meet the current expenses of the said municipality until the taxes for the year 1923 are collected. Said amount or any part thereof so borrowed shall be payable and repaid with interest thereon at a rate not exceeding five and a half per cent. per annum on or before the fifteenth day of January, 1924. CHAPTER 109. An Act to Empower the Municipality of the County (Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923). Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: as enacted by 1. Sub-section (1) of Section 5 of Chapter 5, Acts s. s. (1) Sec. 5, of 1918, as said sub-section is enacted by Chapter 56 hen. Acts 1918 of the Acts of 1921, is amended by adding thereto the Ch. 56, 1921 following proviso: Provided, however, that in the Municipality of the County of Cape Breton said poll tax for the year 1923 shall be five dollars; notwithstanding that the amount of said poll tax has not been fixed by resolution of Council. amended. 2. The collectors' rolls for the said municipality Collectors Rolls for the year 1923, as now prepared, are hereby rati- ratified and fied and confirmed. 3. The grant of two hundred dollars made by the Grant for war Municipal Council of the Municipality of the County memorial Mattt of Cape Breton towards the defraying of the expenses ratified. of a war memorial at Reserve Mines, in the County of Cape Breton, is hereby authorized, ratified and confirmed. Appointment of General Ass 4. (a) The appointment by the Council of the essor confirmed. said municipality of a general assessor for the said municipality already made is hereby ratified and confirmed; Duties and salary. Amount to be levied and assessed. Assessments ratified and confirmed. (b) such general assessor shall devote his entire time to the duties of such office, shall hold office for three years from the date of his appointment and shall be paid a salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, with an annual allowance of three hundred dollars for travelling expenses; (c) the Council shall annually add to the amount levied and assessed for general purposes upon real and personal property and income within the municipality a sum sufficient to pay such salary and expense; (d) the assessments made and levied by the said Council for the year 1923, including an amount necessary to pay the salary of such general assessor, and the payment of said grant of two hundred dollars, are hereby ratified and confirmed. CHAPTER 110. An Act to Ratify and Confirm an Expenditure Authorized by the Cape Breton Joint Expenditure Board for the Year 1923. (Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923). WHEREAS, the Cape Breton Joint Expenditure Preamble. Board agreed to grant the Children's Aid Society of Cape Breton the sum of three thousand dollars for the year 1923; Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: Children's Aid 1. The said grant of three thousand dollars to the Grant to Children's Aid Society of Cape Breton is hereby Society joint declared to be an expenditure for the joint benefit of expenditure. the Municipality of the County of Cape Breton, the City of Sydney and the several incorporated towns within the County of Cape Breton, and the same is hereby legalized, validated, ratified and confirmed, and is declared to be as effectual and binding upon the Municipality of the County of Cape Breton, the City of Sydney, and the several incorporated towns within the County of Cape Breton, and to have the same force and effect as if the same had been determined as an object of municipal expenditure for the joint benefit of the said municipality, city and towns in accordance with Section 1 of Chapter 154 of the Acts of 1920, and included in the report made under the provisions of Section 3 of the said Act. make yearly Society. 2. The Cape Breton Joint Expenditure Board is Board may hereby authorized and empowered to make a yearly grante grant hereafter of such an amount, not exceeding Children's three thousand dollars, as to it may seem advisable from the funds at its disposal to the Children's Aid Society of Cape Breton, and the same if and when so made by the said Board is hereby declared to be an object of municipal expenditure for the joint benefit of the Municipality of the County of Cape Breton, the City of Sydney, and the several incorporated towns within the County of Cape Breton. A Building Commission. Who eligible Commission may acquire land etc. CHAPTER 111. An Act to Enable the Municipality of the County of (Passed the 6th day of April, A. D., 1923). Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows: 1. The building and equipping of a new Asylum for the County of Inverness shall be managed by and be under the direction, supervision and control of a commission to be known as the "building commission," and shall be composed of representatives of the municipality of the said County, and the several incorporated towns in the said County of Inverness, namely, five members appointed by said municipality, two appointed by the Councilof the Town of Inverness, and one each by the Town of Port Hood and the Town of Port Hawkesbury. 2. The warden, clerk, treasurer and councillors of the said municipality and the mayors, clerks and councillors of said incorporated towns, shall be eligible for appointment on said commission. 3. The building commission on behalf of the county may acquire lands required for the purpose of the works authorized by this Act, and may discharge and settle claims for damages arising in the prosecution of such works by private arrangement with owners or claimants, and the building commission is empowered to accept and receive deeds to the municipality of the said county of any portions of said lands and may accept releases of any claim or claims for damages or compensation from any person or persons, and may pay any sums deemed by it fair and reasonable therefor. Commission to 4. The building commission shall, in addition to and supervise the authority hereinbefore conferred, have power to superintend construction etc. superintend and generally manage the erection, completion and equipment of said new Asylum, the construction of sewers and water works, and, subject to the approval of the Inspector of Humane Institutions, to determine upon plans and specifications and to ask for, receive, reject or accept tenders for the construction of said building, sewers and water works, and generally to supervise the erection and the construction of the same. 5. Meetings of the building commission may be Meetings of convened by the chairman, who shall preside at such Commission. meetings. All matters that come before the commission shall be decided by a majority vote, the chairman to have the casting vote in case of a tie. Five members shall form a quorum for the transaction of business. 6. Should any members of the said building Vacancies. commission appointed by the Municipal Council die or become incapacitated, resign or refuse to act, then such vacancy shall be filled by the Warden of the municipality, and in case a member appointed by any of said incorporated towns dies or becomes incapacitated, resigns or refuses to act, then the vacancy shall be filled by the town council of the town making such appointment. 7. Each member of said building commission Remuneration shall be paid by way of remuneration a sum to be fixed by the said commission for all services rendered under this Act. But the amount to be paid shall not in any case exceed four dollars per day and travelling fees at the rate of ten cents per mile for each member for each meeting of said commission. |