Gambar halaman
[blocks in formation]

Babcock. On the memorial of William H

Babcock. On the petition of Peter Kertz and W. S.

Bignall. On the petition of George

Bailey. On the petition of Christiana. (To accompany bill S. 548)

Bailey. On the memorial and papers of Mrs. Rebecca Frances. (To
accompany bill S. 891)

Baker. On the bill (H. R. 1403) granting a pension to John

Baley. On the memorial of Sallie A. E

Ballot-box for the use of polls throughout the United States, in the elec-
tion of President, Vice-President, and members of Congress. On the
bill (S. 506) authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to contract with
the patentee of the safety

Barry. On the bill (S. 602) for the relief of John.

Barry. On the petition of William B..

Batchelder and Alsie F. Thompson. On the memorial of A. G.

Bayfield, in the State of Wisconsin. On the bill (S. 654) to extend the
time for the completion of a railroad from the Saint Croix River, or
Lake, to the west end of Lake Superior, and to...

Beatty. On the petition and papers of Jeremiah

Bell. On the bill (H. R. 20944) granting an increase of pension to Mary C.
Bernard. On the bill (H. R. 1226) granting a pension to Francis..
Bernard, née de Rochefermois. On the petition and papers of Madame
A. Don. (To accompany bill S. 314)

Best, Dr. J. Milton. On the petition of. (To accompany bill S. 519)
Biese. On the bill for the relief of Charles W. (To accompany bill
S. 323)

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Biggers. On the petition of Mrs. Elizabeth

[blocks in formation]

Bigler, Young & Co. On the bill (S. 228) for the relief of.
Bishop & Co. On the bill (S. 272) for the relief of...

[blocks in formation]

Blackinan, Ezra C. and James, and others. On the petition and accom-
panying affidavits of..

[blocks in formation]

Blanton. On the petition of Mary..

[blocks in formation]

Blood. On the bill (H. R. 1948) granting a pension to Mary J


Board of Public Works in relation to the affairs of the District of Colum-
bia. On the investigation of the

.(3 parts)


Boswell. On the petition of James W.

[blocks in formation]

Boyd. On the bill (H. R. 1275) granting a pension to William D.
Boudinot. On the bill (H. R. 826) for the relief of Elias C..
Bounty-land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in
the military service of the United States." On the bill (S. 763) explain-
ing the intent and meaning of the fourth section of the act entitled
“An act in addition to certain acts granting

Bowlin. On the bill (S. 344) for the relief of William.

Brady. On the bill (H. R. 2215) granting a pension to Elizabeth.
Brady. On the petition of Ebenezer W. (To accompany bill S. 814).
Brashears. On the petition of Serotha. (To accompany bill S. 361).
Bremmer. On the bill (H. R. 2412) for the relief of Sheridan O..
Briggs. On the bill (S. 533) granting a pension to Uriah W.
Brivard. On the petition of Josiah. (To accompany bill S. 83)
Brooks. On the petition of Mrs. Sarah

Brooks. On the bill (S. 322) granting a pension to Mrs. Alme D
Bruckner. On the bill (H. R. 2217) granting a pension to Henry.
Burke & Gunkle. On the bill (H. R. 2349) for the relief of
Butler, Miller & Co. On the bill (S. 542) for the relief of.


Caleb. On the petition of John

Callicot. On the bill (S. 128) for the relief of T. C..

Calvert. On the petition for the relief of Dr. Edward H. (To accom-
pany bill S. 395)

Cameron. On the petition and papers of James and Emma S.

Carter. On the petition of John

Celaya. On the petition of Simon.

[blocks in formation]

Connor. On the bill (H. R. 2704) for the relief of Selden.


Chandler, of New Orleans. On the petition of J. B..

Chantry. On the bill (H. R. 3015) granting a pension to Margaret A.
Childs. On the bill (H. R. 1779) for the relief of William E

Chipman. On the petition of Calvin

Chipman. On the bill (H. R. 3177) for the relief of De Witt C.

Clark. On the bill (H. R. 2118) for the relief of Elizabeth

Clark. On the petition and papers of Andrew

Clary, to his original position on the naval list. On the bill to restore
Captain Albert G

Ceats. On the bill (H. R. 104) for the relief of James

Colahan. On the petition of John..

Coleman. On the petition of E. A.

Congressional Printer. On the letter of F. & J. Rives & George A.
Baily, proprietors of the Globe, containing charges against the.
Connell and Barrett S. Johnson. On the petition of Jesse

Conner. On the petition of Richard H

Cook. On the petition of Henry

[blocks in formation]

Cooley. On the petition of Benjamin.

[blocks in formation]

Coonan. On the petition of John



Council. On the memorial of Joseph


Couzins. On the petition of John E. D. (To accompany bill S. 958)
Crawford. On the bill (H. R. 2800) for the relief of Benjamin



Creek orphans' fund. On the bill (S. 748) to transfer to the Secretary of

the Treasury all stocks and evidences of indebtedness due and held in
trust by the Secretary of the Interior on account of the..
Crittenden. On the bill (H. R. 1297) for the relief of T. T

Crossland. On the petition and papers of Washington. (To accompany
bill S. 807)

Crump and William Williamson. On the joint petition of Fleming.
Curtis. On the petition of Joseph R..

[blocks in formation]

Dalles land-district. On the bill (S. 381) to create an additional land-
district in the State of Oregon, to be called the.

[blocks in formation]

Dalley, Samuel F. On the bill (S. 153) for the relief of Silas I. Field
and the heirs of the late...

[blocks in formation]

Davis. On the bill (H. R. 1956) for the relief of Willard.



Davis. On the petition of Elizabeth..



Dawson. On the petition and affidavits of George W. (To accompany
bill S. 819)

Day. On the bill (S. 277) for the relief of Mrs. Nancy

Dayspring. On the bill (H. R. 2679) granting a pension to George
Dean. On the petition of C. B

[blocks in formation]

Dempsey, surviving partner of the firm of Dempsey & O'Toole. On the
petition of William H.....

[blocks in formation]

Dennison, of Washington, D. C. On the claim and papers in the case of
E. M....

[blocks in formation]

Denniston. On the petition of W. H. (To accompany bill H. R. 1224)..
Denny. On the petition and papers of William N. (To accompany bill
$. 560)

[blocks in formation]

Denton. On the bill (S. 243) for the relief of Charles W.

Detroit, Michigan. On the bill (H. R. 1706) to authorize the opening of
Wight street through the grounds of the United States marine hos-
pital at
Dickins. On the bill (S. 171) for the benefit of the legatees of Asbury.
Dickinson. On the bill (S. 63) for the relief of Perez
Dickson. On the bill (H. R. 2789) for the relief of John S.

Diggins. On the bill (S. 415) granting a pension to Bartholomew.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Distribution of the public documents, bills or reports, printed by the
Congressional Printer. On the number and the...
District of Columbia. On the affairs of the

(parts 1,2,3)
District of Columbia." On the message of the President relative to one
feature of the bill entitled "An act for the government of the.....
District of Columbia. On the resolution to inquire whether the officers
or employés of the United States, or any officers or employés of the
District government, have been engaged in any conspiracy to defeat
or hinder the investigation ordered by Congress into the affairs of
the District, and particularly in this connection to inquire into all the
circumstances connected with the late robbery of the safe in the office
of the United States attorney for the....

Douglas. On the petition and papers of Robert M. and Stephen A
Downey. On the bill (H. R. 3010) for the relief of John

Douthard. On the petition of Ira W
Don Bernard, née de Rochefermois.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

On the petition and papers of

[blocks in formation]

Madame A. (To accompany bill S. 314)..

Doerr, and George Gebhart. On the bill (H. R. 2100) for the relief of
Martin Hoff, Casper

Dyer. On the bill (H. R. 498) for the relief of Captain A. B..


Eldis. On the bill (H. R. 2891) for the relief of Mrs. Louisa...
Electing the President and Vice-President. On the best and most prac-
ticable mode of.

Election of President, Vice-President, and members of Congress. On
the bill (S 506) to further protect the polls in the

Evans. On the memorial of L. D. (To accompany bill S. 65)..


Farley. On the bill (S. 387) granting a pension to Captain Benjamin......
Ferguson. On the petition of Amelia...

Field. On the bill (S. 153) for the relief of Silas I. and the heirs of the
late Samuel F. Dalley..

Fish. On the memorial of Benjamin

Fisher. On the bill (H. R. 1402) granting a pension to John A.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Fitch. On the petition of Mrs. Louisa..

Flesher. On the petition of Nancy

Fletcher. On the bill (S. 792) for the relief of John..

Folger. On the bill (H. R. 1439) granting a pension to John.

[blocks in formation]

Fort Randall military reservation. On the bill (S. 149) for the relief of
certain settlers on the.

[blocks in formation]

Fort Saint Philip Canal and its maintenance as a national public high-
way. On the bill (S. 178) to provide for the construction of the
Foster. On the bill (H. R. 1719) granting a pension to Ezra H..........
Frank. On the claim of Julius

[blocks in formation]

Franklin. On the petition of Mary. (To accompany bill S. 257).
French. On the petition of Jefferson A. (To accompany bill S. 613)
Fuersteneck. On the bill (S. 324) for the relief of M. von Entress...


[blocks in formation]

S. 496)....

Garrard and others.

Gaines. On the petition of John R. (To accompany bill S. 592)...
Garrard and others. On the memorial of T. T.
On the memorial of T. T.

[blocks in formation]

S. 496).....

[blocks in formation]

Gas consumed at Washington, its illuminating power, and cost. On the
amount of.....

[blocks in formation]

Gebhart. On the bill (H. R. 2100) for the relief of Martin Hoff, Casper

Doerr, and George



Geological and other surveys in the several States. On the bill (S. 686)
for the aid of.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Georgia certain moneys expended by said State for the common defense
in 1777. On the bill (S. 598) to refund to the State of

German Evangelical church at Martinsburgh, West Virginia. On the
memorial praying for the relief of the trustees of the. (To accompany
bill S.709) -

Gillespie. On the petition of James P.

Glover. On the bill (H. R. 259) for the relief of James W.

Goerth. On the petition of George.

Googins. On the petition of Moses..

Gouverneur. On the memorial of Samuel L. (To accompany bill S. 892).
Greeland. On the petition of Ruth Ellen

Green, one of the heirs of Uriah Forest. On the memorial of Osceola C.
(To accompany bill S. 629)

Green. On the bill (S. 863) granting a pension to William C..

Griffin. On the petition of William A.

Grosvenor. On the bill (H. R. 3438) granting a pension to Mary E.
Gruber. On the petition of Casper.

Gustin. On the bill (H. R. 1322) for the relief of George S.


Hahn. On the petition of Dr. Berthold..

Haile. On the petition of Mary C.............

Hall. On the bill (H. R. 1945) granting a pension to Juliet E.

Hall. On the petitions of Mercy Ann. (To accompany bill S. 843).
Hammond. On the bill (S. 416) for the relief of Belle E..

[blocks in formation]

Hancock. On the petition of Anna...


Hannegan. On the petition of John..


Hansen. On the petition of Charles J.


Harben. On the petition of Nathaniel P. (To accompany bill S. 522)
Harding. On the bill (H. R. 2090) for the relief of Jacob.

[blocks in formation]

Hardwick. On the bill (H. R. 510) granting a pension to Thomas R.
Harmon. On the petition of Hanson. (To accompany bill S. 527)
Harris. On the petition of John D. Leflore and James C..




Hart. On the petition of citizens of New Jersey, praying that a pension
be granted Rhoda..


Hasell. On the bill (S. 91) for the relief of Louisa H


Hastings. On the bill (S. 862) granting a pension to Margaret S.


Hawes. On the bill (H. R. 1934) for the relief of Pat. O.


Hawkes, Miller & Co. On the bill (S. 542) for the relief of.


Heald. On the bill (H. R. 1401) granting a pension to Penelope T.
Healy. On the petition of Edward..

[blocks in formation]

Henderson. On the memorial of Alexander. (To accompany bill S. 828).


Henderson. On the bill (H. R. 1955) for the relief of John.

[blocks in formation]

Hicks. On the bill (H. R. 2332) for the relief of S. D.

Hillhouse. On the bill (H. R. 253) for the relief of Thomas.

Hindle. On the petition of Virginia A....

Hoey. On the petition of Caroline L...

Hoevener. On the petition and papers of Abram

Hoff, Casper Doerr, and George Gebhart. On the bill (H. R. 2100) for

the relief of Martin.

Hoffner. On the petition of Margaret A. (To accompany bill S. 609).
Holden. On the memorial of Frederick A..

Holland. On the petition and papers of Mrs. Sarah Ann.

Holmes. On the petition of Mary C.....

Holmes. On the bill (H. R. 1947) granting a pension to George.

Homestead and pre-emption lands. On the bill (S. 174) for the relief of
certain settlers upon

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hostile Indians. On the obligation of the Government to re-imburse
States and Territories for expenses sustained by incursions of......
Howard. On the petition of Elizabeth..

[blocks in formation]

Hubbell. On the petition of William Wheeler. (To accompany bill

S. 785)
Hughes. On the petition and papers of Thomas. (To accompany bill
S. 875)
Hunter's chapel.

[blocks in formation]

On the memorial of the board of trustess of the
Methodist Episcopal church at Arlington Heights, commonly known


Hurd, Silas and Seth, and others. On the petition and affidavit of...
Hyde. On the petit on of James A..





Illinois Volunteer Infantry, from the charge of mutiny. On the bill (H.
R. 345) to relieve certain persons therein named, late members of Com-
pany K, Fifty-eighth Regiment..

[blocks in formation]

Indiana and Illinois, relating to the two-per-cent. fund arising from
sales of public lands in said States. Memorial of the governors of
Ohio-majority report..

[blocks in formation]

Indian Regiments. On the bill (S. 264) for the relief of the officers of
the Fourth and Fifth....

[blocks in formation]

Indian reservations upon the United States courts, and for the punish-
ment of crimes committed by and against Indians. On the bill (S.
652) conferring exclusive jurisdiction over..

[blocks in formation]

Indians. On the letter of the Second Auditor of the Treasury, transmit-
ting copies of all accounts from persons charged with the disburse-
ments of moneys, &c., for the benefit of the.....

[blocks in formation]

Indians. To reimburse States and Territories and the citizens thereof
for expenses and damages sustained by incursions of hostile
Indians, Upper and Lower bands of Sioux. On the bill (S. 205) to author-
ize the Secretary of the Interior to discharge certain obligations of
the United States to the creditors of the..

[blocks in formation]

Ingalls. On the bill (H. R. 3175) for the relief of J. E..

Ingraham. On the petition of Livanna. (To accompany bill S. 536).
Ingram and John K. Askins. On the bill (H. H. 2788) for the relief of
Henry P

Inlow. On the petition of Patsey.

Insurrectionary States. On the bill (S. 343) for the relief of purchasers
of lands sold for direct-taxes in the..

[blocks in formation]

International difficulties by arbitration, and without a resort to war.
On various petitions praying Congress to provide for the settlement of.

[blocks in formation]

Jackman. On the bill (S. 502) for the relief of Mrs. Martha Vaughn and
Mrs. Louisa

[blocks in formation]

Jackson. On the petition of Martin V. (To accompany bill S. 658).
Jamison. On the memorial of Samuel...

[blocks in formation]

Jardine. On the bill (H. R. 2356) granting a pension to Edward.
Jarvis. On the petition of Dr. Edward

[blocks in formation]

Jefferson. On the joint resolution (S. R. 6) providing for the protection

of the statue of Thomas



Jeffrey. On the petition of Mrs. Rosa Vertner. (To accompany bill S.

[blocks in formation]

Johnson, of Logansport, Ind. On the petition and papers of Andrew.
(To accompany bill S. 508).

[blocks in formation]

Johnson, Barrett S. and Jesse Connell. On the petition of..



Jones. On the petition of Mrs. Mary W.



Jones. On the bill (H. R. 1843) granting a pension to Lucinda..
Jones. On the petition papers, &c., of John J. Q.

[blocks in formation]

Jordon and McPike. On the claim of Messrs. (To accompany bill S.




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