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such Person or Persons out of our Allegiance and Protecçon; And that it shall and may be lawfull and free for all Princes or others to Prosecute with hostility such Offenders and every of them, their and every of their Procurers, ayders, A bettors and Councellors in that behalfe. Provided, alsoe, and our express will and pleasure is, And wee doe by these presents for vs, our heires and Successors, Ordeyne and appointe that these presents shall not in any manner hinder any of our loveing Subiects whatsoever to vse and exercise the Trade of Fishinge vpon the Coast of New England in America, but they and every or any of them shall have full and free power and liberty to contynue and vse the said Trade of Fishing vpon the said Coast, in any of the Seas therevnto adioyning, or any Armes of the Seas or Salt Water Rivers where they have byn accustomed to Fish, And to build and sett vpon the wast land belonging to the said Colony of Conecticutt, such Wharfes, Stages and workehouses as shall bee necessary for the Salting, dryeing and keepeing of their Fish to bee taken or gotten vpon that Coast, any thinge in these presents conteyned to the contrary notwithstanding. And Knowe yee further, That Wee, of our more abundant grace, certaine knowledge and meere moçon have given, Graunted and Confirmed, And by theis presents, for vs, our heires and Successors, Doe give, Graunt and Confirme vnto the said Governor and Company and their Successors, All that parte of our Dominions in Newe England in America bounded on the East by Norrogancett River, comonly called Norrogancett Bay, where the said River falleth into the Sea, and on the North by the lyne of the Massachusetts Plantation, and on the South by the Sea, and in longitude as the lyne of the Massachusetts Colony, runinge from East to West, (that is to say,) from the said Narrogancett Bay on the East to the South Sea on the West parte, with the Islands therevnto adioyneinge, Together with all firme lands, Soyles, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Rivers, Waters, Fishings, Mynes, Mynerals, Precious Stones, Quarries, and all and singular other Comodities, Iurisdicçons, Royalties, Priviledges, Francheses, . Preheminences and hereditaments whatsoever within the said Tract, Bounds, lands and Islands aforesaid, or to them or any of them belonging, To have and to hold the same vnto the said Governor and Company, their Successors and Assignes, for ever vpon Trust and for the vse and benefitt of themselves and their Associates, freemen of the said Colony, their heires and Assignes, To bee holden of vs, our heires and Successors, as of our Mannor of East Greenewich, in Free and Comon Soccage, and not in Capite nor by Knights Service, Yeilding and Payinge therefore, to vs, our heires and Successors, onely the Fifth parte of all the Oare of Gold and Silver which from tyme to tyme and att all tymes hereafter shall bee there gotten, had or obteyned, in liew of all Services, Dutyes and Demaunds whatsoever, to bee to vs, our heires or Successors, therefore or thereout rendered, made or paid. And lastly, Wee doe for vs, our heires and Successors, Graunt to the said Governor and Company and their Successors, by these presents, that these our Letters Patent shall be firme, good and effectuall in the lawe to all.

intents, Construcçons and purposes whatsoever, according to our true intent and meaneing herein before Declared, as shall bee Construed, reputed and adiudged most favourable on the behalfe and for the best benefitt and behoofe of the said Governor and Company and their Successors, Although Expresse mençon of the true yearely value or certeinty of the premises, or of any of them, or of any other Guifts or Graunts by vs or by any of our Progenitors or Predecessors heretofore made to the said Governor and Company of the English Colony of Conecticutt in New England in America aforesaid in theis presents is not made, or any Statute, Act, Ordinance, Provision, Proclamaçon or Restricçon heretofore had, made, Enacted, Ordeyned or Provided, or any other matter, Cause or thinge whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. In witnes whereof, wee have caused these our Letters to bee made Patent: Witnes our Selfe, att Westminster, the three and Twen tieth day of Aprill, in the Fowerteenth yeare of our Reigne.

By writt of Privy Seale.







These were elected by the freemen:

John Winthrop Esq', GOUERNO".
John Mason Esqr, D. GOUERN'.

[blocks in formation]

Capt. John Talcot, et Treasu". Mr. Beniamin Fenn

Mr. Henry Woolcot

Lt. John Allyn

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Jasper Crane.


Capt. Daniell Clark.

Deputies for y' Gen" Session.

Mr. William Wadsworth, Mr. Joseph Fitch,

Capt. Beniamin Newberry, Jo: Moore,

Capt. Jo: Nash, Mr. James Bishop,

Mr. Thomas Pell, John Banks,

Sam Boreman, Sam11 Hall,

John Clarke, Thomas Welch,

Joseph Judson, Phillip Groue,
James Avery, James Morgan,
Lt. Sam11 Swaine, Lawrence Ward,

Nathan White, Sam Stockin,
George Bartlet, John Fowler,
Thomas Minor, Samll Chesborough,
Mr. Anthony Howkins, John Standly,
Mr. Campfield, John Gregory,

Peter Disborough, Francis Brown,

Robert Vsher,

Hugh Caulkin,

Mr. Robert Chapman,

Willm Waller, Francis Griswold.

The freemen referred the choice of ye Comissioners for ye yeare ensueing to ye Gen1l Court.

This Court doth remit the fine formerly imposed upon ye Constable at Norwich, John Olmstid, for his neglect respecting his Accots about ye Countrey Leuy, and doe order the said Olmsted to pay 30s. to ye Publ: Treasury.

Mr. Thomas Fitch is confirmed Ensigne to ye Train Band at Norwalk.

Mr. Samuell Wells is chosen Comissioner for and within the Plantation of Wethersfield, for ye yeare ensueing, and is invested wth magestraticall power within the said Plantation.

Mr. Waitstil Winthrop is confirmed Captaine to ye Train Band at New London.

[207] This Court desires and appoints Mr. Samuell Willis, Mr. James Richards, Lt. Saml Wells and Samuell Boreman to issue the present difference between the inhabitants at Middle Town and the Indians dwelling by the said Towne; and also to settle the bounds of what land they shal see cause in an equitable way to allow to the said Indians at Middle Town. Any three of the abouesaid Gent: have power to issue, provided Mr. Willys be one.

Mr. Lawes is chosen Comission' and invested with magestraticall power in the townes of Stanford, Greenwich and Rye, and alsoe to assist in the execution of justice in the Courts at Fairfield and Stratford.

Jonathan Sellick is approued for Ordnary keeper at Stan


The Court for the present sees cause to defer yo administring the freeman's Oath to Thomas Stephens, Wm. Steuens,

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