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An Act to locate a state road from Cedar Mills, in Mc-
Leod county, via Lake Lillian, to Chippewa City.

SECTION 1. Commissioners appointed to locate State Road.

2. Commissioners to hold meeting.

8. How expenses of locating said road to be defrayed.

4. Commissioners to file plat of road.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:

Februa'y 27,1868

to locate a State

SECTION 1. C. B. Jordan, L. S. Weymouth and G. W. Hart are hereby appointed commissioners to locate Commissioners and establish a state road from Cedar Mills, in McLeod road. county, via Lake Lillian, to Chippewa City.


SEC. 2. Said commissioners shall, on some day previous to the first day of November next, meet at Cedar Mills and proceed to perform the duties imposed by this To hold meetact. Provided, That in the absence of any one of said commissioners the other two shall have power to fill said vacancy by the appointment of some suitable person, who shall have the same authority as is by this act conferred upon said commissioners above named.

SEC. 3. Each county through which such road passes How expenses shall pay the reasonable expenses for the survey and lo- defrayed." cation of the same in such county.

SEC. 4. The said commissioners shall, on or before the first day of January next, file with the auditors of the re


spective counties through which said road shall pass, maps To file plat of and field notes of the survey of said road, and on the filing of the maps and field notes as aforesaid, the said road shall be deemed to be located and established.

Approved February 27, 1868.


March 5, 1868. An Act to locate, survey and establish a State Road from Blue Earth city in Faribault county, via Fairmount in Martin county, to Jackson in Jackson county.


SECTION 1. Commissioners appointed to locate State Road.

2. When and where to meet-vacancy, how filled.

3. May employ surveyor, &c.-compensation.

4. How expenses of locating said road to be defrayed.

5. Damages sustained, how ascertained.

6. Commissioners to file plat of road.

7. When act to take effect.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:

SECTION 1. That G. C. Chamberlain, C. A. LounesTo locate State bury and Chester M. Sly, are hereby appointed commissioners to locate, survey and establish a state road from Blue Earth city in Faribault county, via Fairmount in Martin county, to Jackson in Jackson county.

When and where to meetvacancy, how filled.

SEC. 2. The commissioners shall meet at Blue Earth city on any day subsequent to the passage of this act that may be agreed on by them or a majority of them, and proceed to discharge their duties under this act, and if any of said commissioners appointed under this act, shall be unable from any cause to perform the duties imposed by this act, he shall have power to appoint a substitute who shall have the same authority, when so appointed, as one of the commissioners named in this act.

SEC. 3. Said commissioners are hereby authorized to employ in locating said road, two chainmen, one axman, surveyor, &c. and one surveyor; Provided, Said commissioners, chain

May employ


men and axman, shall not receive more than two dollars and fifty cents per day, nor the surveyor more that four dollars per day, for services rendered by virtue of this


SEC. 4. The expense of locating said road shall be paid

by the counties through or in which said road may pass, How expenses in proportion to the distance it may run in each county.


SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of such commissioners to appraise the damages sustained by each owner of land Damages, how through which said road may pass, and in case any one shall ascertained. feel himself aggrieved by such appraisement, he may appeal to the county commissioners of his county at any time within thirty days after such appraisal, and the said county commissioners shall at their next annual meeting, hear and determine said appeal, and decide the same as they shall deem just.


SEC. 6. Said commissioners shall on or before the first To file plat of day of September next, file an accurate plat of said road in the office of the register of deeds in each county in which said road may run, and thereafter said road shall be deemed established.

SEC. 7. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved March 5, 1868.

When act to take effect.


An Act to amend section four, of chapter one hundred and twenty-seven, of special laws of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "an act to locate, survey and establish a state road from La Crescent, in Houston county, to La Moile, in Winona county.

SECTION 1. Commissioners to file plat of road in the office of Registers of Deeds in the counties through which it passes.

2. When act to take effect.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:

SECTION 1. That section four, of chapter one hundred and twenty-seven, of special laws of one thousand eight

Februa'y 1, 1868.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

hundred and sixty-seven, be amended so as to read as follows:

Sec. 4. The map or plat or survey of said road shall be filed by said commissioners in the office of the several registers of deeds of the counties through which the road may pass on or before the first day of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved February 1,1868.

March 2, 1868.

To locate State road.


An Act to locate a State Road from Millersburgh in the
County of Rice, to Northfield in said county.

SECTION 1. Commissioners appointed to locate State Road.

2. When and where to meet-vacancy, how filled.

3. May employ surveyor, &c.-compensation.

4. How expenses of locating said road to be defrayed.

5. Damages sustained, how ascertained.

6. Commissioners to file plat of road.

7. Duty of Board of Supervisors.

8. Not to be vacated by Board of Supervisors or County Commissioners. 9. When act to take effect.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota:

SECTION 1. That Samuel Bushnell, John T. Ames and George W. Miller, are hereby appointed commissioners to locate a state road, commencing at some point on the Dodd road north easterly of and near the town of Millersburgh in the county of Rice, and running thence by the most practicable route in a north easterly direction to the dutch road so called, and thence by the most practicable route to the town of Northfield in said county.

where to meet


Sec. 2. Said commissioners shall meet at said Millers- When and burgh, at a time not later than the first day of August next, vacancy, how and proceed to the discharge of their duties under the act, and if from any cause any one of said commissioners appointed under this act, shall be unable to perform the duties imposed by this act, he shall have the power to appoint a substitute, who shall have the same authority when so appointed as one of the commissioners appointed by this act.

May employ compensation.

SEC. 3. Said commissioners are hereby authorized to employ in locating said road, one chainman, one axman surveyor, &c.and one surveyor; Provided, Said commissioners and axman shall not receive more than two dollars per day nor the surveyor more than three dollars per day for their services under this act.

SEC. 4. The expense of locating said road shall be paid by the said county of Rice.

How expenses defrayed.


SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of said commissioners to appraise the damages sustained by each owner of land through which said road may pass, and in case any one Damages, how shall feel aggrieved by such appraisal he may appeal to the county commissioners of his county at any time within thirty days after the filing of the plat of said road as hereinafter provided, and the said county commissioners shall at their next annual meeting hear and determine said appeal and decide the same as they shall deem just.


SEC. 6. The said road commissioners shall on or before the first day of September next, file an accurate map and Tole plat of plat of said road in the town clerk's office of each of the towns in which the same or any portion of said road may be located, and also in the office of the register of deeds of said county of Rice, and there after said road shall be deemed established.

Duties of board

SEC. 7. After the filing of the map and plat as provided in the preceding section and the determinations of appeals if any, it shall be the duty of the board of super- of Supervisors, visors and road overseers in each of the towns wherein any portion of said road may be located, to open and work the same in the same manner as other roads are worked in said towns.

SEC. 8. After the said road is established neither the supervisors of the towns in which the same or any portion Not to be vaca thereof is located, nor the commissioners of the said coun- Bors or Commis ty shall have power to vacate the same or any part there- sioners.


ted by Supervi

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