Local Government and Community in Java: An Urban Case-studyOxford University Press, 1992 - 242 halaman This book discusses the development and use of community as an instrument of government. It argues that the small local communities embracing most of Java's population are basically political constructions and elements of a modern capitalist order. Sullivan proposes that the practice demonstrates that it is more efficient to govern communal collectives than a smaller family or other household units, making it possible to control vast populations with little administrative overhead. |
Dari dalam buku
66 halaman yang cocok dengan neighbourly dalam buku ini
Ke mana bagian lainnya buku ini?
Hasil 1-3 dari 66
The Kampungs of Yogyakarta | 20 |
Histology of a Kampung | 42 |
Anatomy of a Kampung | 56 |
Hak Cipta | |
16 bagian lainnya tidak diperlihatkan
Istilah dan frasa umum
activities administrative appanage areas Asian authorities basic Bestor cell fellows cell leaders chokai civil-administrative close clusters co-operation co-operative cohesion colonial corvée cultural desa discourse Dutch economic efforts elected fact formal functionaries functions Geertz gelandangan gemeinschaftlich gotong royong hamlets Harno households identified ideology imagined community Indonesian Jakarta Japan Java Javanese Kalasan kampung chiefs kampung community kampung families kampung members kampung units kampungan kangen kecamatan kelurahan kerja bakti Kotamadya Kraton labour less live lurah major male modern neighbour groups neighbourhood neighbourly neighbourship nogoro non-kampung numbers official organs Padmo pancasila participation persons podo-podo political population practices relations residents rewang role rukun kampung rukun tetangga rukun warga rupiah rural RW-RT Sastro seems significant Sitiwaru slametan society square kilometre structure Sukarno Sullivan Surakarta tend tonarigumi traditional tulung layat unity urban ward women wong cilik wong gelap wong kampung Yogyakarta