Mathematical Instruments: Their Construction, Adjustment, Testing, and Use, Volume 3Lockwood & Company, 1891 |
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Mathematical Instruments: Their Construction, Adjustment, Testing ..., Volume 1 John Fry Heather Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2015 |
Mathematical Instruments: Their Construction, Adjustment, Testing, and Use ... John Fry Heather Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2018 |
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ALTERNATING CURRENT altitude and azimuth attached azimuth instrument barometer bearings bisected BOILERS bubble centre chain clamp cloth coincidence column compass Construction correction cross wires D. K. CLARK diaphragm difference of level Dumpy level Edition Electrical Engineering equal equatorial error eye-piece feet fixed fore formula glass graduated Gunter's chain Handbook height hinge-joint horizontal distances horizontal limb Illustrations inches Inst instru intersection length line of collimation means measured Medium 8vo ment mercury mercury rises meridian method microscope moved object object-glass observed obtained parallax parallel plate screws perpendicular plane plot polar distance pole portable position Practical reading Revised right angles right ascension round scale sextant sixth column spirit level stadiometer staff star station STEAM survey Tables telescope temperature theodolite thermometer tion transit transit instrument Treatise triangles tube turning vernier plate vertical circle vertical limb wind zenith zero
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