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The Directors of the Long Island Historical Society have great pleasure in presenting to the members of that institution, and to all interested in historical research, the second volume of the Memoirs of the Society. The subject treated in it is one of peculiar and permanent interest, not only to those connected by birth or residence with Long Island, but to all students of American History. And it must be regarded as a fortunate circumstance that the collection of Documents connected with the Revolutionary movements on this Island, and the preparation of the extended and graphic Introductory Narrative which in great part is founded upon these Documents, have been committed to hands so diligent and so capable as those the result of whose labors is here presented.

It is of course not to be expected that all the views, of men and of their actions, which are set forth by Mr. Field, in his vigorous and eloquent Introduction, will command the assent of all readers of the volume. But the Directors are confident that even those who may differ from him most widely will recognize the zeal which has animated his efforts, the industry which has marked them, and the kindness of spirit, and the general good judgment, by which they have been guided. If, at any points, his conclusions in regard to the important yet sometimes obscure events which have furnished his theme should be found to be erroneous, the Documents, to which his Narrative is introductory, will probably supply the means for the proof and illustration of the fact.


The Directors rejoice to believe that, by the publication of this volume, those now living in the populous and prosperous city over whose then scarcely occupied territory the tide of battle once surged and swung, will find a fresh interest attaching hereafter to localities that have hitherto seemed commonplace, and will feel more deeply at how great a price, of heroism and of life, their present heritage of liberty and of peace was purchased for them.

Since the first volume of the Memoirs of the Society was published, in 1867, the institution, which was then just completing the fourth year of its existence, has steadily advanced, in the number of its members, in the amount of its funds, and in the extent, variety, and value of its collections.

It numbers at present 300 life members, 958 annual members, with 59 honorary and corresponding members.

Its Library has been increased by numerous additions, many of them rare and costly; and it now contains more than seventeen thousand volumes, with more than nineteen thousand unbound volumes and pamphlets. As a collection for general use, in the way of reference and consultation, it ranks already among the best in the State. It is especially rich in the departments of American History and Biography, French History, the history of Fine Art, of the Natural Sciences, and of the Science and Art of Medicine. Its range, however, is very wide, and students in almost any department of research will find something in it to reward their attention, and to assist their efforts.

To the Medical department of the Library large additions have been made, during the year past, through the liberal contributions of members of the Kings County Medical Society, and through the gift, by Mrs. De Witt C. Enos, of the large and well selected library of her deceased husband, a distinguished and lamented physician in the city.

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