. Burchell and Rev. T. Albert Moore, representing the General Board of Evangelism and Social Service of the Methodist Church in Canada;

Rev. H. R. Boyer, N. S. Cox, Dr. W. C. Keirstead, Dr. Edwin D. King, K. C., Rev. W. D. Wilson, Professor H. G. Perry, George W. Stuart and Rev. A. J. Prosser, representing the Maritime Convention of Baptist Churches;

Rev. John Godfrey, Rev. Gerald W. Bullock, Reginald V. Harris and Mr. Charles E. Bentley, representing the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia, and

Rev. William Tomalin, Rev. Charles W. Vernon, Rev. Arthur W. Teed, and H. Usher Miller, representing the Diocesan Synod of Fredericton;

and their successors elected or appointed in accordance with the provisions of this Act, are hereby constituted a body corporate under the name "Maritime Home for Girls."

2. The objects of said corporation shall be:

(a) to take over, continue and carry on the work of the institution known as the Maritime Home for Girls at Truro in Nova Scotia;

(b) to carry on and maintain such Institution as a reformatory, home and training school for delinquent and neglected girls.

3. The persons named in the first section of this Board of Dire Act shall constitute the Board of Directors of the ectors. Corporation and shall continue in office until their successors are elected or appointed in accordance with section four of this Act and the by-laws of the corporation.


4. The persons named in the first section of this Directors to Act having been elected or appointed by the respective continue in church boards, conventions, synods or authorities successors aptherein named, viz: The General Board of Home Missions and Social Service of the Presbyterian Church in Canada; the General Board of Evangelism and Social Service of the Methodist Church in Canada; the Anglican Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia; the Anglican Diocesan Synod of Fredericton, and the Maritime Convention of the Baptist Church, said persons shall continue as members of said Board of Directors and said corporation until their successors shall have been elected or appointed by said Church boards, conventions, synods or authorities as the case may be in accordance with such rules, regulations or by-laws as each of said Church boards, conventions, synods or authorities may adopt governing such elections or appointments, and the name or names of the persons so elected or appointed shall have been sent to the Secretary of the Corporation.

5. The Corporation shall have power

(a) to make, alter or repeal by-laws and regulations relating to its objects, purposes and aims and for the conduct and management of its affairs and the regulation of its officers, servants, agents and employees, and the persons committed to its care or under its control;


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