Gambar halaman

TIT. 7.

A. A. 1805. sell timber and timber trees; and

may also sell

timber trees, growing or lying on any unsold lots or squares, or in the streets of the said town; and also sell and convey so much of the square of land reserved for a burying ground as has not been made use of for that purpose, and with the amount of sales purchase another square of land for the same purpose, in some part of the town which will be more suitable, and that the residue of the said square of land remain for the site of a church, to be built under the directions of the said intendant and wardens, when their funds may be sufficient to meet the expense; and that the said intendant and wardens shall, in the month of March annually, publish in the Columan account of bia Gazette a true and accurate account of the receipts and their receipts expenditures of the said corporation. and expendi

a part of the old burying ground, and purchase another; and shall publish

This act to

be deemed a
public act.

A. A. 1806.


or squares,

must have

their titles registered.

25. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be deemed and taken as a public act, and may be given in evidence in any court of law or equity in this state, without being specially pleaded.

26. Whereas by an act, entitled, "An act to appoint commissioners to purchase land for the purpose of building a town, and for removing the seat of government thereto,"* it is enacted, That there shall be five commissioners elected by the joint ballot of the senate and house of representatives: And whereas, when vacancies happened in the said board of commissioners, the governor from time to time, issued his commissions to certain other persons, appointing such persons commissioners for carrying the said act into execution: And whereas, the number of commissioners is not defined in the printed copies of the said act, by reason of which inaccuracy, three persons did sometimes take upon themselves, (being commissioned by the governor as aforesaid,) to put in execution the said recited act: And whereas, many sales of the public lots and squares in the town of Columbia, have been made by three or more of the persons so commissioned by the governor as aforesaid, and the consideration money received by them; to secure, therefore, all persons who have made purchases of any of the lots or squares in the town of Columbia, and who have paid for the same, and to prevent the great damage which may accrue to persons who have so purchased of the commissioners aforesaid:

27. Be it enacted, That all persons having or claiming any claiming lots right, title or interest, to or in any lot or lots, square or squares of land in the said town of Columbia, under the title or titles of the commissioners aforesaid, shall, within twelve months from the passing of this act, produce to the commissioners hereafter to be appointed for carrying into full and complete effect the above recited acts, such title or titles as they may have received from the aforesaid commissioners, to be registered in the office of the mesne conveyances of this district, except such as have already been registered, to the intent that such commissioners may certainly know, as well

*A. A. 1786. P. L. 413.

what lands have been sold, as what persons intend to avail. TIT.7. themselves of the provisions of this act.

28. And be it enacted, That every person who shall refuse A. A. 1806. or neglect to produce his or her titles for the purpose of being registered as aforesaid, shall not be entitled to any advantage of the provisions of this act.

benefit or

29. And whereas, the first commission was issued by the governor on or about the eleventh of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one :

Penalty for not register. ing titles.

clared bind

Be it enacted, That all bonds, notes and specialties, which Bonds, &c. shall have been given for the purchase of any lot or lots, square given to foror squares, bought of the commissioners so appointed by the mer commisgovernor as aforesaid, shall be held and deemed binding and sioners, devalid, in law and equity, and shall be delivered into the pos- ing and valid. session of the commissioners hereafter to be appointed, and be sued for and recovered in any court of law or equity, if default have failed in the payment thereof.

ers, declared

30. And be it enacted, That no title or titles to any lot or Titles made lots, square or squares of land in the said town of Columbia, by former registered as aforesaid, shall be impeached or held to be void commission. for or by reason of the said commissioners not having been good. elected by the joint ballot of the senate and house of representatives, or because a less number than five of the said commissioners may have signed the title or titles; but in every case where the said title or titles have been registered as aforesaid, such title or titles shall be held, deemed and taken as firm and effectual, both at law and in equity, as if the same had been signed by commissioners appointed by the joint ballot of the senate and house of representatives, as by the said recited act is required.

31. Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to weaken or impair in any degree, titles which have been heretofore duly executed by the first commissioners first pointed under and by virtue of the said act.


32. And be it enacted, That from and immediately after the Governor to passing of this act, his excellency the governor shall be, and appoint five he is hereby authorized and required to commission five fit commissionand proper persons, and at all times to fill up such vacancies ers. as may happen, who shall be commissioners for the purpose of carrying into effect the said act: which said commissioners, before entering upon the execution of their duties, shall comply with all the other requisites of the said act.

33. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall, Commissionannually, report to the comptroller-general the amount of ers to report sales, and also their receipts and expenditures.

to the comp

Governor to

34. And be it enacted, That from and immediately after the troller. passing of this act, his excellency the governor shall be, and A. A. 1808. he is hereby authorized and required to commission one fit appoint a and proper person, and at all times to fill up such vacancy as commissioner may happen, who shall give bond with two good and sufficient of Columbia.

securities, to be approved of by him, in the sum of five thou

sand dollars, with condition for the faithful discharge of the duties enjoined by an act, entitled, "An act to appoint commissioners to purchase land for the purpose of building a town,



[ocr errors]

TIT. 7.

A. A. 1808.

Said commissioner to exfor lots sold by the former

ecute titles


Powers and

and for removing the seat of government thereto;"* and for the faithful execution of all acts already passed or hereafter to be passed, relating to disposing of the lots or squares of land in the said town.t

35. And whereas, certain lots or squares in the said town, have been sold by the former commissioners, acting under the above recited act, but no titles for the same have been executed:

Be it therefore enacted, That the commissioner appointed in pursuance of the preceding clause, shall be, and he is hereby authorized to execute titles to any person or persons, who have at any sales of lots or squares in the town of Columbia, made by any former board of commissioners, upon such purchaser or purchasers, complying with the terms or conditions of such sales.

36. And be it further enacted, That the commissioner to be appointed as aforesaid, be, and he is hereby authorized and required to enquire into the conduct of the former commissioners, or persons who have taken upon themselves the exeboard of com- cution of the aforesaid recited act, and to bring them to an account and settlement for all monies heretofore received by them, any or either of them; to take due and legal measures to secure all debts due to the state by the several purchasers duties of the of lots in the said town; to restrain all persons indebted for lots as aforesaid, to pay to any one except himself, for the use of the state, the debts by them respectively due; to compel the said commissioners, or the representatives of such of them as may be dead, to pay over to him all monies in their hands, or to deliver over all evidences of debts for lots as aforesaid, in the hands, custody or possession of them or either of thems and generally to do all acts and things which may tend to secure the rights and interest of the state in the premises.

said commissioner.

A. A. 1809.

Licenses to

keep billiard tables in, by whom to be granted.

A. A. 1811. The inhabitants of the

37. And be it further enacted, That no person hereafter shall be permitted to keep a public billiard table in the town of Columbia, unless such person shall have obtained a license from the intendant and wardens of the said town, and shall have paid the sum of five hundred dollars to the said intendant and wardens for the use of the said town; and every person or persons presuming to keep a public billiard table, before he, she or they shall have obtained such license, and shall have paid the said sum of five hundred dollars, every such person being thereof convicted, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two thousand dollars, to be recovered in any court of record in this state.

38. Whereas doubts have arisen whether the inhabitants of the said town are not exempted from working on the streets in the same, by reason whereof the streets have been much town declared neglected, and in many places almost impassable:

* A. A. 1786. P. L. 413.

† It is impossible from this act to know what town is here meant. It may be ascertained by reference to the act of 1786, alluded to in this, and from what follows in the next clause.

Be it therefore enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, the inhabitants of said town are hereby declared to

TIT. 7.

of the town,

be liable to work upon, and keep the streets of said town in A. A. 1811. good and sufficient repair, under the control and direction of liable to work the intendant and wardens thereof, under the same regula- on the streets tions and restrictions as the citizens of this state are liable to &c. work upon the public roads of this state, any law, usage or custom to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

39. And be it further enacted, That the intendant and The intendant wardens of the said town be, and they are hereby required, and wardens authorized and empowered to settle and regulate the assize authorized to of all bread made and sold within the limits thereof, upon assize of regulate the such terms as they shall, from time to time, order and esta- bread. ■blish.

Grant of land

40. And be it enacted, That the balance of monies arising A. A. 1813. from the sale of two acres of land, originally destined as sites Dec. Sess. for places of public worship, but lately disposed of for the pur- to certain repose of purchasing land in a situation better adapted for a ligious sociepublic burial-ground, after completing the payments on said ties. purchase, shall be equally divided between the following four named religious societies, viz: the Protestant Episcopal church, the Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist congregations of the town of Columbia, for the benefit and use of the said named congregations for ever.

41. And be it enacted, That the lots Nos. 37, 38, 39 and 40, Old buryingbeing the one half of the old burying-ground in the town of ground-part Columbia, be appraised by col. Thomas Taylor, judge Gail- to be conveylard and judge Desaussure, and as soon as such appraisements ed to certain shall be made, the intendant and wardens of the said town, churches. are authorized and are hereby required to convey the said lots to the first Presbyterian church in the town of Columbia, and to the Protestant Episcopal church in said town, and their successors in office for ever, for the purpose of erecting churches thereon, and the said appraisors aforesaid, are hereby required to divide the said lots between the said churches in equal proportions, in such manner as in their opinion will be most advantageous to the said churches, for the purposes aforesaid: Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby enacted, That before the title shall be executed so as aforesaid, the said first Presbyterian church, and the said Protestant Episcopal church, shall pay to the Methodist and Baptist churches established in the said town, the one half of the sum to which said lots shall be appraised as aforesaid, to be equally divided between them for the purposes of enabling them to finish and complete their said churches.


TIT. 8.

A. A. 1746.
P. L. 208.

No person

casks of rosin,

first branded

with the


Country Produce and Manufac


1. FORASMUCH as the credit and repute of the commodities of this province may be better encreased and established, by having wholesome laws therein subsisting for the reformation of abuses in selling the same: Be it enacted, That all and every person and persons whatever, who after the twentyshall sell any fourth day of August next ensuing the passing of this act, shall pitch, turpen- sell, or expose for sale in any part of this province, any pitch, tine, tar, beef tar, rosin, turpentine, beef or pork, in any casks or barrels, and pork, shall first set on every such cask or barrel a burnt mark, with without such the first letter of the Christian name and the sir-name at casks being length of the maker of such commodity, with an iron brand hereby directed for that purpose. And if any person after names of the the said twenty-fourth day of August aforesaid, shall in any makers of the port or place of exportation within this province, sell or exsaid commod- pose to sale any of the said commodities herein before enuities; neither merated, in any cask or barrel before the same be marked and shall any per- branded as aforesaid, every such person shall for every such same off with. cask or barrel forfeit the sum of ten shillings, current money of this province, to the person or persons who will inform and sue for the same, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of this province, in such manner as is provided by the act for the trial of small and mean causes. * And if any merchant, factor, trader or other person, shall after the said twentyfourth day of August, ship, or put on board any ship or vessel, any of the said commodities herein before enumerated, in any casks or barrels, with intent to export the same before such casks or barrels be marked and branded as aforesaid, every such merchant, factor, trader or other person, shall forfeit the sum of ten shillings for every such cask or barrel, to be sued for, recovered and disposed of in manner aforesaid.

son ship the

out being so branded, on

pain of forfeit ing ten shit

lings for eve

such unbranded cask.

How rice that

2. And if any planter or other person shall sell, or expose is suspected for sale, to any merchant, factor, or any other person, at to be fraudu- any port or place of exportation within this province, any lently packed casks or barrels of rice, which (upon opening or uncasking shall be judg- the same) shall be found to contain any unfair and fraudulent


mixture of small or damaged rice, then and in every such case the seller of the said rice, or person offering the same to sale, shall immediately on request of the buyer or person offering to buy the same, name one indifferent person, being a freeholder, and the said buyer another, to view the said rice; and if such two persons shall agree in opinion, and certify the

津 See Justices of Peace, and A. A. Feb. Sess. 1791.

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