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faithful to their pledge that they would not use the article.

3. Great quantities of tea, therefore, accumulated in the store-houses of the East India Company, and their business was interferred with. The English goverment offered the company to pay them back the duty on all tea which they exported to the colonies. This would enable the company to sell the tea as cheap in the colonies, with the tax added, as they sold it in England; and at the same time the government would not be giving up their right to impose the tax.

4. But it was about the right to impose the tax, and not the price of tea, that colonists were contending, and they were too shrewd to be deceived. The duty on tea was the badge of English supremacy, and they never consented to wear it; they knew too, that the most successful resistance is that which is prompt, and they acted accordingly.

5. Public meetings were held, and resolutions adopted to prevent the landing of the tea. In Charleston, it was landed, but never exposed for sale; the vessels containing it, that arrived in New York and Philadelphia, were compelled to return. In Boston, the tea was thrown overboard by persons disguised as Indians.

Questions.-3. What did the English government propose? 4. Why did not the colonies accede? 5 What was done to the tea in different places?

6. The people of Maryland called for a convention. This body proposed an absolute cessation of all intercourse with the mother country, and directed subscriptions to be made for the relief of the Bostonians, who were suffering the vengeance of the thwarted and enraged government. This was the second time Massachusetts had experienced the generosity of Maryland. The first, was on the occasion of a disastrous fire in Boston, when the governor of Maryland ordered collections to be made in all the churches, for the relief of the sufferers. And it was done.

7. In August, 1774, the brigantine "Mary and Jane," arrived in the St. Mary's river, with tea on board for merchants in Georgetown and Bladensburg. The committee of Charles county summoned the master, and one of the consignees to appear before them. But as the tax had not been paid, they were discharged upon their pledge that the tea should not be landed, but sent back to England. The committee of Frederick county pursued a similar course with the consignees at Georgetown.

8. Every child is familiar with what is called "the tea party of Boston," but an affair equalling it in every respect was transacted at Annapolis, namely, the tea-burning-open and undisguised, shewing the high toned and manly trait that has

Questions.-6. What did the people of Maryland do? What assistance did they render Massachusetts? 7. What vessel arrived with tea? What was done? 8. What is said in this section?

always characterized a true Marylander-a willingness to assume the responsibility for all he does, and to abide the consequences.

9. On the 14th of October, the brig Peggy Stewart, arrived at Annapolis, having in its cargo a few packages of tea. The duty was paid by the owner of the vessel. The people were outraged at the attempt to fix upon them the badge of servitude, by the payment of the tax.

10. A meeting was held, at which it was determined that the tea should not be landed. The owner, fearing further trouble proposed to destroy the tea.

But that was not sufficient punishment. The offence was a grave one, for had this attempt succeeded, it would have been followed by others more aggressive, and thus the very principle which was contended for, would have been overthrown in the end. It was the head of the ugly beast that was thrust in the door, and it must not only be put out, but driven out by blows, lest growing bold it should push its whole body in

11. After much discussion, it was proposed to burn the vessel. The meeting did not consent to this, but many expressed their determination to raise a force to accomplish the brig's destruction.

Questions.-9. What other vessel arrived? What had the owner done? Feelings of the people? What was the payment of the tax regarded as? 10. What was determined? What did the owner propose? 11. What was proposed at the 'meeting?

12. Acting under the advice of Mr. Carroll of Carrollton, the owner seeing that the loss of his property was certain, and willing to repair his good name, even by that loss, proposed to destroy the vessel with his own hands. In the presence of the assembled multitude, he set

fire to it with the tea

on board-expiating his offence by the destruction of his property.


BURNING THE TEA, Annapolis Harbor.

13. The striking features of this transaction, were not only the boldness with which it was executed, but the deliberation and utter carelessness of concealment in all the measures leading to its accomplishment.

Questions.-12. What did the owner now propose? 13. What were the striking features of this act?


THE LAST PROPRIETARY--First Continental CongressAttachment of Maryland to the family of Baltimore-Extinction of the Family-Henry Harford-Condition of the Colony.

1. The First Continental Congress met at Philadelphia, on 5th of September, 1774. It issued a manifesto setting forth the rights and grievances of the colonies, and proposing the scheme of nonimportation of British goods.

2. On its adjournment, the Maryland Convention again assembled, and approved of the proceedings of the Congress; with the organization of this convention closed the power and dominion of the last Proprietary of Maryland.

3. The people of Maryland had always loved. and revered the family of the founder of the province. Under the government of his descendants, they had enjoyed a large liberty, and a constantly increasing prosperity. They ever bore testimony to the kind and paternal rule of the Proprietaries.

4. It seemed as if Providence, when the great struggle for independence was approaching, severed the link, which might have so held them to their old allegiance, that they would have been less ardent in the common cause.

Questions.-1. Meeting of Congress? What did it issue? 2. Meeting of the Maryland Convention? 3. What had been the feelings toward the family of the founder of the colony?

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