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lished in 1794, and the second in 1796; Mr. Withey's Treatise on Annuities, in 1800; a short tract by Mr. Blayney on Life Annuities, in 1817; and the Practical Observations lately published by Mr. Ellis upon Life Annuities. Life Annuities. All, with the

exception of a short chapter in Mr. Plowden's Treatise, relate to the practice of granting life annuities, and refer principally to the former Annuity Act; the last two treatises alone having been published since the 53 Geo. 3, c. 141. It is impossible for the author not to admit that he has derived assistance from all these works, but they have attended him only a small part of his course. He has been also indebted to the valuable notes appended to Mr. Bythewood's Precedents in Conveyancing and there are other debts, which he hopes will be considered as acknowledged by the references in the body of the work. Knowing that a regular treatise on this subject was still wanted by the profession, he has used his endeavours to satisfy that demand; and if it be deemed that he has not succeeded, he at least trusts that his compilation will be of some use to the reader until the production of another treatise by one whose abilities, if not his diligence, may be greater.

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