Gambar halaman

sels on Georges River Bay, at Shore, &c 1799. First school commit-
tee, T. B. Wait, Joshua Adams, p, 245.-No minister's salary voted.
1800. Salt works of Gray. Batchelder, &c. --- E. Snow, jr, regains his
vessel. — Dunning lost, p. 246.-Oyster River bridge built-Small pox.
Elections. Library, p. 247. - Cavalry, number of regiment, &c., p.
248.--Fales and Hastings's houses, cannon, &c., W. Stevens, p. 249.

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CHAP. XIII. 1801. Parties, vote for Knox, &c. - Crow_bounty.-
School teachers Marsh, Holland, &c., p. 250.-Appearance, Tilson and
Ulmer road its dwellings, &c.,- Woods, thieves, p. 251. -Butler to mill.
-Highlanders. 1802. Swine not to go at large. Elections, D. Fales out
of office, p 252. 1803. Roads re-surveyed by Gleason.-Mall.- Webb's
Chaise. Military spirit, colors, &c. - Överseers of the poor. Jo. Stack-
pole, p. 253.-Weather, vessel capsized, p. 255. Man scalded to death.
-Prosecution for usury.-Drs. French and Cushing, p. 256. — Gift of
weights and measures.-Montpelier launched.-Book for births, &c.
1804. School districts altered, p. 257.- First lime shed.- Business at the
Shore, Spoffords, Lovejoys.--Schooner Wessaweskeag, p. 258. -- Knox's
kilns.--- Hanson's death, Kenniston's ditto, p. 259. --- Palls. --- Bakers. -
Presidential electors. 1805. Parties, p. 260.--- Dodge's influence, &c. -
Lime, Knox's instructions to Wiggin, p. 261. Freemasonry, Orient and
Aurora Lodges, &c, p. 262. Artillery company, E. Thatcher, p. 263.---
Powderhouses. --- Support of religion, Mr. Chealey arrives, p. 264. 1806.
North parish affairs, vote. incorporation, p. 265. Revs. Chealey and
Chamberlain, p. 266. --- Knox's death, funeral, tomb, &c., p. 267.

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CHAP. XIV. Two representatives. --- Workhouse, paupers bid off,-
Jemmy Watson and ferry, p. 269. --- Weather, Isley wreck, p. 270. 1807.
Lawsuits. E. Phinney. --- Sup. school committee, p. 271. - Business at
Mill River, Mrs. Dunton, Paine, embargo, Reed & Knox, Martin, Parsons,
Durand, D. Fales, jr., & Webb, Blackington, &c, p. 272. Anecdotes,
Shipmasters, Clough, and business at Shore, p. 273. Vote on separation
of the State and town, on pounds, and stocks. Revs. Dow and Briggs.
1808. Brigg's disappointment, p. 274. --- South parish and Elder Baker, p.
275.---Temperate society. --- Gristmill at Wessaweskeag rebuilt. Cas-
ualty.--- 14 lime inspectors. --- Effects of the embargo on parties and on
the School tax. 1809, Aurora wrecked, p. 276--- Weather. --- Wild_ani-
mals. The Holofernes, p. 277.. and Bristol Trader. -- Popes. I. Kim-
ball, &c., p. 278. --- Rev. Mr. Lord, Congregational church formed, p. 279.
1810. Agree to Mr. Lord's dismission. General lime inspector. --- Dis-
asters. Dwight's marble factory, p. 280. 1811. Rev. Mr. Baker, a uni-
versalist, p. 281.--- Fish wardens and dam. Eastern town-landing, p.
282. Coal and mineral company, comet, p. 293.


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CHAP. XV. 1812. White, Sprague--- Berrys, &c. School tax low-
ered, 3 representatives. p. 284 War meeting, committee of safety, &c.
--- Delegates to conventions at Wiscasset, &c., p. 285. National Fast.
recruiting by Durand, Childs, Lyon, &c. - Bentley killed. · Death of B.
Blackington. 1813 Spear's coast guards, p. 286.- Their movements.-
John Butler.-Enlistments under Morse, &c., p. 287.-J. Paul interro-
gated. - Capture and recapture of schr. Oliver, p. 288 -I. Snow's adven-
ture, p. 292.-C. Holmes's capture, p. 293.- Wild cat bounty. - Sheep.
Town meeting.-O. Robbins, jr., p. 294.-Burdens, British licenses,
&c. 1814 Federalist representative.-Insolvent law, &c.-Privateers,
p. 295.-Georges Fort defended by E. Wylie, p. 296.-Enemy threaten
Thomaston, p. 297.- Vessels captured. Expedition to Camden, p. 298-
- Alarm at McCobb's Narrows. Letter of Lieut. Robbins, p. 299.
tachment of Coast guards at Shore, Wessaweskeag, &c., p. 300.- Affair at
Owl's Head-Smuggling boat taken.. Privateer Thinks I to Myself, p.
301.-False alarm.Fear of depredations, &c.-2d expedition to Cam-
den and guards discharged, p. 303. —Privateer Fame, p. 304.—Extracts
from H. Prince's diary, p 305 - Woolen factory. Prince and Washburn,
p. 306.-S. Fuller; milliners, &c.—Internal duties.- Casualties, p. 307.
1815. National Fast.-Peace, p. 308.

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CHAP. XVI. Rev. E. Merrill missionary in 1813 & '14. --- North Parish
affairs for 1815 & '16, Rev. J. Weston.- South Parish, Baker reclaimed,
revival, &c. -2d Thomaston Baptist church, p. 309.- Foreign Missionary
Society. A late snow storm. --- - Celebration of Fourth of July. ---S. S.
Wilkinson. School tax increased, vote on town division, p. 311.
Clothing mills and clothiers. --- Oakum. · Wolves, p. 312. --- Toll bridge.
1816. Store on town-landing, J. Paine, p. 313.- Business at Mill River.
Schs. Lavinia and Catharine. --- Dodge and Healey, Holland lace, tan-
ning, &c., G. Robinson. --- Vote on separation, Brunswick convention,
William M. Dawes, p. 314. Season, death of Godding. 1817. Deputy
collector's office and officers. - Rev. J. H. Ingraham, 315. --- Silver Grey
Light Infantry. Pound. --- dram drinking in stores. --- Change in the sea-
sons. 1818. Dr. Kellogg, J. Ruggles, p 316.--- Shipwreck of sloop Asa.
Closing notice of Elder Baker p. 317. 1819. Death of Drs. Cushing
and Dodge, p 318. --- Gloyd, A. Rice, --- buildings, &c. --- Meetings changed
to April. Charitable society, p. 319. - Separation, delegates to Portland
Convention, and adoption of the Maine Constitution. 1820. First repre-
sentative under it. Brick meeting-house, p. 320. Methodist Society,
p. 321. 1821. Annual meeting, --- vote on workhouse. - State election,
-- licenses by town. --- Price of lime put up. - Rev. S. Fogg ordained, Mr.
Ingraham, &c., p. 322. 1822. Moral society. - Death of D. Fales, p.
323.---North Parish bell renewed, --- drought, &c. - Prosperity, p. 324. -
Smuggler Fox, p. 325.--- Regimental muster. Fourth of July,
ualties, O. Robbins, Jr., Esq., and O. Fales. Mr. Ingraham and revival.
Mrs. Swan's letters on Thomaston affairs, p. 326. 1823. G. Mellen,
&c. --- Changes in the Knox family, settlement of the estate, &c., p. 329.
- More letters. - Mellen's career, p. 334.

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CHAP. XVII. Remonstrance against division of County. --- Plan of
town. State Prison, p. 335. · Parties, 4th July celebrations, p. 337.-
Post Office, suit for missing money, p. 338. --- Alpha society, --- first car-
avan of wild animals,- muster at Blackington's corner, p. 339.---Light-
ning, drought, cook-stoves, &c., Lunar rainbow, business, p. 340.
Steamboat line.. Death of Dr. Bernard and Col. Coombs. Temperance
societies, p. 341. 1824. Weather, crops, &c., p. 343.- Business, sail-
making, pump and block making, watchmakers. --- George's Hotel, J.
Copeland, Mrs. Hastings, Mrs. Hyler, p. 344. --- East Thomaston or Rock-
land Post Office, its history down. -Fire companies, Alpha Society cele-
brate independence, p. 345. Visit of steamboat to the river. Muster
and soldiers' rations.- Mr. Ingraham's difficulties, council, &c... Cas-
ualties, p. 346.--- Death of Miss Paine, Mrs. Knox, &c., p. 347. 1825.
Thomaston Bank, p. 348.--- Thomaston Register, p. 349.-- Independent
Journal. -School agents and books; Haynes, Cilley, Farley, Ludwig and
his students, p. 350. --- Merrill. --- St. John's celebration, Gen. Lafayette, p.
351.---4th of July at Wessaweskeag. --- Muster, Thomaston Guards, East
Thomaston rifle company, - casualties, --- p. 352. --- Weather, dysentery,
crops, Milo and other vessels. Business, Owl's Head light-house and
keepers, p. 353.

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CHAP. XVIII. 1826. Green & Foster rope walk- Elliott, Metcalf,
&c. --- Mill River bridge widened --- lottery tickets --- end of North Parish,
Universalists, 1st Cong. church, p. 354 Sabbath schools --- weather, dis-
eases, casualties, p. 356 --- Cleland; Bartlett, his death and that of Sprague
and Jennison ---The 4th at Mill River. 1827. Increase of business, p.
357.--- East Thomaston, its first law office. --- mails, --- small-pox, p. 358.
Insanity, - attempt at change in lime inspecting. --- Mechanic's Asso-
ciation. Aid to Greeks, Mr. Cleland, p. 359.--- freshet, &c. 1828. Town-
landing, Albee, &c. --- Schools, p. 360.--- Knox house, Commercial house,
Stimpson's or Mason's Hall, --- statistical account of the place, p. 361.-
Lime-kilns and wharves, --- first side-walks, ornamental trees, &c., p. 362.
-- Thomaston Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Post Office burnt.
Weather, p. 363. --- Casualties. 1829. Factory burnt. --- Fire company &
wardens. Temperance, p 364. --- Marine disasters, weather, p. 365.-
Deer, fires, &c.. Close of Col. Healey's business and decline of Mill
River. R. Elliott, sail-lofts, &c, p 366.

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CHAP. XIX. 1830. Weather, loss of schs. Thomas, Fame, and Brad-
ford. Census. --- Independence at East Thomaston, p. 367. 1831. Ste-
vens, Lowell; Cilley popular, Ruggles judge. --- Bridges rebuilt.. --- Rob.
inson and Singer, p. 368.--- Marble and business, Lime Rock Hotel,
Weather and disasters- 4th July at Mill River, p. 369. 1832. Washing-
ton centennial birthday, debating clubs, &c. --- Thomaston Coal & Mineral
Company, p. 370. Weather, bridge, sea wall. --- Maintenance of poor, p.
371.--- Board of health --- Ruggles & Cilley parties, p. 372. --- The National
Republican, &c. 1833. Town-house, and place of meetings. --- First Bap
tist church in Rockland, p. 374. Lawyers, Abbots and Smith, p. 375.-
Store burnt, first reservoir, Severe winter, lightning. Mill River
bridge. 1834. George's Insurance Company, p. 376. --- 2d Light Infantry.
Chandler, --- Rockland Congregational Church, p. 377. --- Christian Tel.
escope, p. 378. --- Rockland Universalist Church, &c. 1835. p. 379. Se-
vere weather. - Superintending School Committee's report published. ---
Representatives, C. Pope, p. 380. --- Fair. --- Knowles's house burnt. 1836.
Poor-house built. -- Upper toll-bridge,-- Lime Rock Bank, p. 381.-- Limits
of militia companies. ---Cilley to Congress, sketch of him, p. 382.

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CHAP. XX. 1837. First Baptist church in West Thomaston. --- East
Thomaston Marble and Lime Rock Quarry Company, p. 384.--- Owl's
Head House and steamboat. The Recorder. Surplus U. S. revenue. ---
Fugitive slave, p. 385. --- Death of A. Austin. 1838. Hon. John Holmes,
p. 386..
Thomaston Theological Institution, p. 387.--- Night watches. --
East Thomaston prosperity. --- Agricultural bounties. Thomaston Dry
Dock.--- - Disaster at sea. --- Death of Cilley, and consequent proceedings,
p. 388.---E. Robinson, his successor, p. 394. --- Death of Farley, p. 395.
CHAP. XXI. 1839 The East Thomaston Republican. --- Aroostook
war.--- - Independence. --- Lime inspection project. --- O. R. bridge and sea
wall rebuilt, &c., p. 396 --- Beacon. Accidents at South and East Thom-
aston, small pox, weather. --- Road indicted, 4th of July, political excite
ment, p. 397.--- Comet, lightning, &c. --- - Deaths of B. Vose and H. Prince,
p. 398. 1841. No licenses voted, temperance celebrations -- Bible Society,
p. 399.-
West Thomaston Universalist church, East Thomaston high
Muster. Lightning,
school, J. Fogg, p. 400.---Young ladies' school.
fire in the State Prison, death of S. Partridge, p. 401.--- Drought, &c.,
Temperance celebrations at East Thomaston, J. Madigan, &c. --- Frigate
Missouri's visit. --- Gales, p. 402. 1843. Deep snows, shipwrecks, &c. --
Death of H. Prince, jr., and J. Holmes, p. 403.--- Houses burnt. Tyler
grip. --- Recording births, Clerk's bill.---Thomaston Village Library As-
sociation. --- Independence, p. 404. --- Donation parties. --- Georgian, Relief,
and Eastern Star Lodges of I. O. of O. F. - Town by-laws. 1844. High-
ways, dog-tax, &c., p. 405.--- Cold weather, drought, whale. --- Shipbuild-
ing. Thomaston Academy, p. 406. --- 4th of July.
Houses burnt, brig
Maine, &c., p. 407. 1845. Business flourishing, lime statistics.
Thomaston Post Office and masters. --- Death of S. Fales, p 408.
ualties, and fires. - Choice of Representatives. --- Temperance Union, and
Club, p. 409. --- Sons of Temperance, Lime Rock, Kedron, Hyperion, and
Wadsworth divisions. 1846. Daughters of Temperance, &c.
Thomaston business, dam, and mills, p. 410.--- Mill River navigation,
side-walks, trees, Georges Canal, &c.--- Rockland Gazette, p. 411.--.
Steamers, and coasters. --- -Lime Rock Fire and Marine Insurance compa
-- Mariners, Shibles, &c., p. 412. Lime and cask inspection. --
Weather, peaches, and drought.--- Fire at East Thomaston, Resolution
and Boston fire engines and companies, p. 413.--- Disasters, small-pox.
1847. Registry of Deeds, p. 414. --- East Thomaston Highways, Holmes
Block, Eagle Hall, steam power and iron foundry. --- Toll bridge, and
other casualties, p. 415. 1848. Division of Old Thomaston, p. 416.


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CHAP. XXII. Thomaston, changes of boundary between it and East
Thomaston.-William Butler, I. C. Robbins.-Catholic church. -- Poor
house and farm. - Telegraph office, &c., p. 418.-E. O'Brien and A. P.
Gould, p. 419. Jordan & Webb block. -- Iron foundry. 1849. Post Of-

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fice at Bank Corner. - Ten-hour system. - Unitarian church, Rev. O. J.
Fernald, &c., p. 420.-Store burnt, p. 422. 1850. Lincoln Miscellany,
Maine Sickle.-Deaths by drowning.-Fires, p. 423 1851. Fire and
Marine Insurance company.-Steamer T. F. Secor-Grade system in
schools, p. 424. Block for Washington monument --- Weather and cas-
ualties. 1852. George's Bank, &c., p. 425- New streets, dwellings, ship-
yards, relics, lyceum and lectures, p. 426. --- Fire, death of shipmasters,
&c. 1853. Increase of business, shipbuilding, new streets through Knox
place, &c. Steam mill, decrease of lime-burning, p. 427.- Aid to New
Orleans- Maine law movement --- Lock-up built --- Lightning in snow-
storm, comet, accidents, p. 428. --- Suicide. 1854 Lyceum --- The Thom-
aston Journal and Lincoln Advertiser--- Business, shipbuilding, steam
navigation company, and boat Gen. Knox, p. 429.--- State of Maine and
Eureka Fire companies, &c. --- 4th of July, p. 430.--- Drought, fires, Wal-
doboro' aid --- Plums and black knot. Singular surgical case, p. 431.



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1855. Gathering at the Prison. --- Lectures, Know-Nothings.-
-New road to Rockland, p. 432. --- Buildings. --- New Shipyard, division
of Knox estate, p. 433.- Knox remains, and correspondence, p. 434.
1856. Mill River channel, &c. Lincoln Republican, p. 436. --- Lectures,
Lincoln county fair. --- Casualties. 1857. p. 437.---May-day, prices,
financial panic. Union block, telegraph block.--Pearls, deaths of E. &
R. Robinson, p. 438.--- Teacher's convention, fireman's parade, lyceum,
literary association and libraries, --- winter of tempests, wild cat. 1858.
Shipbuilding depressed, p. 439. --- Old burying ground and Elm Grove
cemetery. Methodist church and society, p. 440. Accidents, fire, gale,
Donati's comet 1859. Project of new county, p. 442. -- County of Knox.
- Natural History society. -- Storms, casualties, fires, &c. 1860. Visit
of Gangooly, scientific excursion, p. 443. --- Industry of the place, &c., p.
444. The rebellion and its effects on the shipping of the place. Lieut.
Gilman, p. 445. Patriotic movements here in Spring of 1861, p. 446.
Volunteers in 4th Me. Regiment, p. 447.-- Cilley's company in 1st Me.
Cavalry, p. 448. -- Volunteers in 2d Mounted Battery, in 20th Me. regi-
ment, p. 449, -- in 21st Me. regiment, p. 450. -- doings at other calls of the
President, volunteers in other corps, -- and in the navy, p. 452,--gun-
boat Kennebec. -- Ladies' aid, p. 453.- United States taxes, p. 454.


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CHAP. XXIII. South Thomaston incorporated and organized. -- Peti-
tions for changes, &c. -- 1st Baptist church & death of Elder Snow, p. 455.
-- R. R. company, p. 456. -- Road from Eastman's to Bartlett's. -- House
burnt. - Vegetation. 1849 Votes on Constitutional changes, the political
year. -- Accident. 1850. Weskeag Bank projected, shipbuilding, masters
and ships, California emigration, p. 457. -- New roads, storms, losses by
death, p. 458. 1851, a quiet year. Hearse and house. -- Schools, &c.
1852. Owl's Head breakwater. Death of the town's first-born child. p.
459. 1853. Accident. -- Ingrahamville. 1854. Owl's Head Post Office.
Ship-building, mills, sail-loft, cigar-making, &c. 1855. Business at
Wessa weskeag and Owl's Head. -- Bridge widened, p. 460. -- 2d Baptist
church. -- House burnt. 1856. Other fires, store, post-office, barn, and
dwelling destroyed, p. 461. -- Severities of the winter. 1857. Weather,
and losses by storms and fire. -- Free lectures. 1858 Vote on the Maine
liquor law, p. 462. -- Depression of shipbuilding. 1859-60. Methodist and
other denominations. --Industry of the place, p. 463. -- physicians, lawyers,
taverns. -- Patriotic rally and efforts, 464. Volunteers in the 4th and 2d
Maine regiments, 2d Battery and 1st Cavalry, p. 465. -- Bounties, and vol-
unteers in 19th and other regiments. -- Co. G of 28th regiment, p. 466. --
Draft of 1863. -- Volunteers in other regiments and the navy. -- Taxes, &c.,
p. 467.-- Close of Volume 1st., p. 468.







THE territory to whose history the present work is particularly devoted, constituting the original town of Thomaston, from which South Thomaston and Rockland have since been separated, is most advantageously situated between the western entrance of Penobscot Bay on the east and St. George's River on the west, in the county of Knox, and State of Maine. It lies, according to the observation of Dr. C. T. Jackson, made in 1838 at the house of Hon. J. Ruggles, in 43° 56′ 12′′ North latitude, and according to Capt. G. Prince,* nearly in 69° 2' West longitude; containing about 20,950 acres of various but generally fertile soil. Its surface is agreeably diversified; in some parts, gently undulating; in others, hilly and mountainous; and in yet others, especially in South Thomaston, broken and rocky, exhibiting strong marks of the ancient and long continued warfare, during the geologic ages, between land and water, cliff and billow, internal heat and external glacier. Approached from the ocean, the first object which attracts attention is Owl's Head† in

*This gentleman makes the latitude to be 44 deg. 5 min. 45 sec. at the residence of C. Prince. Esq, whilst Sullivan, in his Topographical description of Thomaston, 1794, puts it down as 44 deg. 20 min., and Holland, as 44 deg. 8 min.

This name, so descriptive of the object, is said, by a writer in the Belfast Republican Journal of Dec. 16, 1853, to have been first given by Thos. Pownal, who was governor of the Province from 1757 to 1760; but this could hardly be. as the name had obtained currency early in 1757 and is mentioned that year in the journals of Capts. Freeman and Remilly, as will appear under that date. By others it is asserted that the name is of Indian origin, and expressed in their language by a perfectly synonymous word, Mecadacut.

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