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Section 144, amended; sub


An Act to Amend Chapter 5, Acts of 1918, entitled, "The Assessment Act as Amended."

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:-

1. Section 144 of Chapter 5 of the Acts of 1918 section added. is amended by striking out the word "shall" in the

Clerk may apply for order

fourteenth line of the said paragraph, and substituting therefor the word "may," and by adding thereto the following sub-section:

(2) If directed by the Council, the Clerk may to vest lands in apply to the County Court Judge for the District in

town for municipality.

which such lands lie for an order vesting in the Town or Municipality in which such lands lie, any lands that have been put up at public auction, more than once, and which the Clerk has failed to sell for the full amount of the arrears of rates and taxes, interest and expenses due in respect thereto. Such order shall effectually vest the lands in such Town or Municipality, subject to the right of redemption within one year from the date of such vesting order, on the same terms and within the same time as in the case of lands sold.


An Act to Amend Chapter 6, Acts of 1918, "The
Public Health Act, as Amended."

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:-

Section 2,

1. Clause (f) of Section 2 of Chapter 6, Acts of Clause (f), 1918, "The Public Health Act" is amended by adding amended. the words "or communicable" after the word con

tagious in the first line thereof.

Section 2.

2. Section 2 of said Chapter 6 is further amended Clause added by adding thereto the following clause:

(i) a "notifiable" disease is any disease the presence of which must be made known to the Medical Health Officer or the Local Board of He th. In addition to including the diseases called Infectious or Contagious or Communicable, the following are to be considered as notifiable diseases:

Botulism, dysentery, goitre, malignant oede-ma,
Malta fever, pellegra, Rocky Mountain or spotted
fever, septic sore throat and trichinosis.

3. Section 32 of said Chapter 6 is amended by Clause added adding thereto the following clause:

(1) To report to the Provincial Health Officer all deaths from infectious disease reported to him by the Division Registrars.


to Section 32.

4. Section 85 of said Chapter is amended by Section 85, adding after the word "septicaemia" in the third amended. line thereof the word "typhus fever."

Clause (t) s. (1), Sec. 5, amended.

to Section 12,


An Act to Amend Chapter 9 of the Acts of 1918,

"The Education Act."

(Passed the 23rd day of April, A. D., 1923).

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. Clause (t) Sub-section (1) Section 5 of Chapter 9 of the Acts of 1918, "The Education Act," is amended by striking out the words "five or ten" in the fourth line of said Clause (t) and substituting therefor the words "not more than ten or fifteen."

Clause added 2. Section 12 of said Chapter 9 is amended by adding thereto the following clause:

Organization of rural high

(i) to organize a rural high school department school depart-for several rural or village school sections in one


central school section of the group federating for high school instruction, each school section which at its annual meeting or a special meeting called for the purpose has passed a resolution in favor of such federation, provided there are at least five school sections which desire thus to federate. Should the school sections be situate within different Commissioner's Districts, the different District Boards may co-operate in organizing such federation.

(2) The said rural high school department shall be generally directed in its policy by a Board of Directors consisting of three trustees of the school section in which the high school department is situated, and a representative of each of the other federating sections appointed by its trustees, the regular annual meeting of which Directors shall be on the Friday before the last Monday in June.

(3) The federated school sections other than the central one shall thus be relieved from providing instruction in their respective schools beyond Grade VIII, and shall contribute in consideration thereof from their respective school funds, for the support of the said high school department in common, a sum not exceeding a fifth of the minimum salary fixed for each rural school in the federation, to be paid in quarterly instalments, the last quarterly instalment for the school year being payable on the Friday before the last Monday in June.

(4) The balance necessary to sustain the high school department shall be provided by the central school section in which the department is situated.

3. Section 69 of said Chapter 9 is amended by Sub-section adding thereto the following sub-section:

added to Section 69.

(4) The trustees of County Academies, High Municipal Schools with an Academic teacher on the staff, and School Fund. federated rural high schools with an Academic teacher or a teacher of Class "A" regularly in course of passing the University Graduates' Testing Examination, shall further participate in the Municipal School Fund to the extent of ten cents for each day's attendance of pupils entitled to free tuition from outside the section in which any of the above mentioned Academic School Departments exist up to 8000 days' attendance; and five cents for each day's attendance in excess of 8000.

4. Sub-section (j), Section 72 of said Chapter 9, is repealed, and the following substituted therefor:

(j) any sum which may be deemed necessary to secure the conveyance of pupils from their own section to the school or schools of any other section, and the proper tuition of such pupils in such other school or schools in lieu of maintaining a school room and teacher in the section, provided such arrangement is recommended by the Inspector and approved by the Council of Public Instruction.

Sub-section (j), pealed; sub

Section 72. re


5. Section 5 of said Chapter 9 is amended by Sub-section adding thereto the following sub-section:

(7) To make regulations governing the establishment, organization, government and maintenance in school sections of free public libraries for the continued education of those who have completed

added to Section 5.

Section 21, amended.

Section 72, amended.

Section 123, re

their attendance at school as well as for those attending school. Where such free public library is established in a school section it shall be deemed to be a part of the school or schools of the section, and when no specific sum is voted for such library a sum not exceeding twenty-five cents per capita of the population of the school section may be added to the sum voted to be levied on the section. The Council of Public Instruction may grant to libraries complying in all respects with its regulations, a sum not to exceed one-half of the cost of the additions of approved books during the year.

6. Section 21 of said Chapter 9 is amended by adding thereto the following:- "School Sections consisting of or containing Incorporated Cities and Towns shall be called 'Urban' sections; all other school sections having more than one teacher employed shall be called 'Village' sections; and sections with only one teacher shall be called 'Rural' sections."

7. Section 72 of said Chapter 9 is amended by inserting in the second line of said Sub-section (k) after the word "schools" the words "or free public library."

Sub-section (3) 8. Sub-section (3) of Section 123 is repealed, pealed; sub- and the following substituted therefor:


Employment certificates.

(3) Any child over thirteen years of age who shows to the satisfaction of the Board that necessity requires him to go to work, may be granted by the Board (through the Principal or Secretary or through some other person authorized to do so by the Board) an employment certificate permitting him to be absent from school while actually engaged in some remunerative employment. The person applying to the Board for such certificate for his child shall submit a statement from the prospective employer describing the occupation in which the child will be engaged. In engaging such child to work the employer shall notify the Board of the receipt of such employment certificate, and shall return it to the person issuing the same within five days after the child leaves his employ, under a penalty in case of default of not more than twenty dollars. Before engaging in work the

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