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1. What were the N. H. grants, and how many such had been made up to 1763 ?

2. Who were the original proprietors, and how were the grants ob


3. What were some of the conditions of the N. H. charters ?

4. Who were the original settlers ?

5. What dispute arose in regard to the boundaries as a result of these grants ?

6. How was the difficulty settled?

7. What was the pioneer's method of clearing the land of the forests? 8. Describe the first dwelling-houses.

9. Tell something of how the cooking was done in the early home. 10. Tell how clothing was procured.

11. Describe the early school.

12. Tell something of the meeting-house and its services.

13. What were some of the early occupations? the recreations? 14. Describe the beaver villages.

15. How did the change of jurisdiction affect the settlers ?

16. What unjust demand did the New York government make of the


17. What response did they make to this?

18. What appeal did they make, and with what result?

19. How did the New York officials respond to the decrees of the king? 20. How did the grants made by the New York government differ from those made by the New Hampshire government?

21. What counties were now formed in the New Hampshire Grants, by whom formed, and for what purpose?

22. Who were the Green Mountain Boys, why so called, and what was their purpose in organizing?

23. Name four of the most prominent ones.

24 What characteristics made Ethan Allen the chosen leader of the

Green Mountain Boys?

25. Tell the story of James Breckenridge.

26. What were the Committees of Safety, and why formed?

27. What were some of the decrees made in conventions of the Com

mittees of Safety?

28. What were some of the punishments for violation of decrees?

29. Describe the capture of Remember Baker.

30. Relate the history of Reid's attempts to establish a settlement upon

forbidden ground.

31. What were the causes of discontent on the part of the American


32. What did this finally lead to ?

33. Describe the Westminster Massacre.

34. Locate the following towns: Bennington, Westminster, Guilford, Washington, Whitehall, Arlington, Vergennes, Manchester.






Condition of Military Posts on Lake Champlain at the Beginning of the Revolutionary War.-During the interim between the close of the French and Indian War and the beginning of the Revolutionary War, the military posts on Lake Champlain, although probably never entirely abandoned, were allowed to fall into decay. On the opening of hostilities between the colonies and the mother country, in the spring of 1775, both Ticonderoga and Crown Point were garrisoned by British soldiers, but too feebly to withstand successfully any vigorous attacks.

Importance of these Forts.-The British, anticipating the possibilities of war, were planning to make use, if necessary, of the strength and resources of Canada ; and hence the holding of all forts on Lake Champlain would be much to their advantage. Ticonderoga was the "Gibraltar" of the lake, important not only on account of its position, but also because of the cannon and great quantities of stores

which were there. Crown Point, not many miles distant, was second in importance.

The colonies also were turning covetous eyes upon these important positions; and, as indications of war became more pronounced, the importance of securing these posts for the American cause grew upon many of the leading patriots. They also realized that, on the opening of hostilities, the forts should be seized at once, before news of the breaking out of war could reach the garrison, and, above all, before reenforcements could arrive.

Plans for the Taking of Ticonderoga.-In the spring of 1775, John Brown, of Massachusetts, passed through the western part of Vermont on his way to Montreal on a secret mission among the Indians. He stopped at Bennington, where he held a consultation with prominent grantees, and where he was furnished with a guide and interpreter, Peleg Sunderland, a noted hunter of the grants, who was perfectly familiar with the Indians of that section.

After a tedious journey of two weeks he arrived at Montreal, from which place he wrote to the Committee of Correspondence in Boston of the great importance of seizing, as soon as possible, the fort at Ticonderoga, should the British begin hostilities. He also said that the people of the New Hampshire Grants had been engaged to do the business, and that, in his opinion, they were the proper persons for the task.

The news of the battle of Lexington, which occurred. about a month later, produced a shock throughout the colonies, for it was the signal that war had begun. The time had now come for action on the part of the Green Mountain Boys. Calling a meeting in the Council Chamber at Catamount Tavern in Bennington, they there resolved to unite

with their countrymen in waging a just war against the mother country.

At the same time influential men of Hartford, Conn., hearing from Benedict Arnold of the defenseless condition of Ticonderoga, began to make preparations for its capture.


£300 from the treasury of Connecticut to aid in car

rying out the project, they at once sent messengers with the mon

ey, to the northward, for the pur


pose of engag

ing Colonel

Ethan Allen

and his associates in the business.

The very day of their depart

ure Captain Mott arrived at Hartford; and, on hearing of the expedition which

had just started out, he volunteered to join

them, and soon overtook them. Gathering volunteers as they went, the party entered Bennington with over fifty men, and found the Green Mountain Boys ready to join with heart and hand in the expedition. Here the discouraging rumor reached them that Ticonderoga had been reenforced; but, nothing daunted, they went on to prepare for its capture.

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