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Land for particular uses..

thousand acres each, be invested in the hands of three Commissioners residing as aforesaid for the use and benefit of said Comp'; to be disposed of at the discretion of Said Commissioners.

That the Commissioners procure a Common Seal for said Common seal to be Company, to be kept in the office of Said Comp and that every grant of land made after the


first day of June next, be sealed with the Said seal. That all the authority heretofore vested in any Commissions, is hereby declared to Cease and determine as to any future transactions, and the above-named Commissioners are hereby vested with the same power respecting any matters not herein particularly specified.

Old Commissions to cease.


of this Comp3.


Agents duties.

and their

Resolved, that Col. John Franklin be the Clerk and David Paine be the assistant Clerk

That Col. John Franklin be the Treas. of this Comp.

That Col. John Franklin and Col. John Jenkins be agents for this Comp to attend on any actions commenced, or which shall hereafter be commenced, against any person or persons in possession of any of the lands Claimed under the Susquehanna Company aforesaid, Wherever the interests of the Company are Concerned.

Surveyor and duty.


That Col. John Jenkins be the Surveyor of this Comp", and his duty shall be to Superintend all Surveys and locations that shall be made in the Susq purchase, and also to make an actual Survey or otherwise ascertain the exact boundaries of all grants heretofore given by or under said Comp, and make a general plan of said purchase; and the said surveyor is hereby authorized to depute as many Surveyors who shall be deemed and accepted as deputies, as he shall deem necessary.

taining the Eastern bounds.

Agents for ascer Resolved, that Col. John Jenkins, Mr. Sam' Gordon and Capt. Elisha Matthewson, be agents in behalf of this Comp', to meet such agents as may be appointed by the Delaware and Lackawack Companies, to ascertain and fix the boundaries between the respective purchases, and their decision shall be final.

Committee for set

Resolved, that Col. John McKinstry, Col. tling accounts. Stephen Hogeboom, Gen. Simon Spalding, Elisha Hyde, Esq., and Doctor Elisha Ely, or either of them, be a Committee to Call upon and Settle with any former Committees and Treasurer of said Company, and report a Statement of the amount to the new Treasurer with all Convenient Speed.

Eight Settlers to be in a township.

Resolved, that Eight Settlers be on each Sixteen thousand Acres, and the same proportion for any less quantity herein After to be granted, within two years from the issuing of the grant.

Meetings when to be warned.

Resolved, that on the application of twentyfour proprietors to the Clerk of Said Company. requesting a Meeting of said Comp, the said Clerk shall publish Notification of the time and place, when and where a meeting shall be held, which notification shall be published at least six weeks in two of the Newspapers of the State of Connecticut, and one newspaper in each of the States of Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, which Shall be deemed a legal notice.


Resolved, that the three Commissioners residing as aforesaid, Respecting old be authorized to make such arrangements relative to grants heretofore given, where a greater number of Certificates have been filed for obtaining said grants than are at present required, as the said Commissioners shall deem Expedient.


Resolved, that the taxes on each share be paid to the Treasurer or Commissioners previous to

the issuing of any grant on said share.

Commissioners empowered to appoint officers.

Resolved, that in Case of death, inability or absence of any of the officers, herein before mentioned, any three of the Commissioners residing as aforesaid, be authorized to appoint such officers for the time being, until the meeting, in his stead.


Resolved, that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in June, 1796, then to meet at the house of Mr. James Irwin, in the town of Athens, on Tioga Point at 10 o'clock A. M.

Elisha Hyde, Moderator.

Attest, David Paine, Clerk of the meeting. The foregoing proceedings, resolves, &c., beginning at page 399 of this Book and Continuing to this page are truly recorded. Teste, David Paine, Assist. Clerk.

Susq'a Company

p. 222.

On Monday the 6th of June, 1796, at 10 o'clock

Records. Liber E. A. M. The proprietors of the Susq" Comp3 met at the house of James Irwin on Tioga Point, agreeable to adjournment, and having elected Elisha Pitkin, Moderator, and heard read the proceedings and resolutions of the last meeting, adjourned until Thursday next, to meet at the house of Elisha Matthewson, in this town, at 9 o'clock A. M.

On Thursday at 9 o'clock A. M. the meeting opened and passed the following Resolution, to wit:

Resolved, that Chester Bingham of Ulster, County of Luzerne, Commonwealth of Penn, be an acting Commissioner in the room of Zebulon Butler, late deceased.

That the resolve passed the 18th of February, 1795, empowering the Commissioners to fill up townships agreeable to the former resolutions of the Susqa Compy with twenty-five proprietors rights be suspended, until the rising of the next adjourned meeting of this Comp'.

That the resolutions of February, 1795, do not Exclude proprietors from bringing forward their Shares or proprietors' rights for location whose shares were previously entered in the Records of said Comp.

That the powers of the Commissioners respecting the appointment of officers be Continued until the next adjourned meeting.

Resolved, that this meeting be adjourned until the Second Tuesday in September next, then to meet at the house of Elisha Matthewson on Tioga Point, at 9 o'clock A. M.

Elisha Pitkin, Moderator.
David Paine, Clerk.

The foregoing Resolves are truly recorded

Attest, David Paine, Clerk.

Susqa Compy's.
Records, Liber E,
Page 390.

On Tuesday the 13th of September, 1796, at 9 o'clock A. M., the proprietors of the Susqa Comp met at the house of Elisha Matthewson on Tioga Point agreeable to adjournment, and Elected Simon Spalding, Esq., Moderator, read the proceedings and resolutions of the last meeting and

Voted, that Col. John Franklin, Col. Matthew Scott, Col. John Jenkins, Gen. Simon Spalding and Isaac Tripp, Esq., be a Committee to prepare and make report of the business necessary to be done at this meeting.

Adjourned until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.

Wednesday, 9 o'clock A. M.

Committee reported and the following resolves were passed. Resolved, that this Comp' will in every legal and Constitutional way, support their Claim and title to the lands included in their purchase made of the Natives the 11th of July, 1754.

That the Treasurer of this Comp' be, and he is hereby au

thorized and directed to take such legal measures as he shall judge most Expedient, to Collect all moneys due by bonds, notes, or otherwise for arrearages of taxes heretofore granted by this Comp for the rights heretofore sold for the use of said Company.

That four townships, five miles square each, in addition to the four townships voted in the hands of the Commissioners by this Comp' at their meeting held the 18th of February, 1795, be vested in any three of the Commissioners residing on the Susqa purchase, to be disposed of by them, if they judge Expedient, and the money arising therefrom to be paid into the Treasury, to be appropriated in defending the Claim of this Company to the lands aforesaid.

And whereas, at the meeting of this Comp aforesaid, the Commissioners were authorized to dispose of the residue of the 600 rights ordered to be vested in the Said Commissioners at a meeting of this Comp at Hartford, July 13, 1785; and it appears that said rights have not been disposed of, it is now

Resolved, that the Treasurer of this Comp' be authorized to dispose of said rights agreeable to the former votes, or So many of them, as the Commissioners shall judge necessary, the monies to be used for the benefit of this Comp, the Commissioners and Treasurer to account with the Company.

That no forfeiture of any township shall take place, which towns have been filled up with the rights agreeable to the rules of this Comp', and have been legally granted since the 18th of February, 1798, on account of Such township not being settled, agrecable to the former Resolves of this Company.

That all grants of lands in the purchase aforesaid, issued after this meeting, shall be recorded before they shall be Considered as valid to the grants, and all grants heretofore issued which have not been recorded, shall be entered on the Records of this Company by the 1st day of May, 1797; or otherwise the Same lands may be taken up by other proprietors.

That in case of death, absence, resignation, inability, or refusal to serve, of the Clerk, Treasurer, Surveyor, or any other officer of this Comp', any three of the Commissioners aforesaid are authorized and empowered to fill such vacancies, or to appoint an assistant Clerk if necessary, until the next Meeting of this Company.

That the resolution of this Company of the 18th of February, 1795, requiring the claims of the proprietors to be Exhibited by the 1st day of March, 1796, be extended to the 1st day of October, 1797.

Adjourned without day.

[The records of this meeting not signed or attested.]

Minutes of two meetings of the Susqa Company held at Athens, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Proceedings and regulations of the Susqa Comp' at their meeting held at Athens the 20th of Oct., 1801.

Susquehanna Company.


The proprietors of the Connecticut Susq Comp are notified that a meeting of said proprietors will be held at the dwelling house of Stephen Tuttle, Junr., in Athens, on Tioga Point, on Tuesday, the 20th day of October next, at - of the clock A. M., of the same day, on business of importance to the Company.

day of Aug., 1801.

Dated at Athens the

John Franklin, Clerk.

The proprietors of the States of Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, Connecticut and New York, are requested to publish the above for the benefit of their Customers.

Agreeably to the foregoing Notification, a number of the proprietors met at the time and place above Specified.

Sam' Gray, Esq., Chosen Moderator: John Franklin, Clerk. Notice having been given that the meeting would be adjourned to accommodate the proprietors in Luzerne, Accordingly adjourned until Thursday the 22 instant at 10 o'clock A. M., to meet at the Same place.

Thursday, October 22a. Met pursuant to adjournment, and resolved that a Committee be appointed to arrange and prepare business necessary to be acted upon, and make report at this meeting.

Messrs. Sam' Avery, Benj. Bostwick, John Franklin, John Jenkins, Daniel Brown, Job Turrell, Ezekial Hyde, Ebenezer Beeman, John Spalding, Samuel Baldwin and Joseph Kingsbury were accordingly appointed for that purpose.

Adjourned until tomorrow at 2 oclock P. M., Friday, October 234.

The Company met pursuant to adjournment. The Committee appointed yesterday made report, which was read, when the following resolutions were agreed to and passed, to wit: This meeting taking into Consideration the situation of their Claim, the large Sums of Money Expended in purchasing the right of Soil, Settling and defending the same, do

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