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FORM of Appointment by Lord and Tenant under "The Copyhold Acts," of one and the same Person as Valuer.

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do in pursuance of the provisions of "The Copyhold Acts," hereby appoint

in the county of


to be the valuer for the purpose

of ascertaining and determining, under the provisions of the said Acts, the consideration to be paid for the enfranchisement of the lands copyhold of the said manor, to which I the said

was admitted tenant on or about the

day of

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NOTE-A copy of this notice should be sent to the Copyhold


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being the consideration money for the enfranchisement under "The Copyhold Acts" of the lands held of the above manor, to which the said

was admitted tenant on or about the


day of



For the Enfranchisement of Ordinary Copyholds of Inheritance subject to Arbitrary Fines.

TABLE showing the Number of Years' purchase on the (a) Net Annual Value of Property proposed to be Enfranchised in respect of Fines (b).

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(a) In estimating the net annual value no deduction should be made for land tax.

(b) See Rouse's Enfranchisement Manual, p. 116 and note.


CASES (a).

1. Particulars to be furnished on application for Inclosure.

2. Instructions for effecting exchanges, partitions, and divisions of intermixed lands.

3. Form of application for exchange.

4. Form of application for a partition.

5. Form of application for division of intermixed lands.

6. Form of application for division of intermixed freehold and copyhold lands.

7. List of other forms supplied by the Commissioners.

(a) These forms are printed, and may be obtained on application to the Inclosure Commissioners at their office, 3, St. James' Square, London, S. W., or to Messrs. Shaw & Son, Fetter Lane, E.C. And see the Appendix to Cooke on Inclosures, for all these forms.


FORM indicating the Particulars of the information to be furnished to the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, by persons proposing to Inclose Land under the provisions of "The Acts for the Inclosure, Exchange, and Improvement of Land."

A tracing of the Lands proposed to be inclosed should accompany the application.

THE Land to which the subjoined application relates, is situated in the

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1. What is the extent in statute acres of the land proposed to be inclosed?

2. Does the land lie together? or is it in more than one, and in how many, separate tracts? If in separate tracts, what is the acreable extent of each?

3. Is the land proposed to be inclosed waste and uncultivated land, arable, meadow, pasture, or woodland? and if of different kinds, what is the acreable extent of each?

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