The History of Java, Volume 1

Sampul Depan
J. Murray, 1830 - 868 halaman

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Halaman 163 - Where wealth accumulates, and men decay : Princes and lords may flourish, or may fade ; A breath can make them, as a breath has made...
Halaman 318 - The tallier and the totie, the duty of the former of which consists in gaining information of crimes and offences, and in escorting and protecting persons travelling from one village to another; the province of the latter appearing to be more immediately confined to the village, consisting, among other duties, in guarding the crops and assisting in measuring them. The boundary man, who preserves the limits of the village, or gives evidence respecting them in cases of dispute.
Halaman 2 - By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.
Halaman 29 - The sky was overcast at noon-day with clouds of ashes, the sun was enveloped in an atmosphere, whose " palpable " density he was unable to penetrate ; showers of ashes covered the houses, the streets, and the fields to the depth of several inches ; and amid this darkness explosions were heard at intervals, like the report of artillery or the noise of distant thunder.
Halaman 33 - Pekate no vestige of a house is left : twenty-six of the people, who were at Sumbawa at the time, are the whole of the population who have escaped. From the most particular inquiries I have been able to make, there were certainly not fewer than 12,000 individuals in Tomboro and Pekate at the time of the eruption, of whom only five or six survive.
Halaman 412 - One original language seems, in a very remote period, to have pervaded the whole Archipelago, and to have spread (perhaps with the population) towards Madagascar on one side, and the islands in the South Sea on the other; but in the proportion that we find any of these tribes more highly advanced in the arts of civilized life than others, in nearly the same...
Halaman 32 - Sang'ir appeared like a body of liquid fire, extending itself in every direction. " The fire and columns of flame continued to rage with unabated fury, until the darkness, caused by the quantity of falling matter, obscured it about eight PM Stones at this time fell very thick at Sang'ir, some of them as large as two fists, but generally not larger than walnuts.
Halaman 318 - ... politically viewed, it resembles a corporation or township. Its proper establishment of officers and servants consists of the following descriptions...
Halaman 32 - Sambawa, its effects were much more violent, tearing up by the roots the largest trees, and carrying them into the air, together with men, horses, cattle, and whatever else came within its influence. (This will account for the immense number of floating trees seen at sea.) The sea rose nearly twelve feet higher than it had ever been known to do before, and completely spoiled the only small spots of rice land in Sang'ir, sweeping away houses and every thing within its reach.
Halaman 34 - The weather is most unsettled when the season is changing, particularly at the first setting in of the westerly winds ; but those violent storms and hurricanes, which are so often felt in the West Indies and in higher latitudes, are here unknown. With the exception of a few days at these periods, or when the westerly winds are at their height, vessels of any description may ride in safety, in most of the bays along the northern coast of the island ; and on shore the wind is never so violent as to...

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