5. No grant shall be made for any relief to any member for sickness or accident in any case where, (a) the disability has been caused by drunkenness or other improper conduct; (b) the member at the time of the illness is under suspension by the Society; (c) the member is entitled to compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act. IX. Disposal of Funds and Accounting. 1. All money received for the purposes of the Society shall be deposited in the name of the Society with a Chartered Bank. Withdrawals shall be made by cheques signed by the President or Vice-President and countersigned by the Treasurer or Secretary. A proper system of accounts shall be established, and the books containing the accounts and statements made therefrom shall be regularly audited by some competent person appointed by the Board. X. Suspensions. 1. Members who in the judgment of the Board are guilty of wilful infractions of the rules of the Society, or who neglect or refuse to pay the weekly fees of the Society, or who act in any way detrimental to its interest, may be suspended by the Board, and while so suspended shall not be entitled to participate in any of the benefits, allowances or grants of the Society. 2. The Board in their discretion may permit persons who, on account of being laid off by the Company for want of work or for other causes beyond their control, are unable temporarily to pay their weekly dues, to continue their membership for a period not exceeding three months. On return to work such member shall pay all dues in arrears and resume regular payments. Such members while so laid off shall have a right to participate in the benefits, but from the amount of such benefits there shall be deducted the amount due for unpaid dues. 3. A member who is wholly or partially permanently or temporarily disabled as the result of accidental injuries received in the works of the Company may retain his membership while so disabled as the result of such injuries and be entitled to participate in the benefits for illness during a period not exceeding twelve months from the date of such disablement; provided, however, that no payment shall be made in respect to disability arising from illness caused by or the result of accidental injury received in the works of the Company, and in no case shall he receive benefits for more than the thirteen week period hereinbefore provided for, or for any period during which he may be in receipt of compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act; and provided further that nothing in this constitution and by-laws contained shall be construed to prevent a member disabled through accidental injury received in the Company's service from receiving benefits through non-payment of dues only. XI. Reports of Illness or Disablement. It shall be the duty of a member disabled by sickness or by any cause entitling him to benefits, to make a full and complete report to the Secretary within forty-eight hours, giving date, cause and nature of the disablement, and such other particulars as may be required. XII. No Personal Liability of Members. No member of the Society shall be personally liable for the amount of any benefits or allowances or grants to which any member or his personal representatives may become entitled under this constitution and by-laws, but claim shall be made only upon the Society, and the Society shall be responsible therefor only in so far as their funds on hand meet such claim. XIII. Decision of Board. In all matters regarding the claim of any member against the Society or in respect to any other disputed matter, the decision of the Board shall be final and conclusive. XIV. Amendments. This constitution and by-laws may be amended or added to by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any General Meeting of the Society. Notice of the proposed amendment or addition must be given to the Secretary, in writing, not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting, and the Notice calling the meeting shall specify the amendment or addition proposed to be made. CHAPTER 129. An Act to Incorporate the Inverness County Memorial Hospital. (Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D.,. 1923). Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. J. A. Proudfoot, M. D.; Rev. A. L. MacDonald, Incorporation. Rev. H. G. Wright, R. E. MacLeod, Duncan A. McIsaac, B. B. McNutt, Thomas Dixon, J. A. McNeil, M. L. McLean, A. R. McNeil, all of Inverness; C. F. McAdam, Margaree Harbor; J. D. D. AuCoin, of Grand Etang; D. D. MacFarlane, of S. W. Margaree; E. O. Leadbetter of Port Hood; D. Clair Austen of Whycocomagh; P. J. Walker of Port Hawkesbury; J. R. McLeod of Port Hawkesbury; Rev. D. J. Morrison of Strathlorne; Rev. Ronald McDonald of Judique; Donald McLennan, M. P. P., of Port Hood; Rev. J. M. McLean of Strathlorne, and Rev. Father Kyte of Inverness, all of the County of Inverness, and their associates and successors, are hereby constituted a body corporate under the name of "Inverness County Memorial Hospital," and may have a corporate seal. Objects. By-laws, Rules and Regulations. May acquire etc. real and perty. 2. The objects of the corporation shall be the establishing, conducting and maintaining of a general hospital, the treatment of patients therein, the carrying out of such measures as may be necessary for the relief and assistance of the sick and injured, and the doing of such other acts and works of charity and mercy as may be found practical and expedient in connection with the conducting of such hospital. 3. The corporation shall have full power and authority from time to time to make, alter, amend or repeal such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the control and management of the affairs of the hospital, and the admission and qualifications of members of the corporation, the choice, duration of office, powers and duties of the officers, the employment of physicians, surgeons, nurses, assistants and servants; and for the carrying on the work and business of hospital generally, as are not inconsistent with this Act or the laws of the Province, and such constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations, with any amendments and repeals, shall be subject to the approval of the Governor-in-Council and when so approved shall have the same force and effect as if incorporated in this Act. 4. The corporation may acquire, take and hold personal pro- by purchase, grant, lease, gift, donation, demise, legacy or bequest, real and personal property, including money, and receive the rents and profits of said real and personal property and invest any moneys received, and sell, lease, mortgage, or otherwise deal with the whole or any part of such real and personal property, in such a way as may be deemed most advantageous for carrying out the objects of the corporation, but the corporation shall not hold, at any time, real estate exceeding the value of one hundred thousand dollars. Exemption from taxation. 5. Such portions of the real estate and personal property of the corporation as may be used exclusively for the purpose of the hospital shall be exempt from taxation. liability. 6. No member of the corporation shall be liable Limited in person or separate estate for any debts or liabilities or obligations of the corporation, unless such member has incurred liability by becoming surety for such. vested. 7. All personal property and all moneys heretofore Property granted, voted, subscribed, paid or given for the purposes of such hospital, are hereby vested in and shall be collected by and paid to the corporation. struments. 8. The corporation may make, accept, draw, en- Negotiable Indorse promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques and other negotiable documents as may be necessary in carrying out the objects of the corporation, without the necessity of affixing thereto the corporate seal, and no officer or member of the corporation executing any such document or instrument in pursuance of any by-law shall be individually liable thereupon. CHAPTER 130. An Act Relating to the University of King's College, (Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923). Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: PART I. by 1. At the first general meeting of the Alumni Election of reof King's College after this Act shall have been presentatives brought into force as provided in Part II hereof, the Alumni at such meeting or at any general meeting duly called after said meeting, may proceed to elect ten persons to represent said Alumni on the Board of Governors of the University of King's College, of whom five shall hold office until the first annual meeting of Alumni of King's College held thereafter, and five others shall hold office until the second annual meeting of said Alumni of King's College, held thereafter. |