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(3) Both the person, firm or company entering Who liable and

into such contract and the agent, foreman or other person in charge of the work under such contract, shall be liable for the payment of such tax, and the same may be enforced either or both by warrant or by action in the same way as other rates and taxes of the City, and service of process against such persons, firm or company may be made upon any such agent, foreman or person in charge of the work.

Law enforced.

(4) The provisions of this section shall not apply Provisions not to any person, firm or company who for the civic applicable. year next preceding that in which such contract was entered into was assessed in the sum of in the City in respect to real property, not less than five thousand dollars.


4. Sub-section (2) of Section 436 is amended by sub-section (2) striking out the words "one half per cent per month", Section 436 and substituting therefor the words "seven per cent per annum."

5. Section 400 is amended by adding after the Section 400 word "Charter" in the third line, the words "or under amended. any special Act of the Legislature unless expressly stated to the contrary."

6. Section 380 is amended by adding thereto the sub-section following sub-section :

6. The charges payable in respect to the taking, keeping and selling any distress under any such warrant, shall be those provided by law upon a distress for rent, and for making any arrest, those provided by law for Constables under the "Summary Convictions Act."

added to Section 380.

places and ferr.

7. The Council may, by ordinance, regulate the public landing use of any public landing as a landing place for a ferry, Pe including the granting of a license for such use, and limiting the number of licenses so granted, the conduct of persons embarking or disembarking from the ferry at such landing place, and all other matters requisite for the due control and regulation of such ferry at such landing place.

Sub-section 8. Section 358 is amended by adding thereto the

added to Section 358.

Section added.

Suspension for insubordination


Assessments for proposed


following sub-section :

(2) The securities of the funds shall be deposited in some secure place of deposit in the names of the Trustees, and the Treasurer, and shall only be removed from such place by of one or more of the Trustees, together with the Treasurer.

9. The following section is added to immediately follow Section 93:

(93A.) The Mayor may suspend, without salary, any official or employee of the City for neglect of duty, insubordination, or other conduct incompatible with the due performance of his duties. Any such suspension with the cause thereof shall be reported by the Mayor in writing to each member of the Council, and a meeting of the Council, shall be called within five days of such suspension, at which the Council may confirm such suspension by a vote of a majority of the whole Council, but if such suspension is not so confirmed it shall forthwith terminate, and if within thirty days such suspension is not confirmed, then the said official or employee shall stand as reinstated without loss of salary or pay during the time of such suspension.

10. In any case in which it is proposed to pave any curbs and gutt- street or to lay a permanent sidewalk, and as part of such work a curb or gutter is laid before the remainder of the work is completed, the City shall assess against the owners of abutting properties in the manner directed in respect to assessment in respect to paving and sidewalks, one-half of the cost of laying such curb and gutter. Such assessment shall be due on the first of May next succeeding the date on which the curb and gutter is laid, and the amount thereof shall be payable forthwith, and shall be deemed part of the assessment in respect to such paving or sidewalk when the same is completed.

Sprinkling cart, steam roller or

11. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the motor pumper contrary, a sprinkling cart, a steam roller or a motor has right of way sweeper may travel in any direction on either side of the street, or in the centre thereof, and shall have the right of way against any vehicle except a tram-car or a vehicle of the Fire Department when proceeding to a fire.

12. The following section is added to immediately Section added. follow Section 901:

penditure on

(901A.) The Board shall not enter upon any con-Appeals re extemplated expenditure of money on capital account, capital account. such as the preparation of plans for a building, the payment of money for an option on any land or other proposed expenditure, without first submitting the proposal to the City Council for approval, and if the Council does not approve an appeal shall lie to the Governor-in-Council as in the next preceding section, and the Governor-in-Council may sanction such proposal or modify the same as is deemed best.

13. The City shall not exercise the powers to Enactments to borrow money conferred for the purposes and by the borrow repertain authorities hereafter mentioned, that is to say:

For the Construction of an Engine House on Campbell Road, as empowered by Chapter 71 of the Acts of 1907, $20,000.

For the purchase of Fire equipment, as empowered by Section 40 of Chapter 86 of the Acts of 1920, $40,000.

For the purchase of an Aerial Ladder, as empowered by Chapter 54 of the Acts of 1922, $19,000.

And the said enactments to the extent of authorizing the City to borrow money for the purposes mentioned are hereby repealed.

sums repealed.

14. Clause (c) of Sub-section (2) of Section 541 Clause (c) s. s. is repealed and the following substituted therefor:- repealed; sub

(c) or is assessed for a Business Tax of not less than twenty dollars yearly, and has paid the same for the current year.

(2) Section 541


15. The City may divert the portion of Barrington Diversion of Street, (formerly Campbell Road) near the property inton St.

portion of Barr

Police jurisdiction of watershed.

Street expend

of the Nova Scotia Fertilizer Company, and close so much of the existing street as is required, and the public shall not have any right of use of the portion so closed, and the street as diverted shall be a street of the City. The City may sell the land no longer required as a street.

16. The Police of the City and the Police Court of the City shall have authority and jurisdiction over any land forming part of the watershed of any lake, being part of the water supply of the City, to the same extent as if such property was situated within the City.

17. Any expenditure made on any street during itures legalized. the civic year 1922-1923 is hereby legalized, notwithstanding the same was made on a street which had not been accepted by the City, but no such expenditure shall be deemed to operate as an acceptance of such street by the City.

Section 323 repealed; substituted.

18. Section 323 is repealed, and the following substituted:

323. He may at any time receive payment of any sum due the City by instalments, and he alone shall have the right to appropriate any payment, and apply the same to such indebtedness as he deems best, and in the absence of any such appropriation by him any payment shall be deemed to be made on the debt to the City of the longest standing.

Sub-section 19. Section 18 of Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1915 18, Ch. 46, 1915 is amended by adding thereto the following sub-sec


Milk dealers' buildings.



(10) A building may be erected, enlarged or used within the said district by a milk dealer for the purpose of his trade, provided:

(a) that such dealer has resided and done business as a milk dealer in such district previous to, and since the 23rd day of April, 1915;

(b) that such dealer comply with the regulations of the Halifax City Health Board;

(c) that in the case of any building erected, enlarged or altered since the 23rd day of April, 1915, permission for such erection, enlargement or alteration has been duly obtained from the Board of Control or Committee on Works, and

(d) that no cow is stabled in such building.

payable quart

20. All grants payable by the City, including City grants those payable to any Charitable, Educational or erly. Benevolent Institutions, shall be payable in quarterly instalments beginning on the first day of June.

21. Sections 688 and 689 are hereby repealed, and Sections 688 the following substituted:

(1) If the owner deems the amount of such compensation insufficient, he may within one month from the service upon him of such notice of payment, or the first publication thereof (which ever is latest) give notice in writing to the City that he deems such amount of compensation insufficient and that he requires the same to be determined as hereinafter provided.

(2) The amount of such compensation shall thereupon be determined by a referee to be agreed on by the City and owner, or if they are unable to agree, shall be determined by the Judge of the County Court for District Number One, or by a referee appointed by a Judge of the Supreme Court, and all the provisions of the "Judicature Act" and the rules thereunder relating to proceedings before referees shall apply to the proceedings, including an appeal to the Supreme Court en banco, and upon any such appeal the Court may review any finding of fact or estimate of value, and make such order as it deems just.

and 689 repealed; substituted.


22. Section 690 is amended by striking out the Section 690 words "and name an arbitrator" in the first and second lines and in the sixth line thereof.

and 693 amend

23. Section 692 is amended by substituting the Sections 692 word "referee" for the word "arbitrators" in the third ed. line. Section 693 is amended by substituting the

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