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Interest and Sinking fund lawful charges.

Ratepayers' approval required.


Interest chargeable on unpaid taxes etc.

provide for a sinking fund with respect to such debentures. The amount to be paid annually into the sinking fund shall not be less than three per centum of the aggregate amount of said debentures and shall not be more than the Council deems sufficient to provide for the payment of the debentures when the same are payable and the first payment into such sinking fund shall be made within one year from the date of the debentures.

3. Every sum required for

(a) interest on such debentures;

(b) the sinking fund so provided;

shall be held to be sums required for the ordinary lawful purposes of the Town of Dartmouth, and shall be raised, levied and collected in the same manner and in all respects as other sums required for the ordinary lawful purposes of the said Town are raised, levied and collected.

4. The provisions of this Act authorizing the borrowing of money shall not take effect until the same is adopted by the ratepayers of the said Town of Dartmouth, by resolution passed at a meeting duly convened in accordance with the provisions of Sections 143 and 144 of "The Towns' Incorporation Act."

5. A certificate, under the hand of the Mayor and the Town Clerk, and under the corporate seal of the Town of Dartmouth, of a resolution passed under said Act, shall be conclusive evidence of the adoption of this Act, and of the passing of the said resolution.

6. The Council may also provide by resolution that interest at a rate not exceeding eight per cent. per annum shall be paid on any rates and taxes, or balance thereof, that are unpaid after a certain date to be established and fixed by the Council in the year for which the said rates and taxes are levied and payable, and the Council is hereby authorized and empowered, by resolution, to establish and fix such date, and such interest shall be added to the unpaid rates and taxes, or balances thereof, due by any person, firm, company, association or corporation, and shall be collected or be chargeable in the same manner as rates and taxes are collected and chargeable under the provisions of the Assessment Act, and as though the said interest was a part of the said rates and taxes.


for skating rink.

7. On and after the passing of this Act the title to Portion of all that portion of the Dartmouth Park bounded and Parkmouth described as follows: Beginning at the Junction of the vested in Town Western side line of School Street with the North Eastern side line of Wyse Road; thence North Westerly along the North Easterly side line of Wyse Road for a distance of five hundred feet; thence North Easterly, and at right angles, to the North Easterly side line of Wyse Road for a distance of three hundred feet; thence South Easterly and parallel with the North Easterly side line of Wyse Road, until it strikes the Western side line of School Street; thence Southerly along such Western side line of School Street to the place of beginning, shall be vested in the Town of Dartmouth, and may be granted and conveyed to a person or persons, organization or corporation, for the purpose of the grantee erecting thereon a skating rink, and which land and buildings shall be exempt from taxation for the period of ten years while the said rink is continuously in operation. The said conveyance shall also be subject to such regulations and limitations in the use of the said land and buildings as may be approved and passed by the Town Council and which shall be contained in a resolution of the Town Council, and which regulations and limitations shall be embodied in a conveyance from the Town to the said grantee. Without limiting the regulations and limitations as aforesaid one of the regulations shall be that the water supplied to the said building shall be paid for by the said grantee at a fixed rate or otherwise as may be mutually agreed between the said Town and the said grantee, and failing such agreement the said rates shall be fixed and collected in the usual manner by the Town.

8. Section 22 of Chapter 106 of the Acts of 1920 Section 22, Ch. is repealed, and the following substituted.

106, Acts 1920 repealed; substituted.

Section 13, Ch. 97, Acts 1914,

All male persons between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, inclusive, and who are not assessed upon personal property, shall pay annually a poll tax not exceeding ten dollars, and those who are assessed on personal property shall pay annually a poll tax not exceeding five dollars.

9. Section 13 of Chapter 97 of the Acts of 1914 repealed; sub-is hereby repealed, and the following substituted


Golf and


13. During the period of twenty years from and Country Club after the first day of January, 1924, the amount pay

taxes and rates.

able by Brightwood Golf and Country Club, Limited, for all municipal taxes and rates upon its property and assets within the said Town, except water and sewer rates, shall be the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars per year, and no more; provided, however, that the property of the Company continues to be used for the purposes of a Golf and Country Club, and, further, that any property hereafter sold by the said company shall at once become liable to assessment in the said Town as if this Act had not been passed.

Annual poll tax.


An Act Respecting the Poll Tax in the Town of Dominion.

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. In the Town of Dominion an annual poll tax of two dollars shall be levied upon every male resident of the town between the ages of eighteen and sixty years except members of fire companies and members of protection companies and salvage corps within the town and members of such companies as have retired after the full service required by law; provided, how

ever, that the Council of the Town of Dominion may by by-law fix the poll tax for such male residents as are not rated upon real or personal property within the town to an amount exceeding two hundred dollars at any sum not less than two dollars or more than ten dollars.

2. Sub-section 1 of Section 6 of Chapter 5, Acts 8.3. 1, Sec. 6, of 1918, shall not apply to the Town of Dominion.

Ch. 5, 1918 not applicable.


An Act Empowering the Town of Glace Bay to Pay its Mayor an Annual Salary.

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

(1) That Chapter 81 of the Acts of 1909 be, and Chapter 81, the same is hereby repealed, and the following sub-pealed; substituted:

Acts 1909, restituted.

pay Mayor a

(2) That the Town Council of the Town of Glace Authority to Bay be and is hereby authorized from time to time, salary. and at all times hereafter, to pa pay the Mayor of the said Town such salary or compensation for his services as the Council shall deem proper, not, however, to exceed the sum of twelve hundred dollars in any one year.

levied and ass

(3) The Town Council shall annually add to the Amount to be amount to be levied and assessed upon the real and essed. personal property of the Town, for general purposes, a sum sufficient to pay such salary or compensation.

4. No payment shall be made under the authority Ratepayers apof this Act unless and until the proposed expenditure proval required. is approved by a meeting of the ratepayers duly called under the provisions of Section 143 of The Towns' Incorporation Act.

Authority to

Sinking fund.


An Act to Enable the Town of Glace Bay to Borrow
Money for Enlarging the Town Electric Light
Plant, and for Additions and Extensions
to the Lighting System and for Other
Town Purposes.

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923)

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The Town of Glace Bay is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow or raise by way of loan, on the credit of the town, a sum of money not exceeding one hundred and forty-eight thousand dollars for the following purposes, that is to say:

(a) the sum of forty thousand dollars for the purpose of enlarging the Town Electric Light Plant, and for additions and extensions to the said lighting system;

(b) the sum of ninety thousand dollars for the purpose of constructing permanent streets and sidewalks;

(c) the sum of eight thousand dollars for extensions to the water system of the town;

(d) the sum of ten thousand dollars for repairs to the town water reservoir.

2. Where any money is borrowed by the issue or sale of debentures of the said town under this Act, and the Municipal Debentures Act, 1914, as amended, the Council of the said town shall provide for a sinking fund with respect to such debentures. The amount to be paid annually into the sinking fund shall not be less than 3 per centum of the aggregate amount of said debentures, and shall not be more than the council deems sufficient to provide for the payment of the debentures, when the same are payable, and the

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